Author Topic: Who was born on Dec. 25th? I'll give you a hint, it wasn't Jesus....  (Read 2628 times)

J Bananas

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Re: Who was born on Dec. 25th? I'll give you a hint, it wasn't Jesus....
« Reply #60 on: May 30, 2006, 01:12:44 AM »


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Re: Who was born on Dec. 25th? I'll give you a hint, it wasn't Jesus....
« Reply #61 on: June 05, 2006, 01:11:21 AM »
True indeed, fuck it, Jihad
In the eight century Muslims conquered
Spain, Portugal and France and controlled it for 700 years
They never mention this in history class
cause o'fays are threatened when you get the real lesson
Moors from Baghdad, Turkey threatened European Christians
Meaning, the white way of life; hence the Crusades for Christ

-Rass Kass-
this is off subject but Ras Kass is a little mistaken here. I don't know about the rest of you but we were taught this quite thoroughly where i went to school. its just not taught in the repetitious manner that american history is taught in this country

I never heard a word of it in school.  I never heard the word Islam or Muslim or anything the whole time I was in school. We had alot of European history but I never heard about Islamic Spain.  I heard about Queen Isabella but I never heard about the Spanish Kalipha Abdul-Rahman and the Ummeyad Dynasty.  I heard alot about Martin Luther King but I never heard a word mentioned about Malcolm X.  None of this was even in the textbooks. 

The only time I ever heard anything related to Islam in school, was when I was in 3rd grade during the first gulf war, our teacher told us that Muslims stopped everything they were doing 5 times a day and prayed and that the women lowered their gazes and men and women didn't stare at eachother.

It's because they purposely want to hide the truth.  Don't believe me?  I have a Columbia encyclopedia in my apt.  I browse through it all the time.  Now, you would think a Columbian encyclopedia would be dedicated to presenting the facts.  Well, guess what.   I looked up Palestine.  They talk all about Palestine and then they suddenly stop in 1947.  They just stop right before the most important event in Palestinian history, which is when in 1948 the white powers of the world got together and decided to officially kick Arab Muslims off their land and create the country Isreal as a Jewish homeland.  British, America, The UN, totally wiped Palestine off the map and created Isreal and there is no mention of this in an encyclopedia! 

I then looked up Isreal and it made no mention of how Isreal was created in 1948 on a land that had been occupied by Arab Muslims for nearly 1,000 years.
Islam was a 7th Century Arabian Culture that was made into a religion, thats all.