Author Topic: KOOOBBBEEE  (Read 9913 times)


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« Reply #120 on: January 24, 2006, 10:23:16 PM »
Look at this , hilarious but weird  ;D

What was it?
it's some glass container filled with underground water.  The seller claiming it's the kobe's 81 points in liquid form.    :sign_werd:


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« Reply #121 on: January 24, 2006, 11:17:39 PM »
Scottie Pippen

Can't Compare Kobe and MJ
The eras in which they played are completely different
Kobe Bryant's 81-point performance the other night against Toronto was certainly incredible, but it is unfair to try and compare what Kobe did to what Michael Jordan did in his playing career or what he could have done for that matter.

In the era when Michael played, it was a physical game. Defense was promoted. Guys took pride in it. Today defense is no longer a part of the game. Guys are driving to the basket. There are rules where you can't step in front of them. To me, it is taking away from the game seeing a guy like Tony Parker taking advantage of the rules. He is shooting 55 percent from the field. That says something about the game itself. In the history of the NBA, I'm sure a point guard has never led the league in field goal percentage. It's a different game now. It's really not about being tough and physical because the NBA isn't a physical game anymore. When you talk about how the Knicks and Bulls used to battle in the early '90s, the Oakleys, and Pat Ewings, the Masons, and how they would have the ability to use their hands to put you in a trap position. There is no way you can even triple team a guy now and stop him. Any contact is a foul. I can't compare the two players because I see it as two different games. If I'm guarding Kobe Bryant in today's game, I couldn't be the defender I was known as.

The defensive rules, the hand checking, the ability to make contact on a guy in certain areas, the ability to come over in the lane to stop guys from getting to the basket, that's all been taken away from the game. There is no contact up on the floor. The way I played Magic Johnson in the '91 Finals, I would have fouled out the first time down court. To compare how someone would have played Michael Jordan, Chuck Daly would send someone to wear him down. Even though he may get 30 or 40 points, they're going to be a hard 30 points. But in today's game, you can't put that physical wear and tear on a guy. It's a free ball type of game. If you are shooting it well, you can score 80, as you've seen because you are going to get to the foul line.

Officials have very quick whistles now because they're promoting scoring. Let's not forget, three years ago, this league was trying to figure out how they could get the scoring back up, how they could drive the fans back into loving the game, and this is what they were building on. They changed the field of rules. Those rules are huge in the game today. They benefit the perimeter guy. Back in the day, you may get one guy to score 40 points in a month. When Michael Jordan scored 40, it was all over the front page of a newspaper. Now you can pretty much have 40 points at halftime. Until the league went and changed the rules and tried to get some of that bully ball out, you couldn't come out and perform like that every night. The game was too physical. You were too sore the next day and you were just tired and physically worn down. The game seems so fun and free now. Guys are making a living just standing out there shooting jumpers.

If you want to say that Kobe could get 100, I would say that Michael could get 100. If Kobe could get 81, I think Michael could get 100 in today's game. I think the psychological style that Michael was able to master in the game, puts him far beyond Kobe. But Kobe's youthfulness has put him in a position where it looks like he is overtaking Michael. Kobe has 10 years in this league. That is a lot of experience to have and still be a very youthful player.

I would love to see what would have happened the other night if the rules had been the same as in past years. Kobe is as close to being like Mike as anybody, but you can't make the comparisons anymore. Tracy McGrady can probably, from a numbers standpoint, put up the numbers Michael Jordan put up. He has that type of ability. Dirk Nowitzki can put up those kinds of numbers. The game is built for those guys to put those shots up. If they get touched, they get to the foul line. I would say Kobe is the most polished of all of them as far as being able to handle the ball and create his own shot and opportunity. But this is what the game is going to turn into. Guys are going to start to score 40 points regularly. It may become an average.

I don't think Kobe will get 100. What he did is what like Wilt did, a once in a lifetime experience. Given the fact that he shot a heck of a percentage it could have been better, but I don't think he still could have gotten to 100. It would almost have to be perfect and the game would have to go to overtime. I think a lot of things would have to come into play for him to get that.

With that said, I am sure Phil doesn't want to coach that type of game. It's not his style. I don't expect it to happen again. Phil will probably do everything in his power to make sure it doesn't. I don't think Phil is going to try to promote what Kobe has done more than anything because he has damaged his whole team. You just scored 81 points. Do you need your teammates? Are they going to step up when you need them or are you going to continue to pound them like you've been doing and be selfish just to get some individual accolades?

