Author Topic: The age of retirement should be raised to 85 by 2050, a US biologist has said  (Read 544 times)

Don Rizzle

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Retirement age 'should reach 85'
By Paul Rincon
BBC News science reporter, St Louis 

The age of retirement should be raised to 85 by 2050 because of trends in life expectancy, a US biologist has said.
Shripad Tuljapurkar of Stanford University says anti-ageing advances could raise life expectancy by a year each year over the next two decades.

That will put a strain on economies around the world if current retirement ages are maintained, he warned.

He also told a science meeting in St Louis that 50-year or 75-year mortgages may not be unusual in the future.

Dr Tuljapurkar was speaking at the American Association for the Advancement of Science annual meeting in the Missouri city.

"People are going to do things they didn't get round to in their working lives. Current institutions are really not equipped at the moment to deal with such long lives," Dr Tuljapurkar said.

"We are going to have to plan a lot more carefully, which people are not very good at."

Lifestyle trends

The Stanford researcher has been looking at relationships between historical trends in ageing, population growth and economic activity.

Based on this, he came up with a scenario in which anti-ageing technologies will increase the most common age of death by one year per year between 2010 and 2030.

Dr Tuljapurkar then applied this scenario to four countries: the US, China, Sweden and India.

 In the US the cost of social security and medical care would almost double if people retired at 65

He found that his projected trends in life expectancy would have profound effects on the economy, lifestyle and population demographics.
"It might be possible to go through two mortgages, for example, or even have 50-year or 75-year mortgages," Dr Tuljapurkar explained.

In the US, the cost of social security and medical care would almost double if people retired at 65 under Tuljapurkar's scenario.

But an increase in the retirement age to 85 would bring costs down to today's levels.

However these trends would also create a "permanent underclass" of countries where opportunities for increased life expectancy were not the same as in the industrialised world.

"We can't even get retrovirals to some countries now," he told journalists.

Story from BBC NEWS:

iraq would just get annexed by iran

That would be a great solution.  If Iran and the majority of Iraqi's are pleased with it, then why shouldn't they do it?


LMAO @ elderly people still working
My Chihuahuas Are Eternal



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This scientist can go and fuck himself yet again we see people openly talking about turning us into slaves,what the hell is the matter with these people? as that is what this amounts to.

Don Rizzle

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yea i'd rather not live as long than work till i'm 85!

but on the other hand old ppl are a drain on society and have little to contribute other than inheritence, i think instead of raising the retirement age to 85 we should be put them down unless they can fork out extra money to make their existence worthwhile....

iraq would just get annexed by iran

That would be a great solution.  If Iran and the majority of Iraqi's are pleased with it, then why shouldn't they do it?


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Let me break it down for you very simply
We pay masses of tax to our so called government
We pay some of the highest prices in europe for our goods
We pay the highest road taxes in europe with 75% going straight to our government
We pay VAT on so many goods

Yet there is a pensions crisis apparently, do you not realise that such a crisis doesnt just happen by accident, and that it actually underlines the massive levels of fraud which are occurring on an every day basis. More and more of our income is being syphoned off, where is the improvement in our general standard of living? the NHS is about to enter an almost third world status, with many hospitals around here closing, people dying daily because of the waiting list, NHS cutbacks on the wards because they dont have enough money. Even hundreds of thousands pf people who can't even get registered with a dentist. Yet you think people are a drain on society, wake up and smell the coffee, our economy is being drained we sure arent draining it.

I just read that you think we should murder people after they live past a certain age, do you not realise how sick and evil that is, to suggest the slaughter of people i dont know whether your just a complete idiot or a monster certainly after you just said that i am inclined to believe the latter of the 2.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2006, 01:57:20 PM by virtuoso »


but on the other hand old ppl are a drain on society and have little to contribute other than inheritence, i think instead of raising the retirement age to 85 we should be put them down unless they can fork out extra money to make their existence worthwhile....

lol cold shit.
My Chihuahuas Are Eternal


Don Rizzle

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Let me break it down for you very simply
We pay masses of tax to our so called government
We pay some of the highest prices in europe for our goods
We pay the highest road taxes in europe with 75% going straight to our government
We pay VAT on so many goods

Yet there is a pensions crisis apparently, do you not realise that such a crisis doesnt just happen by accident, and that it actually underlines the massive levels of fraud which are occurring on an every day basis. More and more of our income is being syphoned off, where is the improvement in our general standard of living? the NHS is about to enter an almost third world status, with many hospitals around here closing, people dying daily because of the waiting list, NHS cutbacks on the wards because they dont have enough money. Even hundreds of thousands pf people who can't even get registered with a dentist. Yet you think people are a drain on society, wake up and smell the coffee, our economy is being drained we sure arent draining it.

