Author Topic: Dixie Chicks recall "scary" death threat (from people like CWalker, probably)  (Read 783 times)


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I was illustrating that she shouldn't make political statements and not expect a backlash from opposing viewpoints.  Go back and bump 50 cent.

Death threats are not appropriate.  I'm sure CWalker agrees with me that it's wrong that the Danish cartoonists received death threats, and it's equally wrong that someone who opposes Bush should be threatened.  Especially when this dude went into so much detail.

And yes, I am bumping "Power of the Dollar" as we speak.

Ha! Nigga don't front you know your bumpin "Just a lil bit". 

Of course death threats aren't appropriate.  But she's a dumb bitch if she doesn't think that these idiots in the world will let her get away with that.  She's a country artist who does mostly appeal to the red states.  So if some sister-fuckin redneck hears a country star blast Dubya, he's gonna get heated. 

But don't sidestep like you always do...what about me illustrating that point makes it the "Most...Retarded...Post...Ever"?  (Mind you, this comes from the guy who posts about his internet beefs in the G-Spot).  I'm not defending death threats, I'm saying shes a dumb bitch if she doesn't think that she won't get some reactions out of people when she touches on these political subjects, especially considering her core audience.  You don't think somebody like Toby Keith who's a country singer (very right wing and red, and proud) who talks about the US "putting our boot in your ass" of all of America's enemies doesn't get death threats? It comes with the territory - boo fuckin hoo.


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Ha! Nigga don't front you know your bumpin "Just a lil bit". 

Of course death threats aren't appropriate.  But she's a dumb bitch if she doesn't think that these idiots in the world will let her get away with that.  She's a country artist who does mostly appeal to the red states.  So if some sister-fuckin redneck hears a country star blast Dubya, he's gonna get heated. 

But don't sidestep like you always do...what about me illustrating that point makes it the "Most...Retarded...Post...Ever"?  (Mind you, this comes from the guy who posts about his internet beefs in the G-Spot).  I'm not defending death threats, I'm saying shes a dumb bitch if she doesn't think that she won't get some reactions out of people when she touches on these political subjects, especially considering her core audience.  You don't think somebody like Toby Keith who's a country singer (very right wing and red, and proud) who talks about the US "putting our boot in your ass" of all of America's enemies doesn't get death threats? It comes with the territory - boo fuckin hoo.

I still stand by my statement.  Now that you've clarified, you make more sense, but your post made you come across poorly.  So yeah, it was still a retarded statement...that's not the same thing as saying you're a retarded person (though you have said a lotta stupid shit before).

As far as her criticizing Bush, yeah, she should expect a backlash, but backlash vs. death threats are two different things.  Can we now say that the Danish cartoonist should have expected death threats when he drew the Muhammad cartoons?  Under that logic, we deflect part of the blame off the person who expressed their opinion.  I don't like Real American (and I make that clear to him) and I consider him to be a piece of shit, but I would never (seriously) threaten his life.  His life isn't even worth the cost of the hollows it would take to end his existence, anyway.

"Just A Lil Bit" is my least favorite song on "The Massacre", but I still have no problem saying I like 50 Cent's music (some of it, anyway).


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Ha! Nigga don't front you know your bumpin "Just a lil bit". 

Of course death threats aren't appropriate.  But she's a dumb bitch if she doesn't think that these idiots in the world will let her get away with that.  She's a country artist who does mostly appeal to the red states.  So if some sister-fuckin redneck hears a country star blast Dubya, he's gonna get heated. 

But don't sidestep like you always do...what about me illustrating that point makes it the "Most...Retarded...Post...Ever"?  (Mind you, this comes from the guy who posts about his internet beefs in the G-Spot).  I'm not defending death threats, I'm saying shes a dumb bitch if she doesn't think that she won't get some reactions out of people when she touches on these political subjects, especially considering her core audience.  You don't think somebody like Toby Keith who's a country singer (very right wing and red, and proud) who talks about the US "putting our boot in your ass" of all of America's enemies doesn't get death threats? It comes with the territory - boo fuckin hoo.

