Author Topic: Should we legalize drugs?  (Read 5448 times)


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Re: Should we legalize drugs?
« Reply #60 on: May 03, 2006, 05:51:23 PM »
The only reason a bong is hurting your throats is most likely because you take in a lot more smoke at once with a bong. Bongs also DO NOT waste less weed, they wast the most weed, because you're burning the weed directly with a flame...Lets see how many more "rumors" I can disprove in this thread...

joints are burning constantly, you have smoke which goes into the air which is un-smoked. if you smoke a bong slowly, you will smoke every last granule of it. without wasting it unless you cough it out.

when you smoke bongs, the smoke reaches parts of your lungs which joints/blunts/pipes cant reach. you take in more smoke, and the smoke travels deaper. you also get water vapour in your lungs from the smoke passing through h20.

ask anyone that takes drugs, what has greater side effects, coke or ecstacy. ecstacy is even graded class B drug, not like free-base, coke, crack coke, ice or heroin, all of these are class A drugs.

Okay, I'm sorry, but you're just ignorant. Even when they sell you a bong, they have signs that tell you how "water-pipes" filter the smoke and remove 50% of toxins from smoke. I didn't even think this was debatable, when you're smoking a joint, it's not filtered whatsoever, the smoke is passing straight into your lungs, which is really bad for you. I can't even believe I'm debating this...And I can't believe I have to debate whether ecstacy is worse for you than coke...WCC is a funny place...LOL

oh yes, because smoke passing through water is a magical filter... think before you speak. it makes it smoother thats true, doesnt mean it's safer.

and coke has far worse ramifications mentally than ecstasy.

Don Seer

Re: Should we legalize drugs?
« Reply #61 on: May 04, 2006, 12:03:14 AM »
^ yeah.. water is the 'safest' way to _still_ inhale toxins ???  hehe

i guess its like tobacco tho. some people some ciggies all their life and are fine.. others get lung cancer and die.. its a lottery.. all you're doing is decreasing your odds of 'losing'.

patients dont gert heroin they get morphine which is not the same thing as heroin (diacetylmorphine)

Surely the effects are similar though?

but without the massive addiction..

i was so shitfaced i need a wheel chair.. mad huh..  i'd only been overnight to have a operation on a tooth..


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Re: Should we legalize drugs?
« Reply #62 on: May 04, 2006, 10:19:18 AM »
Quote from: Habeeb Chief Mohammed Chubacca Imam Wookie Hadooken
a bong is definetly not 'healthier'.. ask your G.P.

and drugs shouldnt be legalized, you could 'de-criminalize' certain drugs, such as weed and ecstacy... but having coke, crack, ice or heroin legalized, thats just asking for trouble.

there have been several studies on the matter, which have revealed a decrease in carcinogenic particles in the smoke, decrease in compounds that induce a catatonic state (so it's a cleaner high), and a reduce in particles that are detrimental to the immune system.  the conclusion is that water filtration is the safest way to smoke marijuana (or tobacco).

here's a paper on the issue:

here are highlights, i've edited it for brevity.  the original paper has references to the original studies.

In the late 1970's, a group based at the University of Athens Medical School (Greece) conducted a series of chemical and pharmacological studies on marijuana and tobacco smoke. <snip>Pharmacological tests (in mice) revealed that some of the water-trapped marijuana compounds were responsible for producing catatonia and for suppressing spontaneous motor activity. In contrast, the water-filtered smoke itself did not affect spontaneous motor activity and did not induce catatonia, though it was richer in THC.
Research has shown that water filtration reduces both the amount of particulate matter and the number and quantity of toxic substances in the smoke that passes through it. In a 1963 study by Hoffman et al.,5 the water pipe was found to retain 90% of the phenol and 50% of the particulate matter and benzo-a-pyrene of the original tobacco smoke. In another study,6 tobacco smoke components that were passed through a water pipe showed only a minor hyperplasic reaction and no sebaceous gland destruction when they were painted onto mouse skin.
Recently, Dr. Gary Huber at the University of Texas and colleagues from Harvard's School of Public Health conducted a cellular toxicity study of marijuana and tobacco smoke.8 This research group showed that passing marijuana or tobacco smoke through water, or even exposing the smoke to a wetted surface of about 48 square inches, effectively removed substances (acrolein and acetaldehyde) which are toxic to alveolar macrophages. Alveolar macrophages are one of the major defense cells of the lung and are an important component of the immune system.
In summary, it appears that water filtration can be effective in removing components from marijuana smoke that are known toxicants, while allowing the THC to pass through relatively intact. <snip> While individuals vary greatly in their smoking technique, state of health, dosing regimen, and so on, it seems that many patients could benefit from the use of water pipes to deliver THC. This would allow patients to titrate their dose easily while reducing the health hazard associated with smoke.

