Author Topic: Lots of Nintendo news  (Read 899 times)


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Re: Lots of Nintendo news
« Reply #15 on: May 27, 2006, 09:32:08 AM »
how about u give me some news on the next zelda


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Re: Lots of Nintendo news
« Reply #16 on: May 27, 2006, 12:32:29 PM »
how about u give me some news on the next zelda

gonna be avalible at launch :)

heres a link to a new zelda video where it shows how the wii controller will play while fishing in the game,pretty cool
theres other vids on the page,the fishing one is the one from may 26th

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Re: Lots of Nintendo news
« Reply #17 on: May 27, 2006, 05:49:48 PM »
heres a link to a new zelda video where it shows how the wii controller will play while fishing in the game,pretty cool
theres other vids on the page,the fishing one is the one from may 26th

That video is dope... First I really like the graphics.. don´t know why people were so skeptical about it in the first place... it looks really great...

Plus I can already see myself with a sore wrist from that fishing sequences.. lol

Those bastards at Nintendo gonna make be buy TP twice it seems..  :)


Re: Lots of Nintendo news
« Reply #18 on: May 27, 2006, 06:02:53 PM »
Nah, don't do it that way!  It isn't coming out for gamecube until the Wii drops anyways (they all drop the same day), so just save the 60 bucks you'd spend on the GC version, put another 150 or 200 with it, and buy you a brand new Wii. 


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Re: Lots of Nintendo news
« Reply #19 on: May 27, 2006, 06:34:42 PM »
Nah, don't do it that way!  It isn't coming out for gamecube until the Wii drops anyways (they all drop the same day), so just save the 60 bucks you'd spend on the GC version, put another 150 or 200 with it, and buy you a brand new Wii. 

That´s probably the way I´m gonna do it... I had the feeling that they´re gonna release it on the same day (didn´t they announce that on E3?) but then I though it would be much smarter (and I assumed they´d do it that way) to release the Gc version like 2 months in advance and then cash in on the Wii version again... While I don´t like tactics like that and never support such actions I think I would have fallen for it this time cause Zelda is always a must buy and I don´t think I could have waited for the Wii version...

Shit Wii has already such a killer line up... Zelda, Metroid, Red Steel...


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Re: Lots of Nintendo news
« Reply #20 on: May 27, 2006, 08:51:42 PM »
According to htis site; Sony sold 16 million units of PS2 in 2005 and 14 million units of the PSP. Nintendo sold a lottle over 3 million Game Cubes and 16 million DSs.

Sony may not make the profits but if Sony goes under in sales then the industry may implode and crumble back to the b level entertainment it once was. Keep in mind I am no fan of Sony but the combined sales of both Playstations is over 200 million units sold. The combined sales of every other major home console since the the Atari 2600 is just over 250 million. Software companies everywhere rely on Sony these days. The industry took a huge leap when the PSX became huge and a lot of jobs were created because of it. The XBox 360 and the Wii will each have to sell atleast 50 million units to fill the void that Sony would leave behind if the PS3 crumbles.


Re: Lots of Nintendo news
« Reply #21 on: May 28, 2006, 04:38:59 AM »
Please.  Just quit already, you're embarassing yourself.  So in other words, Sony's on a charity mission... they're not really out for profit, they're providing jobs.  THEY DONT MAKE MONEY.  Stop changing your story, you said the folks at Nintendo would lose their jobs, and you didn't know what the fuck you're talking about.  I've consistantly shown that Nintendo makes more money than Sony, and you don't want to believe it.  One more time:



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Re: Lots of Nintendo news
« Reply #22 on: May 28, 2006, 05:24:02 AM »
how about u give me some news on the next zelda

gonna be avalible at launch :)

heres a link to a new zelda video where it shows how the wii controller will play while fishing in the game,pretty cool
theres other vids on the page,the fishing one is the one from may 26th

is the new one on wii then?

coz i was keeping my gamecube just for zelda :/


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Re: Lots of Nintendo news
« Reply #23 on: May 28, 2006, 05:26:46 AM »
the new zelda comes out for both the gamecube and wii
u should keep ur cube anyway, cuz a NEW PAPER MARIO is coming out for it! 8)


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Re: Lots of Nintendo news
« Reply #24 on: May 28, 2006, 06:08:53 AM »
zelda is the only console game i'll play

ill have to buy a wii for it :{


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Re: Lots of Nintendo news
« Reply #25 on: May 28, 2006, 12:55:00 PM »
how about u give me some news on the next zelda

gonna be avalible at launch :)

heres a link to a new zelda video where it shows how the wii controller will play while fishing in the game,pretty cool
theres other vids on the page,the fishing one is the one from may 26th

is the new one on wii then?

coz i was keeping my gamecube just for zelda :/

yea lol look at the controller,u cant do any of that innovative stuff on any other system but the Wii  8)

dont worry though the wii is gonna be wayy cheaper then the ps3 and 360

"Its the length of 1 day, one half, one shotclock, this number is my Dominate every moment"-Kobe #24


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Re: Lots of Nintendo news
« Reply #26 on: May 28, 2006, 08:12:50 PM »
Please.  Just quit already, you're embarassing yourself.  So in other words, Sony's on a charity mission... they're not really out for profit, they're providing jobs.  THEY DONT MAKE MONEY.  Stop changing your story, you said the folks at Nintendo would lose their jobs, and you didn't know what the fuck you're talking about.  I've consistantly shown that Nintendo makes more money than Sony, and you don't want to believe it.  One more time:


You aren't very good at extracting information are you? You just have a bias view you just seem to stick to and fill in blanks that aren't there to suit your own juvenile mentality. I never said Sony is in it for charity or even if they are trying to build the industry. I'm sure they are only in it for their own personal gain and as far as that goes maybe Nintendo is doing a better job for themselves but whether they want to or not Sony is doing a way better job for the industry. This doesn't make the people at Sony a bunch of saints it just means their success is important to almost everyone in the industry. There are tens of millions of consumers that have never bought a home console that didn't say Playstation on it.