I still stand by my statement.  Now that you've clarified, you make more sense, but your post made you come across poorly.  So yeah, it was still a retarded statement...that's not the same thing as saying you're a retarded person (though you have said a lotta stupid shit before).

As far as her criticizing Bush, yeah, she should expect a backlash, but backlash vs. death threats are two different things.  Can we now say that the Danish cartoonist should have expected death threats when he drew the Muhammad cartoons?  Under that logic, we deflect part of the blame off the person who expressed their opinion.  I don't like Real American (and I make that clear to him) and I consider him to be a piece of shit, but I would never (seriously) threaten his life.  His life isn't even worth the cost of the hollows it would take to end his existence, anyway.

"Just A Lil Bit" is my least favorite song on "The Massacre", but I still have no problem saying I like 50 Cent's music (some of it, anyway).

Oh shut up. Seriously.  It's just like I know that if I talk bad about 50 cent you're gonna start crying while at the same time telling everyone that the revolution is coming.  It comes with the territory.  As for your Danish cartoonist, -  newspapers/magazines do these things all the time to get a rise out of people - its called sensationalism.  Most of the time it sells articles and gets people talking.  Sometimes people boycott peacefully, sometimes violently.  Its the fucking yin and yang.  And you of all people should support the viloent boycotts considering your love of Malcolm X.


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Oh shut up. Seriously.  It's just like I know that if I talk bad about 50 cent you're gonna start crying while at the same time telling everyone that the revolution is coming. 

I don't have a fucking clue what point you were trying to make with this statement, but it is most def not something I would do.

It comes with the territory.  As for your Danish cartoonist, -  newspapers/magazines do these things all the time to get a rise out of people - its called sensationalism.  Most of the time it sells articles and gets people talking.  Sometimes people boycott peacefully, sometimes violently.  Its the fucking yin and yang. 

I don't suppose it occurred to you that the Dixie Chicks may have had a similar (though not identical) intention?  They did release a new album around that time, you know.

And you of all people should support the viloent boycotts considering your love of Malcolm X.

Hmmm, so you still think I'm really a militant black nationalist?

Sensationalism is also something I practice regularly in this section, my profile being a good example.  Rather than reacting to all of the ridiculous, assinine statements that Real American makes on a regular basis, I've decided to try this approach myself.

J Bananas

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i send death threats to those bitches every other month, over bullshit! who cares?


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I like how the bitch says "We're not politicians, we're musicians" LMAO!  Then maybe you should quit making political statements dumb ass. 

Most...Retarded...Post...Ever. A new low even for you.

So if someone isn't a politician, they're not allowed to express their feelings about politics? Negro please.

I was illustrating that she shouldn't make political statements and not expect a backlash from opposing viewpoints.  Go back and bump 50 cent.
death threats is not normal backlash.  And by your way of thinking seer should do away with this whole section of the board.

Real American

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Liberals are far more intolerant of people with different opinions then are conservatives. There is an epidemic at US colleges and universities of conservative speakers being shouted down and disrupted during their speaking engagaements by liberal students and faculty. And like I said above, they usually have to bring bodyguards because of threats. That doesn't happen to liberal speakers.


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Liberals are far more intolerant of people with different opinions then are conservatives. There is an epidemic at US colleges and universities of conservative speakers being shouted down and disrupted during their speaking engagaements by liberal students and faculty. And like I said above, they usually have to bring bodyguards because of threats. That doesn't happen to liberal speakers.

Colleges are only one example of places where such speakers go to preach.  Why do you exclusively refer to colleges?  Also, in my experience, it depends on where the school is located...we've had conservative speakers here at UNC, and there were no mass protests against their presence.

Again, this goes to show how you use a few examples to draw sweeping conclusions that are utter bullshit.


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Oh shut up. Seriously.  It's just like I know that if I talk bad about 50 cent you're gonna start crying while at the same time telling everyone that the revolution is coming. 

I don't have a fucking clue what point you were trying to make with this statement, but it is most def not something I would do.