Thank you! I didn't really think it took research to figure that out, LOL. I knew that shit when I was 5.


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Re: Should we legalize drugs?
« Reply #63 on: May 04, 2006, 10:27:31 AM »

Both Bad, but since they are both legal I indulge in both. Neither helps out society like weed could, but dumb ass people who do dumb ass things fuck it up for the people who need it. No one needs to drink or smoke ciggarettes, but people do it and it has become acceptable in society to drink and "be merry" and smoke cigarettes and it will not happen with weed unless the people who are using it that dont need it stop. I am FOR legalizing weed, but only for the people who need it.

LMAO. You smoke cigarettes and drink because it's acceptable??...YOU'RE STRAIGHT WEAKSAUCE, SON.

please kid, i was making a point, idiots like you who abuse something that has a potential to help someone live a little longer or not suffer should be shot in the face, your a pathetic excuse for a life.

You're point is about as dumb as it gets. How do I abuse weed? LMAO. Because I enjoy smoking it? Your point is that someone who smokes weed for enjoyment is a "pathetic piece of life"...Your 'points' are moronic, and your brain level is equivelant to that of a monkey's, which is why no one has any respect for you... :-*
hahaha, you trying to justify yourself is hilarious

All The People at the city of hope who really would like to have some weed to help their stomach cancer or help their glaucoma really cant, because dumbfucks like you who get caught with weed, baggies and a scale give weed a bad really have no use for weed, other than for "Enjoyment", they have a need for it, they cant use it, You ARE a pathetic excuse for a life because you will continue to Use it and not give a fuck.

WHAT A MORON! LMAO...I don't live my life according to laws. If I want to smoke weed, I smoke weed. I'm not a fucking fruitcup like you who only does things because they're legal, I have a mind of my own and I make my own rules. You, on the other hand, don't have a brain AT ALL, so you need laws to tell you what's right and what's wrong. If I want to smoke weed, I do it. If the government wants to outlaw weed for people who need it for health concerns because I enjoy it, how the FUCK is that my fault? That's the fucking governments fault, you dumbshit...People should be able to smoke weed whenever they want. On top of that, you can still get a cannabis club card and smoke legaly in California, you fucking IDIOT. I am a pathetic excuse for a human life because I smoke weed and don't give a fuck? Dude, do you know you're the dumbest guy alive? I know I say this to you a lot, but it's 100% the truth...I've never met anyone whos thoughts are as dumb as yours. How the hell do you survive in this world with such a horrible brain? I'd hate to be you...


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Re: Should we legalize drugs?
« Reply #64 on: May 04, 2006, 10:28:56 AM »
The only reason a bong is hurting your throats is most likely because you take in a lot more smoke at once with a bong. Bongs also DO NOT waste less weed, they wast the most weed, because you're burning the weed directly with a flame...Lets see how many more "rumors" I can disprove in this thread...

joints are burning constantly, you have smoke which goes into the air which is un-smoked. if you smoke a bong slowly, you will smoke every last granule of it. without wasting it unless you cough it out.

when you smoke bongs, the smoke reaches parts of your lungs which joints/blunts/pipes cant reach. you take in more smoke, and the smoke travels deaper. you also get water vapour in your lungs from the smoke passing through h20.

ask anyone that takes drugs, what has greater side effects, coke or ecstacy. ecstacy is even graded class B drug, not like free-base, coke, crack coke, ice or heroin, all of these are class A drugs.

Okay, I'm sorry, but you're just ignorant. Even when they sell you a bong, they have signs that tell you how "water-pipes" filter the smoke and remove 50% of toxins from smoke. I didn't even think this was debatable, when you're smoking a joint, it's not filtered whatsoever, the smoke is passing straight into your lungs, which is really bad for you. I can't even believe I'm debating this...And I can't believe I have to debate whether ecstacy is worse for you than coke...WCC is a funny place...LOL

oh yes, because smoke passing through water is a magical filter... think before you speak. it makes it smoother thats true, doesnt mean it's safer.

and coke has far worse ramifications mentally than ecstasy.