From a leadership perspective I think Kobe has taken a step back. Look at what he has to live up to now. You just scored 81 points. If you scored 81 points, your team should pretty much go out and win at least 75 percent of their games the rest of the year. Is that fair to say? You just compared yourself to Wilt. Can you go out with your team and do that or are you just going to go out and score tons of points every night? Are you going to get back to the point where you are shooting a lot of shots and you're teammates are not shooting and you're losing?

Right now, Kobe has willed the Lakers to a 22-19 record. It will be interesting to see what happens the rest of the way.

Posted by Scottie Pippen - Jan 24 2006 4:28PM


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« Reply #122 on: January 24, 2006, 11:20:15 PM »
Boy do I enjoy reading what Pippen has to say


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« Reply #123 on: January 25, 2006, 12:38:03 AM »
i just rewatched the game

kobe could have EASILY had 12 assists in that game

mihm missed like three easy lay ups from a kobe dish
parker pissed 2 easy shots
odom missed  2 or 3
brown missed one layup
and there were a couple more "c'mon guys" kobe DID pass the ball

u know im not a Kobe fan. But, like the Dallas least they won. If they would have lost, there might be some criticism of him not passing. But since they won its a not a big issue for that game. I know a lotta people here worship Kobe n all so anything negative about him, cant even be imagined. But for his passing, and a real Laker fan would have to admit this, he should try and set up teammates more from the perimeter. I noticed that Kobe tends to try and set up other players more when he drives to the basket....which is good also cus it breaks down the defense. BUT, ive played with players like that...and believe me, it IS frustrating. It gives other players the impression that he only wants to pass if he can get an assist out of it. I think (Jordan did this alot) that the Lakers would be a far more dangerous if when Kobe came off those screens and curled out to the three point line....around the elbow, he found an open man either cutting to the basket or wide open in the corner for a little 15 foot jumper. You see, that when Kobe curls around those screens (especially if he's hot), he'll have two men on him when he launches a fade-away three. Thats a perfect opportunity to pass the ball instead. You have 3 men from the other team, guarding 4 of yours. And 2 of the defenders are all the way out on the three point line sticking Kobe (thinking he's going to shoot), without any chance of recovering on D if he hits a cutter. Plus, what will happen is this. At some point....when he hits those open guys and they knock down a couple shots, teams will stop following him out on those threes, and wont double him as much because they cant give up wide open shots to the other guys. And Kobe will have more one on one opportunities. All around it would be better for u guys.

LMAO...You're telling us how Kobe should play his game? I think he's doing just fine, and I trust his basketball judgement over yours...

lol youre right. Cus im sure youve never commented on how the Lakers could improve. Maybe you shouldnt be allowed to have an opinion lol. Im not saying how Kobe should play, yeah, he's doing fine. But his team isnt that great. Im guessing youve been watchin em this year....maybe not, just a guess. But man, other then him...its like watching cows fuck. Its Kobe coming off a screen, shooting a fadeaway three pointer with 2 guys in his face....and 4 other guys standing there watching. they wont win in the playoffs like that, i promise you. And i promise you Phil thinks the same way. Its like Barkley said during halftime of one of the Laker games last week. Its a great offensive players job to set up other players. Thats Kobe's job IMO too. He's a great scorer, whereas his teammates need help. the team is obviously far more effective when everyone is in on the scoring. As great of a scorer as u think he is, id guess that a wide open Odom jumper from the top of the key, or a Mihm layup, is still a more high percentage shot then a Kobe fadeaway three with one or two defenders in his face. Agreed? A great scorer (and this was Charles' argument too) can get their shots when they want to, so its their job to get others involved and in a rhythm. theres absolutely NO rhythm to this teams offense right now. Then, at those times when the team needs someone to takeover...thats when Kobe can do his thing.

Charles Barkely is the biggest Laker/Kobe hater ever, I can't believe you're even bringing him up...Kobe's shot selection, for the most part, has been great. He's usually efficient, especially down the stretch. His field goal percentage is extremely good for someone who shoots as many threes as he does...His fadeaway jumpers with 2 or 3 people in his face are hit and miss. I'd say just about the same as an Odom pull up three from the top of the key...I like Kobe's offense being the primary offense for the Lakers. Sasha's gunna hit those threes in the future on nights when Kobes penetrating only to be trippled in the lane...Bynum is gunna smash on people on dime-pieces from Kobe night in and night out...Smush is gunna penetrate into the lane off a Kobe double team (which leaves the lane open) and dunk on someone like he does. The now is looking good, and the future is looking even better... 8)

How is Charles a "laker hater"? lol. How come everytime someone brings up an honest and obvious truth about your team, you guys resort to "laker hater"?. What possible reason would he have to hate the Lakers? I agree with you that Kobe should be the primary offense. But cmon man, it doesnt take much to know that him forcing up threes over 2 defenders, fading away, isnt exactly a good choice as a shot attempt. I mean, compared to him simply dishing it off for a wide open 10-15 foot jumper by someone else....or even a cutter down the lane. How many times did you see Jordan, in this same offense, come off a screen baseline with a defender trailing him...and the screeners man stepping out on him also, only for Jordan to simply dump the ball off to the screening bigman downlow who just rolled to the basket for an easy dunk? Jordan didnt have good bigmen at all....but its an easy play to run.