It comes with the territory.  As for your Danish cartoonist, -  newspapers/magazines do these things all the time to get a rise out of people - its called sensationalism.  Most of the time it sells articles and gets people talking.  Sometimes people boycott peacefully, sometimes violently.  Its the fucking yin and yang. 

I don't suppose it occurred to you that the Dixie Chicks may have had a similar (though not identical) intention?  They did release a new album around that time, you know.

And you of all people should support the viloent boycotts considering your love of Malcolm X.

Hmmm, so you still think I'm really a militant black nationalist?

Sensationalism is also something I practice regularly in this section, my profile being a good example.  Rather than reacting to all of the ridiculous, assinine statements that Real American makes on a regular basis, I've decided to try this approach myself.

Thats a good plan.  I'm sure lots of people would lump you two in the same category anyway.  Jaded and ignorant.  Fight the power!


The Dixie Chicks are a fucking joke.  Lemme tell you a little bit about the Dixie Chicks.

First, the other two members besides Natalie had a little thing going before, but couldn't find success, so they had Natalie join the group because she has a good voice.  Natalie was never country, and just joined a country group because she wasn't getting anywhere doing anything else.  The other two members are accomplished country performers with traditional country instruments (a fiddle, and a banjo).

Second, People do not listen to the Dixie Chicks to hear a political message, conservative or liberal.  They listen to the Dixie Chicks to hear good music.

Third, It was fucked up of her to go to a foriegn country and talk shit about our president.  You shouldn't do that no matter who the president is, it's a matter of respect and the people that are attracted to country music do not typically respond well when someone disrespects something patriotic, i.e. the leader of the country, democrat or republican.  I would have thought it was bullshit if she said it about Bill Clinton when he was in office.  It's disrespectful and reeks of her attempting to be popular and use the negative press and image of Bush around the world to further her own pitiful music career.

Fourth, and most importantly, the Dixie Chicks have turned their back on country music, and have said time and time again that they no longer want to be considered a country act and have and project the attitude that country music is too small for them.  They have an entirely condescending attitude towards the genre that brought them success.  Contrast that to a beautiful Canadian by the name of Shania Twain, who has sold 10 times the records the Dixie Chicks have, doesn't open her mouth about political bullshit she knows nothing about, and has successfully crossed over into Pop music.  She released three versions of her last album, one with country backing music, one with pop, and one with world beats and rhythms, and has grown well out of Country.  To this day, though, she has nothing bad to say about the genre and she has earned the respect of everyone in Nashville even though she isn't really a country artist anymore.  She's genuine, respectful, and people love her for it.  Natalie from the Dixie Chicks is just a bitter bitch who's pissed she can't run her mouth off without repurcussion.

Fifth, she makes the comment above that she doesn't play a red white and blue guitar for the republicans.  That's insinuating that the only people who are patriotic are republicans.  It illustrates that she still doesn't get the fucking point and has no clue why people think she's such a fucking moron.

She certainly has the freedom of speech, but there is no law that says that you can say whatever you want and others can't.  She said what she said, i say she's a bitch.  Where's my fucking freedom of speech?  She's a silly cunt with a half-ass voice who can't play, or write a song to save her life and relies on her backup musicians to make her music vaguely passable as boring.  If you run your mouth and put an opinion out there, others are going to disagree... and that's how you exclude people from buying your records.


Let me sum it up for the less intelligent amongst us.  I'll give you an example.

Shania Twain.  I love her.  She's so fucking cool, great music I buy every cd she puts out.  I have no idea who she voted for.

The Dixie Chicks.  I can't stand them, and think they're silly twats who make dumbasses of themselves in other countries and then don't even have the comprehension skills to understand what everybody's so mad about.  They voted democrat. 


Every conservative I know or have come in contact with get extremely pissed when celebrities/musicians voice their political views. It irritates the hell out of them and I'm not completely sure why, but I have an idea. I think it's because they can't handle the fact that people they look up to have opposing views. It's like their brains haven't developed properly.

Since the majority of the Dixie Chick's fanbase were conservatives, it broke their hearts that they don't feel the same way about GWB as they do. So that causes their former fanbase to completely shit on their beloved Dixie Chicks, dig up dirt from their past, and threaten their lives. It's fuckin pathetic.
My Chihuahuas Are Eternal



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The Dixie Chicks are a fucking joke.  Lemme tell you a little bit about the Dixie Chicks.

