Author Topic: May Allah send peace and blessings upon the Indonesians affected by the Quake  (Read 1453 times)


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^ yeah because you just so deep.. you're my hero infinite, so wise and learned.


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J Bananas

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damn dont make me crack on this guy more!

Teddy Roosevelt

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Truly Allah says in the Blessed Quran: "And surely We shall try you with something of fear and hunger, and loss of wealth and lives and crops; but give glad tidings to the patient, Who say, when afflicted with calamity: "To Allah We belong, and to Him is our return", They are those on whom (Descend) blessings from Allah, and Mercy, and they are the ones that receive guidance"

Elsewhere in the Blessed Quran: "For the worst of beasts in the sight of Allah are the deaf and the dumb,- those who understand(do not use their intellect) not."

Only the clearminded will take admonition... the nihilistic and narcisstic culture prevalent here has digressed into a state of animalistic abyss... this is worse than a earthquake, for physical pain is temporary, but spiritual death is eternal

Assalamualaikum.. that was deep brother... Maybe too deep for these cats to even dig it.
Something isn't deep just because nobody agrees with it.


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Elsewhere in the Blessed Quran: "For the worst of beasts in the sight of Allah are the deaf and the dumb,- those who understand(do not use their intellect) not."

Only the clearminded will take admonition... the nihilistic and narcisstic culture prevalent here has digressed into a state of animalistic abyss... this is worse than a earthquake, for physical pain is temporary, but spiritual death is eternal

To submit my intellect to dogmas... now that would be a waste.

And thank god not everyone thinks that the most important thing to do in your life is worshipping... where the fuck would humanity be then. Animalistic abyss my ass... so far very inhuman deeds have occured in the name of religion, while the greatest inventions men have ever made were brought forward by more or less narcistic geniuses who didn't let something like faith/religion/allah/worshipping distract them or discourage them from CREATING stuff on their own, without the help of a so-called creator.

Strong people don't need a God. To make humanity stronger (and also more peaceful) we have to get rid of him and the religious paradigms that are brought along by the faith that people have in him.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2006, 09:23:52 AM by 7 don't need to brag 'bout how muthafuckin' Active he iz »
Cause I don't care where I belong no more
What we share or not I will ignore
And I won't waste my time fitting in
Cause I don't think contrast is a sin
No, it's not a sin

TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96'

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To submit my intellect to dogmas... now that would be a waste.

And thank god not everyone thinks that the most important thing to do in your life is worshipping... where the fuck would humanity be then. Animalistic abyss my ass... so far very inhuman deeds have occured in the name of religion, while the greatest inventions men have ever made were brought forward by more or less narcistic geniuses who didn't let something like faith/religion/allah/worshipping distract them or discourage them from CREATING stuff on their own, without the help of a so-called creator.

Strong people don't need a God. To make humanity stronger (and also more peaceful) we have to get rid of him and the religious paradigms that are brought along by the faith that people have in him.

You were raised with a Western mind so therefore you place Christianity in a superior position, and you assume that the same shortcomings that exist in Christianity are also present in Islam.  This is not true.  Christianity discouraged knowledge, invention, and progress, and it took Islamic Spain to influence the rest of Europe out of the dark ages.

The Noble Qu'ran encourages it's readers to seek knowledge.  20:114 instructs the readers to recite "My Lord, increase my knowledge."  The Prophet Muhammad instructed Muslim believers to seek knowledge even if it meant travelling to China.  The Qu'ran is a confirmation of the righteous knowledge from Prophets of the past, an analysis on all things, and a giudance to those who will believe.

It is a great myth and lie to marginalize the accomplishments of Muslims in science, technology, mathematics, art, and literature.  The Muslims in Europe in the Middle Ages, in city's like Al-Andulus (Spain), could speak Arabic, Latin, and Spanish.  They were prime sources of translation, the multicultural context they were living in aloud them to be the primary sources of information in Europe, leading Europe out of the dark ages. 

They were able to develop science in such away that their technology did not destroy the enviroment.  They were able to use aquiducts and cannals to provide water to everyone in the city before anyone else knew how to do this.  In Granada they are still using this technology, waterworks biult by Muslims to provide resources.

