Author Topic: terrorists getting owned in iraq  (Read 2511 times)


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Re: terrorists getting owned in iraq
« Reply #15 on: January 02, 2007, 06:38:21 PM »
NOt that Im rooting for those stupid terrorist who kill without purpose but

American ain't owning SHIT....You aint tough for shooting from somewhere safe and sound far way.  If you a real man take it to the field but Im afraind US & Israel get owned when it comes to ground war and man to man combat.

most of those filthy terrorists aren't real men. they kill themselves by strapping a bomb to their body and sit inside a public bus full of innocent people who are just trying to go somewhere and live their daily lives. why the fuck would soldiers waste their time with these shitbags when they could just take them out like the pests they are

You dont know what their reason is for doing it, so we can't be the judge.  Everyone dies and lives for something and doing something of that caliber takes heart and punks dont have heart to do such things. 
I dont think they're real men because they kill but they do put up a good fight and with all the technology and money in the world, its not as easy as US & Israel thought and they're not as manly as they think they are.

dude shut up, i understand what terrorists do is "right" in their eyes but in the eyes of Americans and everyone who isn't Muslim, it's wrong.  I don't care if US uses superior technology to defeat it's enemies who have inferior weapons, they should have thought about that before they attack us and killed innocent Americans.

And you wanna talk about US not being "manly" how "manly" were those terrorists on 9/11?  You tell me how manly it is to kill innocent people who were at work by flying a plane into a building?  or how "manly" is it when you strap women and children with explosives and have them commit suicide?

No fool, you need to shut up and think OUTSIDE THE F-CKIN' BOX and believing everything they feed you.

What im trying to say is the damn terrorists are the same f-ckin' thing as the stupid americans.  In 9/11 at least they were man enough to use 3 men without any guns to hi-jack a fully secured plane IN america and do damage.  THats way more manly than some guy sitting behing a computer pressing a button. 

If you wanna talk about innocent lives, it goes both ways, not just the ay-rabs.  I have no sides in this bullshit and all i care about is the freedom of my people.  I could careless about the white devils and they ay-rabs killing each other to prove a point.  In the end both sides are cowards to me!


For one, the US soldiers have families and they're not going to risk their lives for being what you call "man enough." Being man enough in my opinion is being able to survive to come back to your family and take care of them. Those terrorists aren't manly, they're fucking retards cought up on Osama's lies.

swangin and bangin

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Re: terrorists getting owned in iraq
« Reply #16 on: January 02, 2007, 06:43:49 PM »
yea there real men cause they kill their selves for some bull shit cause. get the fuck outa here wit that bullshit. the "real men" are the maufuckaz blastin those terroiste fags before they can blow there shitty ass's up.

Just Another Sunny day in California

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Re: terrorists getting owned in iraq
« Reply #17 on: January 02, 2007, 07:32:47 PM »
NOt that Im rooting for those stupid terrorist who kill without purpose but

American ain't owning SHIT....You aint tough for shooting from somewhere safe and sound far way.  If you a real man take it to the field but Im afraind US & Israel get owned when it comes to ground war and man to man combat.

most of those filthy terrorists aren't real men. they kill themselves by strapping a bomb to their body and sit inside a public bus full of innocent people who are just trying to go somewhere and live their daily lives. why the fuck would soldiers waste their time with these shitbags when they could just take them out like the pests they are

You dont know what their reason is for doing it, so we can't be the judge.  Everyone dies and lives for something and doing something of that caliber takes heart and punks dont have heart to do such things. 
I dont think they're real men because they kill but they do put up a good fight and with all the technology and money in the world, its not as easy as US & Israel thought and they're not as manly as they think they are.

dude shut up, i understand what terrorists do is "right" in their eyes but in the eyes of Americans and everyone who isn't Muslim, it's wrong.  I don't care if US uses superior technology to defeat it's enemies who have inferior weapons, they should have thought about that before they attack us and killed innocent Americans.

