Author Topic: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling League  (Read 93176 times)


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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1470 on: March 03, 2010, 01:09:34 AM »
wait a minute Dizzle is boss and he decides what goes on...

and if i beat sikotic i want his title

i say we let Dizzle have the final say so


Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1471 on: March 03, 2010, 12:46:04 PM »
wait a minute Dizzle is boss and he decides what goes on...

and if i beat sikotic i want his title

i say we let Dizzle have the final say so
What do you mean "if"?

It's simply not possible.
My Chihuahuas Are Eternal


Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1472 on: March 06, 2010, 10:47:30 AM »
Alrighty, I'm going to address this match situation in an our of character tone. Please read carefully and ask questions. I will try my best to answer them.

First thing is first...this five scramble match (which I want to dub as 'Five Card Draw') was my idea. M Dogg did not book this match or anything. It was a suggestion that I had and an idea I would have gone with if M Dogg had not cut the promo. He agreed to cut the promo though and mention the idea. M Dogg can also back this up in our PM conversations.

Now as for how the match works:
- All five competitors face off against each other; both the US and Canadian Title are on the line, however ONLY ONE or NONE of the titles will switch hands.
- The winner will be the person with the highest amount of points.
- The loser will be the person with the lowest amount of points (this is the person that gets pinned by the winner).

Below are most of the scenarios on the match outcome:

---If M Dogg OR Wykid win, they will RETAIN their titles. There will NOT be a dual champion. This is so that it can be fair to the other three competitors.

---If AG, E-Crazy, OR P. Nelson win the match and beat Wykid, they become the US Champion.
---If AG, E-Crazy, OR P. Nelson win the match and beat M Dogg, they become the Canadian Champion.

---If AG OR E-Crazy beat P. Nelson, they can CHOOSE which title they want to hold.
---If AG OR P. Nelson beat E-Crazy, they can CHOOSE which title they want to hold.
---If E-Crazy OR P. Nelson beat AG, they can CHOOSE which title they want to hold.
---In this situation, Wykid and M Dogg will get re-matches whenever they choose in the next 3 events.

Now AG, you still have your re-match clause. You can postpone it if you don't like this idea till after WrestleRampage.
My original idea was to have you in the MITB Ladder Match, and I can still book you in there.
Then, you can use your re-match for the event after WrestleRampage.

One final note, the reason I really want to pursue this match is because I feel it adds another dimension to WCCWF.
I think its more unique than just having Triple Terror and Feral Fourway matches. I will also be able to create some new feuds and storylines with this idea.
I need you guys to trust me on this. I won't screw anybody out (anymore, re: double screwjob Sikotic/M Dogg) if what they have earned.

If you have concerns, or aren't in favour of the match, post your reasons. And if you have questions, please ask so I can clarify them.
If most of the people are against the match, then I can change it to the one-on-one and triple terror matches.
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!


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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1473 on: March 06, 2010, 11:01:15 AM »
im all with it Dizzle


Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1474 on: March 07, 2010, 02:41:34 AM »
<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>
*WCCWF World Heavyweight Champion Sikotic makes his way down to the ring in his coat made of endangered white tiger as fireworks go off and $100 bills fall from the sky. He hops into the ring and poses on the turnbuckle with his belt in his arms. He hops off and grabs a mic*

Cut my music......cut the damn music. Now I am pissed. Damn pissed. I am the World Heavyweight Champion. The franchise of this damn company. The cream of the crop. A standard above the rest.......and my match is not the main attraction? It's like my match is  less important than the clusterfuck known as the "Five Card Draw" that's taking place in less than a month. Hell, you could put my match with Grim on WCCWF Superstars and nobody would even tune in to watch me wipe the floor with the jabroni. This disappoints me because I worked too damn hard to become the most dominant champion in WCCWF history. Let's not forget my history around here. When I was out to please the crowd, I was damn near going to retire because of my losing streak. Now look at me: a complete 180 from where I once was almost 4 years ago. I have evolved into the best in the world in such a short time.

