Author Topic: Mobb_Deep-Blood_Money-2006  (Read 3109 times)

The "Untouchable" DJR

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Re: Mobb_Deep-Blood_Money-2006
« Reply #105 on: April 21, 2006, 01:42:39 PM »
1. I wouldn't consider it dead besidez tha Mobb alwayz had itz core fan base, I'm not a hardcore Mobb Deep fan myself but I thought Amerikaz Nightmare was dope (matter of taste I guess)..

Maybe calling it "dead" would be an exaggeration, but commercially, Mobb Deep's career was most def on life support before 50 signed them.  It still is, actually, but at least the chances of recovery seem higher now than they did only about a year ago.  "Amerikaz Nightmare" was a much better album than "Infamy", but the public simply wasn't interested (and neither were a lot of Mobb fans, actually, if the reviews were any indication).

2. I'm not talkin' bout tha muzik what went through ur mind when U first heard Mobb Deep was gonna sign 2 G-unit (same 4 M.O.P.)? In my opinion Mobb Deep (and M.O.P. 4 that matter) simply do NOT belong on tha G-Unit roster! Okay so their career went downhill next thang U know they signed 2 G-Unit??! C'mon mane...

Wait a sec...back the FUCK up, young blood.  You ain't talkin about the music?  If so, then why the hell should I care?  See, this is why so-called "hip-hop heads" like yourself are far more shallow than you claim you are...It's very clear to me that like most suburban kids who ain't ever seen a housing project in their lives, your sole concern with Mobb Deep is their "street cred", and that the only thing you hate about them being on G-Unit is that it seems to threaten their street cred.

This is what makes me a true Mobb fan...I am only concerned with one thing, the only thing a fan of any group should be concerned with: The quality of their music.  These other cats are just upset they're signing with a label associated with "pop".

3. People like U really need 2 think b4 sayin' somethin' so cliche and stupid like that! <<<Nuff said about this...

Nah, I know exactly what I'm talking about.  You think I haven't seen enough of your kind by now?

First of all I'mma be honest wit U:

I really really dislike 50 and G-Unit and tha fact that they've got tha rap game on lock 4 several yearz now really really botherz me, now I'm not gonna front I LIKED 50 when I first heard him on Onyx'z React and when How To Rob came out, I bought those on vinyl along wit Thug Luv and I was really anticipatin' Columbia releasin' that Power Of The Dollar EP. I don't know quite how 2 explain this but ever since 50 signed wit Dre and Em and blew up big time I started 2 dislike him more and more, now ur rite about tha muzik aspect cause that comez first but I simply did NOT like Get Rich Or Die Trying (tha beatz, tha lyricz nah I wasn't feelin' it) and I also didn't like tha rapperz (Banks, Yayo and them) he brought along and tha whole vibe that went wit it... Fair enuff rite? Okay so I'm not feelin' Curtis' muzik anymore look what happened ever since Get Rich Or Die Trying came out: he goes on a rampage against other artistz 4 no apparent reason at all but 2 start up beef (controversy sells) and not tha least of artistz I might add, his muzik becomez more and more sing along rap 4 which he critized Ja Rule and The Inc so much 4 in tha first place, his outrageous commentz he makez in tha media don't help either etc etc etc... 2 sum it all up I don't like tha whole aura surroundin' G-Unit AND tha muzik they put out and I'm not hoppin' on tha fuck 50 bandwagon here this was my opinion waaay b4 G-Unot, tha Kiss beef, tha Joe beef etc...

On tha Mobb Deep thang:  

I haven't heard 1  Mobb Deep G-Unit song (save 4 Outta Control) so I can't really comment on tha musical side of thangz BUT besidez all of tha above I think Efrain (look up his post) said it best about Prod and Hav sacrifyin' their ARTISTIC style 4 stardom and fame, whether they got sum good jointz on that album or not 2 me, and this iz my personal opinion, itz also about what an artist makez U feel like... Now I assume this iz probably just sum bullshit 2 U but itz also a matter of principle 4 me not 2 go out and support that Mobb Deep G-Unit album because of that, I think (again this iz just my opinion) tha quality of an artist'z muzik iz tied in wit tha artist'z motivation 4 doin' certain thangz and rite now Mobb Deep iz not doin' tha rite thang! And I'm not talkin' bout Mobb Deep'z street cred I'm talkin' bout Mobb Deep'z reason 4 makin' certain decisionz AND tha place they decided 2 go... I'm dissapointed that they and M.O.P. as well decided 2 take that route and where they ended up bein' on...

On tha (white) suburban kid thang:

Lemme make it very clear here that I'm not pretendin' 2 be a thug, gangsta or whatever or claimin' 2 be from tha ghetto I'm not even from tha US! I'm perfectly aware however that tha line between fact and fiction should NOT be crossed and that violence within tha hip hop industry AND tha African American communtiez iz a very serious matter that should not be taken lightly nor should it be glorified or looked upon as somethang that iz just entertainment! And yes I AM a hip hop fan been so ever since 1986, I am NOT glorifyin' (gang) violence, I do NOT condone video gamez like GTA: SA or tha True Crime seriez or any other "urban" (hate that word) video game that exploitz tha real life experiencez in certain partz of tha US, I do NOT glorify "hood" (also hate that word) moviez like Menace II Society and Boyz N The Hood by thinkin' that tha eventz that are played out in those moviez are kool or whatever... I am also very well aware of tha fact that tha form of muzik I happen 2 luv involvez greater and more serious issuez than just entertainment and on that note I think thatz why hip hop iz a special form of art where certain thangz should be takin' into consideration... Everytime I read an article or watched sumthang on tv/dvd dealin' wit hip hop regarding violence or issuez havin' 2 do wit (young) black people in Amerika I think 2 myself that 4 sum people this iz real life shit, be it Pac'z murder, all tha beefz, tha "keep it real" motto etc.
So regarding that comment U made about me tryin' so hard 2 be "black" just because of tha way I type doesn't automatically mean I am that kind that U've seen enuff of...

Sorry 4 bein' off topic U can now continue discussin' Mobb Deep'z Blood Money...


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Re: Mobb_Deep-Blood_Money-2006
« Reply #106 on: April 21, 2006, 02:12:50 PM »
mobb sound sick over that daydreamin beat, that beat is serious ill, the beat sounds crazy, not really impressed with alot of the tracks i heard so far though just going through with quik listens, im skipping alot of shit half way through, suprising for me, the production has let it down so far, sounds kinda stale, thought im just giving it a quik listen at the moment