Is Kobe the MVP this season?

He is not the MVP to this point because, as great as he has been individually, the Lakers would have an even better record if Bryant sacrificed some of his scoring to maximize the contributions of Lamar Odom and Smush Parker. Bryant has been the most outstanding player, but Chauncey Billups or Steve Nash has been the MVP.

dont get me wrong, this aint the only opinion on Kobe. Im just saying, Tim Legler's opinion is exactly the opinion i have

LMAO@you even questioning the hate Barkely has for the Lakers. It's so fuckin' blatant that the other analysts joke about it with him...Shit, I don't think I've ever heard him predict the Lakers will win...LOLLL. Barkely simply hates the Lakers, and he especially hates Kobe. You can tell by the way he talks about him, not just his game, but he tends to really bash the way Kobe is in general. And ESPN? LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. #1 Laker hating network ever. People on the Lakersground forum call it BSPN. There are analysts out there who do not hate, and there are great sports networks out there with no bias, but you simply choose to quote the haters...LMFAO@Kobe not being MVP. Yea, Chauncey Billups is better and more valuable than Kobe Bryant...L M F A O!

you guys dont even see how silly u sound. why are u all so paranoid? "Everyone is a Laker hater" LOL. U gotta be jokin me. ESPN....a "Laker Hater"? LOL. When Shaq and Kobe were winning rings....ESPN was jockin the Lakers so much it was ridiculous. Its just that, when someone....ANYone says anything negative about Kobe (even when its true, no NIK...he isnt perfect) u go back to this stupid shit about people being "Kobe Haters" or "Laker Haters". That shit is childish man. Do u honestly think this dood is perfect? Be honest NIK. Is he perfect? If u say yes...youre a fuckin retard lol What that means is....there are positives....and negatives to his game. I cant really break it down any simpler then that, if i could...i would try. But face it....positives....and negatives. Somewhat like every other person on Earth. All u do is point out positives, and ignore the negatives....but u dont see yourself as a dickrider. But if someone points out the negatives, theyre a hater. See how stupid that is? If ESPN hates the Lakers so much...then who do they love? lol. ESPN doesnt have any reason in the world to hate the Lakers. They just dont love them as much as, perhaps the most asskissing sports network on the planet, fox sports west. I said it before, on offense...Kobe is amazing. Is he perfect? Obviously one is, deal with it. Can he improve still? Yes, obviously...everyone can. Is he on Jordans level (again, face it)? Hell no. Offensively, yeah Kobe can light it up. Defensively, he still isnt considered that impressive to anyone around the league. As for Charles, they dont tease him about hating the Lakers. Do u even watch TNT? They tease him cus he's so outspoken and out of all of them is really the only one who doesnt say whats popular. As for Lakersground....nice bringin them up. Im sure theyre not biased at all. Its definetely ESPN that is biased....not the Lakersground forum LOL!!! Get it through your head...not everything negative said about Kobe is from a "Hater". Like i said, thats a 10 year old mentality. So when they dog Ron Artest....HATERS! When anyone says shit about Shaq...HATERS! When YOU guys dog certain role players...or the coaching staff last year....HATERS! See? Stupid huh?


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« Reply #124 on: January 25, 2006, 02:24:23 AM »


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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« Reply #125 on: January 25, 2006, 02:34:00 AM »
Pippen is a god damn hater if u ask me. His whole life he's been the 2nd best plaeyer on the team and has not even come close to Kobe's greatness. Now he's sore about it and hating on Kobe... Fuck Pippen
"You only live once, you might as well die now" - Slim Shady (RIP)