Among the products introduced to Europe through Muslim Spain were cotton balls, paper money, clocks, soap, glass mirrors, streat lamps, salt, colored glass, cinommin, deoderant, cotton balls, book bindings, nitric acids, compasses, slide rules, spinning wheals, maps, globes, eye glasses, porcelin, almanacs, encyclopedia's, sergical instruments, citrus and necter friuts, test tubes, velvet, ceramic tiles, astrolabs, silk, satin, pepper, hankerchiefs, postage stamps, etc.

In Mathematics, Ibn Younus, Ibn Hamza, Bin Akmed, founded symbols and equations, zero, Arabic numeral system, logerisms, 3rd degree equations, triginomic ratio's, calculus and equations-  Algebra (Al-Jabeer).

In Physics, Ibn Younus, Ibn Hathum, established the science of power and mechanics, they described gravity in details long before Newton.  They described mechanical properties of geometric bodies, developed the hydrometer, arometer, balance, scale, invented the penjalum. 

In chemistry, Al Kindi, Al Razi, atomic theory of matter, developed processes of evaporation, sublimation, crystillation, melting, pigmintation, methods of steal-making, dyeing cloths and textiles, nitro and hydro-cloric acids, amonium, silver nitrade, sodium, chemical process for manufacture of flasks, scales, tools.

In Astronomy, Al Batani, Al Baruni named over 200 stars with Arabic names, calculated length of terrestrial degree, planetary motion, solar inclination angle, charted orbit of stars and planets.

In medicine, Al Razi, etc.  performed gynocology, medical encyclopedias, excetrics, mercury ointment, function of lungs, recognized contagous nature of terbiculosis, distribution of disease, used and described over 200 sergical instruments, described 130 eye diseases.

In pharmacology, they prepared acids, nitrates, toxins, prepared them in pills and solutions, shops for perscrimptions, medicine and earbs, alkali, alfalfa, hakeem, jasmine, safran, etc.. all Arabic names.
Givin' respect to 2pac September 7th-13th The Day Hip-Hop Died

(btw, Earth 🌎 is not a spinning water ball)


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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White boy, Stop going off topic in every thread. Your Christian bashing is becoming played out. If I was to judge a debate between you and 7, he'd win although I strongly disagree with him. Why? Because your points are lame. All you're doing is proving him right when he says "very inhuman deeds have occured in the name of religion" because you're treating your religion sort of like a gang. It's the same mentality, you set out enemies for yourself and try to apply it to everywhere and everything which usually doesn't fit. Your mind-state is just getting to a point where even therapy wouldn't help.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2006, 11:13:36 AM by ZILLA THE GOODFELLA »




Don Seer


You were raised with a Western mind so therefore you place Christianity in a superior position, and you assume that the same shortcomings that exist in Christianity are also present in Islam.  This is not true.  Christianity discouraged knowledge, invention, and progress, and it took Islamic Spain to influence the rest of Europe out of the dark ages.

Infinite.. Strike 3.. You're out.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2006, 11:14:55 AM by Overseer »


i think this earth quake proves that god doesn't like muslims

What your saying is comparable to someone saying "God hates the sun", or "God hates the moon."

It would be impossible for God to hate Muslims. 

In Islam, God = Creator.  God in Islam means the highest Creator.  Islam means submission to the Creator.  And "Muslim" means = one who submits to their Creator. 

So it would be impossible for the Creator to hate the creation, when that creation is in a state of submission.

Your father hates you, and you're permanently in a state of submission to everything around you because you're such a pathetic bitch you can't have any control over anything in the first place. 


Truly Allah says in the Blessed Quran: "And surely We shall try you with something of fear and hunger, and loss of wealth and lives and crops; but give glad tidings to the patient, Who say, when afflicted with calamity: "To Allah We belong, and to Him is our return", They are those on whom (Descend) blessings from Allah, and Mercy, and they are the ones that receive guidance"

Elsewhere in the Blessed Quran: "For the worst of beasts in the sight of Allah are the deaf and the dumb,- those who understand(do not use their intellect) not."

Only the clearminded will take admonition... the nihilistic and narcisstic culture prevalent here has digressed into a state of animalistic abyss... this is worse than a earthquake, for physical pain is temporary, but spiritual death is eternal

Assalamualaikum.. that was deep brother... Maybe too deep for these cats to even dig it.