First, the other two members besides Natalie had a little thing going before, but couldn't find success, so they had Natalie join the group because she has a good voice.  Natalie was never country, and just joined a country group because she wasn't getting anywhere doing anything else.  The other two members are accomplished country performers with traditional country instruments (a fiddle, and a banjo).

Second, People do not listen to the Dixie Chicks to hear a political message, conservative or liberal.  They listen to the Dixie Chicks to hear good music.

Third, It was fucked up of her to go to a foriegn country and talk shit about our president.  You shouldn't do that no matter who the president is, it's a matter of respect and the people that are attracted to country music do not typically respond well when someone disrespects something patriotic, i.e. the leader of the country, democrat or republican.  I would have thought it was bullshit if she said it about Bill Clinton when he was in office.  It's disrespectful and reeks of her attempting to be popular and use the negative press and image of Bush around the world to further her own pitiful music career.

Fourth, and most importantly, the Dixie Chicks have turned their back on country music, and have said time and time again that they no longer want to be considered a country act and have and project the attitude that country music is too small for them.  They have an entirely condescending attitude towards the genre that brought them success.  Contrast that to a beautiful Canadian by the name of Shania Twain, who has sold 10 times the records the Dixie Chicks have, doesn't open her mouth about political bullshit she knows nothing about, and has successfully crossed over into Pop music.  She released three versions of her last album, one with country backing music, one with pop, and one with world beats and rhythms, and has grown well out of Country.  To this day, though, she has nothing bad to say about the genre and she has earned the respect of everyone in Nashville even though she isn't really a country artist anymore.  She's genuine, respectful, and people love her for it.  Natalie from the Dixie Chicks is just a bitter bitch who's pissed she can't run her mouth off without repurcussion.

Fifth, she makes the comment above that she doesn't play a red white and blue guitar for the republicans.  That's insinuating that the only people who are patriotic are republicans.  It illustrates that she still doesn't get the fucking point and has no clue why people think she's such a fucking moron.

She certainly has the freedom of speech, but there is no law that says that you can say whatever you want and others can't.  She said what she said, i say she's a bitch.  Where's my fucking freedom of speech?  She's a silly cunt with a half-ass voice who can't play, or write a song to save her life and relies on her backup musicians to make her music vaguely passable as boring.  If you run your mouth and put an opinion out there, others are going to disagree... and that's how you exclude people from buying your records.


Let me sum it up for the less intelligent amongst us.  I'll give you an example.

Shania Twain.  I love her.  She's so fucking cool, great music I buy every cd she puts out.  I have no idea who she voted for.

The Dixie Chicks.  I can't stand them, and think they're silly twats who make dumbasses of themselves in other countries and then don't even have the comprehension skills to understand what everybody's so mad about.  They voted democrat. 
u mad.... i guess we found one person that cried himself to sleep after that dixie chick made those comments.  *imagines trauma crying while ripping down his dixie chicks posters*


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Thats a good plan.  I'm sure lots of people would lump you two in the same category anyway.  Jaded and ignorant.  Fight the power!


Every conservative I know or have come in contact with get extremely pissed when celebrities/musicians voice their political views. It irritates the hell out of them and I'm not completely sure why, but I have an idea. I think it's because they can't handle the fact that people they look up to have opposing views. It's like their brains haven't developed properly.

Since the majority of the Dixie Chick's fanbase were conservatives, it broke their hearts that they don't feel the same way about GWB as they do. So that causes their former fanbase to completely shit on their beloved Dixie Chicks, dig up dirt from their past, and threaten their lives. It's fuckin pathetic.

Amen.  Anyone who lives in the South is probably well aware of the all the jingoistic rednecks down here who tell you that you shouldn't live in America if you don't support the war.  Of course, already know we can't take Real American seriously because of the sheltered life he lives...dude hasn't even seen a Latino, for fuck's sake!
« Last Edit: May 15, 2006, 06:53:39 AM by Tha Spirt Ov Allah Clarence 13Xtra Tha Fatha (Iz Active) »


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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The Dixie Chicks are a fucking joke.  Lemme tell you a little bit about the Dixie Chicks.