And you wanna talk about US not being "manly" how "manly" were those terrorists on 9/11?  You tell me how manly it is to kill innocent people who were at work by flying a plane into a building?  or how "manly" is it when you strap women and children with explosives and have them commit suicide?

No fool, you need to shut up and think OUTSIDE THE F-CKIN' BOX and believing everything they feed you.

What im trying to say is the damn terrorists are the same f-ckin' thing as the stupid americans.  In 9/11 at least they were man enough to use 3 men without any guns to hi-jack a fully secured plane IN america and do damage.  THats way more manly than some guy sitting behing a computer pressing a button. 

If you wanna talk about innocent lives, it goes both ways, not just the ay-rabs.  I have no sides in this bullshit and all i care about is the freedom of my people.  I could careless about the white devils and they ay-rabs killing each other to prove a point.  In the end both sides are cowards to me!


wait, the difference between 9/11 and Americans killing Terrorists, is that one is the result of the other.  don't compare 9/11 to terrorists dying because 9/11 WAS AN ATTACK, unprovoked!  Therefore terrorists getting owned is the direct reaction to 9/11.  For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, simple physics you dumb fuck.  Yes it's real manly to hijack a plane of innocent people and crash it into a building killing thousands in the process.  If you ask me those terrorists are a bunch of PUSSIES, just like you.  They didn't have the balls to attack our military head to head, why?  because we'll owned them like we're doing now.  And don't give me that shity excuse because "our technology"  we aren't in the 13th century anymore, i say if it means the well being of american citizens and those across the world i'm all for the US destorying bitch ass terrorists....

fuck you.
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Re: terrorists getting owned in iraq
« Reply #18 on: January 02, 2007, 08:38:44 PM »

9/11 was at the very least allowed to happen, the real terrorists are the ones at the top helm of government and the private interests that basically control them. Let me elaborate a little further, when even a radio talk show hosts saying an attack will be launched imminently with planes used against the world trade centre, then you can appreciate just how much information there was. Yet that evil bitch condoleeza rice appeared before the senate to insist they had no idea such an attack would be launched by such means. What further exposes these words as lies. were the drills being undertaken on that very same day at that very same time and that very same location for just such an event.

So ask yourself who the real terrorists are, it is not some pissed off former iraqi soldiers, nor is it iraqi resistance groups. The american soldiers are not the ones responsible for the mass genocide in Iraq and Afghanistan, most of them are completely in the dark and just following orders. There wouldn't be some 3000 dead american soldiers and over 10,000 injured without the terrible lies manufactured by several intelligence agencies. As for Bananas ridiculous rhetoric about those "people hating our freedoms" if you were to look at the draconian legislation which is slowly but surely being passed you would see the real enemy at the gate, the ones who are truly stripping away your freedoms are the government.

However I recognise that some of you just don't care about facts and would rather continue on living in a fantasist world in which there are clear lines between "good and bad". I can not do anything about that, because cognitive dissonance is such a difficult barrier to break down but I felt compelled to respond to what I have been reading on this thread. Lastly, this is not to be interpreted as me condoning the actions of any group who deliberately target civilains. Having said that when the fight is turned towards the occupiers, that is not terrorism, that is resisting occupation and survival, it is also fighting for freedom.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2007, 08:42:33 PM by virtuoso »

Just Another Sunny day in California

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Re: terrorists getting owned in iraq
« Reply #19 on: January 03, 2007, 04:16:57 PM »
my agruement isn't whether the US government knew or not but that this faggot is saying terrorists are more "manly" than our military personel.
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Re: terrorists getting owned in iraq
« Reply #20 on: January 04, 2007, 01:43:02 AM »

My confusion with that response though, is how do you refine terrorism? if you are inferring that resisting occupation is terrorism, then all of you americans are terrorists and that is how you succeeded in gaining your independent for the british colonial empire, you are saying that the french resistance fighters were terrorists for combating the Nazi invasion with road side bombs and ambush attacks. This is where it starts to unravel, because of course it is genuine to offer the impassioned response that americans were fighting for their independence, that people like George Washington were at first loyal to the British Monarchy but then saw how they were being held down. However the same is true in Iraq the U.S military has not denied that several U.S bases were being constructed there, which of course signifies they have no intentions of leaving the area. Also they basically control the governments strings therefore it's not hard to understand why there are those that have been driven to take up arms, after witnessing firsthand the devastation that the troops have brought to the area.

