Author Topic: Chuck Swirsky checks in (May 18, 2006)  (Read 135 times)


Chuck Swirsky checks in (May 18, 2006)
« on: May 18, 2006, 04:24:35 PM »
by Chuck Swirsky
May 18, 2006

(TORONTO) -- By the time you read Chuck Checks In this week, Larry Brown may no longer be the head coach of the Knicks. Things are subject to change of course in the NBA. Every day a different New York paper has an exclusive, quoting everyone from Brown's close associates ( maybe his barber?), and don't forget his wife. His self-proclaimed "dream job" aparently will last only one year. An expensive year at that for the Knicks.

Give or take a million, Brown's compensation for coaching NY for one year could amount to roughly $35-40 million. Not bad. I mean I know there's inflation out there, but are you kidding me?

Aside from the drama The Big Apple is great for a little father daughter bonding, according to Chuck.
I was in New York last weekend doing some father-daughter bonding, I had a wonderful time playing the role of tour guide. If you ever get a chance, check out the Broadway musical " Wicked". It will be playing here in Toronto in October. Fantastic theatre.

However, nothing can match the drama unfolding at MSG. Knicks owner James Dolan must have more patience than Job. What other owner would allow his general manager to buyout Don Chaney, Lenny Wilkens and now Brown at major, major money and survive to live another day ? What other owner would allow his general manager to make deals that are questioned the moment they're consummated?

The tabloids love this kind of stuff and every New York daily has assigned multiple reporters to staff this story. Only in New York, folks. By the way, for the Dads out there, listen up and do yourself a favour - especially fathers with daughters. The working world is crazy to begin with, so before it's too late and you're 10 or 12-year old turns 21 overnight, spend time with them. How a daughter looks at her father will carry over for years to come and it will probably affect the type of guy she dates or marries. That will be $1000 please for the personal-improvement consultation! Thank you. Now let's talk some ball.

The NBA lottery is set for next Tuesday. Knowing the luck or lack thereof of the Raptors, it will be crazy if Toronto grabbed the number-one spot. Had this been a year ago with high-school players eligible, there is no doubt seven-footer Greg Oden would have been the top pick.

I have spoken with several college coaches and NBA scouts who have seen him play and all of them to a man are convinced he will be the next dominant big man in the league. Far be it from me to speculate, but how many teams will be looking at creative ways to collect ping pong balls for the lottery for a shot at grabbing Oden ( should he elect to come out) with the first pick. Get ready for a wild April '07 if Oden departs Ohio State.

Bryan Colangelo will represent the Raptors at the lottery . The work begins immediately after the order of selection is determined. Is there one player out there that Colangelo wants? Is there a position player that interests the Raptors? Is there the possibility of trading up? Or down? Is there a trade to be made?

Potential draft picks are arriving daily at ACC. On Tuesday, Dee Brown from Illinois demonstrated his skills. On Wednesday it was Michigan's Daniel Horton's turn. Thursday the Raptors welcome Marcus Williams from UConn. He is projected to be a mid-lottery pick. I like his game and I think he's going to have a very solid NBA career. I like UConn players, period. I think they're NBA ready. The same with the majority of Michigan State players that leave Tom Izzo's program. MSU runs a pro-style system. The same with Florida players coached by Billy Donovan.

Let's stay with the Raptors for a moment. A few days ago I woke up and clicked on my email account. No big deal. Just another day, right? Nope. 111 emails on a Sunday morning in May! Are you kidding me? Raptors' fans went off on free agent in waiting Mike James' remarks that Houston is his first choice.

I don't doubt that James' comments are sincere. He's building a home in Houston and loves the area. His wife is from Houston. He's also a smart man knowing the free-agent period starts in six weeks. He got the message across to the Rockets loud and clear and saved his agent Bill Duffy a phone call to Houston GM Carroll Dawson in the process.

Does that mean he won't re-sign with the Raptors? Only time will tell. I also understand where the Raptors fans are coming from. They supported James from day one. Sam Mitchell gave James plenty of playing time and freedom to create and score at will, maybe to a fault. In my opinion, it was Mitchell who gave James confidence to make plays and become a front-line player in the NBA after the previous four years of nomadic basketball stops along the way. In the end James may go to the highest bidder. If that's the case, everything else is a moot point.