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« Reply #126 on: January 25, 2006, 02:43:56 AM »
i just rewatched the game

kobe could have EASILY had 12 assists in that game

mihm missed like three easy lay ups from a kobe dish
parker pissed 2 easy shots
odom missed  2 or 3
brown missed one layup
and there were a couple more "c'mon guys" kobe DID pass the ball

u know im not a Kobe fan. But, like the Dallas least they won. If they would have lost, there might be some criticism of him not passing. But since they won its a not a big issue for that game. I know a lotta people here worship Kobe n all so anything negative about him, cant even be imagined. But for his passing, and a real Laker fan would have to admit this, he should try and set up teammates more from the perimeter. I noticed that Kobe tends to try and set up other players more when he drives to the basket....which is good also cus it breaks down the defense. BUT, ive played with players like that...and believe me, it IS frustrating. It gives other players the impression that he only wants to pass if he can get an assist out of it. I think (Jordan did this alot) that the Lakers would be a far more dangerous if when Kobe came off those screens and curled out to the three point line....around the elbow, he found an open man either cutting to the basket or wide open in the corner for a little 15 foot jumper. You see, that when Kobe curls around those screens (especially if he's hot), he'll have two men on him when he launches a fade-away three. Thats a perfect opportunity to pass the ball instead. You have 3 men from the other team, guarding 4 of yours. And 2 of the defenders are all the way out on the three point line sticking Kobe (thinking he's going to shoot), without any chance of recovering on D if he hits a cutter. Plus, what will happen is this. At some point....when he hits those open guys and they knock down a couple shots, teams will stop following him out on those threes, and wont double him as much because they cant give up wide open shots to the other guys. And Kobe will have more one on one opportunities. All around it would be better for u guys.

LMAO...You're telling us how Kobe should play his game? I think he's doing just fine, and I trust his basketball judgement over yours...

lol youre right. Cus im sure youve never commented on how the Lakers could improve. Maybe you shouldnt be allowed to have an opinion lol. Im not saying how Kobe should play, yeah, he's doing fine. But his team isnt that great. Im guessing youve been watchin em this year....maybe not, just a guess. But man, other then him...its like watching cows fuck. Its Kobe coming off a screen, shooting a fadeaway three pointer with 2 guys in his face....and 4 other guys standing there watching. they wont win in the playoffs like that, i promise you. And i promise you Phil thinks the same way. Its like Barkley said during halftime of one of the Laker games last week. Its a great offensive players job to set up other players. Thats Kobe's job IMO too. He's a great scorer, whereas his teammates need help. the team is obviously far more effective when everyone is in on the scoring. As great of a scorer as u think he is, id guess that a wide open Odom jumper from the top of the key, or a Mihm layup, is still a more high percentage shot then a Kobe fadeaway three with one or two defenders in his face. Agreed? A great scorer (and this was Charles' argument too) can get their shots when they want to, so its their job to get others involved and in a rhythm. theres absolutely NO rhythm to this teams offense right now. Then, at those times when the team needs someone to takeover...thats when Kobe can do his thing.

Charles Barkely is the biggest Laker/Kobe hater ever, I can't believe you're even bringing him up...Kobe's shot selection, for the most part, has been great. He's usually efficient, especially down the stretch. His field goal percentage is extremely good for someone who shoots as many threes as he does...His fadeaway jumpers with 2 or 3 people in his face are hit and miss. I'd say just about the same as an Odom pull up three from the top of the key...I like Kobe's offense being the primary offense for the Lakers. Sasha's gunna hit those threes in the future on nights when Kobes penetrating only to be trippled in the lane...Bynum is gunna smash on people on dime-pieces from Kobe night in and night out...Smush is gunna penetrate into the lane off a Kobe double team (which leaves the lane open) and dunk on someone like he does. The now is looking good, and the future is looking even better... 8)

How is Charles a "laker hater"? lol. How come everytime someone brings up an honest and obvious truth about your team, you guys resort to "laker hater"?. What possible reason would he have to hate the Lakers? I agree with you that Kobe should be the primary offense. But cmon man, it doesnt take much to know that him forcing up threes over 2 defenders, fading away, isnt exactly a good choice as a shot attempt. I mean, compared to him simply dishing it off for a wide open 10-15 foot jumper by someone else....or even a cutter down the lane. How many times did you see Jordan, in this same offense, come off a screen baseline with a defender trailing him...and the screeners man stepping out on him also, only for Jordan to simply dump the ball off to the screening bigman downlow who just rolled to the basket for an easy dunk? Jordan didnt have good bigmen at all....but its an easy play to run.


Is Kobe the MVP this season?