I just read that you think we should murder people after they live past a certain age, do you not realise how sick and evil that is, to suggest the slaughter of people i dont know whether your just a complete idiot or a monster certainly after you just said that i am inclined to believe the latter of the 2.
lol i seemed to have pushed ur button right there, but don't get up tight it was a joke homey, but there was some real shit behind it

the ageing population is a huge drain on society they don't contribute much tax, yet they get their free bus passes, reduced costs everywhere, huegely expensive operations free on the nhs etc. in my opinion if you want all this stuff to live longer you should have to pay something towards it, we get to a point where you have to ask ourselves a question is it really worth throwing all this money away on people whose quality of life is shit anyway and have nothing to give back.the government will never advocate ever doing anything against these people because they fear the repercussions of upsetting the 'grey vote', why else do u think we still allow hugely incompetant drivers on the road many of whom have never even been required to take a driving test in their life. but on the other hand alot of these people are ww2 vets so i guess we kinda owe it too them.

our whole NHS system is crap its just unsustainable, its a bottomless the NHS has unprecidented levels of funding, its the largest employer in europe, third largest in the world. but its hopelessly innefficient. we need to ask ourselves should the NHS really be free for all? Of course i think we should support those BRITISH citizens who can't afford to pay, but those who can should contribute something, and people who aren't citizens should have to pay full price. I'm not advocating an american style medical system, but one more like france which is heavily subsidised, but certain things like cosmetic surgury, IVF etc should be totally know that partugese heshe Nadya who won big brother afew years back got her sex change free on the NHS that kind of shit makes me sick, its totally immoral my tax money goes towards that kind of thing, even worse she wasn't from this country.

Dentists are just greedy they get their free education and training from the government and instead of giving something back they just go private, but to be honest its not that expensive if u look after your teeth its only about 20 quid for a check up.

Yea we do pay lots of tax, there is lots of innefficiency going on, there always has been but i wouldn't go as far as saying the government is corrupt like some african state or italy and france....but it comes from the government being unable to takle the inneffiicencies and the unions still having too much power, you know my exams might fucked up in a few months cos all the university staff just voted to go on strike in the middle of the examination period. public sector keep calling to strike at any attempt to get rid of their final salary pensions and retirements at 60 when these sorts of things have been history in the private sector for years. but u talk about there not being a pension crisis? over 25% of council tax revenues goes on pensions and that figue will only grow. we throw money at dyslexic people they get free 2k laptops, all books paid for them, mp3 players to record their lectures etc. when most of them admit they do not need these things, we give immigrants free housing and benifits when they never give us shit in return but grief. We got over a million people on incapacity benifit most of them are just lazy scroungers like the people who claim unemployment benifit, there is always a job out there for you to do, you just can't be too picky if you are having trouble finding work.

I agree with you transport system is shit, throw it down the well!! we have potholes everywhere but instead of reporting them to be fixed people just sue the government so they can't afford to go out and fix them, there isn't enough subsidy for public transport its always cheaper for me to use my car so how is that going to encourage me to free up the road and suffer the inconvienience of the public system. Police don't prosecute middle lane drivers on the motorway so they are also innefficient and force the fast lane to get over subscribed and more dangerous.

we do pay alot for things, but its down to the consumer you can get things cheap if u want, don't shop at waitrose goto Lidl, if u want cheap clothes goto primark, buy alcahol from the shops not the pub, don't buy sandwiches make your own etc. but i do agree the term 'rip off britain' certainly comes to mind and being a tax paying, white male i'm always at the bottom of the pile which is part of the reason i want to emigrate...u know all of the positive descrimination bullshit....if ur white and u apply to the police or firebrigade you got years waiting list if ur a minority you get an interview immediatly, jobs should be given on merit not background, some job adverts now even state garenteed interviews for entrants from ethnic minorities...when was the last time you saw a white person work in an indian resteraunt??? fuck political correctness

iraq would just get annexed by iran

That would be a great solution.  If Iran and the majority of Iraqi's are pleased with it, then why shouldn't they do it?


