Author Topic: New Scarface Interview  (Read 130 times)

Mr. Humonculous

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New Scarface Interview
« on: March 21, 2006, 11:26:46 AM »
The Product: No More Slavery
— by Willow

When you think of Scarface, one of two things should come to mind: his imprint in the game with the Geto Boyz, and the fact that he's one of the few who've found away to still be relevant in hip-hop. His stature in the game has blessed the culture with collaborations with some of hip-hop's who's who's and a few lesser known names in the game.

With his label imprint, The Underground Railroad Movement, a joint venture with Koch Records, Scarface presents: The Product. The Product is made up of Scarface, Willie Hen, a Bay Area native, and Jackson, Mississippi bred Young Malice. With Face's help, Hen and Malice set out to be the voice of a "Dieing Breed." Riding high on the freedom train with Scarface as conductor, The Product hold their own and refuse to be confined by the standards of success implemented by the industry's system. At this stage in his career, Face's generosity and Civil Rights-esque campaign for an artist freedom is his biggest agenda. "I know what it's like to be a slave in this business, why would I do that to someone else?," says Face.

During a chiropractic appointment, Scarface puts The Product on the line and spends a candid forty-five minutes with Ballerstatus. Discussing their new album One Hunnid, his views about the record industry and why The Product won't be the next group to blow until the slave system (otherwise known as a major record label) stops keeping their artists bound rather than free.

The fact that he used his chiropractic appointment to discuss the aforementioned, gives his fans reason to still believe and trust that when he steps in the booth they're guaranteed a hot "Product." Do you fear Scarface's celebrity will outshine what you two bring to the table?

Scarface: Aint nobody trying to outshine anybody [on this album], I think the consumer is just more comfortable with who they know. The fans already being comfortable with me, give me the opportunity to introduce my group. Realistically, I think people who come out and are real big, have a face in front of them. Look at 50 with Em and look at Snoop and Em with Dre.

Hen: I'm more than sure Em didn't think anyone would be bigger than him at the time and here comes 50. Sacrface, you are a staple in this game, you could've went with a bigger distributor like Universal, if nothing else to bring The Product closer to the front of the retailer stores. So why Koch?

Scarface: Koch gave me a better deal in what I was looking for. More freedom. Do you know the definition of a free man? I feel confident that I do, but do share.

Scarface: A free a man is one that is not enslaved in captivity. That [Koch deal] gave me more room and a situation where I could be a free man. I am not with that slave sh-- at all. Tell me more about the Underground Railroad movement.

Scarface: The Underground Railroad movement is basically about freeing the slaves. What was it like working with Alchemist?

Hen: I love Alchemist's work, it was an honor. There are already three of you on the album, are there any other features?

Scarface & The Product: No, we did work with some hot vocalists.

Scarface: [laughing] I did play my Gibson guitar. I heard you talk about that before, the Gibson is your new baby?

Scarface: I want the world to know Gibson makes the best guitars. I agree with that, but you are a businessman and this a business in which recouping needs to take place. Do you feel like your deal with Koch is going to make you work even harder marketing and publicity wise?

Scarface: I don't see it like that; I am the push for publicity. I'd rather at the end of the day see that check for however much it is, then at the end of the day see a statement saying I owe a motherf---er something, I am not down with that. What is it you two bring to The Product individually and what is it about the differences that bring about the chemistry?

Hen: I don't have the signature Bay style -- the hyphy. I'm not yelling over records, I am bringing some real game. Anybody that is living any part of the street life can tell that I'm bringing experience on how to survive as a black man in the streets and in the world period. That is what I bring to the table. Face, are you still affiliated with Rap-a-Lot?

Scarface: I mean, I guess when you've always been apart of something, you're always apart of it. No bad blood though, right?

Scarface: No never. What can we expect from 100 Hunnid, Face you are on 90 percent of the album, so where do Hen and Malice find a place to shine?

Scarface: Yes, I am on 90 percent of the album with them, but I don't have to let them shine, they do that on their own. And they knew if they didn't bring that sh--, they wasn't going to make the song and I knew that too. I would venture to say there is a level or standard of excellence an emcee would have to meet in order to deal with you.

Scarface: Indeed. The press that's out there about you, Hen and Malice says you two were the last ones standing during an elimination process. Was it some type of audition or battling session that took place?

Scarface: There really wasn't no audition, some people may see it like that. I am down with the n----s that's down with me and some of them n----s there weren't down to really grind. It was a given that these was the nicest n----s rappin', but not only that, they didn't stray off and go do something else because they felt it was taking too long. We are about two, three years in and working strong on the album for about a year. Like I said, I am not the one to be taking no f---in' sh--. As my artists grow, they know as well not to be with that sh-- because they'll be groomed.

Malice: The Product wasn't something we planned. Once Hen came in, our chemistry was immediate and from there it was a wrap.

Hen: Hell nah, there wasn't no battlin' sh-- going on. That's not something we go for. Them NY n----s be just a little to loose with that sh--. When you are dealing with someone from the South, you never know what's waiting on you. It's a different game here in the South.