But look Grim......I'm sure you feel the same. Even though I consider you a burnt dead piece of crap, at least you earned your shot at the title and you have been consistent throughout 2009-2010, minus our attempts to kill you. I'm a man, and I can give you credit for that. As pathetic as you are, you deserve to be in this position in the main event at WrestleRampage. And I am also sure you are not happy that these young sons of bitches think they can outperform us with their spotfest clusterfuck of a Five Card Draw. So I ask you this Grim: what can we do to upstage these sons of bitches? How can we put our match in the marquee?

Get back to me you dead bastard. For once, I am curious to see what your dead ass has in mind.

*Sik leaves the ring as his theme plays with the crowd stunned at the fact that Sik actually is considering the opinion of his opponent for once in his career*
« Last Edit: March 07, 2010, 02:55:28 AM by Sikotic »
My Chihuahuas Are Eternal



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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1475 on: March 07, 2010, 12:42:19 PM »
Sikotic runs into A.G, Scott Hall and Sean Waltman backstage

Hey, Sikoitc great little rant you just did there. Way to sell yourself. But when you want a real match and give the people what they want ill be here. Im the future of this place. You are a living legend in this company. I would love nothing better then to destroy you and take your title. Whenever your ready punk.

A.G. spits on Sikotic, Sean Waltman then gives him a jumping roundhouse kick to the face and Scot Hall starts choking him out

Scott Hall:
Its nothing personal, its nothing personal, its just business

M-Dogg and the Luche's run out to rescue Sikotic and A.G. and The Band takes off with Sikotics rare tiger coat


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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1476 on: March 12, 2010, 08:57:41 PM »
<a href=";hl=en_US&amp;fs=1" target="_blank" class="new_win">;hl=en_US&amp;fs=1</a>

A.G's theme goes off and the crowd goes wild. A.G. drives into the stadium in his new Mercedes Benz, draped in platinum and diamond jewelery

Yes the rumors are true. I have just signed the highest paying contract in WCCWF history. Dizzle made a smart move by signing me to a long term contract. Now that im also the highest paid wrestler to ever be in the WCCWF i wanna spread the wealth

100 bills fall from the ceiling

While old ass M-dogg and Wykid and Nelson are still fighting for table scraps. Im getting paid millions just making this appearance. I just bought Scott Hall and XPac the best weed in all of California. Anyways im done gloating for the mean time. I want to accept the Five Card draw match and win a title from one of these broke degenerates. 

A.G. hops into his Mercedes as the crowd cheers "Go A.G, Go A.G"

Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1477 on: March 13, 2010, 02:04:04 PM »
*The lights in the building go out as King Grim's theme hits the speakers. The crowd starts cheering for Grim as he makes his way out in his royal, gothic attire and scythe in hand. MC and JL note that Grim will address Sikotic's statement. MC and JL also note that this will be the first time Grim will speak to the public since his time here. Grim enters the ring and sets off a large pyro as the crowd cheers him on. Grim grabs a mic as the crowd settles down, waiting to hear Grim speak.

Since the dawn of time, mankind has had to face adversity through various situations and events that take place. Those who rise up to the occasion by looking deep down into their very souls and pulling out whatever they thought they weren't capable of are the ones who survived on went on to achieve greatness. Mahatma Gandhi did it; Martin Luther King did it; Terry Fox did it. In the wrestling world, there have also been many wrestlers that have reached the pinnacle of success. But only a few have had the courage to attempt one of the most grueling matches in the industry. This match has made them reach into themselves and force them not to quit despite the brutality their body has suffered.

WWE's Bragging Rights 2009: John Cena vs. Randy Orton for the WWE Title. Monday Night Raw on July 26th, 2004: Chris Benoit vs. HHH for the World Heavyweight Title. Smackdown on September 18th, 2003: Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle for the WWE Title. Judgment Day 2000: HHH vs. The Rock for WWE Title. And finally, an all time classic; WrestleMania XXII: Shawn Michaels vs. Bret Hart for the WWE Title.

