Author Topic: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling League  (Read 93026 times)

Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1155 on: April 06, 2009, 09:11:57 PM »
results will up sometime tomorrow.
i have two major assignments due tomorrow, so my focus was towards that as I wouldn't be able to graduate if I didn't do well on them lol.
I'm also trying to write strong entrances for the major event so I don't want to rush it and make it seem crappy.

as usual, I can let you via PM whether you won or lost.
if there are any title changes, I may have somewhat of a hard time updating the belts right away because my home pc is fucked.
i'll explore different options though for that and get atleast a temporary solution till my pc is working fine.
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!


Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1156 on: April 06, 2009, 10:35:25 PM »
Who needs to graduate, man? Don't waste your time  ;D

Good luck on the assignment.
My Chihuahuas Are Eternal


Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1157 on: April 09, 2009, 02:17:51 PM »
WWE WrestleMania 25 Results

HHH vs. Orton = HHH wins; pin
Edge vs. Cena vs. Big Show = Cena wins; pin
Taker vs. HBK = Taker wins; pin
MITB Ladder Match = CM Punk wins
Jeff vs. Matt = Matt wins; pin
Y2J vs. WWE Legends = Y2J wins
JBL vs. Rey = Rey wins; pin
Miz & Morrison vs. The Colons = The Colons win; pin
25-Divas Battle Royal = Santina Marella wins (i.e. Santino)


WCCWF WrestleRampage 3 Results

*A huge display of fireworks blow up in the building as the crowd is on their feet, cheering in excitement. It is WCCWF’s WrestleRampage 3 event! Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler welcome everybody to the show as the crowd is still cheering at full volume. JR and JL run down the WR3 card as the WR3 theme, Shoot to Thrill by AC/DC, plays in the building. The crowd settles down as WR3 is about to begin with its opening match.*

Match 1: US Title Match
P. Nelson vs. E-Crazy

*E-Crazy’s theme hits the speakers first. Spirals and questions marks come up on the display screen as we see E-Crazy coming down from the rafters on a cable wire as the fans cheer him. E-Crazy then unties himself from the cable when he’s in the ring. He climbs the top turnbuckle and raises his arms as the fans cheer him again. P. Nelson’s theme plays next in the building. Nelson comes to an array if fireworks from the stage and the ramp. Nelson makes his way down with the US Title around his waist and slapping high-fives with the fans. Nelson enters the ring, takes off the US Title, and holds it high in the air as the fans give another round of cheers. Nelson hands the title to the ref. The ref holds the belt in the air to signal the match is for the US Title. The ref hands the belt to the time-keeper. The bell rings and the opening bout is underway…*
P. Nelson’s Predictions:
HHH vs. Orton = Orton wins; pin = 0 points
Edge vs. Cena vs. Big Show = Cena wins; pin = 2 points
Taker vs. HBK = Taker wins; pin = 2 points
MITB Ladder Match = MVP wins = 0 points
Jeff vs. Matt = Jeff wins; pin = 0 points
Y2J vs. WWE Legends = WWE Legends win = 0 points
JBL vs. Rey = Rey wins; pin = 2 points
Miz & Morrison vs. The Colons = Miz & Morrison win; pin = 0 points
25-Divas Battle Royal = First Pick – Gail Kim; Second Pick – Beth = 0 points

E-Crazy’s Predictions:
HHH vs. Orton = HHH wins; pin = 2 points
Edge vs. Cena vs. Big Show = Cena wins; pin = 2 points
Taker vs. HBK = Taker wins; pin = 2 points
MITB Ladder Match = Benjamin wins = 0 points
Jeff vs. Matt = Matt wins; pin = 2 points
Y2J vs. WWE Legends = Y2J wins = 2 points
JBL vs. Rey = Rey wins; pin = 2 points
Miz & Morrison vs. The Colons = Miz & Morrison win; pin = 0 points
25-Divas Battle Royal = First Pick – Melina; Second Pick – Maryse = 0 points

Finish of the Match:
In a back and forth match, we see E-Crazy in control. E-Crazy drives his shoulder into Nelson’s gut in the corner. E-Crazy sets Nelson up on the top rope, looking to hit a hurricarana. Nelson nails a few jabs into E-Crazy’s ribs and then pushes him off. As E-Crazy gets back to his feet, Nelson springs off and hits a flying spear as the crowd goes wild!! Both stars are slow to get back up to their feet. Nelson is up first, followed by E-Crazy. Nelson grabs a hold of E-Crazy and hits a spine-buster! Nelson signals that he wants to end the match with a Nelson Bomb as E-Crazy gets back to his feet. Nelson kicks E-Crazy in the gut and looks to deliver the Nelson Bomb. E-Crazy is able to escape as Nelson lifts him up. E-Crazy then grabs Nelson by the back of the head and neck, and delivers the Crazy Code!! E-Crazy then covers Nelson and gets the three-count to pick up the win and become the new US Champion!!

