Author Topic: Panacea Set To Change Face Of Rawkus & Hip-Hop  (Read 70 times)

Damien J.

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Panacea Set To Change Face Of Rawkus & Hip-Hop
« on: October 17, 2006, 12:44:14 AM »
D.C. based hip-hop group Panacea are the second group signed to Rawkus as the legendary record label prepares to reclaim their spot within the world of hip- hop. Group members Raw Poetic and K Murdock not only want to uphold Rawkus’s already respected reputation but help elevate the label to new heights. “To be one of the first groups coming out under the re-launch of Rawkus and putting that stamp on it again, I want to be that group who not only puts out good music but changes the face of hip-hop as well.” explains Raw Poetic.

The seasoned musicians are well aware of the pressures of being affiliated with a record label of Rawkus’s magnitude. There is also the pressure of representing D.C. where the most popular style of music is Go-Go first and R&B second. However, Panacea refuses to be typecast into one style or sound. “There is a Hip-Hop scene in D.C. There are people that have came from D.C. on major labels through the years like Non-Chalant. That was definitely a D.C. joint, but other than her that was it. On the underground level you got people like Asheru, from UnSpoken Heard. More R&B type people coming out of D.C., but as far as hip-hop, it’s a scene but it hasn’t blown yet.”

Panacea are direct descendants of hip-hop’s Golden Era, but they want to be seen as a group that continues to push the envelope when it comes to changing the sound of the music. Raw P and K Murdock cite hip-hop legends such as A Tribe Called Quest and De La Soul as influences of their sound and style.

Their main objective is to share their brand of hip- hop with the rest of world. “A lot of people want to live in that ’94 era, that Golden Era of ’88. No doubt we studied and grew up listening to that era. We are also trying to take it in a new direction. People always talk about this is the next level, but not really doing the next level. Our chemistry is so strong and unique that when people hear it, it sounds refreshing and new. It’s pictures being painted through sound.” says K Murdock.

The very message that Panacea wants to convey shines brightly on their Rawkus debut Ink Is My Drink which was released September 12th. “Starlite,” the lead single sets the precedent of just what listeners can expect from Panacea on this album and future releases. The video which accompanies the single takes viewers on a visual roller coaster unlike any other hip-hop video currently out. “Starlite I wrote on the train while on my way to XM to record with Murdock. When you go under ground and the lights are on the sides of the train. When you see the lights reflect of people’s eyes, that was the premise for ‘StarLite’ I was looking at that like everyone has their own star and light.”

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