Author Topic: DOCUDRAMA "the path to 9/11" REPUBLICAN PROPOGANDA  (Read 176 times)


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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« on: September 12, 2006, 01:54:20 PM »
wuttup my west coast niggas!!!  just wanted to hear your guys' opinions about the republicans spreading negative words about my nigga BILL CLINTON, please enlighten me with some intelligent opinions, i'll let you know wut i think about it after a couple posts.


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2006, 04:09:13 PM »

Here is my take on it, most europeans and americans believe that the u.s government had at the very least prior knowledge of september 11 which makes those responsible guilty of conspiracy to murder and treason. The Bush administration had only been in office for less than a year and by the reports own admission this took years of planning, therefore it would take great naivety to think that there wasnt prior knowledge within the clinton inner circle also. However why the need to personalise this? clinton bush gore kerry they are all puppets. Bush and Kerry were from the same frat club, clearly the elections were fixed and not just in the final result. People get far too caught up one person, like they arent having their strings pulled, like their interviews arent scripted, like they dont have script writers, like they dont have teams of advisors telling them exactly how to act. It really is time people started looking past the facade, just because they wear nice suits smile a lot and in clintons case could say his lines without stumbling all over them, does not make them the all powerful good guys.


« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2006, 06:20:39 AM »
I think you forgot to read where he asked for intelligent answers.  Paranoia and fear of big brother is not a sign of intelligence, it's a sign of a mind that can only go so far, and keeps leaping to 'everything is not as it seems!!!!' even when the evidence doesn't back it up. 

In a nutshell, my thoughts about this docudrama.  The dems finally get a little taste of what it's o.k. to say about George Bush any day of the week.  Bush typically doesn't respond or bark back when somebody accusses him of for instance blowing up the towers himself, because he doesn't give a shit.  The fact of the matter is, George Bush has done something to remember him by, good or bad; he's waged two major, contraversial wars in the middle east.

On the other hand, Bill Clinton didn't do a fucking thing the whole time he was in office, so he has nothing to remember him by except a candyland impression in folks minds, partially spun by the media, that he has to protect at all costs.  So when a docudrama makes him look bad, he has to bitch and moan and have others threaten to sue.  The drama might hurt his image, since there is no substance to his image with which to base your opinion of him on... only media spin and a false legacy.

Bush on the other hand, you can say whatever you want about him, but there is still concrete substance to his presidency, good or bad.  He waged two major wars.  If you hate war, you can use that to create a legacy, in your mind, that he was a horrible president.  If you were for the wars, you can use that fact to think he was a great president; it's regardless.... the point of the discussion is that Bush backed up whatever opinion you have of him.

Clinton didn't do a fucking thing in 8 years, so any opinion of him you have you cannot point to any reason why you have that opinion; making it necessary for Clinton to defend himself against any public attacks or attempts to cast him in a negative light.

I'm thinking at least 10 miles above most of your minds, so if you don't 'get it', don't 'sweat it'. 


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2006, 07:28:48 AM »
You suffer from denial or complete tunnel vision, not to mention delusions, you can't sweep this under the carpet most people do believe that at the very least the government had prior knowledge. Again this bizare personalising of the event, we can all agree that Bush is not all there, cheney wolfowitz pearlie those are a few of the politicians within the current administration who wield genuine power. Bush is simply a puppet if you can't see that by now then you must be extremely stupid, those with complete apathy towards politics even acknowledge him being a puppet. It's impossible for the towers to have been demolished isnt it because these are the good guys and anyone who says otherwise are nuts.  ::)

I wonder how long it took for the penny to drop with you that Al Queda and Saddam Hussein were not in allegiance with each other, or are you one of those conservatives that still refuses to accept this was a lie??
« Last Edit: September 13, 2006, 07:38:13 AM by virtuoso »


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2006, 05:28:10 PM »
I think you forgot to read where he asked for intelligent answers.  Paranoia and fear of big brother is not a sign of intelligence, it's a sign of a mind that can only go so far, and keeps leaping to 'everything is not as it seems!!!!' even when the evidence doesn't back it up. 

In a nutshell, my thoughts about this docudrama.  The dems finally get a little taste of what it's o.k. to say about George Bush any day of the week.  Bush typically doesn't respond or bark back when somebody accusses him of for instance blowing up the towers himself, because he doesn't give a shit.  The fact of the matter is, George Bush has done something to remember him by, good or bad; he's waged two major, contraversial wars in the middle east.

On the other hand, Bill Clinton didn't do a fucking thing the whole time he was in office, so he has nothing to remember him by except a candyland impression in folks minds, partially spun by the media, that he has to protect at all costs.  So when a docudrama makes him look bad, he has to bitch and moan and have others threaten to sue.  The drama might hurt his image, since there is no substance to his image with which to base your opinion of him on... only media spin and a false legacy.

Bush on the other hand, you can say whatever you want about him, but there is still concrete substance to his presidency, good or bad.  He waged two major wars.  If you hate war, you can use that to create a legacy, in your mind, that he was a horrible president.  If you were for the wars, you can use that fact to think he was a great president; it's regardless.... the point of the discussion is that Bush backed up whatever opinion you have of him.

Clinton didn't do a fucking thing in 8 years, so any opinion of him you have you cannot point to any reason why you have that opinion; making it necessary for Clinton to defend himself against any public attacks or attempts to cast him in a negative light.

I'm thinking at least 10 miles above most of your minds, so if you don't 'get it', don't 'sweat it'. 

i totally disagree with you homie. clinton did leave a legacy, while clinton was in office, the economy was at its peak, ever, the unemployment rate was extremely low, and americans were happy.  just because clinton didn't kill innocent muslims (he actually helped them in kosovo) doesnt mean that he hasn't done anything.  bush on the other hand, racked up our debt, started two wars that he doesnt give a fuck about, cuz whoever takes his spot is gonna inherit this problem, and bush says stupid things on a daily basis.  in my eyes, bush fucked us, bad, and he doesnt give a fuck about our friends that are out there risking their lives in afghanistan and iraq.  but clinton was a self made man that the people appreciated.  honestly, i feel that clinton wanted to become president in order to do good for the american people, and bush wanted to become president for personal gain and because he had the power to do so.  its fucked up to blame clinton for any wrongdoing, he did his best, even if he was gettin sucked off by a fat bitch.


« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2006, 08:59:12 PM »
Fuck all of these docu-dramas, FLight 93's, World Trade Center movies. Fuck 'em.

It's just a bunch of suits trying to capitalize off of people's deaths in order to fatten their pockets. While this is all going on, firefighters, policemen, and volunteers are suffering from complications and irreversible damage from working in Ground Zero. Instead of trying to push agendas thru some shitty movie, how about we do more to bring awareness to them and give them a hand?

I'm happy some stupid ass reality show did better in the ratings than that movie.
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