As for the Wii. I'm unsure about it at this moment. At first I thought it was stupid and wouldn't work at all, but then I saw it and I thought it really could catch on with the kids depending on how simple it is. I still don't see the adults jumping up and down for it and that is the main demographic. This could be the stupidest or the smartest move of Nintendo's career. At the same time marketing the PS3 as a Blu Ray player could be the stupidest or smartest move of SCEA's career. I personslly don't the the HD market is big enough for the Blu Ray to make that much of an impact. As far as I know Blu Ray doesn't mean all that much with out an HDTV to play it on and they aren't exactly the TV standard yet. Of course, of the 60 to 70 million people that bought the PS2 all it would take it at least 10 to 20 million to not care about the high price and buy it in the beginning to make the PS3 a huge initial success. If you're a single make in your late 20s to early 30s and you make upwards of $40,000 to $50,000 a year shelling out $600 is nothing. I really have no solid prediction on what will happen in this round. If Sony just released a simple console with higher specs and new games for the same ball park price as the other systems then I'd say PS3 by a mile, but if the price and lack of HDTVs make the PS3 fail and Nintendo mekes the Wii Americas's next Tickle Me Elmo then Nintendo could do very well. It cannot, and repeat CANNOT parallel the sales of the PSX or PS2 but it could come out on top of a these three if PS3 bombs, but the indutrsy as a whole will be smaller unless XBox sells like hotcakes to the adults that don't want the PS3 if they don't want it).

As for the job cuts you keep bringing up. Here is the original post I made on the subject;

I feel bad for everyone at Nintendo that knew this was a bad idea and are now going to lose their jobs once this thing tanks. Why do they always focus on this bullshit by trying to make new things. NES took what Atari was and beat it because the games were better. SNES kept the same formula with a graphics improvement. Then the norm changed from cartride to CD and Nintendo played the old fogie and refused to change. Since then it's almso as if they are trying to overcompensate from not moving forward to moving too far ahead. No one is going to want to play a system like this and no developers are going to want to mae games forthis that they can't make for PS3. Nintendo's first part games should be nice but the system as a whole is going to fail.

I saw the video of the conference and the moron actually used the logic that non gamers are more used to TV remotes rather than video game controllers and they will be drawn to this system because the psychological barrier will be broken. What a bunch of idiots. My dad hates video games and can't use the controller but he loves TV and uses the remote all the time. There is no way he's going to get into this system because of that. Even if you can turn it sideways for old games it sill only has 2 buttons ont he front for your right hand.

It's real easy Nintendo; a D-pad and analog stick next to the D pad, 6 buttons on the front and two on the shoulders and a bunch of decent games. That's how you sell video game systems.

The guys at Microsoft are having a field day right now, and the guys at Sony are so far ahead they don't care one way or the other.

Now while this was before I saw the Wii in action, I still can't take this back yet until I see how the system plays. So far the reviewers say it's simple to pick up but the reviewers are pro gamers. I want to see how easy it is for children to pick it up and whether they want it to begin with. One thing you can't predict with kids is what is going to bomb and what is going to blow up. I'll gladly say I was wrong to say this if this turns out to be wrong. Although I couldn't for the life of me ever see you admitting defeat if the Wii bombs. Shit you still imply that the Gamecube was more successful than the PS2.


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Re: Lots of Nintendo news
« Reply #27 on: May 28, 2006, 11:14:27 PM »
The wii will be very easy to pick up and play,Nintendo is even targeting people who arent into video games, which is why they made the controller look like a tv remote, their main focus is to draw people who arent into games and make them become gamers while still making games for hardcore or advit gamers,hence the name Wii (we) because its for everyone to play

and theres no way anyone can claim that the gamecube was more successful then the ps2 lol..

"Its the length of 1 day, one half, one shotclock, this number is my Dominate every moment"-Kobe #24


Re: Lots of Nintendo news
« Reply #28 on: May 29, 2006, 05:33:49 AM »
Well, I didn't read any of what the idiot above you posted, but tell him this for me:



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Re: Lots of Nintendo news
« Reply #29 on: May 29, 2006, 07:21:26 AM »

Actually Sony made more profit last year. I haven't found any actual figures on what Sony games made in profit other than what you posted. Could I see a source please? For all I know, Sony music, movies and electronics are losing money.

The wii will be very easy to pick up and play,Nintendo is even targeting people who arent into video games, which is why they made the controller look like a tv remote, their main focus is to draw people who arent into games and make them become gamers while still making games for hardcore or advit gamers,hence the name Wii (we) because its for everyone to play

and theres no way anyone can claim that the gamecube was more successful then the ps2 lol..

Trauma claims it and he has no problem doing so.

As for the Wii, it may be easy to pick up or not but that doesn't mean it'll be successful across the board. The only area I can see this machine excelling in is with the kids and that isn't a lock. Adults who have never played video games because they think they are stupid simply will not pick this up just because it looks like a TV remote. People don't watch TV because of the remote, they watch it because they want to see the shows aimed at them, and they will not start playing games aimed at their children just because of the controller. Time will tell on how well this machine will do.