He is not the MVP to this point because, as great as he has been individually, the Lakers would have an even better record if Bryant sacrificed some of his scoring to maximize the contributions of Lamar Odom and Smush Parker. Bryant has been the most outstanding player, but Chauncey Billups or Steve Nash has been the MVP.

dont get me wrong, this aint the only opinion on Kobe. Im just saying, Tim Legler's opinion is exactly the opinion i have

LMAO@you even questioning the hate Barkely has for the Lakers. It's so fuckin' blatant that the other analysts joke about it with him...Shit, I don't think I've ever heard him predict the Lakers will win...LOLLL. Barkely simply hates the Lakers, and he especially hates Kobe. You can tell by the way he talks about him, not just his game, but he tends to really bash the way Kobe is in general. And ESPN? LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. #1 Laker hating network ever. People on the Lakersground forum call it BSPN. There are analysts out there who do not hate, and there are great sports networks out there with no bias, but you simply choose to quote the haters...LMFAO@Kobe not being MVP. Yea, Chauncey Billups is better and more valuable than Kobe Bryant...L M F A O!

you guys dont even see how silly u sound. why are u all so paranoid? "Everyone is a Laker hater" LOL. U gotta be jokin me. ESPN....a "Laker Hater"? LOL. When Shaq and Kobe were winning rings....ESPN was jockin the Lakers so much it was ridiculous. Its just that, when someone....ANYone says anything negative about Kobe (even when its true, no NIK...he isnt perfect) u go back to this stupid shit about people being "Kobe Haters" or "Laker Haters". That shit is childish man. Do u honestly think this dood is perfect? Be honest NIK. Is he perfect? If u say yes...youre a fuckin retard lol What that means is....there are positives....and negatives to his game. I cant really break it down any simpler then that, if i could...i would try. But face it....positives....and negatives. Somewhat like every other person on Earth. All u do is point out positives, and ignore the negatives....but u dont see yourself as a dickrider. But if someone points out the negatives, theyre a hater. See how stupid that is? If ESPN hates the Lakers so much...then who do they love? lol. ESPN doesnt have any reason in the world to hate the Lakers. They just dont love them as much as, perhaps the most asskissing sports network on the planet, fox sports west. I said it before, on offense...Kobe is amazing. Is he perfect? Obviously one is, deal with it. Can he improve still? Yes, obviously...everyone can. Is he on Jordans level (again, face it)? Hell no. Offensively, yeah Kobe can light it up. Defensively, he still isnt considered that impressive to anyone around the league. As for Charles, they dont tease him about hating the Lakers. Do u even watch TNT? They tease him cus he's so outspoken and out of all of them is really the only one who doesnt say whats popular. As for Lakersground....nice bringin them up. Im sure theyre not biased at all. Its definetely ESPN that is biased....not the Lakersground forum LOL!!! Get it through your head...not everything negative said about Kobe is from a "Hater". Like i said, thats a 10 year old mentality. So when they dog Ron Artest....HATERS! When anyone says shit about Shaq...HATERS! When YOU guys dog certain role players...or the coaching staff last year....HATERS! See? Stupid huh?
Of course as Lakers fans we are biased, like every fan of athlets,artists ..... You can bring negative points and not being a hater 4 sure, but being objective , you can't deny that some people love to diss Kobe more than any other players in this league. If Kobe and James on the same night shot 30% from the field , there will more talks about Kobe forcing shoots and James(or any other top notch players) poor performance won't be even talked about. Of course Bryant is not perfect and I said sometimes he has to pass the ball more or drive to the hoop instead shooting fall away 3pts .Though you know when he's in the zone like that, you can't say shit so all of us have to be objective and not say one time: he's unbelievable and the day after he's a ballhog. During the road trip, in the beginning of December , our attack was perfectly balanced and Kobe had 20pts-8,9 assists. It's just other players are way too inconsistent on the offensive  (How many games Lamar, our 2nd option has scored below than 10 pts? easily at least 10). So what Kobe can do ? Finish games with 8-9 assists and Lakers lost by 15pts or take 35 shots and have a bigger chance to win ? We haven't a margin to waiting for other players to be consistent offensive wise and in the same time want to have a playoff spot.


« Reply #127 on: January 25, 2006, 05:00:34 AM »
I agree with Pippen 100%

Mo Z. Dizzle

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« Reply #128 on: January 25, 2006, 05:55:02 AM »
anybody read wut Carter said bout it?
here's the article if u havent:
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!