*The crowd cheers when Grim mentions HBK and Bret Hart.*

All of these superstars have competed in a certain match that took their career to new heights. A match that has never taken place thus far in the WCCWF. Sikotic, you want to know what kind of match I'm thinking of in this demented mind of mine? Its pretty simple. The only match that is suitable for WrestleRampage is an IRON MAN MATCH!!

*The crowd starts a "HOLY SHIT!!" chant after Grim's suggestion.*

You see Sikotic, you and I still have a hefty score to settle. Survival of the Sadistic, 2008. There was treason committed. You, M Dogg, Lucifer, and Mo Dizzle all conspired against my and tried to take me out. But you cannot destroy something that you do not understand. Lucifer learned that in the KOTR Tournament and after our Inferno Match. M Dogg also learned that in the KOTR Tournament and during the Battle of the Barons. And now, Sikotic; now its time for YOU to learn that. Fate had already decided that you and I would square off; it was just a matter of timing before it would occur. And now at WrestleRampage, whether you agree to the match or a different match, I will finalize my revenge and reclaim what is mine: THE WCCWF WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!!

*Grim then drops the mic. He raises his arms and sets off another huge pyro before exiting the ring. The fans cheer for Grim while he makes his way to the back as MC and JL mention that the challenge is now out there and we only await Sikotic's response.*
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!


Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1478 on: March 14, 2010, 04:19:02 AM »
*Sikotic is in the back with Josh Matthews as he seeks Sik's reaction to the Iron Man Match challenge*

All bullshit aside, I know you and me have some deep history Grim. However, I am surprised you had the balls to request such a barbaric, heinous match as an Iron Man match. Now don't get me wrong, I always knew you were a tough son of a bitch, but I have a new found respect for you after this. No man would request such a match without being mentally and physically prepared.

Now as I'm sure you know, neither of us will be the same after this match takes place. Not just our careers, but our very lives will take a different course after this. If you win, you would have achieved complete retribution for the devastation we caused you back in 2008. If I win, I will prove that I am the most dominant champion in WCCWF history. We both have our careers depending on this match, and the fact that you decided on such a grueling contest gains my respect instead of my ridicule.

This Monday, I say we have the contract signing and meet face-to-face before our encounter. However, don't forget this, Grim. You may have gained my respect, but I have not and I never will lay down for anyone. You're gonna have to damn near kill me and put me out of commission permanently to win this damn match at WrestleRampage. I hope you're ready because I've been waiting my entire damn life for a challenge like this.

See you at the contract signing, Big Boy.

*Sik leaves the backstage arena with M Dogg and their escorts*
My Chihuahuas Are Eternal


Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1479 on: March 20, 2010, 06:48:55 PM »
*Beware hits the speakers as we see Mo Z. Dizzle making his way to the ring with a neck brace. The fans boo Dizzle as MC and JL note that Dizzle is still suffering injuries at the hands of Tha Band. Dizzle makes his way to the ring in a less than normal manner. We see the ring set up with a red ring mat, a table with a red cloth over it, two leather chairs, a contract, a pen, and three mics. Dizzle enters the ring and grabs one of the mics.*

Dizzle: Good evening ladies and gentlemen. As you know, in less than 10 days the WCCWF will hold the greatest spectacle in sports history: WrestleRampage!!

*The crowd cheers for WrestleRampage.*

Dizzle: And in the main event, we will see the 2010 Great Battle winner, Grim, take on the WCCWF World Heavyweight Champion, Sikotic. This won't be any regular match though. This will be an Iron Man Match!! And tonight, we will have the contract signing. So introducing first, the 2010 Great Battle Winner, King Grim!!

*The lights in the building go out as King Grim's theme plays. Grim makes his way out in his royal, gothic attire and scythe in hand. The fans cheer for Grim as he comes to the ring. Grim enters the ring and sets off a pyro in normal fashion. Grim then walks over to the table, briefly stares at Dizzle (who looks back nervously), and takes a seat.*

Dizzle: And now introducing the WCCWF World Heavyweight Champion, Sikotic!!