Winner of the Match and NEW US CHAMPION = E-CRAZY

After the Match:
The ref hands E-Crazy the title as his theme plays. E-Crazy celebrates in the ring with the US Title as the fans cheer him. Nelson shakes hands with E-Crazy before exiting the ring and going to the back. JR and JL recap the match as E-Crazy also makes his way to the back with his newly won US Title.

The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1158 on: April 09, 2009, 02:22:20 PM »
Match 2: MITB Ladder Match
Lucifer vs. Shallow vs. Dollar Bill vs. Still Dre vs. HD vs. ??

*There are a few, folded ladders around the ring for the match. The lights go out in the building. Cloud starts filling up the arena as Lucifer’s theme is heard on the speakers as we see Lucifer being lowered down onto the stage from a lift. Lucifer makes his way down to the ring in his usual attire and JR and JL mention that Lucifer was the winner of the match last year. Lucifer climbs the stairs and raises his arms to turn the lights back on in the building. Lucifer enters the ring, takes off his coat & hat, and awaits his opponents.
Shallow’s theme hits the building speakers next as the fans cheer for the newcomer. We steel a mini-steel cage being driven out by a forklift to signify Shallow’s brutal steel cage matches in ROH. Shallow walks around the catch before finally kicking it open as the crowd continues to cheer him. Shallow makes his way into the ring and stares at the briefcase that hands above. Dollar Bill’s theme plays next and we see flurry of dollar bills dropping from the ceiling as Dollar Bill makes his way out. Dollar Bill is carry two hands full of dollar bills as he makes his way down to the ring. He goes on one side and throws one handful into the crowd; he then goes to the opposite side and does the same thing with the other handful. DB then enters the ring and awaits the rest of the participants. Still Dre’s theme hits next and we see Still Dre making his way out in a low-rider. Still Dre pulls up to the side of the stage and parks the car there. He then makes his way into the ring and looks at the briefcase hanging above. HD’s theme plays next and a display of fireworks explodes at the stage and ramp as the fans cheer the former champion. HD makes his way down the ring, giving high-fives to the fans. HD enters the ring and awaits the arrival of the last participant in the MITB match. The lights in the building go out again. Druids make their way out as a holy chant is heard through the building. Six druids make their way out pushing what looks like a burned-casket. Static then replaces the music; a video is then shown on the screen of a graveyard, tombstones, and cryptic language. A cluster of words appear on the screen with a whispering voice repeating them; “Survival of the Sadistic”, “Casket”, “Betrayal”, “Lucifer”, “Dizzle”, “Sikotic” and “M Dogg” are the words shown on the screen and repeated. These words disappear; the words “Grim”, “WrestleRampage 3”, and “Returns” appear on the screen and said in the whispering voice. The video then turns off as the casket is made to stand up. A lightning bolt hits the front of the casket! The lid of the casket breaks off. We see Grim in a burned outfit!! The crowd goes absolutely wild as Grim steps out of the casket, into the ring, and sets off a huge pyro! Grim and Lucifer stare off with each other as JR and JL are in awe that Grim has returned!! The bell rings and the MITB match is underway as Grim and Lucifer start brawling about!!*

Lucifer’s Predictions:
HHH vs. Orton = HHH wins; pin = 3 points
Edge vs. Cena vs. Big Show = Edge wins; pin = 0 points
Taker vs. HBK = Taker wins; pin = 3 points
MITB Ladder Match = Christian wins = 0 points
Jeff vs. Matt = Jeff wins; pin = 0 points
Y2J vs. WWE Legends = Y2J wins = 3 points
JBL vs. Rey = Rey wins; pin = 3 points
Miz & Morrison vs. The Colons = Miz & Morrison win; pin = 0 points
25-Divas Battle Royal = First Pick – Melina; Second Pick – Beth = 0 points