Scarface: Them n----s in New York can just get on the radio and say whatever they want and it's business as usual for the most part. Emcees here in the South ain't with that sh-- and it's taken far more personal. In New York, it's all apart of the marketing. Not knockin' what n----s do, but to me that sh--'s all stunts.

Malice: New York cats been doing that sh-- for so long, they feel comfortable snapping on folks. What do you think about New York?

Scarface: I love New York.

Hen: [laughing] I'm a Bay, New York n----. You talk a lot about not wanting to be enslaved by the industry and not wanting to enslave, but to free the slaves. I can assume we won't read about Malice and Hen protesting you robbed them, right?

Scarface: Hell nah, this is a one album deal; they own their own publishing. When I say I've been a slave before and I am going to exercise my freedom, I mean that. I've been there. Hen, what's your story? What were you doing prior to hooking up with Face?

Hen: I was apart of a collective with Done Deal family. I had a few things on the table with Done Deal out here in San Francisco. Other than that, I had a little label I was working on, and an investment partner that was trying to help me out. I even had some things on the table with the majors, but The Product was more appealing and just the opportunity to work with Brad (Scarface) and professional motherf---ers that are professionals about they craft and not just playing in the studio. It was a better vibe with The Product, so that is what I rode with. Are you worried about your fan base in the Bay or even other artists saying you should've kept it homegrown since the Bay does have a thriving hip-hop scene?

Hen: I aint worried about nobody who aint got no money for me. A lot of n----s got a lot to say, but don't have no solution. I'm the type of person, where I wouldn't tell someone to stop hustliin' if I don't have an alternative for them, a job for them or I was going to take care of their family. I couldn't imagine a n---- worrying about what I'm doing and not knowing what my situation is. This sh-- (working with Scarface) is big for the Bay. Any n---- that is worried about that is hatin' on hisself because what I'm doing is going to be tremendous for the Bay. I'm doing what Bay Area n----s dream about doing. There might be a n---- out there that would give his right pinky to switch places with me at this point in the game. N----s out here know better than anyone how hard it is to get on. There are n----s who are seven, eight albums deep that ain't never seen no real money, never seen the other side of the planet, let alone the other side of this country. I would think a n---- would be happy that I am takin' the sh-- further because there are a lot of real n----s out here going through some things and anyone that I'm concerned about is going to be happy for me. I'm going to be holding the sh-- down as a n---- who ain't just been rappin'. I ain't dropped a solo album since I been living this sh-- I talk about. There's a standard that an artist must reach in this industry to be considered successful (i.e. "106 & Park" or "TRL" appearances) and making music to that demographic. Are you okay that your sound may not reach that

Hen: Who the teeny-bobbers? Yes.

Hen: Nah, I am not worried about them. I'm not really talking to them.

Scarface: I'm not offended by not getting "TRL." I'm not opposed to it either. I'm with whoever is with me, and I'm against whoever is against me.

Hen: Hip-hop is growing up and in a minute, they gonna get tired of that "Laffy Taffy" and want to hear something that can get them through a situation. When you hear Face, you have those people who say to him that a song from this or that album helped me when they momma died or that sh-- help them when I lost my gig. They don't say, "Yeah n----, I was dancing and wigglin' my ass," or "I was dancing hard as f--- to that song, dog." They ain't saying no sh-- like that, they say how it helped them heal. Just like ya'll listening to Mary [J. Blige]...that too strong for too long right now, sayin' "That's my girl." That's what we are too those n----s out here. We make music for that man that can't cry in front of his people and is doing the best to be the backbone of his family. Face, I grew up listening to you and at that time, true lyrical ability as well as content is what got you put on. When do you think the switch came in?

Scarface: I would have to blame that whole movement on Soundscan and the record companies spending a lot of money in the pop markets, trying to put sh-- in the crossover market, you know what I mean? Then, this one particular record company caused everyone to follow suit 'cause they have the people thinking these artists are doing these record numbers when really they scanning someone else's sh--, faking like they doin' it. So, everybody else had to do it. Now Dre, Eminem and 50, them n----s ain't buying they own sh-- bribing Soundscan, they are selling units. You once had an affiliation with one of those aforementioned labels, right?

Scarface: [laughing] You trying to be to slick now. But, I don't think it's like that now. All their numbers are legitimate now. I trip when I check the Soundscan and I see n----s pulling numbers that don't warrant that, you feel me? I'm like, "Got damn, who in the f--- hell bought this album for the bitch to be two or three million?"

Hen: I'm like, I don't even listen to this sh-- and it sold seven million. I ain't heard the second single yet.

Scarface: Now, Luda is doing those numbers. That was a very savvy business move putting Ludacris out there.

Scarface: Luda put himself out there. He does his own sh-- and stands on his own. Even his crossover sh-- was hot because he's lyrically inclined. Sh--, he's just doper than a motherf---er. It was an honor to work with someone who really didn't need no help. I seen his struggle, and in my opinion, Luda is a star. I am proud of that cat. Is it your goal to make sure The Product has that same impact?

Scarface: The Product is just like that, a diamond in the rough. What is your futuristic vision for The Product?