*Sikotic's theme plays and the fans boo him heavily. Sikotic makes his way out in a fur coat, sunglasses, and the WCCWF Title hanging over his left shoulder. Sikotic enters the ring, climbs to the second turnbuckle, and raises his belt high as the fans continue booing him. Sikotic then walks over towards the table, shakes hands with Dizzle, puts his belt on the table, and takes a seat.*

Dizzle: Now gentlemen, the rules are pretty simple. You two will be in a match for 60 minutes. The one who has the most victories at the end of the 60 minutes, no matter how you get them, will be the winner and more importantly, the WCCWF World Heavyweight Champion. In the event of a tie, there will be a sudden death overtime where the person who scores a victory first will become the WCCWF Champion. After every decision, there will be a 1-minute break. We'll begin with the WCCWF Champion. You can also choose to say whatever you'd like to Grim at this time, Sikotic.

*Sikotic takes the contract and the pen; he looks briefly at the contract, then flips through the pages and signs it. Sikotic then picks up a mic.*

Sikotic: There isn't much left to say. Like I've said before, me and you have had some deep history. But one thing has remained consistent thoughout history is me kicking your ass over and over again!! Most people learn after one, maybe two times. But your stupid, fire-wielding, Halloween character ass keeps coming back for more. You should have learned after Survival of the Sadistic and stayed away from the WCCWF for good. But you came back, looking for revenge. You got some against that other demented freak-a-zoid Lucfier; and then you BARELY got some against M Dogg, who could destroy you without breaking a sweat. And now you're looking to get some revenge against me? While I'm at my best? Let me remind you Grim, I've held this title since WR3, with the brief exception where some deformed morons cost me the title. Now, if you couldn't beat me when I was climbing to the top, what makes you think you can beat me now, when I've only just entered my prime?? At WR4, I'll put you out of your pathetic misery of a life - for GOOD!!

*Sikotic slams the mic on the table, and shoves the contract over to Grim. Grim picks up the pen, flips through the pages, and signs the contract. Grim then picks up a mic.*

Grim: It is true, you have beaten me in the past. But let me remind YOU that I have also beaten you in the past. One of my WCCWF US Title reigns came after defeating you. And let me remind you of another thing: I made history at Battle of the Barons by entering at #1 and WINNING the match against 39 other competitors!! I'm already used to surviving a brutal environment, something which you haven't been a part of. Like I said before, it was already destined for you and me to square off; just the timing remained. Now, at WR4, the grandest stage of them ALL, I WILL GET MY REVENGE AND TAKE AWAY YOUR TITLE!! And Dizzle, I'll deal with you after I destroy Sikotic!!

*Grim then slams down the mic and stands up, looking at Sikotic.*

Dizzle: You listen to me, your big stupid freak!! I'm the one that brought you into the WCCWF, and I can easilly take y..

*As Dizzle is talking, Grim grabs him by the throat. Sikotic then grabs the title and nails Grim in the head with it to make Grim breaks his hold. As Grim staggers back, Sikotic grabs the table and turns it over. Sikotic then goes over towards Grim and nails a few punches and kicks. Sikotic then whips Grim into the ropes and tries a clothesline, but Grim ducks; as Grim comes off the opposite ropes, Grim nails a flying clothesline! Sikotic and Grim get up again. Grim nails a a big boot to Sikotic's face. As Sikotic gets up again, Grim grabs him by the throat. Dizzle comes from behind and hits a low blow on Grim to break the hold again. Sikotic then kicks Grim gut to knock Grim onto his knees. Sikotic and Dizzle then set the table up. Sikotic nails a couple more forearm shots on Grim and brings him by the table. Sikotic then sets Grim up and delivers the Sik Bottom through the table. The crowd looks in shock and boo Dizzle and Sikotic. Sikotic picks up the WCCWF Title. Dizzle and Sikotic then raise their arms over the fallen Grim as the crowd continues to boo Dizzle and Sikotic. MC and JL summarize what happened here as officials come out to help Grim out.*
« Last Edit: March 23, 2010, 09:44:07 PM by Mo Z. Dizzle »
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