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« Reply #129 on: January 25, 2006, 06:35:38 AM »
you guys dont even see how silly u sound. why are u all so paranoid? "Everyone is a Laker hater" LOL. U gotta be jokin me. ESPN....a "Laker Hater"? LOL. When Shaq and Kobe were winning rings....ESPN was jockin the Lakers so much it was ridiculous. Its just that, when someone....ANYone says anything negative about Kobe (even when its true, no NIK...he isnt perfect) u go back to this stupid shit about people being "Kobe Haters" or "Laker Haters". That shit is childish man. Do u honestly think this dood is perfect? Be honest NIK. Is he perfect? If u say yes...youre a fuckin retard lol What that means is....there are positives....and negatives to his game. I cant really break it down any simpler then that, if i could...i would try. But face it....positives....and negatives. Somewhat like every other person on Earth. All u do is point out positives, and ignore the negatives....but u dont see yourself as a dickrider. But if someone points out the negatives, theyre a hater. See how stupid that is? If ESPN hates the Lakers so much...then who do they love? lol. ESPN doesnt have any reason in the world to hate the Lakers. They just dont love them as much as, perhaps the most asskissing sports network on the planet, fox sports west. I said it before, on offense...Kobe is amazing. Is he perfect? Obviously one is, deal with it. Can he improve still? Yes, obviously...everyone can. Is he on Jordans level (again, face it)? Hell no. Offensively, yeah Kobe can light it up. Defensively, he still isnt considered that impressive to anyone around the league. As for Charles, they dont tease him about hating the Lakers. Do u even watch TNT? They tease him cus he's so outspoken and out of all of them is really the only one who doesnt say whats popular. As for Lakersground....nice bringin them up. Im sure theyre not biased at all. Its definetely ESPN that is biased....not the Lakersground forum LOL!!! Get it through your head...not everything negative said about Kobe is from a "Hater". Like i said, thats a 10 year old mentality. So when they dog Ron Artest....HATERS! When anyone says shit about Shaq...HATERS! When YOU guys dog certain role players...or the coaching staff last year....HATERS! See? Stupid huh?

Mmmm... Jordan at 27 collected 3 NBA All-Defensive First Team selections. Kobe being 27 has collected 3 NBA All-Defensive First Team selections and an NBA All-Defensive Second Team selection. I'm not saying Kobe is a better defender, but once again compare Kobe to the 27/28-years-old Jordan, if you really want to compare them.

E. J. Rizo

« Reply #130 on: January 25, 2006, 09:19:59 AM »
Pippen is a god damn hater if u ask me. His whole life he's been the 2nd best plaeyer on the team and has not even come close to Kobe's greatness. Now he's sore about it and hating on Kobe... Fuck Pippen
i dont exactly agree with that quote... Pippen would have never been anywhere as popular if that wasnt his role... and he was perfect at it....  i dont think anyone is comparing kobe to pippen.... he knows jordan more than any of us do... and they built a solid relationship on the court even though they went through there lil problems here and there but overall it was very solid


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« Reply #131 on: January 25, 2006, 03:36:13 PM »
for all you laker fans i hate to say this but the LAKERS ARE NOT A GOOD TEAM!  we all know that kobe is a great talent but to say they will be a good playoff team is straight up ridiculous.  lets face it kobe can't run the triangle offense and make other players around him great like um......Jordan.  kobe will probably be remembered for running Shaq, the most dominate player we have ever seen, out of L.A.

Kobe isn't even supposed to run the triangle offense, smart guy, Kobe is playing the role of the wing-man (offensive attacker) this season. That's what Jordan played in the triangle, that's why they both attempt so many shots...Who did Jordan make so much better? Luc Longley? LMAO. BJ Armstrong? Come on man, you're a joke...Kobe makes his players better just as much as Jordan did...Shit, Smush has looked like an all-star a few times this season playing alongside Kobe...If you ever watch the games, Kobe cares about the players, he always vocally leads them, on and off the court...If you think Kobe is gunna be mostly remembered for running Shaq out of LA (even though LA saved well over $30 million in luxury taxes by trading him), then you're a retard, just like the guy who said Kobe would prefer to be remembered by his 81 points and not his championship rings (obviously the ultimate goal in the NBA)... :-X


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« Reply #132 on: January 25, 2006, 03:39:01 PM »
The Lakers are a STRONG PLAYOFF TEAM??? The Lakers are the biggest one man show i've ever seen. Watch the Pistons, Spurs, Suns - those are the epitome of strong playoff teams. Kobe is an amazing athlete, but the Lakers are not a strong playoff team.

Having said that, I still don't like Kobe. Yes he is a phenomenal athelete - incredible shooter, slasher, free throw shooter. You can't knock on his offensive skills unless you are a hater. He IS a ball hog, and wants nothing more than for the Lakers to be a one man show.

I think in 20 years, people will probably remember Kobe most for his 81 points, and not for his rings. And I think that's what he would prefer to be remembered for.

Wow. You can almost rival E-Crazy for biggest retard ever. Especially that last comment, that shit was straight ridiculous... :-X

How about not resorting to name calling and argue my points?  Its funny that you call me a retard, yet you're the one that said the Lakers were a strong playoff team.  You played yourself.  Don't be mad at me for pointing it out.