Shallow’s Predictions:
HHH vs. Orton = HHH wins; pin = 3 points
Edge vs. Cena vs. Big Show = Cena wins; pin = 3 points
Taker vs. HBK = Taker wins; pin = 3 points
MITB Ladder Match = CM Punk wins = 3 points
Jeff vs. Matt = Matt wins; pin = 3 points
Y2J vs. WWE Legends = Y2J wins = 3 points
JBL vs. Rey = Rey wins; pin = 3 points
Miz & Morrison vs. The Colons = Miz & Morrison win; pin = 0 points
25-Divas Battle Royal = First Pick – Melina; Second Pick – Beth = 0 points

Dollar Bill’s Predictions (none submitted; default using Lucifer’s predictions):
HHH vs. Orton = HHH wins; pin = 3 points
Edge vs. Cena vs. Big Show = Edge wins; pin = 0 points
Taker vs. HBK = Taker wins; pin = 3 points
MITB Ladder Match = Christian wins = 0 points
Jeff vs. Matt = Jeff wins; pin = 0 points
Y2J vs. WWE Legends = Y2J wins = 3 points
JBL vs. Rey = Rey wins; pin = 3 points
Miz & Morrison vs. The Colons = Miz & Morrison win; pin = 0 points
25-Divas Battle Royal = First Pick – Melina; Second Pick – Beth = 0 points

Still Dre’s Predictions (none submitted; default using Grim’s predictions):
HHH vs. Orton = HHH wins; pin = 3 points
Edge vs. Cena vs. Big Show = Cena wins; pin = 3 points
Taker vs. HBK = Taker wins; pin = 3 points
MITB Ladder Match = CM Punk wins = 3 points
Jeff vs. Matt - Jeff wins; pin = 0 points
Y2J vs. WWE Legends = WWE Legends wins = 0 points
JBL vs. Rey = JBL wins; pin = 0 points
Miz & Morrison vs. The Colons = Miz & Morrison win; pin = 0 points
25-Divas Battle Royal = First Pick – Melina; Second Pick – Beth = 0 points

HD’s Predictions:
HHH vs. Orton = Orton wins; pin = 0 points
Edge vs. Cena vs. Big Show = Cena wins; pin = 3 points
Taker vs. HBK = Taker wins; pin = 3 points
MITB Ladder Match = MVP wins = 0 points
Jeff vs. Matt - Jeff wins; pin = 0 points
Y2J vs. WWE Legends = Y2J wins = 3 points
JBL vs. Rey = Rey wins; pin = 3 points
Miz & Morrison vs. The Colons = Miz & Morrison win; pin = 0 points
25-Divas Battle Royal = First Pick – Melina; Second Pick – Beth = 0 points

Grim’s Predictions:
HHH vs. Orton = HHH wins; pin = 3 points
Edge vs. Cena vs. Big Show = Cena wins; pin = 3 points
Taker vs. HBK = Taker wins; pin = 3 points
MITB Ladder Match = CM Punk wins = 3 points
Jeff vs. Matt - Jeff wins; pin = 0 points
Y2J vs. WWE Legends = WWE Legends wins = 0 points
JBL vs. Rey = JBL wins; pin = 0 points
Miz & Morrison vs. The Colons = Miz & Morrison win; pin = 0 points
25-Divas Battle Royal = First Pick – Melina; Second Pick – Beth = 0 points

Highlights of the Match:
Still Dre nailing a Dre Death Drop on Dollar Bill on a ladder.
Dollar Bill hitting the Money Shot on Shallow with a ladder on top.
Shallow drilling an elbow into Lucifer’s chest from a 16-foot ladder.
Lucifer choke-slamming HD on top of a ladder.
HD dropkicking a ladder to knock Grim to the outside.
Grim choke-slamming Still Dre from an 8-foot ladder.

Finish of the Match:
In what has been an intense match with a ton of exciting spots and action, we see Still Dre climbing a ladder while the other participants battle about. Dollar Bill goes towards the ladder and pushes it, which sends SD flying to the outside! DB then sets the ladder up again. Before he can climb it though, HD hits DB in the head with another ladder! HD then starts climbing the ladder slowly. Lucifer sets another ladder up beside the one that HD is climbing. Both Lucifer and HD are at the top, trading punches. Lucifer then nails a huge uppercut, which knocks HD off! Lucifer reaches for the briefcase but cannot grab a hold of it. It is then shown that Grim is climbing the other ladder. Grim and Lucifer are now face-to-face. They trade punches till Grim gains the advantage; Lucifer is barely able to stay on the ladder. Grim grabs Lucifer by the throat; he then goes flying with Lucifer in hand to hit a thunderous chokeslam!! The monsters are knocked out!! Shallow has entered the ring, bleeding from the side of his forehead. He notices that everybody has been knocked out in one way or another. Shallow straightens out the 16-foot ladder directly under the briefcase. He begins to climb as the crowd cheers for him. Shallow grabs a hold of the briefcase and pulls it off the harness to pick up the win!!