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I am not going to bother quoting everything you have just said but yes thank god you were joking as it pushed all of my buttons!. You said that 75 year olds havent offered much, wtf? most of them have been paying taxes for over 57 years of their life, it is reasonable to expect the government who has received all of this to provide basic provisions to them. As for the so called pensions crisis workers have been paying in large sums of money for decades with the promise from the employer that they would see a return from it and now a lot of employees have lost everything, traditional and so called modern business has offered pension schemes, a lot of these employees were on terrible pay and a pension at the end of it was one of the few comforts they had, only now they realise they have been plundered and yes plundered is the right word, fraud has been and is rife ive been told that by a number of accountants i know who have worked in many big businesses.

Another example of this is the E.U who sacked a whistleblower for daring to make public that there is a 50 billion black hole in the accounts from last year alone, you may ask yourself what has this got to do with britain the answer is simple, it illustrates rampant corruption in a dictatorship which this government and the other parties are sworn to giving up all of britains powers to, why do you think the police authorities are merging into one? because europe told them to, sorry those crooks told them to, who do you think controls every single policy of the environment agency? europe, who do you think controls every god damn employment law europe. You really have no idea what you are talking about when you say the unions have too much power, margaret thatcher didnt just reign in she destroyed the power of the unions, really what you are saying holds no weight, most unions have died and the others are merging those that have survived are predominantly in the public sector, and if they want to exercise a legal right to strike then good.

I find it astonishing that whatever your opinion on immigration is that you dont consciously see a link between it and the government after all it is the government who leaves our borders wide open, it is the government that essentially creates political correctness a term by the way which comes straight out of the communist manuals and i am not kidding, look it up. It is the government who when counting the number of asylum seekers only counts one person per household, again this is the absolute truth and isnt even denied its the official policy, its just only mentioned very occasionally. So there is one colossal expense for you. Lets now consider the NHS in debt by hundreds of millions, now lets look at the facts the NHS is still massively underfunded. Secondly over a billion was spent on the millenium dome without any hesitation that is a scandal in its own right. I will respond to your other comments when i have read them through.


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Again positive discrimination has been a policy created by the so called think tank of government, yes it is sick and yes being white the sick hyprocrisy is not lost on me either. I hate what this government and the former tory government before has stood for. But again I emphasise these decisions come from the very top. And yes I agree with you, they will happily spend literally tens of thousands of pounds on giving freaks sex changes but yet they will fight in the courts tooth and nail to prevent and or ration out the provision of life saving treatment, i love this country but the people who control it are fucking sick.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2006, 04:49:05 PM by virtuoso »

Don Rizzle

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I am not going to bother quoting everything you have just said but yes thank god you were joking as it pushed all of my buttons!. You said that 75 year olds havent offered much, wtf? most of them have been paying taxes for over 57 years of their life, it is reasonable to expect the government who has received all of this to provide basic provisions to them. As for the so called pensions crisis workers have been paying in large sums of money for decades with the promise from the employer that they would see a return from it and now a lot of employees have lost everything, traditional and so called modern business has offered pension schemes, a lot of these employees were on terrible pay and a pension at the end of it was one of the few comforts they had, only now they realise they have been plundered and yes plundered is the right word, fraud has been and is rife ive been told that by a number of accountants i know who have worked in many big businesses.
well their national insurance should be paying for all this stuff not our tax revenues now, but national insurance just goes into the bottomless pit its just not invested in what it was created for. I agree some companies have done some very dodgey things with their employees pensions and its disgraceful, but that is not necessarily the governments fault

Another example of this is the E.U who sacked a whistleblower for daring to make public that there is a 50 billion black hole in the accounts from last year alone, you may ask yourself what has this got to do with britain the answer is simple, it illustrates rampant corruption in a dictatorship which this government and the other parties are sworn to giving up all of britains powers to, why do you think the police authorities are merging into one? because europe told them to, sorry those crooks told them to, who do you think controls every single policy of the environment agency? europe, who do you think controls every god damn employment law europe. You really have no idea what you are talking about when you say the unions have too much power, margaret thatcher didnt just reign in she destroyed the power of the unions, really what you are saying holds no weight, most unions have died and the others are merging those that have survived are predominantly in the public sector, and if they want to exercise a legal right to strike then good.
lol the balckhole is not new!! the auditors have refused to sign off the EU accounts for the past 15 years!!! yea thatcher did some good things to unions but she didn't go far enough public sector unions are still too powerful.