Are you okay? Someone just posted a fucking article for you which contained proof, genius. How can you argue research? You're ignorant, stop spreading misinformation... :-X


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Re: Should we legalize drugs?
« Reply #65 on: May 04, 2006, 04:23:20 PM »
The only reason a bong is hurting your throats is most likely because you take in a lot more smoke at once with a bong. Bongs also DO NOT waste less weed, they wast the most weed, because you're burning the weed directly with a flame...Lets see how many more "rumors" I can disprove in this thread...

joints are burning constantly, you have smoke which goes into the air which is un-smoked. if you smoke a bong slowly, you will smoke every last granule of it. without wasting it unless you cough it out.

when you smoke bongs, the smoke reaches parts of your lungs which joints/blunts/pipes cant reach. you take in more smoke, and the smoke travels deaper. you also get water vapour in your lungs from the smoke passing through h20.

ask anyone that takes drugs, what has greater side effects, coke or ecstacy. ecstacy is even graded class B drug, not like free-base, coke, crack coke, ice or heroin, all of these are class A drugs.

Okay, I'm sorry, but you're just ignorant. Even when they sell you a bong, they have signs that tell you how "water-pipes" filter the smoke and remove 50% of toxins from smoke. I didn't even think this was debatable, when you're smoking a joint, it's not filtered whatsoever, the smoke is passing straight into your lungs, which is really bad for you. I can't even believe I'm debating this...And I can't believe I have to debate whether ecstacy is worse for you than coke...WCC is a funny place...LOL

oh yes, because smoke passing through water is a magical filter... think before you speak. it makes it smoother thats true, doesnt mean it's safer.

and coke has far worse ramifications mentally than ecstasy.

Are you okay? Someone just posted a fucking article for you which contained proof, genius. How can you argue research? You're ignorant, stop spreading misinformation... :-X

ok but my g.p told me bongs are worse, the smoke travels deeper into the lungs.

still, youre wrong about bongs wasting weed.


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Re: Should we legalize drugs?
« Reply #66 on: May 04, 2006, 04:37:40 PM »
The only reason a bong is hurting your throats is most likely because you take in a lot more smoke at once with a bong. Bongs also DO NOT waste less weed, they wast the most weed, because you're burning the weed directly with a flame...Lets see how many more "rumors" I can disprove in this thread...

joints are burning constantly, you have smoke which goes into the air which is un-smoked. if you smoke a bong slowly, you will smoke every last granule of it. without wasting it unless you cough it out.

when you smoke bongs, the smoke reaches parts of your lungs which joints/blunts/pipes cant reach. you take in more smoke, and the smoke travels deaper. you also get water vapour in your lungs from the smoke passing through h20.

ask anyone that takes drugs, what has greater side effects, coke or ecstacy. ecstacy is even graded class B drug, not like free-base, coke, crack coke, ice or heroin, all of these are class A drugs.

Okay, I'm sorry, but you're just ignorant. Even when they sell you a bong, they have signs that tell you how "water-pipes" filter the smoke and remove 50% of toxins from smoke. I didn't even think this was debatable, when you're smoking a joint, it's not filtered whatsoever, the smoke is passing straight into your lungs, which is really bad for you. I can't even believe I'm debating this...And I can't believe I have to debate whether ecstacy is worse for you than coke...WCC is a funny place...LOL

oh yes, because smoke passing through water is a magical filter... think before you speak. it makes it smoother thats true, doesnt mean it's safer.

and coke has far worse ramifications mentally than ecstasy.

Are you okay? Someone just posted a fucking article for you which contained proof, genius. How can you argue research? You're ignorant, stop spreading misinformation... :-X

ok but my g.p told me bongs are worse, the smoke travels deeper into the lungs.

still, youre wrong about bongs wasting weed.

LMAO. Do I really need to MAKE you admit you were wrong about this one too? Bongs don't waste weed, burning weed with a direct flame does...Once again, it doesn't take a genius to know that...