First, the other two members besides Natalie had a little thing going before, but couldn't find success, so they had Natalie join the group because she has a good voice.  Natalie was never country, and just joined a country group because she wasn't getting anywhere doing anything else.  The other two members are accomplished country performers with traditional country instruments (a fiddle, and a banjo).

Second, People do not listen to the Dixie Chicks to hear a political message, conservative or liberal.  They listen to the Dixie Chicks to hear good music.

Third, It was fucked up of her to go to a foriegn country and talk shit about our president.  You shouldn't do that no matter who the president is, it's a matter of respect and the people that are attracted to country music do not typically respond well when someone disrespects something patriotic, i.e. the leader of the country, democrat or republican.  I would have thought it was bullshit if she said it about Bill Clinton when he was in office.  It's disrespectful and reeks of her attempting to be popular and use the negative press and image of Bush around the world to further her own pitiful music career.

Fourth, and most importantly, the Dixie Chicks have turned their back on country music, and have said time and time again that they no longer want to be considered a country act and have and project the attitude that country music is too small for them.  They have an entirely condescending attitude towards the genre that brought them success.  Contrast that to a beautiful Canadian by the name of Shania Twain, who has sold 10 times the records the Dixie Chicks have, doesn't open her mouth about political bullshit she knows nothing about, and has successfully crossed over into Pop music.  She released three versions of her last album, one with country backing music, one with pop, and one with world beats and rhythms, and has grown well out of Country.  To this day, though, she has nothing bad to say about the genre and she has earned the respect of everyone in Nashville even though she isn't really a country artist anymore.  She's genuine, respectful, and people love her for it.  Natalie from the Dixie Chicks is just a bitter bitch who's pissed she can't run her mouth off without repurcussion.

Fifth, she makes the comment above that she doesn't play a red white and blue guitar for the republicans.  That's insinuating that the only people who are patriotic are republicans.  It illustrates that she still doesn't get the fucking point and has no clue why people think she's such a fucking moron.

She certainly has the freedom of speech, but there is no law that says that you can say whatever you want and others can't.  She said what she said, i say she's a bitch.  Where's my fucking freedom of speech?  She's a silly cunt with a half-ass voice who can't play, or write a song to save her life and relies on her backup musicians to make her music vaguely passable as boring.  If you run your mouth and put an opinion out there, others are going to disagree... and that's how you exclude people from buying your records.


Let me sum it up for the less intelligent amongst us.  I'll give you an example.

Shania Twain.  I love her.  She's so fucking cool, great music I buy every cd she puts out.  I have no idea who she voted for.

The Dixie Chicks.  I can't stand them, and think they're silly twats who make dumbasses of themselves in other countries and then don't even have the comprehension skills to understand what everybody's so mad about.  They voted democrat. 

Now I'm no fan of the Dixie Chicks but you can't deny their success. Wide Open Spaces went 12 platinum, Fly went 10 platinum, and Home went 6 platinum, and probably would have went more if not for the comments. That's 28 million copies sold in the US alone for 3 albums (30 million if you count their DVD, AN EVENING WITH THE DIXIE CHICKS). Not many artists can do that in country or out of country with their first 3 offerings ( I know they had albums before but I'm talking about the current line-up). For some reason or another they were a huge success. They had a right to speak their mind (even though it was dumb for business), and their fans have a riight to be upset. I just hope the people that screamed "treason" realize that their country was founded on treason. There is nothing more American than standing up to ones in power in order to make a change, and since it was an illegal war what's wrong with them being ashamed of president. If Prime Minister Stephen Harper in Canada was found out to be a pedophile and used government money to fund child porn, I'd have no problem saying I'm ashamed of him. That's an extreme example but idealy you should stand for what is right or what you think is right before you stand for what is yours. If I had a son that committed a crime I'd turn him in. I'd lose my son for a few years in jail rather than lose my integrity forever.