Author Topic: 16 bars on my beat  (Read 175 times)


  • Lil Geezy
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16 bars on my beat
« on: August 30, 2006, 02:41:27 PM »

I'm an amateur producer from Germany (i am making beats since five days). I would be very glad, when someone drop a part on my downloadable 16-bars-beat. This would be my first track, on which i want to promote my homies and other rapper. But if you don't like my beat, then i can understand it, because that is my first beat.  ;)

But cogitate: Even if this beat is bad, you can still convince the listener and show your skills, if you really have skills. So please kick your verses, even though you don't like the beat.  ;D  When enough talented rapper congress, then i will promote the track in many german rap boards.
Every rapper wil also get 8 bars to represent his/her city/label/crew/releases/MySpace-Account. But to this ,,Representing" i will give you some information later. So I say it again: Even if you don't like this beat, please drop 16 bars. ;D Do it for a beginning producer! ;D It will not result disadvantages for you from recording 16 bars. ;D

Here is the download-link:

When you - have got questions/are interested/ want to send me your recorded part - then write it down in this topic or contact me

(ICQ: 214-400-939

I would be very very glad, when you contact me!  :)

If you don't understand some sentences, please write it down! Sorry, but i don't speak perfect English! ;D