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Re: Should we legalize drugs?
« Reply #67 on: May 04, 2006, 10:39:01 PM »
The only reason a bong is hurting your throats is most likely because you take in a lot more smoke at once with a bong. Bongs also DO NOT waste less weed, they wast the most weed, because you're burning the weed directly with a flame...Lets see how many more "rumors" I can disprove in this thread...

joints are burning constantly, you have smoke which goes into the air which is un-smoked. if you smoke a bong slowly, you will smoke every last granule of it. without wasting it unless you cough it out.

when you smoke bongs, the smoke reaches parts of your lungs which joints/blunts/pipes cant reach. you take in more smoke, and the smoke travels deaper. you also get water vapour in your lungs from the smoke passing through h20.

ask anyone that takes drugs, what has greater side effects, coke or ecstacy. ecstacy is even graded class B drug, not like free-base, coke, crack coke, ice or heroin, all of these are class A drugs.

Okay, I'm sorry, but you're just ignorant. Even when they sell you a bong, they have signs that tell you how "water-pipes" filter the smoke and remove 50% of toxins from smoke. I didn't even think this was debatable, when you're smoking a joint, it's not filtered whatsoever, the smoke is passing straight into your lungs, which is really bad for you. I can't even believe I'm debating this...And I can't believe I have to debate whether ecstacy is worse for you than coke...WCC is a funny place...LOL

oh yes, because smoke passing through water is a magical filter... think before you speak. it makes it smoother thats true, doesnt mean it's safer.

and coke has far worse ramifications mentally than ecstasy.

Are you okay? Someone just posted a fucking article for you which contained proof, genius. How can you argue research? You're ignorant, stop spreading misinformation... :-X

ok but my g.p told me bongs are worse, the smoke travels deeper into the lungs.

still, youre wrong about bongs wasting weed.

LMAO. Do I really need to MAKE you admit you were wrong about this one too? Bongs don't waste weed, burning weed with a direct flame does...Once again, it doesn't take a genius to know that...

you only light the first part of the cone, then let it char until its ash... amatuers like you probably get too excited and whip it through before it's burnt.

TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96'

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Re: Should we legalize drugs?
« Reply #68 on: May 04, 2006, 11:28:11 PM »
As for legalizing drugs.  It probably depends on the drug.  For example, I consider alcohol to be worse than marijuana.  Allah specifically forbids alcohol in the Qu'ran.  He says in it there is some good, but the bad outwieghs the good, so therefore he forbids it completely.  Allah also mentions obstaining from all things harmful and not letting our own hands contribute to our destruction. 

America has a drug problem that goes deeper than smoking weed and sniffing cocaine.  America is also addicted to perscription drugs and over the counter medicine.  Infact, coffee is a stimulant, and if you took that away from American's for one day this country would shut down.

One thing I don't agree with is throwing all these non-violent drug offenders in prison.  That's attacking an outgrowth of the problem but it's not getting to the root of the tree.  Imam Jamil Al Amin explains beautifully the roots of America's problems with addiction...

"This society arouses within you desires and passions that make you seek to escape reality by being high.  Everything is geared toward keeping you in a state of euphoria.  One holiday follows the next: Christmas to New Years, to Easter, to Mothers Day, to Fathers Day, to the NBA playoffs, to the Superbowl, to the Championship fights, to Olympics.  Everything keeps you high.  Everything is geared towards keeping you away from encountering reality, everything is geared to keep you from remembering God.  The problem is not so much crack and cocaine, but that we live in a system that can infect, that develops within you an appetite to divorce yourself from reality.  Therefore when intoxicants are introduced to you as a physical experience, you have already been conditioned spiritually and mentally.  A condition has been created where you begin to oppress yourself in a state that is unnatural."
« Last Edit: May 04, 2006, 11:33:43 PM by Hajj Ibrahim Islam Abdul-Infinite Abu Muhammad Uthman »
Givin' respect to 2pac September 7th-13th The Day Hip-Hop Died

(btw, Earth 🌎 is not a spinning water ball)

Don Rizzle

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Re: Should we legalize drugs?
« Reply #69 on: May 05, 2006, 01:49:38 AM »
As for legalizing drugs.  It probably depends on the drug.  For example, I consider alcohol to be worse than marijuana.  Allah specifically forbids alcohol in the Qu'ran.  He says in it there is some good, but the bad outwieghs the good, so therefore he forbids it completely.  Allah also mentions obstaining from all things harmful and not letting our own hands contribute to our destruction. 

America has a drug problem that goes deeper than smoking weed and sniffing cocaine.  America is also addicted to perscription drugs and over the counter medicine.  Infact, coffee is a stimulant, and if you took that away from American's for one day this country would shut down.