Argue your points? You said Kobe would mostly be remembered for 81 points and not for winning rings. I bet you can't even name the player who was in 2nd place for most points before Kobe broke it...Why the fuck would Kobe wanna be remembered for 81 points, when winning championships is what makes someone great and puts them under legend status?...I played myself? LMAO. I don't think so buddy...Once again,  :-X.


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« Reply #133 on: January 25, 2006, 04:00:36 PM »
i just rewatched the game

kobe could have EASILY had 12 assists in that game

mihm missed like three easy lay ups from a kobe dish
parker pissed 2 easy shots
odom missed  2 or 3
brown missed one layup
and there were a couple more "c'mon guys" kobe DID pass the ball

u know im not a Kobe fan. But, like the Dallas least they won. If they would have lost, there might be some criticism of him not passing. But since they won its a not a big issue for that game. I know a lotta people here worship Kobe n all so anything negative about him, cant even be imagined. But for his passing, and a real Laker fan would have to admit this, he should try and set up teammates more from the perimeter. I noticed that Kobe tends to try and set up other players more when he drives to the basket....which is good also cus it breaks down the defense. BUT, ive played with players like that...and believe me, it IS frustrating. It gives other players the impression that he only wants to pass if he can get an assist out of it. I think (Jordan did this alot) that the Lakers would be a far more dangerous if when Kobe came off those screens and curled out to the three point line....around the elbow, he found an open man either cutting to the basket or wide open in the corner for a little 15 foot jumper. You see, that when Kobe curls around those screens (especially if he's hot), he'll have two men on him when he launches a fade-away three. Thats a perfect opportunity to pass the ball instead. You have 3 men from the other team, guarding 4 of yours. And 2 of the defenders are all the way out on the three point line sticking Kobe (thinking he's going to shoot), without any chance of recovering on D if he hits a cutter. Plus, what will happen is this. At some point....when he hits those open guys and they knock down a couple shots, teams will stop following him out on those threes, and wont double him as much because they cant give up wide open shots to the other guys. And Kobe will have more one on one opportunities. All around it would be better for u guys.

LMAO...You're telling us how Kobe should play his game? I think he's doing just fine, and I trust his basketball judgement over yours...

lol youre right. Cus im sure youve never commented on how the Lakers could improve. Maybe you shouldnt be allowed to have an opinion lol. Im not saying how Kobe should play, yeah, he's doing fine. But his team isnt that great. Im guessing youve been watchin em this year....maybe not, just a guess. But man, other then him...its like watching cows fuck. Its Kobe coming off a screen, shooting a fadeaway three pointer with 2 guys in his face....and 4 other guys standing there watching. they wont win in the playoffs like that, i promise you. And i promise you Phil thinks the same way. Its like Barkley said during halftime of one of the Laker games last week. Its a great offensive players job to set up other players. Thats Kobe's job IMO too. He's a great scorer, whereas his teammates need help. the team is obviously far more effective when everyone is in on the scoring. As great of a scorer as u think he is, id guess that a wide open Odom jumper from the top of the key, or a Mihm layup, is still a more high percentage shot then a Kobe fadeaway three with one or two defenders in his face. Agreed? A great scorer (and this was Charles' argument too) can get their shots when they want to, so its their job to get others involved and in a rhythm. theres absolutely NO rhythm to this teams offense right now. Then, at those times when the team needs someone to takeover...thats when Kobe can do his thing.

Charles Barkely is the biggest Laker/Kobe hater ever, I can't believe you're even bringing him up...Kobe's shot selection, for the most part, has been great. He's usually efficient, especially down the stretch. His field goal percentage is extremely good for someone who shoots as many threes as he does...His fadeaway jumpers with 2 or 3 people in his face are hit and miss. I'd say just about the same as an Odom pull up three from the top of the key...I like Kobe's offense being the primary offense for the Lakers. Sasha's gunna hit those threes in the future on nights when Kobes penetrating only to be trippled in the lane...Bynum is gunna smash on people on dime-pieces from Kobe night in and night out...Smush is gunna penetrate into the lane off a Kobe double team (which leaves the lane open) and dunk on someone like he does. The now is looking good, and the future is looking even better... 8)

How is Charles a "laker hater"? lol. How come everytime someone brings up an honest and obvious truth about your team, you guys resort to "laker hater"?. What possible reason would he have to hate the Lakers? I agree with you that Kobe should be the primary offense. But cmon man, it doesnt take much to know that him forcing up threes over 2 defenders, fading away, isnt exactly a good choice as a shot attempt. I mean, compared to him simply dishing it off for a wide open 10-15 foot jumper by someone else....or even a cutter down the lane. How many times did you see Jordan, in this same offense, come off a screen baseline with a defender trailing him...and the screeners man stepping out on him also, only for Jordan to simply dump the ball off to the screening bigman downlow who just rolled to the basket for an easy dunk? Jordan didnt have good bigmen at all....but its an easy play to run.