Winner of the Match = SHALLOW

After the Match:
Shallow clutches the briefcase as the fans cheer him. JR and JL mention that Shallow has now gone 2-for-2 in the WCCWF. A bunch of officials come to check on the other stars as Shallow celebrates in the ring. The other superstars are helped to the back as JR and JL summarize the match and its highlights. Shallow then walks up to the stage and holds the briefcase high as the fans cheer him. Shallow then makes his way to the back.

The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1159 on: April 09, 2009, 02:24:27 PM »
Match 3: WCCWF World Heavyweight Title Match
M Dogg vs. King Sikotic

*A video is shown that recaps how Lucifer and King Sikotic tied to win the Great Battle Match. The video then shows King Sikotic winning the match between him and Lucifer. Another clip airs showing how M Dogg won the WCCWF World Title from HD. We then hear King Sikotic’s theme play. King Sikotic then rises up from the stage on a throne in his royal attire. King Sikotic gets up off the throne and makes his way down the ramp into the ring. King Sikotic enters the ring, takes off his crown & robe, and awaits the arrival of M Dogg. M Dogg’s theme plays next as the fans boo the WCCWF World Heavyweight Champion. M Dogg makes his way out with 4 models, 2 on each of his arms. M Dogg leaves the models at the stage and makes his way down the ramp. M Dogg enters the ring, takes of the WCCWF World Title and holds it high in the air. M Dogg then hands the belt to the ref; the ref holds the belt high to indicate the World Title is on the line. The ref then hands the belt to the time-keeper. The bell then rings and the main event begins…

M Dogg’s Predictions:
HHH vs. Orton = Orton wins; pin = 0 points
Edge vs. Cena vs. Big Show = Cena wins; submission = 1 point
Taker vs. HBK = Taker wins; pin = 2 points
MITB Ladder Match = Benjamin wins = 0 points
Jeff vs. Matt = Jeff wins; pin = 0 points
Y2J vs. WWE Legends = WWE Legends win = 0 points
JBL vs. Rey = JBL wins; pin = 0 points
Miz & Morrison vs. The Colons = Miz & Morrison win; pin = 0 points
25-Divas Battle Royal = First Pick – Trish Stratus; Second Pick – Gail Kim = 0 points

King Sikotic’s Predictions:
HHH vs. Orton = HHH wins; pin = 2 points
Edge vs. Cena vs. Big Show = Cena wins; submission = 1 point
Taker vs. HBK = Taker wins; pin = 2 points
MITB Ladder Match = Christian wins = 0 points
Jeff vs. Matt = Jeff wins; pin = 0 points
Y2J vs. WWE Legends = WWE Legends win = 0 points
JBL vs. Rey = JBL wins; pin = 0 points
Miz & Morrison vs. The Colons = The Colons win; pin = 2 points
25-Divas Battle Royal = First Pick – Maryse; Second Pick – Melina = 0 points

Finish of the Match:
In a back and forth match, we see M Dogg in control as he has the crossface applied on King Sikotic. Sikotic refuses to give up though and slowly crawls towards the rope. M Dogg is able to pull him back to the centre of the ring before he can grab the rope. Sikotic slowly starts getting to his feet; he then starts delivering a few elbows to M Dogg’s gut, which breaks the hold. Sikotic comes off the ropes, but M Dogg knocks him down with a shoulder block. M Dogg then runs off the ropes; as he approaches, Sikotic nails a textbook dropkick out of nowhere! M Dogg gets up and Sikotic delivers an arm-bar drag-down. M Dogg gets up again; Sikotic grabs a hold of M Dogg and looks to hit the Sik Bottom. M Dogg nails a few elbow shots to the side of Sikotic’s head. As Sikotic holds his head, M Dogg delivers a bulldog. M Dogg then gets Sikotic back to his feet and scoops him up. M Dogg looks to deliver the Powerslam. As M Dogg starts running, Sikotic breaks free. M Dogg turns around and is met right away with a Sik Bottom from Sikotic!! Sikotic covers M Dogg and gets the three count to pick up the victory and win the WCCWF World Title!!