One thing I don't agree with is throwing all these non-violent drug offenders in prison.  That's attacking an outgrowth of the problem but it's not getting to the root of the tree.  Imam Jamil Al Amin explains beautifully the roots of America's problems with addiction...

"This society arouses within you desires and passions that make you seek to escape reality by being high.  Everything is geared toward keeping you in a state of euphoria.  One holiday follows the next: Christmas to New Years, to Easter, to Mothers Day, to Fathers Day, to the NBA playoffs, to the Superbowl, to the Championship fights, to Olympics.  Everything keeps you high.  Everything is geared towards keeping you away from encountering reality, everything is geared to keep you from remembering God.  The problem is not so much crack and cocaine, but that we live in a system that can infect, that develops within you an appetite to divorce yourself from reality.  Therefore when intoxicants are introduced to you as a physical experience, you have already been conditioned spiritually and mentally.  A condition has been created where you begin to oppress yourself in a state that is unnatural."

drug addicts are usually involved in crime, buglaries theft etc. so yeah prison is where they should be, they probably account for 70% of the crime we have. some addicts evenb agree prison is the best place for them. Personally i don't think we have enough prisons, sentences are too lenient only to stop are prisons overflowing.

One of my old friends (i fell out with him a few months back) went inside because he almost killed someone, to be honest he should of got attempted murder or something, his solicitor even said he should have got that, he beat this guy up with a fence post and then stamped on his head a fair few times. i can't remember the specific charge he was on but it was one of the worst ones, he got minimum sentence 13 months and he was out in 6.

kinda moved off subject there back to the addicts..........

'Send us to jail' women beg judge
Two heroin addicts pleaded with a north Wales judge to send them to jail so they could kick their drugs habits.
The two women, in separate cases, told a district judge at Flintshire on Friday that they would re-offend if they were not given prison sentences.

Georgina Webster, 32, of Ruabon near Wrexham, was jailed for 28 days after she said seven days was too short a sentence.

Sarah Reade, 26, of Mostyn, Flintshire, received three months.

District Judge Andrew Shaw, sitting at Flintshire magistrates court in Mold, said the two cases were classic examples of the way drugs ruined lives.

He said: "People do not realise the effect of drugs. They are really sad cases."

But the probation service and the North East Wales NHS Trust both questioned whether prison was the best place for someone who was trying to beat their addiction.

 The only way I can beat this is to go back to prison
Drug addict Sarah Reade 

Webster said she was getting desperate and was worried what she might do if she stayed out of prison.

She said that the drugs rehabilitation authorities were unable to provide her with a methadone prescription until the end of the month.

Webster told the court: "I know I will re-offend. The only way I can see it out and to protect the general public, the supermarkets and myself is to go to prison."

She admitted theft, being in breach of a conditional discharge, and failing to answer bail on an earlier occasion.

The judge questioned her closely on whether she really knew what she was doing.

But Webster said it was impossible to give up drugs in the community.

She added: "I know what to expect. Being blunt, I am getting to a point where I am afraid of what I might do. I am getting desperate."

"I have been a heroin addict now for nearly seven years. I have never had a break. That is what I need now."

'Doubtful benefit'

Auxiliary nurse Reade also said the only way she could beat her heroin addiction was to go back to prison.

Reade, who brought bags with her into court ready for a prison sentence, admitted handling stolen property, shoplifting, and driving while disqualified.

She told the court: "The only way I can beat this is to go back to prison."

Ray Murphy, assistant chief officer for the probation service in north Wales, said he had no specific knowledge of the two cases, but told the BBC the women might have the chance in prison to "de-tox in forced circumstances".

But he cautioned: "Prisons have a reputation for being places where you can get drugs of the soft kind or the harder kind - that's what offenders say.

 I would urge the two ladies to contact the drug service for wherever they live
NHS service manager Godfrey Hayes 

"I guess sending two women to prison for six weeks might well serve as a punishment and to protect the public but as far as rehabilitation is concerned it's of doubtful benefit."

Mr Murphy told the BBC News website that if her sentence had a condition of attending a rehabilitation programme, the probation service would "see to that immediately".

Godfrey Hayes, from the North East Wales NHS Trust, said waiting times for referrals to drug treatment centres in the area had been greatly reduced.

People are seen within 10 days for assessment and treatment should begin within 30 days.

"We're still not happy with that but we have gone from 18 months to 10 days," Mr Hayes said.