Scarface: I am going to encourage them to get in the studio and put out another album. It's your freshman album that gets you out there. Your sophomore album gets your numbers and your junior album is where you top your own numbers. What was the one thing you saw in Hen and Malice that made you want to be connected to them?

Scarface: I like their ability to adapt to any situation and they stayed true to who they are. They not trying to take on the popular sound, I strongly emphasize that sh--. Lil Wayne is the sh--, I don't expect Will Hen to switch his style to fit because Juvenile and them are hot. I don't want nobody to be trying to sound like anybody else.

Hen: That "Yeaaaah" sh--. That's Young Jeezy's sh--. What the f--- I look like coming out with that?

Scarface: Young Jeezy is the sh-- to me, and I don't want to hear anyone coming in the industry f---in' with his sh--. Go get your own d---! I don't want nobody out there trying to sound like Pac, Big, Cube or Dre. Patten yourself after your own self and get your own d---! I forgot you're a woman I'm sorry, but you feel me. right? [laughing] Mos def. Hen, what is your thing that gives you signature?

Hen: What makes me, I am a laid back dude. I don't try too hard, but I am serious about the craft and I'm into building songs. I aint in it for the f--- of it. I ain't never had to yell on no record. I want to be relevant and give some game on everything I put out -- not just no pimp game, not just no game on hustlin', but some survival techniques. I want to have fun and everything, but I really want a n---- to be like, "Man, that really brought tears to my eyes. That sh-- got me through a hard time." Like Brad's sh--. The "struggle" is universal, it doesn't have a particular borough or Ward it settles in. Is that why you and Malice have the chemistry you have even though you are from to different places?

Hen: We are both street n----s and like the saying goes, "real recognizes real." Malice came out to the Bay and kicked it with me and I've been to Mississippi. And like in the Bay, the same type of n---- exists -- the dreaded and gold teeth wearing thugs with guns. I'm reppin' the playas, pimps, and hustlers from the Bay and Malice is reppin' the same type n---- from Mississippi. Those are the n----s we speak for, they understand us and those are the people who need to hear this sh-- the most from us.

Malice: The fact that we've both been through some sh-- is what make it all come together. We are all multi-faceted, I may whoop a n----s' ass, but I can sit down and have and intelligent conversation with Brad (Scarface), the news head. We are a white man's worst nightmare.

Scarface: I want to clear up something, there is not a racist bone in my body, and I don't hate white people. I am prejudice against the system. But, what do you say to the fact that the white man is the face of the system?

Scarface: Yeah, they are the face of the system, but they got some token n----s in there too. I said it before, The Underground Railroad movement is about freedom. And these n----s (The Product) saw fit to get on the freedom train. Malice, what is it about these two that make you feel at home and make you confident that you made the right move with your career?

Malice: You know, I would kill for these n----s. I've went through all the bad times I can go through with them. When my mother lost her house because of the hurricane, they were there for me. Brad made sure I was able to help them out. He opened up his home to me. They have seen me at some of my lowest times and never wavered. How do you turn away from that sh--?

Hen is the dude I can call early in the morning when I am going through something, when I couldn't call my own brothers. We just grew through the bad times and we've seen each other go through the worst times. Face saw me at my lowest point where I couldn't even function and now I am rockin' shows in front of my city because of him. It's more than rap with me when I am f---in with them and the music reflects that. In closing, is there anything you want to say to your fans and the fans to come?

Scarface: I thank them for the years of support and you giving some press to The Product. A big thanks to those fans who are taking time to read this you know they try to hide sh-- from n----s by put in writing or at least that's what they say. The best way to keep information from a n----s is to put it in writing. I also want to let the fans know, I am down with The Product 100%. I ain't a great ass rapper, like some of my fans make me out to be, but I'm a real ass n---- and all their years of support let's me know that counts for something.

Malice: I first have to thank Brad (Scarface) for all he has done for me because he didn't have to. He took the time out to put this sh-- together. Hen, for helping me make this happen, all the sh-- that we've been through made this record happen. These guys have made me a star in my city. To the fans, One Hunnid is an album that makes all life puts you through relevant and let's you know you are not alone in this struggle.

Hen: If the response from our first two singles are any indication of what the fans like about us, have no fear the whole album has the same heat. Shout out to the whole Bay area, H-Town, Jacksonville continue holding us down 'cause n----s IS LIVIN' REAL FREE! And I want to put Malice's moms on the map, she makes the best catfish and greens.

Scarface: [laughing] Gibson makes the best guitars and I gotta give it up to Utah, when we touring the house was packed with black and white people.

Hen: [laughing] And Mormons


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Re: New Scarface Interview
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2006, 01:22:35 PM »
cool interview, they seem really down to earth


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Re: New Scarface Interview
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2006, 06:16:09 PM »
Excellent interview - lots of cats need read this shit.  I'm buying the album tomorrow. 


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: New Scarface Interview
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2006, 12:36:20 AM »
I got the lp....and like hen said,alot of blind muthafuckas gonna wake up and get tired of that corny laffy,taffy,pink shit.
heyheyhey smoke weed everyday.