Author Topic: Bench press  (Read 619 times)


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Bench press
« on: August 25, 2006, 04:26:48 AM »
So Ive been going to the gym for about a year now. And Im having problems with bench press, Im stuck in the same weight (80 kilos) for a while now. Everywhere else Im develpoing normally, putting more wieghts on but Im stuck on becnh press.

Any help, advice is welcome  ;)


Re: Bench press
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2006, 04:48:43 AM »
go down to 4-6 reps on each set. you´ll add a lot of muscle mass if you do 4-6 extremely heavy reps in all of the basics(bench press,dead lift,squats etc). and when you add muscle mass you become stronger so try that out for a couple of weeks. and the other chest exercises also play a part in the strength you´ll gain.


Re: Bench press
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2006, 04:52:23 AM »
and if you´re only goal is to become big then you don´t need to do more then 6 reps on any exercise(no the warm-up sets you should do way more reps though). but if you want functional muscles then you should do more reps. what exercises does your chest pass consist of?


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Re: Bench press
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2006, 05:04:59 AM »
Yeah I basically wont to be "big". So only 6 reps. I do 10 usually. Ill change that.

Im doing bench press 4 series, than for my upper chest with handels on becnh thats moved up( I dont know how to say it with one word) also 4 series and butterfly if you know what that is, again 4 series. What do you do?


Re: Bench press
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2006, 05:10:15 AM »
Yeah I basically wont to be "big". So only 6 reps. I do 10 usually. Ill change that.

Im doing bench press 4 series, than for my upper chest with handels on becnh thats moved up( I dont know how to say it with one word) also 4 series and butterfly if you know what that is, again 4 series. What do you do?
i´d do do 5 sets on the bench(2 warm-up sets and 3 heavy), then i´d take a bench like you said that you do with the curls then i´d use it with the bench aswell(just like you do with the curls/handles). then i´d do fllies(butterflies) and i´d end it off with doin the curl exercise with the bench leaning upwards like you just said. and do warm-up sets on all of the exercises coz you don´t wanna fuck your shoulders up. that´s very easy to do if you don´t start with lighter weights then increase the weights gradually.


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Re: Bench press
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2006, 05:11:21 AM »
well ive been traing for about 5 months properly ive seen graet gains i tried previous for about 2 years  hers the workout i was give while on holiday at a proper gym

5 days 1 part each day

 to build a chest try to do everything even if you have to do 2 sets to build a chest you just cant do bench press or pushups it wont happen

monday chest 3 parts
start incline
dumbell press
bench press
and flies
chest machine 8 sets switch you grip thaere normally 3 grips
butterfly flies with pullies standing

dumbell press
bench press
also do the side chest machine 3-4 sets

decline gives the buffed lookdoing this bring the chest up which give you the look
decline bench
decline dumbell
decline flies
then sit on a bench incline level with one dumbell push back and bring dumbell to chest level very goo declin exercise but hard to get right also make sure your head level if lower than leg level and put sum supprt for you legs cos sum peopl tend to slide back wen doing decline

back winds

wednesday biceps


friday triceps legs stomach

sat rest

sunday running

im pretty much addicted lol let me know if you want routines for these

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Re: Bench press
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2006, 05:14:10 AM »
oh yeah do a warm up say 10 kg dumbell to 3 sets with high reps a little jog watever gets you releaxed and stretch

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Re: Bench press
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2006, 05:15:19 AM »
^waaaay too many chest exercises and sets if you wanna get big. if you workout like that you´ll burn muscles and you might end up losing weight and that´s something you don´t wanna do if you want to become big.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2006, 05:17:26 AM by Pissin' On The Throne »


Re: Bench press
« Reply #8 on: August 25, 2006, 05:22:38 AM »
download Ronnie Coleman - The Cost of Redemption, and Ronnie Coleman - The Unbelievable. do that and check out how he does chest and you´ll learn something, but of course you shouldn´t do as many sets as him coz he´s been lifting weights for 20 years. but the exercises he does are pretty much the best chest exercises. and you can definently pick up some tips on how to get your back big as hell aswell as your legs.


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Re: Bench press
« Reply #9 on: August 25, 2006, 05:23:56 AM »
^waaaay too many chest exercises and sets if you wanna get big. if you workout like that you´ll burn muscles and you might end up losing weight and that´s something you don´t wanna do if you want to become big.

you need to do the 3 parts of you chest if you wanna build you chest 3 parts atleast 3 exercises each thats 9 exercises you have to do your not gonna buil anything by just doing incline i do these every monday and after i train i get the burn in my chest by doing 3 to 4 ches tsets youll get the burn but only in 1 part of your chest anyone can lift heavy but your not gonna build a chest without doing all 3 parts

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Re: Bench press
« Reply #10 on: August 25, 2006, 05:27:38 AM »
download Ronnie Coleman - The Cost of Redemption, and Ronnie Coleman - The Unbelievable. do that and check out how he does chest and you´ll learn something, but of course you shouldn´t do as many sets as him coz he´s been lifting weights for 20 years. but the exercises he does are pretty much the best chest exercises. and you can definently pick up some tips on how to get your back big as hell aswell as your legs.

dont go to the legs lol back is  good but legs lol doing a few squats and im finished lol

ill check that also dont listen to the people in the gym they chat shit take a look at them then listen to them i listen to them and messed around doing nothing for 2 yaers and dont look at the girls they are there to put you off lol