I love what the Dallas Mavericks are doing. The Suns-Clippers series has been fantastic. Too bad the majority of fans in the East can only watch a quarter or two before they hit the sack.

If the Mavs play the Suns for the Western Conference crown there will be some great storylines. Both owners aren't afraid to be over the top in their passion for their respective teams. Both teams have proactive front offices. Both teams feature ex-NBA players as head coaches. Knowing Steve Nash, he will downplay the "revenge" factor against his former club, but let's tell it like it is The Mavs had a chance to lock up Nash and passed. To the Mavs credit, since Nash left Phoenix, Dallas has won a total of 118 regular-season games over the past two seasons. If the Suns win the West, there will be closure on Nash's six years toiling for the Mavs. Big-time closure. 
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Is this Steve Nash's year for redemption? (NBAE/Getty Images)

Great stuff on TNT with Kobe in studio responding to Charles Barkley's opinion that Kobe was selfish in Game 7 of the Lakers-Suns series. Regardless what you may think of Bryant you must agree that he is articulate, intelligent and smooth. What do they say about the human nature of man? Your greatest strength is your greatest weakness. Deep, but true.
News and notes:
I agree with Raptors decision not to resign Donyell Marshall but am happy he's played well in post season. His treated me as well as any player I have met in my eight plus years doing play by play in the NBA..
I can't believe reports the Suns will consider moving Shawn Marion. I think he's the most underrated superstar in sports.
Think Thomas isn't enjoying his time in Phoenix? "I don't need money. I've already seen over $100 million," Thomas said. "I'm not thinking past that right now, but my mind is fixed on doing whatever it takes to stay here."
What a life. Your career stats: 12ppg and you've made over 100 million. But Thomas better be prepared for a huge pay cut if he expects to stay with the Suns. No doubt the Nets will be knocking on his door in July but Thomas is averaging 16 points in the playoffs and is tailor made for the Suns offense . This will be one free agent to monitor come this off season.
I've watched the Cavs now in eleven post season games and have head three different sets of announcers attempt to pronounce Anderson Varejao 's last name.
Got to give the Cavs credit. I thought they would be on the golf course by now.
If I have to watch the NBA swing man hat commercial with Yao Ming one more time I'm going to eat that Rockets cap.
Think the Pistons are regretting giving Rasheed Wallace a whopper of a contract.He's got three years left at 36 million.
Last week I gave King James a zinger for his beard. I forgot to add Zydrunas Ilgauskas to the list.
I think the officials have done a terrific job in the playoffs although I'd like to see the players decide more plays than whistles.
Word out of Seattle has Lenny Wilkens becoming the lead analyst on the Sonics network. His relationship with the Toronto media was frosty at best.
Speaking of commentators Reggie Miller is growing on me. I think he's got great potential.
Think there's just a little pressure on Flip Saunders? Of course for 5 million a year for 5 years I think I can handle the pressure .
Let's take some letters to CCI:

Darlene from Brampton: Chuck, you seem pretty confident that Bryan Colangelo will be the difference maker for the Raps. Are you sure about this guy?

Chuck: I will stake my professional reputation on him. His track record is excellent. Does that mean he's perfect? Who is ? There will be some bumps, but while I don't know him well, I can tell you he's impressed every department at MLSE. The guy is a pro's pro and will get things done. He's got the power base, knowledge and security to win here in Toronto. I hope this answers your question.

Douglas from Fresno, California: I read with interest your weekly column and enjoyed last week's piece on NBA uniforms. Will the Raptors get away from red, black or purple?

Chuck: You will see more red. Purple is being phased out. Thank goodness. I am not a purple guy. But new home uniforms are on their way. When they will be unveiled is anyone's guess.

David from Toronto: I catch your Fan 590 show as much as I can. I have a question about college coaches trying to make it in the NBA. Why have so many failed?

Chuck: It's a different game. Money has a lot to do with it. The players have security. The coach doesn't. The college game is more structured. The NBA game isn't. Does that mean at the pro level they just roll the ball out on the floor and play? No. NBA coaches must know what they're doing or they'll be unemployed sooner rather than later.