Yeah, so fucking deep you'd have to be a 4th grader to understand it. 


Strong people don't need a God. To make humanity stronger (and also more peaceful) we have to get rid of him and the religious paradigms that are brought along by the faith that people have in him.

So in other words, you subscribe to your own religion which is a religion of non-belief and non-tolerance of religious people.  You say you would have the whole world follow your religion and think it's the way to make humanity stronger and more at peace.  you're ignorant enough to not see what you're proposing is exactly what you're attacking infinte and religious people everywhere for.  LOL what a clown. 


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Strong people don't need a God. To make humanity stronger (and also more peaceful) we have to get rid of him and the religious paradigms that are brought along by the faith that people have in him.

So in other words, you subscribe to your own religion which is a religion of non-belief and non-tolerance of religious people.  You say you would have the whole world follow your religion and think it's the way to make humanity stronger and more at peace.  you're ignorant enough to not see what you're proposing is exactly what you're attacking infinte and religious people everywhere for.  LOL what a clown. 

I'm not promoting a new religion of non-belief. Non-belief shouldnt be praised and put upon people, I just want religion not to be the big issue that it is right now.
I've heard that everybody-has-a-religion-talk for a while now. If you're an acoholic, drinking is your religion, etc... yadda yadda yadda. Religion can (kind of) be a way of life, but that doesn't mean other, non-religious ways of life automatically function as substitudes for religion.
According to my philosophy humans shouldn't need religion and therefore a replacement is not needed.
I don't want religious people repressed by atheists or whatever obnoxious stuff can be suggested from "an own religion of non-belief and non-tolerance of religious people".
How can you deny that there's a good chance of a more peaceful society if, hypothetically speaking, noone believed in one, and therefore noone would get his panties wet over someone who believes in a different religion? Of course, absolute tolerance towards other people's religious beliefs would solve that problem as well, but that is just as unlikely to happen.
I also believe that religion can be a obstacle for science, which is proven quite frequently. A classic example would be Galileo Galilei. Also, if Einstein had chosen to become a monch and self-proclaimed slave to God, spending his time praying and shit, I doubt he would have had the scientific impact he had.
Cause I don't care where I belong no more
What we share or not I will ignore
And I won't waste my time fitting in
Cause I don't think contrast is a sin
No, it's not a sin


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man you guys are hatin on Abdul Infinite cuz he's speaking the TRUTH, u hate to hear him speak cuz he breaks down your arrogant dogma, and the people in a existentialist crisis, man you can never step outside the box homey... everything is a paradigm, yo paradigm to u my paradigm to me... we'll see whats reality

it was the church that put galilio to death, but it was the calipha that patronized all scholars of all faiths to study and advance in sciences in baghdad a thousand years ago... it is simple compare and contrast, no christian bashing....
"In a ball of confusion.... shoulda never had me" - Tupac

Teddy Roosevelt

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man you guys are hatin on Abdul Infinite cuz he's speaking the TRUTH, u hate to hear him speak cuz he breaks down your arrogant dogma, and the people in a existentialist crisis, man you can never step outside the box homey... everything is a paradigm, yo paradigm to u my paradigm to me... we'll see whats reality

it was the church that put galilio to death, but it was the calipha that patronized all scholars of all faiths to study and advance in sciences in baghdad a thousand years ago... it is simple compare and contrast, no christian bashing....
You've only been on this forum for 2 days so you don't know the constant shit Infinite posts. You have no idea of how ignorant this guy is. So instead of sticking up for him just because he is a Muslim, why don't you try to get the facts straight. Don't just assume becuase we disagree with him that we are hating because Infinite is the biggest hater of all. He has been proven time and time again to be a joke, it's just a matter of reading some classic Infinite threads. Hating on him has nothing to do (directly) with the fact that he is Muslim.


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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man you guys are hatin on Abdul Infinite cuz he's speaking the TRUTH

it's not just about what somebody says, but also how he says it. the latter is often even MUCH more important.

like ted said, you have to be on this board for longer to see where the infinite-bashers are coming from. he's a good guy, but kinda lost.
Cause I don't care where I belong no more
What we share or not I will ignore
And I won't waste my time fitting in
Cause I don't think contrast is a sin
No, it's not a sin