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Re: Bench press
« Reply #11 on: August 25, 2006, 05:28:44 AM »
^waaaay too many chest exercises and sets if you wanna get big. if you workout like that you´ll burn muscles and you might end up losing weight and that´s something you don´t wanna do if you want to become big.

you need to do the 3 parts of you chest if you wanna build you chest 3 parts atleast 3 exercises each thats 9 exercises you have to do your not gonna buil anything by just doing incline i do these every monday and after i train i get the burn in my chest by doing 3 to 4 ches tsets youll get the burn but only in 1 part of your chest anyone can lift heavy but your not gonna build a chest without doing all 3 parts
you don´t need to split your chest into different parts to break it down for someone. if he does the basic excersises like i said he´ll work every part of his chest. and 9 exercises lol, you do realize that not 1 single top body builder does that many? not hating or nothing but that´s way to many exercises, Meho i´ll ask a friend of mine who´s a PT to come up with a good chest program and i´ll post it later/tomorrow.


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Re: Bench press
« Reply #12 on: August 25, 2006, 05:34:13 AM »
^waaaay too many chest exercises and sets if you wanna get big. if you workout like that you´ll burn muscles and you might end up losing weight and that´s something you don´t wanna do if you want to become big.

you need to do the 3 parts of you chest if you wanna build you chest 3 parts atleast 3 exercises each thats 9 exercises you have to do your not gonna buil anything by just doing incline i do these every monday and after i train i get the burn in my chest by doing 3 to 4 ches tsets youll get the burn but only in 1 part of your chest anyone can lift heavy but your not gonna build a chest without doing all 3 parts
you don´t need to split your chest into different parts to break it down for someone. if he does the basic excersises like i said he´ll work every part of his chest. and 9 exercises lol, you do realize that not 1 single top body builder does that many? not hating or nothing but that´s way to many exercises, Meho i´ll ask a friend of mine who´s a PT to come up with a good chest program and i´ll post it later/tomorrow.

alright man it workes for me but something differnt might work for you i actually got the workout from a retired bodybuilder who now trains other bodybuilders but okay

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Re: Bench press
« Reply #13 on: August 25, 2006, 05:38:23 AM »
^i also got my shit from 2 bodybuilders(one who´s a former Mr. Europe). but i´ll ask my friend that´s a PT coz he takes into consideration how much damage the shit´ll do to your body and the body builders don´t lol. as long as you´re lifting heavy ass weights their happy but i already torned my left tricep once so i listen to my body a little more.


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Re: Bench press
« Reply #14 on: August 25, 2006, 05:41:29 AM »
^i also got my shit from 2 bodybuilders(one who´s a former Mr. Europe). but i´ll ask my friend that´s a PT coz he takes into consideration how much damage the shit´ll to do your body and the body builders don´t lol. as long as you´re lifting heavy ass weights their happy but i already torned my left tricep once so i listen to my body a little more.

damn man your as stubborn as me body building site which back up wat i say


check it theres the top sites saying the same shit 3 parts


Upper Chest Exercises:
Chest Exercises - Incline Barbell Bench Press
Chest Exercises - Incline Bench Cable Flyes
Chest Exercises - Incline Dumbbell Flyes
Chest Exercises - Incline Supinating Dumbbell Flyes
Chest Exercises - Incline Bench Dumbbell Press
Chest Exercises - Hammer Grip Incline Dumbbell Press
Chest Exercises - Declined Push Ups
Chest Exercises - Smith Machine Incline Bench Press
Chest Exercises - Exercise Ball Inclined Pushups

Middle Chest Exercises:
Chest Exercises - Barbell Bench Press
Chest Exercises - Barbell Pullovers
Chest Exercises - Dumbbell Pullovers
Chest Exercises - Pec Deck Butterflys
Chest Exercises - Cable Crossovers
Chest Exercises - Close Grip Barbell Bench Press
Chest Exercises - Dips
Chest Exercises - Flat Bench Dumbbell Press
Chest Exercises - Flat Bench Dumbbell Flyes
Chest Exercises - Flat Bench Cable Flyes
Chest Exercises - Isometric Chest Presses
Chest Exercises - Machine Bench Press
Chest Exercises - Single Arm Dumbbell Flyes
Chest Exercises - Narrow Grip Push Ups
Chest Exercises - Push Ups
Chest Exercises - Smith Machine Bench Press
Chest Exercises - Wide Grip Barbell Bench Press
Chest Exercises - FreeMotion Cable Crossovers
Chest Exercises - Medicine Ball One Arm Pushups

Lower Chest Exercises:
Chest Exercises - Decline Barbell Bench Press
Chest Exercises - Decline Dumbbell Bench Press
Chest Exercises - Decline Dumbbell Flyes
Chest Exercises - Exercise Ball Push Ups
Chest Exercises - Wide Grip Decline Barbell Bench Press


The chest muscles are made up of the pectoralis major and the pectoralis minor. The pectoralis major is the bigger of the two and spans most of the clavicle and sternum and attaches to the upper arm. It has several important functions at the shoulder: flexion, adduction (towards body), and medial (inward) rotation. The pectoralis minor is a thin triangular muscle that lies beneath the pectoralis major and is responsible for similar functions. Your chest is helpful in contact sports that require a lot of pushing such as football and rugby.

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