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  • Mo Z. Dizzle, the CEO of WCC Wrestling League
Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1480 on: March 24, 2010, 11:17:24 AM »
*A video recap shows the result of the contract signing where Sikotic put Grim through the table with a Sik Bottom last week. "Beware" hits the speakers as Mo Z. Dizzle makes his way to the ring, still with the neck brace around his neck. Dizzle enters the ring as the fans boo him heavily. Dizzle grabs a mic and begins to speak.*

Dizzle: Good evening ladies and gentlemen. This Sunday will be the biggest show in the industry, WrestleRampage 4!! As you know, we already have two huge matches booked. The first match will be the Five Card Draw match where the WCCWF US and Canadian Titles will be on the line. As well, we will see King Grim challenge Sikotic for the WCCWF World Heavyweight Title in an Iron Man Match. I can't WAIT to see Sikotic destroy Grim and M Dogg destroy the other competitors in their respective matches!!

*The crowd boos Dizzle some more.*

Dizzle: You can boo all you want. But we all know the reason you people are here is to see Sikotic and M Dogg. I, however, have given both guys a much deserved night off so that they can prepare for their matches this Sunday. Now speaking of this Sunday, there is one match everybody is still wondering about: the Money in the Bank Ladder Match. The winner of the match is guaranteed a WCCWF World Heavyweight Title shot anytime in the 4 events after WR4. So who are the competitors?

Well firstly, we will see Scott Hall and Syxx-Pac as two participants in the match. Since they want to stick their nose in WCCWF business, they might as well make me some money and make themselves useful for once in their lives!!

As for the other participants...three participants from the Five Card Draw will also be entered into the match. Who will be these three? Its pretty simple really. The three participants who ARE NOT the winner OR loser will be in the match. So basically, the three guys who do not pin their opponent / make their opponent submit OR who are not pinned / tap out to the winner will be entered into the match!!

As for the fi...

*As Dizzle is talking, the lights go out and we see a pyro explode, and then Undertaker's theme hits the speakers. The BoD make their way to the ring as the fans explode in cheers while Dizzle looks on nervously. The BoD enter the ring and Undertaker brings the lights back on in the building. Taker grabs a mic and begins to speak.*

Undertaker: For the past few weeks, me and my brother Kane have been causing havoc in the WCCWF. We've chokeslammed various WCCWF stars with the intent of attracting your attention. And while we got it somewhat, we thought it was best to come out here and talk to you face-to-face.

Dizzle: I'm - I'm lis-listening. Go ahead.

Undertaker: Its pretty simple what we want. WR4. Money in the Bank, usually consisting of 6 superstars. Kane and I propose make it an 8-man match. And the two participants will be myself and Kane!!

Dizzle: Why do you guys want to enter the MITB match? And what if I refuse?

Undertaker: Simply put, in our illustrious careers we lack winning the WCCWF World Heavyweight Title. And w ewant an opportunity at that. If you refuse? Well, kane will show you what'll happen.

*Kane sets off another pyro as Dizzle looks scared.*

Dizzle: Alright, this year's MITB will be an 8-man match. The Undertaker and Kane will be participants in the match!

Undertaker: I thought you'd make that decision.

*The lights go out again. Undertaker gong plays and the lights come back on, but the BoD have disappeared.*

Dizzle: That was a close call. Now for the final participant. There will be a five-man battle royal at WR4 to determine who is entered as the final participant. It will be Lucifer vs. HD. vs. MGA vs. Dollar Bill vs. Still Dre. So there you have it folks. That is our MITB match!! Thank you and have a nice day!!

*Dizzle drops the mic as "Beware" plays. As Dizzle heads to exit the ring. we hear another pyro explode and the lights go out. When the lights come back on, we see see Grim in the ring behind Dizzle. The crowd explodes in cheers. Grim turns Dizzle around and delivers a Chokeslam!! Grim then grabs Dizzle and puts Dizzle on his shoulder. The lights go out again. Another pyro explodes and the lights are back on with Dizzle and Grim no where to be seen. MC and JL note that it looks like Dizzle has been abducted by Grim.*
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!