Examine for a moment how many college coaches were able to step in and get quality pro jobs? Not many. If a college coach making the transition to the pro game stumbles it's an easy cop-out.. More NBA players are getting into coaching, scouting and management. I think that's great, but I still maintain there are several NCAA coaches that could make a seamless transition to the pro game if called upon. Does it help if you played the NBA game? Yes. But don't tell me non-NBA players can't coach at this level. I don't buy it.

Timothy from Colorado Springs, Colorado: Chuck, you know where I'm headed with this. Nuggets-Raptors. Come on, don't you think these two teams will hook up in a trade? 
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Are the Nuggets and Raps destined for some deal making this off-season? (NBAE/Getty Images)

Chuck: Do I think Denver is looking to shake things up? Yes. Do I think the Raptors could be a willing trade partner? I don't know. I leave those matters up to the GM and his staff. I am not avoiding the question because as a fan you care about your team and I appreciate that, but there are too many fans, writers, broadcasters who love talking trades when in essence they have no idea what they're talking about. Case in point. This past week there was a published report in the New York Post that the Knicks and Bulls were discussing a possible deal that would send Ben Gordon to the Knicks. Utter nonsense. Never happened. Never. Let the people running their teams do their work and let's enjoy the moment after a deal is made.

Monica from Ottawa: Chuck, I am not a Sens fan. I love hoops. Please tell Mr. Colangelo to bring the Raptors back here for a preseason game and bring the salami and cheese with you!

Chuck: I truly enjoyed my experience when the Raps played the Grizz several years ago in the capital . It was my first trip to Ottawa and it was too short. I would have enjoyed spending more time learning the culture, history and government. I will pass your email on to the Raptors.

Richard from Anderson, South Dakota: Do you ever see the day the Raptors retire Vince Carter's jersey?

Chuck: I don't see that happening. Not now anyway. The way things fell apart at the end was not good. The Raptors have not issued #15 to another player since Carter was dealt to the Nets. In the event a player asks for the number or has worn that number with his previous pro or college team that's a call the front office will more than likely have to make. If you poll the majority of Raptors' fans they'll say that Carter should NOT have his jersey retired.

Edward from Burlington: If it came down to a big man or point guard in the draft what direction should the Raptors go?

Chuck: If they're of equal skill level always take the big man. If the point guard is clearly the best player that's your answer. In this draft though I don't see a Chris Paul player out there. Go big.

Drew from Toronto: Does Sam Mitchell stay in touch with his players in the off season?

Chuck: Yes. He'll see some of the players in summer league play. He'll converse with them over the phone and may even hop on a plane and visit a few. It's a good way to keep the lines of communication open. It's an all consuming world and you have to stay on top of things to be successful.

Tom from Vaughn: Chuck, I'm a season seat holder from day one and have met at some Raptors related functions. I have tried writing different broadcasters and writers but for one reason or another they don't respond. Can you offer any suggestions. I'm an NBA fan and like learning as much as I can about different teams. Thanks for always being here for the fans. We appreciate you.

Chuck: If you have their e-mail address that's the best way of contacting writers and broadcasters around the league. Your best opportunity is to put their name in a search engine and go from there. Make your questions or comments short and to the point and chances are they'll respond. I love communicating with our fan base and consider it a pleasure. Don't forget just before the draft we'll start an ongoing CCI Raptors blog right here on

Steve from Alliston, Ontario: I know you are an American and love Toronto and Canada. Is it hard recruiting players here? The Raptors have a lot of cap room. Can they get a good player or two to play here?

Chuck: I am the biggest fan of this city. A world class city. There are a ton of misconceptions but the bottom line is players like money and they like to win. They like nice weather as well but the ultimate is to win and the coin. The Raptors have the coin and they will get this thing turned around in time under Bryan Colangelo. Book it. I do take players aside after they're drafted and offer any assistance if they need it. I am not pushy but some of the same questions American players have about Toronto and Canada I had when I first moved here almost nine years ago. I also tell them that you won't find a better city or more loyal fans than here in Toronto. It's a fantastic play to play.

E-mail me with your comments and questions on the Raptors, NBA and other basketball related notes or call me at 416-815-6189. If you are a first time buyer of a full season seat package let me hear from you and I'll take you out to lunch.

Thanks for reading Chuck Checks In.