After the Match:
The ref hands Sikotic the World Title as his theme plays in the building. Streamers pour from the ceiling as JR and JL summarize the main event. The fans give a mixed reaction to Sikotic winning the title. The ref helps M Dogg out of the ring and to the back. Sikotic celebrates in the ring as a display of fireworks explodes to celebrate his victory. JR and JL thank the viewing audience for watching WCCWF’s WrestleRampage 3 event. The show ends with a camera view of Sikotic standing tall in the middle of the ring with the WCCWF World Title held high above his head.

The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1160 on: April 09, 2009, 02:51:58 PM »
King Sikotic, here is is WCCWF World Heavyweight Title:

E-Crazy, here is US Title:

Congrats to Shallow, E-Crazy and King Sikotic on winning their matchs.

M Dogg, you have the next 4 events to use your re-match clause.
P. Nelson, you have the next 3 events to use your re-match clause.

Shallow, you have the next 4 events to cash in the Money in the Bank.
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

M Dogg™

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1161 on: April 09, 2009, 05:07:20 PM »
Before I get my rematch, I got some business to handle... he he he


Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1162 on: April 10, 2009, 06:53:17 PM »
Sikomania lives on, brother!
My Chihuahuas Are Eternal


Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1163 on: April 17, 2009, 08:43:23 PM »
I'm going to post the Backlash / Consequence card soon.
We're going to have the KOTR Tournament at Consequence but I gotta figure out some other stuff first.

Stay tuned!
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1164 on: April 23, 2009, 12:01:29 PM »
I havent completed our card yet. However there won't be any specialty matches. So just send in normal predictions for the WWE card and ours will be up later todya.

WWE Backlash Card (written in order of importance)

WWE Title Match:
HHH(c), Batista, Shane McMahon vs. Legacy

World Title Match - Last Man Standing:
Cena (c) vs. Edge
**Just predict the winner

I Quit Match:
Jeff vs. Matt
**Just predict the winner

ECW Title Match:
Swagger (c) vs. Christian

Y2J vs. Steamboat

CM Punk vs. Kane
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1165 on: April 23, 2009, 07:48:50 PM »

At Consequence, the King of the Ring Tournament returns!

The brackets are as follows:

Prior to the start of the tournament, M Dogg will face Still Dre and Dollar Bill in a Triple Terror Match for entrance into the tournament!
Why was this match made? M Dogg requested it to prove any doubters wrong that may be saying he is out of his prime afer losing to King Sikotic a WrestleRampage 3.

The winner of that match will face HD in the first round of the tournament.
Other matches include Shallow against the new US Champion, E-Crazy; P. Nelson and King Sikotic will also renew their rivlary during the first round.
And finally, Grim seeks revenge against the person who caused him to disappear for months, Lucifer!

Who will be the 2009 King of the Ring winner? Find out this Sunday at Consequence!!
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1166 on: April 24, 2009, 09:56:57 AM »
Grim's Predictions:

HHH, Batista, Shane vs. Legacy = Legacy wins; pin
Cena vs. Edge = Edge wins
Jeff vs. Matt = Jeff wins
Swagger vs. Christian = Christian wins; pin
Y2J vs. Steamboat = Y2J wins; pin
CM Punk vs. Kane  = CM Punk wins; pin


Lucifer's Predictions:

HHH, Batista, Shane vs. Legacy = Legacy wins; pin
Cena vs. Edge = Cena wins
Jeff vs. Matt = Matt wins
Swagger vs. Christian = Swagger wins; pin
Y2J vs. Steamboat = Y2J wins; pin
CM Punk vs. Kane  = CM Punk wins; pin


Due date: Sunday April 26th, 2009 at 4PM EST (1PM PST)
Submitted by: Grim, Lucifer, King Sikotic, M Dogg, P. Nelson
Waiting on: Still Dre, Dollar Bill, E-Crazy, Shallow, HD
Reminders being sent Friday night and Saturday evening
« Last Edit: April 25, 2009, 07:48:54 PM by Mo Z. Dizzle »
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!


Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1167 on: April 26, 2009, 12:05:25 PM »
Exit King Sikotic II
Enter Emperor Sikotic III

The Kingdom expands tonight.
My Chihuahuas Are Eternal


Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1168 on: April 27, 2009, 09:39:11 PM »
WWE Backlash Results

HHH, Batista, Shane vs. Legacy = Legacy; pin
Cena vs. Edge = Edge
Jeff vs. Matt = Jeff
Swagger vs. Christian = Christian; pin
Y2J vs. Steamboat = Y2J; submission
CM Punk vs. Kane = Kane; pin


WCCWF Consequence Results

*Fireworks are exploding in the building as the fans are on their feet, chanting away at WCCWF’s Consequence event. Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler welcome the viewing audience to the show. JR and JL then mention that tonight will be the 4th ever King of the Ring Tournament as the theme song, Seasons by The Veer Union, plays throughout the building. The crowd settles into their seats as the show is about to begin.*

Match 1: Triple Terror Match – King of the Ring Tournament Qualifier Match
M Dogg vs. Still Dre vs. Dollar Bill

*M Dogg’s theme plays as the former WCCWF World Champion makes his way down to the ring for this KOTR Tournament qualifying match. JR and JL mention that M Dogg actually requested this match to prove he is still the best. M Dogg enters the ring and awaits the arrival of his two opponents. Still Dre’s theme plays next as the former Great Battle winner comes to the ring, cheered by the crowd. SD enters the ring and has a brief stare down with M Dogg. Dollar Bill’s theme plays next as the fans boo him. DB makes his way down to ring, looking very arrogant; DB then enters the ring. The bell rings and the opening bout is underway…*

M Dogg’s Predictions:
HHH, Batista, Shane vs. Legacy = Legacy; pin = 2 points
Cena vs. Edge = Cena = 0 points
Jeff vs. Matt = Matt = 0 points
Swagger vs. Christian = Christian; pin = 2 points
Y2J vs. Steamboat = Y2J; submission = 2 points
CM Punk vs. Kane = CM Punk; pin = 0 points
Still Dre’s Predictions (none submitted; default using Grim’s predictions):
HHH, Batista, Shane vs. Legacy = Legacy; pin = 2 points
Cena vs. Edge = Edge = 2 points
Jeff vs. Matt = Jeff = 2 points
Swagger vs. Christian = Christian; pin = 2 points
Y2J vs. Steamboat = Y2J; pin = 1 point
CM Punk vs. Kane = CM Punk; pin = 0 points

Dollar Bill’s Predictions (none submitted; default using Lucifer’s predictions):
HHH, Batista, Shane vs. Legacy = Legacy; pin = 2 points
Cena vs. Edge = Cena = 0 points
Jeff vs. Matt = Matt = 0 points
Swagger vs. Christian = Swagger; pin = 0 points
Y2J vs. Steamboat = Y2J; pin = 1 point
CM Punk vs. Kane = CM Punk; pin = 0 points

Finish of the Match:
In a match that has dominated by M Dogg, we see him in control working over Still Dre. With SD sitting in the corner, M Dogg stomps away at his arms and chest. DB comes up from behind and tries to land some offence on M Dogg; M Dogg though is able to counter with an elbow to the face followed by a swinging neck-breaker. M Dogg goes for a cover, but DB kicks out. M Dogg then goes back over to SD and nails another kick to his face. M Dogg turns his attention back to DB, waiting for him to get back up. Before DB can up, SD grabs a hold of M Dogg’s foot to distract him. With the distraction, DB comes from behind and hits a back-stabber on M Dogg. DB turns his attention towards SD; SD nails a drop-toe hold though on DB into the middle turnbuckle. DB then staggers backwards; SD gets back to his feet and nails a clothesline on DB. SD then nails a hip-toss and follows up with a couple of knee shots to his gut. SD looks to hit a suplex; however, DB counters and nails a suplex of his own. DB hits a second suplex; he tries for a third, but this time SD is able to escape. SD then hits the Still Dre Death Drop on DB! Before SD can cover DB, M Dogg nails an Enzuigiri on SD. M Dogg gets SD back on his feet, scoops him up, and nails a running Powerslam on top of DB! M Dogg then covers the two fallen stars and gets the three-count to pick up the win and qualify for the tournament! A visual is shown on the screen with M Dogg's name in the last slot of the tournament bracket.

Winner of the Match = M DOGG

After the Match:
M Dogg celebrates briefly in the ring and JR and JL recap the match. The ref checks on both DB and SD. The ref helps DB out of the ring and to the back as other officials are coming to help SD. M Dogg then exits the ring as well and goes to the back with his music still playing. Before officials get into the ring, and unknown person runs through the crowd and enters the ring. He grabs SD and nails a belly-to-belly suplex! He gets SD back up on his feet and hits a spinning spine-buster! The unknown person grabs SD again and sets him on his shoulders; he delivers the F5 on SD before standing over him to insult him as the fans boo the person. Officials then tell him to leave before attending to SD and helping him to the back as well.