He added: "I would urge the two ladies to contact the drug service for wherever they live."

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2006/01/14 08:59:15 GMT

iraq would just get annexed by iran

That would be a great solution.  If Iran and the majority of Iraqi's are pleased with it, then why shouldn't they do it?


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Re: Should we legalize drugs?
« Reply #70 on: May 05, 2006, 05:36:51 PM »

Both Bad, but since they are both legal I indulge in both. Neither helps out society like weed could, but dumb ass people who do dumb ass things fuck it up for the people who need it. No one needs to drink or smoke ciggarettes, but people do it and it has become acceptable in society to drink and "be merry" and smoke cigarettes and it will not happen with weed unless the people who are using it that dont need it stop. I am FOR legalizing weed, but only for the people who need it.

LMAO. You smoke cigarettes and drink because it's acceptable??...YOU'RE STRAIGHT WEAKSAUCE, SON.

please kid, i was making a point, idiots like you who abuse something that has a potential to help someone live a little longer or not suffer should be shot in the face, your a pathetic excuse for a life.

You're point is about as dumb as it gets. How do I abuse weed? LMAO. Because I enjoy smoking it? Your point is that someone who smokes weed for enjoyment is a "pathetic piece of life"...Your 'points' are moronic, and your brain level is equivelant to that of a monkey's, which is why no one has any respect for you... :-*
hahaha, you trying to justify yourself is hilarious

All The People at the city of hope who really would like to have some weed to help their stomach cancer or help their glaucoma really cant, because dumbfucks like you who get caught with weed, baggies and a scale give weed a bad really have no use for weed, other than for "Enjoyment", they have a need for it, they cant use it, You ARE a pathetic excuse for a life because you will continue to Use it and not give a fuck.

WHAT A MORON! LMAO...I don't live my life according to laws. If I want to smoke weed, I smoke weed. I'm not a fucking fruitcup like you who only does things because they're legal, I have a mind of my own and I make my own rules. You, on the other hand, don't have a brain AT ALL, so you need laws to tell you what's right and what's wrong. If I want to smoke weed, I do it. If the government wants to outlaw weed for people who need it for health concerns because I enjoy it, how the FUCK is that my fault? That's the fucking governments fault, you dumbshit...People should be able to smoke weed whenever they want. On top of that, you can still get a cannabis club card and smoke legaly in California, you fucking IDIOT. I am a pathetic excuse for a human life because I smoke weed and don't give a fuck? Dude, do you know you're the dumbest guy alive? I know I say this to you a lot, but it's 100% the truth...I've never met anyone whos thoughts are as dumb as yours. How the hell do you survive in this world with such a horrible brain? I'd hate to be you...
LMAO @ You, THE REBEL!!! Whoa, Watch out, NIK The Badass Coming thru....He Dont Follow NO ONE'S LAWS!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! & LMAO @ you Believing you can get a Cannibus Card And Smoke Legally In California, Please...Go And Try and pull that shit with the cops, i hope they laugh at you and stick their nightsticks up your ass...hahaha (Congress Banned The Legalization of Medicinal Drugs to ALL STATES, dumbass....Look It up,,haha)

Answer Me this, how are you helping out the cause? the cause for legalization? you DONT care that cancer patients evidently, because your too busy being a badass spoiled rich kid to care, your a pathetic excuse for a life, continue being a little brat getting in trouble for smoking weed while mommy and daddy bail you out every time....Thats helping society  ::)


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Re: Should we legalize drugs?
« Reply #71 on: May 06, 2006, 09:17:16 AM »
They will evenually legalize weed. Look how much it's making off the streets. Cigerattes is a fuckin billion dollar empire image what weed would be.

I don't think drugs should be legalized though.

Mr. O

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Re: Should we legalize drugs?
« Reply #72 on: May 06, 2006, 04:44:13 PM »
It should be legalized.  It would hurt drug dealers by reducing prices..and with taxes.  America would pimp the shit out of them.
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Re: Should we legalize drugs?
« Reply #73 on: May 06, 2006, 08:54:37 PM »
we, as americans, need to get rid of these fuckin Tobacco companies who not only kill thousands of people every year with their product but also advertise to children who think smoking is "cool thing"
Oh I like this one... One dog goes one way, the other dog goes the other way, and this guy's sayin', "Whadda ya want from me?



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Re: Should we legalize drugs?
« Reply #74 on: May 08, 2006, 12:09:19 AM »