Is Kobe the MVP this season?

He is not the MVP to this point because, as great as he has been individually, the Lakers would have an even better record if Bryant sacrificed some of his scoring to maximize the contributions of Lamar Odom and Smush Parker. Bryant has been the most outstanding player, but Chauncey Billups or Steve Nash has been the MVP.

dont get me wrong, this aint the only opinion on Kobe. Im just saying, Tim Legler's opinion is exactly the opinion i have

LMAO@you even questioning the hate Barkely has for the Lakers. It's so fuckin' blatant that the other analysts joke about it with him...Shit, I don't think I've ever heard him predict the Lakers will win...LOLLL. Barkely simply hates the Lakers, and he especially hates Kobe. You can tell by the way he talks about him, not just his game, but he tends to really bash the way Kobe is in general. And ESPN? LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. #1 Laker hating network ever. People on the Lakersground forum call it BSPN. There are analysts out there who do not hate, and there are great sports networks out there with no bias, but you simply choose to quote the haters...LMFAO@Kobe not being MVP. Yea, Chauncey Billups is better and more valuable than Kobe Bryant...L M F A O!

you guys dont even see how silly u sound. why are u all so paranoid? "Everyone is a Laker hater" LOL. U gotta be jokin me. ESPN....a "Laker Hater"? LOL. When Shaq and Kobe were winning rings....ESPN was jockin the Lakers so much it was ridiculous. Its just that, when someone....ANYone says anything negative about Kobe (even when its true, no NIK...he isnt perfect) u go back to this stupid shit about people being "Kobe Haters" or "Laker Haters". That shit is childish man. Do u honestly think this dood is perfect? Be honest NIK. Is he perfect? If u say yes...youre a fuckin retard lol What that means is....there are positives....and negatives to his game. I cant really break it down any simpler then that, if i could...i would try. But face it....positives....and negatives. Somewhat like every other person on Earth. All u do is point out positives, and ignore the negatives....but u dont see yourself as a dickrider. But if someone points out the negatives, theyre a hater. See how stupid that is? If ESPN hates the Lakers so much...then who do they love? lol. ESPN doesnt have any reason in the world to hate the Lakers. They just dont love them as much as, perhaps the most asskissing sports network on the planet, fox sports west. I said it before, on offense...Kobe is amazing. Is he perfect? Obviously one is, deal with it. Can he improve still? Yes, obviously...everyone can. Is he on Jordans level (again, face it)? Hell no. Offensively, yeah Kobe can light it up. Defensively, he still isnt considered that impressive to anyone around the league. As for Charles, they dont tease him about hating the Lakers. Do u even watch TNT? They tease him cus he's so outspoken and out of all of them is really the only one who doesnt say whats popular. As for Lakersground....nice bringin them up. Im sure theyre not biased at all. Its definetely ESPN that is biased....not the Lakersground forum LOL!!! Get it through your head...not everything negative said about Kobe is from a "Hater". Like i said, thats a 10 year old mentality. So when they dog Ron Artest....HATERS! When anyone says shit about Shaq...HATERS! When YOU guys dog certain role players...or the coaching staff last year....HATERS! See? Stupid huh?

You miss the point. IT IS KNOWN, K-N-O-W-N, that (most of) the writers at ESPN dislike Kobe (they admit it). Kobe leads the Lakers, so that makes them dislike the Lakers...Kobe and the Lakers are currently very hated around the league, if you don't see that, then you're blind. Do you know that no one would say anything negetive if LeBron scored 81? I can almost bet the house on it...Having said that, I have said what Kobe's game needs work on. Back in early December (I think it was), I said Kobe really needs to either stop shooting so many threes or practice his 3ball...Now, he's actually improved it a lot since then and his 3P% is way up...But most of all, the fact that you said Kobe's defense isn't impressive shows me that you either have never watched him play or are brain dead. 5 CONSECUTIVE 1ST TEAM ALL-DEFENSIVE. Does that even mean anything to you? It tells ME that he's been the best defeder at the 2 for quite some time. Now don't ever tell me you're not a hater after claiming Kobe's defense is anything less than great...You shot yourself in the head with that one. :-\


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« Reply #134 on: January 25, 2006, 04:04:29 PM »
anybody read wut Carter said bout it?
here's the article if u havent:

LOL...Carter scored 5 points in a loss right before he made those comments. Doesn't surprise me at all...Carter was originally supposed to be the next Jordan...Hmmm, I wonder if he's just a little jealous ???