Match 2: King of the Ring Quarter-Finals Match
King Sikotic vs. P. Nelson

*King Sikotic’s music plays in the building as the WCCWF World Heavyweight Champion makes his way down to the ring with the belt around his waist and the fans booing him. JR and JL mention how Sikotic has won the tournament the past two years as Sikotic enters the ring, takes his belt off, hands it to the time-keeper and gets set for his match. P. Nelson’s theme plays next as the former US Champion is cheered by the fans. JR and JL mention that Nelson was the first winner of the tournament along with HD. Nelson enters the ring, climbs the turnbuckle, and raises his arms as the fans cheer him. Nelson then gets down and focuses on the match. The bell rings and the match begins…*

King Sikotic’s Predictions:
HHH, Batista, Shane vs. Legacy = Legacy; pin = 2 points
Cena vs. Edge = Cena = 0 points
Jeff vs. Matt = Jeff = 2 points
Swagger vs. Christian = Christian; pin = 2 points
Y2J vs. Steamboat = Y2J; submission = 2 points
CM Punk vs. Kane = CM Punk; pin = 0 points

P. Nelson’s Predictions:
HHH, Batista, Shane vs. Legacy = Legacy; pin = 2 points
Cena vs. Edge = Edge = 2 points
Jeff vs. Matt = Matt = 0 points
Swagger vs. Christian = Christian; pin = 2 points
Y2J vs. Steamboat = Y2J; pin = 1 point
CM Punk vs. Kane = Kane; pin = 2 points

Finish of the Match:
In a back and forth bout, we see Nelson in control. Nelson has a figure-four leg-lock applied on Sikotic. Sikotic eventually drills a couple of punches to Nelson’s head, which breaks the hold. Both stars are slow to get to their feet. Sikotic is on his feet first, holding his lower back. Nelson gets up with the help of the ropes. Sikotic comes from behind and hits the side-Russian-leg-sweep to gain the momentum in the match. Sikotic drags Nelson’s body towards a corner. Sikotic then climbs the ropes and delivers a big leg-drop across Nelson’s chest and neck. Sikotic tries to cover Nelson, but only gets a two-count. Sikotic then gets Nelson back on his feet, kicks him in the gut, and slams him face first into the mat. Sikotic tries another cover and again gets a two-count. Sikotic is now frustrated and yells at the ref. Sikotic gets Nelson back on his feet and looks to hit the Sik Bottom. Sikotic sets him up; however, Nelson nails a couple of elbow shots to break the hold. Sikotic checks his face for a couple of seconds before turning his attention back to Nelson. As he turns around, Nelson kicks him in the gut and hits the Nelson Bomb! Nelson then covers Sikotic and gets the three-count to pick up the win and advance!!

Winner of the Match = P. NELSON

After the Match:
Nelson celebrates in the ring as the ref holds his arm high in the air. The ref then goes to check on Sikotic and helps him to the back. JR and JL recap the match as Nelson exits the ring and makes his way to the back as well and to prepare for whomever his opponent will be in the semi-finals of the tournament.

« Last Edit: April 27, 2009, 09:50:03 PM by Mo Z. Dizzle »
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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  • Mo Z. Dizzle, the CEO of WCC Wrestling League
Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1169 on: April 27, 2009, 09:43:06 PM »
Match 3: King of the Ring Quarter-Finals Match
E-Crazy vs. Shallow

*E-Crazy’s theme plays in the building as the new US Champion is cheered by the fans. E-Crazy makes his way down to the ring with the US Title around his waist. E-Crazy enters the ring, takes off the belt, and holds it high in the air as the fans cheer him. E-Crazy then gives the belt to the time-keeper on the outside. Shallow’s theme plays next as the 3rd ever MITB winner is also cheered by the fans. Shallow comes to the ring with the briefcase in hand. Shallow enters the ring and holds the briefcase high, causing the fans to cheer again. Shallow puts the briefcase on the outside and turns his attention back to the ring. Shallow and E-Crazy shake hands as a sign of respect. The bell rings to start the match…*

E-Crazy’s Predictions (none submitted; default using Grim’s predictions):
HHH, Batista, Shane vs. Legacy = Legacy; pin = 2 points
Cena vs. Edge = Edge = 2 points
Jeff vs. Matt = Jeff = 2 points
Swagger vs. Christian = Christian; pin = 2 points
Y2J vs. Steamboat = Y2J; pin = 1 point
CM Punk vs. Kane = CM Punk; pin = 0 points