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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1481 on: March 24, 2010, 11:24:25 AM »
see Dizzle if you had the Wolfpack on your side that would of never have happened

but anyways im ready to win a title

Mo Z. Dizzle

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  • Mo Z. Dizzle, the CEO of WCC Wrestling League
Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1482 on: March 24, 2010, 11:37:29 AM »
see Dizzle if you had the Wolfpack on your side that would of never have happened

but anyways im ready to win a title

I have a lot to think about now. It will make for good storylines.

I'll post the card details tonight; have to go to work now lol.
I'll be sending three reminders for WM26 predictions.
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

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  • Mo Z. Dizzle, the CEO of WCC Wrestling League
Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1483 on: March 25, 2010, 09:30:38 AM »
WWE WrestleMania 26 Card (written in order of importance)

Career vs. Streak - Win by Pin or Submission only
HBK vs. Undertaker

World Title Match
Y2J (c) vs. Edge

WWE Title Match
Batista (c) vs. Cena

No Holds Barred
Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon

MITB Ladder Match
Christian vs. MVP vs. Swagger vs. Bourne vs. Kofi vs. Kane vs. Ziggler vs. M.Hardy vs. Benjamin vs. McIntyre
**Just predict the winner
**You can predict two choices; your first choice will give you one extra point

Punk vs. Mysterio

Triple Threat Match
Orton vs. Rhodes vs. DiBiase

Unified Tag Team Titles Match
ShoMiz vs. Morrison / R-Truth

HHH vs. Sheamus


WCCWF WrestleRampage Card

Five Card Draw - WCCWF US Title and WCCWF Canadian Title on the line
M Dogg (c) vs. AG vs. P. Nelson vs. E-Crazy vs. Wykid (c)
**The people who don't win or lose will be entered into the MITB Match

Five-Man Battle Royal - Winner is entered into the MITB Match
MGA vs. HD vs. Still Dre vs. Dollar Bill vs. Lucifer

Money In The Bank Ladder Match
Scott Hall vs. Syxx-Pac vs. Kane vs. Undertaker vs. ?? vs. ?? vs. ?? vs. ??
Match Criteria:
Rules:   Predict winner (2 points)
Predict how they win – pin, submission, DQ or knockout (1 point)

WCCWF World Heavyweight Title - Iron Man Match
Sikotic (c) vs. King Grim
Match Criteria:
Predict winner (5 points)
Predict how they win – pin, submission, DQ or knockout (3 points)
Predict what kind of win it is – clean or dirty (2 points)


Due Date: Sunday March 28th 2010 at 6PM EST
Reminder being sent Friday night, Saturday evening, and Sunday morning
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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  • Mo Z. Dizzle, the CEO of WCC Wrestling League
Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1484 on: March 25, 2010, 10:53:17 PM »
King Grim's Predictions:

HBK vs. Undertaker = Undertaker wins; pin; clean
Y2J vs. Edge = Edge wins; pin; clean
Cena vs. Batista = Cena wins; pin; clean
Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon = Bret Hart wins; submission; clean
MITB Ladder Match:
Choice 1 - McIntyre
Choice 2 - Christian
Punk vs. Mysterio = Mysterio wins; pin; dirty
Orton vs. Rhodes vs. DiBiase = Orton wins; pin; clean
ShoMiz vs. Morrison / R-Truth - ShoMiz win; pin; clean
HHH vs. Sheamus = Sheamus wins; pin dirty


Lucifer's Predictions:

HBK vs. Undertaker = Undertaker wins; pin; clean
Y2J vs. Edge = Edge wins; pin; clean
Cena vs. Batista = Cena wins; pin; clean
Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon = Bret Hart wins; submission; dirty
MITB Ladder Match:
Choice 1 - McIntyre
Choice 2 - Benjamin
Punk vs. Mysterio = Punk wins; pin; dirty
Orton vs. Rhodes vs. DiBiase = Orton wins; pin; clean
ShoMiz vs. Morrison / R-Truth - ShoMiz win; pin; dirty
HHH vs. Sheamus = Sheamus wins; pin dirty


Due date: Sunday March 28th, 2010 at 6PM EST
All predictions are in.
All reminders have been sent.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2010, 12:24:04 PM by Mo Z. Dizzle »
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!