I find it astonishing that whatever your opinion on immigration is that you dont consciously see a link between it and the government after all it is the government who leaves our borders wide open, it is the government that essentially creates political correctness a term by the way which comes straight out of the communist manuals and i am not kidding, look it up. It is the government who when counting the number of asylum seekers only counts one person per household, again this is the absolute truth and isnt even denied its the official policy, its just only mentioned very occasionally. So there is one colossal expense for you. Lets now consider the NHS in debt by hundreds of millions, now lets look at the facts the NHS is still massively underfunded. Secondly over a billion was spent on the millenium dome without any hesitation that is a scandal in its own right. I will respond to your other comments when i have read them through.
I do see a link i am hugely frustrated at the government inability to secure our borders, and when they catch illegal immigrants why they aren't sent back. most assylum seekers are crimals and terrorists that is why they  need assylum in our country so their own country won't prosecute them for their crimes its a hypocrasy especially as we are no way the first safe country they come across....however if they are persucuted for their beliefs I don't mind letting them stay hear unless they are some abu hamza type fuck

iraq would just get annexed by iran

That would be a great solution.  If Iran and the majority of Iraqi's are pleased with it, then why shouldn't they do it?


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The bottomless pit you mention for natural insurance sure is right, where is that money? if it cant be accounted for then once again massive theft is taking place. Unions are the only defence that employees have against ridiculouus labour and unscrupulous employers. You have just fell into the big trap by talking about abu hamza blah blah. You are wrong most asylum seekers arent criminals or terrorists they are merely economic migrants, who claim to be persecuted, you are only a genuine asylum seeker if you are being singled out by a government, people who feel or are being persecuted by police officers for example dont fall into this category.

 I dont blame asylum seekers for wanting a better life but its a simple demand and supply factor. The more immigration, the more workers there are to apply for a position so when supply side factors are high the market price will fall, meaning that salaries fall and peoples stand of living becomes worse. When you add in the crumbling infrastructure, the overcrowdment on this island anyway, the provision of health care and education and housing which then is given you appreciate just how terrible it is. When I said the borders are wide open by the way I was also referring to illegal immigration, dont you think they realised what would happen when they opened the channel tunnnel? of course they did.

Like I said racism against whites, selectivism, political correctness its all from the government. By the way you addressed the point about the E.U whilst ignoring the fact that its the government who quite happily are waving goodbye to our sovereignty. Again I emphasise all of this is being orchestrated by the government so its ridiculous to point to point the people of this country being the problem because that is complete and utter bullshit.

Don Rizzle

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Unions are the only defence that employees have against ridiculouus labour and unscrupulous employers
fair enough if thats the way they choose to act....most of the time they act out of greed, if the jobs that bad get another one....try living in the real world in the private sector see how long you'll keep your job if u tell ur boss ur not going to work. Plus this is where your tax money is going and you happy for them to be resistant to change, lazy fucks waiting for hand outs? it the fault of the unions why we pay so much for the innefficiencies....if the'r jobs so bad they can work somewhere else, firbrigade went on strike yet they have earn 30k a year, and get 30 applicants for every position I say sack anyone who goes on strike especially in such a vital service as this.

plus unions are no the only defence we have courts to protect against unscupulous emplorers

iraq would just get annexed by iran

That would be a great solution.  If Iran and the majority of Iraqi's are pleased with it, then why shouldn't they do it?


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Firefighters put their life on the line for people literally, what they are getting paid is not unreasonable and again you are disseminating yet more untruths when the strike action last took place the firemen were earning only 22,000. I dont know if the new figure is now 30,000 but its hardly vast sums of money still. Secondly get your head straight "inefficiencies" "greed" you know all the buzzwords dont you, well here is one for you "war"!. Billions and billions being spent on blowing up and ravaging entire countries, through illegal wars fought on the basis of lies and deception.

J Bananas

  • Guest
but on the other hand old ppl are a drain on society and have little to contribute other than inheritence, i think instead of raising the retirement age to 85 we should be put them down unless they can fork out extra money to make their existence worthwhile....

I like the way you think.


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  • I'm Gully
yea i'd rather not live as long than work till i'm 85!

but on the other hand old ppl are a drain on society and have little to contribute other than inheritence, i think instead of raising the retirement age to 85 we should be put them down unless they can fork out extra money to make their existence worthwhile....

Cold hearted shit, but it's reality..