Shallow’s Predictions (none submitted; default using Lucifer’s predictions):
HHH, Batista, Shane vs. Legacy = Legacy; pin = 2 points
Cena vs. Edge = Cena = 0 points
Jeff vs. Matt = Matt = 0 points
Swagger vs. Christian = Swagger; pin = 0 points
Y2J vs. Steamboat = Y2J; pin = 1 point
CM Punk vs. Kane = CM Punk; pin = 0 points

Finish of the Match:
In a back and forth match, we see Shallow in control. With E-Crazy by the ropes, Shallow runs over and delivers a huge clothesline, sending both stars over the top! Both stars are slow to get up as the ref starts the 10-count. The two battle outside of the ring by trading punches. Shallow blocks a punch attempt from E-Crazy and nails a huge kick to the face. Shallow then grabs E-Crazy and tries to whip him into the steel steps, but E-Crazy counters and sends Shallow into the steps instead! The ref gets his count up to nine before E-Crazy gets into the ring; Shallow isn’t able to enter the ring when the ref gets to 10. This gives E-Crazy the count out victory to advance into the semi-finals!

Winner of the Match = E-CRAZY

After the Match:
The ref raises E-Crazy’s arm as his theme plays. The ref then checks on Shallow and helps him to the back as JR and JL summarize the match. E-Crazy also exits the ring and makes his way to the back to prepare for his next match as the fans cheer him.


Match 4: King of the Ring Quarter-Finals Match
Lucifer vs. Grim

*The lights in the building go out and Lucifer’s theme plays. The fans give the former WCCWF World Champion a negative response as he makes his way down to the ring in his normal attire. Lucifer climbs the ring-steps; he raises his arms to bring the lights back on in the building before entering the ring. Lucifer takes his coat and hat off; he then awaits the arrival of his former ally and partner, Grim. The lights in the building go out again; this time, Grim’s theme plays on the speakers. The crowd cheers for him as he makes out. JR and JL summarize the events that happened at Survival of the Sickest and Grim’s return at WrestleRampage 3. Grim makes his way down to the ring with new attire and his scythe. Grim enters the ring and puts his scythe in the corner. Grim then sets off a large pyro in his usual fashion as the fans continue to cheer him. Grim and Lucifer then get face-to-face. The bell rings to start the match and the monsters start trading punches!...*

Grim’s Predictions:
HHH, Batista, Shane vs. Legacy = Legacy; pin = 2 points
Cena vs. Edge = Edge = 2 points
Jeff vs. Matt = Jeff = 2 points
Swagger vs. Christian = Christian; pin = 2 points
Y2J vs. Steamboat = Y2J; pin = 1 point
CM Punk vs. Kane = CM Punk; pin = 0 points

Lucifer’s Predictions:
HHH, Batista, Shane vs. Legacy = Legacy; pin = 2 points
Cena vs. Edge = Cena = 0 points
Jeff vs. Matt = Matt = 0 points
Swagger vs. Christian = Swagger; pin = 0 points
Y2J vs. Steamboat = Y2J; pin = 1 point
CM Punk vs. Kane = CM Punk; pin = 0 points

Finish of the Match:
In an evened out match, we see Grim in control. Grim whips Lucifer off the ropes and nails a big boot to his face. Lucifer rolls to the outside to try and catch his breath. Grim climbs the turnbuckle and looks to nail a flying clothesline of Lucifer. As Grim comes flying off, Lucifer nails a huge uppercut on Grim to lay him out. Lucifer gets Grim back on his feet and slams him face-first into the announce table. Lucifer then rolls Grim back into the ring before entering the ring himself. Lucifer nails a leg-drop on Grim and tries a pin, but only gets a two-count. Lucifer gets Grim back to his feet and tries to whip him into the turnbuckle, but Grim counters. Grim comes running, looking to nail another big boot to the face. Lucifer moves though, and Grim gets caught in the top rope. Lucifer grabs Grim by the throat and looks to hit the Chokeslam. As Lucifer gets Grim up, Grim somehow counters it with Hell’s Gate! Lucifer cannot take the hold and taps out!!

Winner of the Match = GRIM

After the Match:
Grim keeps the hold on for a couple more seconds before letting go. Grim looks over the fallen body of Lucifer as the ref raises his arm. The ref then helps Lucifer out of the ring and to the back. Grim then sets off a pyro, exits the ring, and grabs his scythe. JR and JL summarize the match as Grim heads to the back to prepare for the semi-finals.

The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!