The best way of supporting the troops is to demand they get taken from that toxic waste ground hell hole which several governments and interests have created. This is not about manliness this is about survival, talk about manliness is just bullshit and a distraction from the actual situation. I don't see this in terms of our brave soldiers fighting a moral war, I look at it as tens of thousands of british troops and hundreds of thousands of american troops being sent to the slaughter house to ensure the global corporations are able to control the oil supply.

« Last Edit: January 04, 2007, 01:52:48 AM by virtuoso »

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Re: terrorists getting owned in iraq
« Reply #21 on: January 04, 2007, 11:25:38 PM »
9/11 was a reaction to previous actions

Samoan Enforcer

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Re: terrorists getting owned in iraq
« Reply #22 on: January 05, 2007, 02:50:57 PM »
9/11 was a reaction to previous actions

the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. we still need to take out your cousin with precision. youre not in a position to talk here so just shut the fuck up how about you filthy iranian-American.

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Re: terrorists getting owned in iraq
« Reply #23 on: January 06, 2007, 02:21:37 AM »
I think you're in no position to talk, America is not even real fuckin' country...

Its made by people of other country and its ran dependant on others, so everything you preach is just a fairy tale.  Sit down, watch your tv, choke on your mcdonalds and don't talk too much.


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Re: terrorists getting owned in iraq
« Reply #24 on: January 06, 2007, 02:24:20 AM »
I think you're in no position to talk, America is not even real fuckin' country...

Its made by people of other country and its ran dependant on others, so everything you preach is just a fairy tale.  Sit down, watch your tv, choke on your mcdonalds and don't talk too much.


yea and Iran is a much better country lol
Oh I like this one... One dog goes one way, the other dog goes the other way, and this guy's sayin', "Whadda ya want from me?


Samoan Enforcer

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Re: terrorists getting owned in iraq
« Reply #25 on: January 06, 2007, 03:04:14 AM »


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Re: terrorists getting owned in iraq
« Reply #26 on: January 06, 2007, 05:37:44 AM »

Ignorance like yours does not help "america is not a real country" the declaration of independence was a declaration of sovereignty. Your comment is steeped on a basic lack of understanding, if you were going to use your analogy then Kuwait does not exist, pakistan does not exist, bangladesh does not exist etc America has been the pillar of freedom, the land of opportunity, it's ridiculous for you to be trying to insult the country in which you live in. There are a lot of americans that truly believe in the constitution and the american way, I am not talking about attacking the corporations and government which run america because they truly are scum. However to mock everything a country stands for when you live in it is ridiculous, if you hate it so much then move. As for your one liner about 9/11 was a reaction to the suffering, no it would not have happened if those in power had not allowed it to. Therefore this idea that these muslims did it all themselves without being allowed to do it, shows you are living in fantasy land.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2007, 05:40:37 AM by virtuoso »

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Re: terrorists getting owned in iraq
« Reply #27 on: January 06, 2007, 03:07:13 PM »
I think you're in no position to talk, America is not even real fuckin' country...

Its made by people of other country and its ran dependant on others, so everything you preach is just a fairy tale.  Sit down, watch your tv, choke on your mcdonalds and don't talk too much.


yea and Iran is a much better country lol

A good friend of mine who has been in the US military for more than 20 years told me that you can't fuck with countries like IRAN & CHINA; they've been around for more than 3000 years.  A young country like the US, could never stop them and thats real  ;)

Samoan Enforcer

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Re: terrorists getting owned in iraq
« Reply #28 on: January 06, 2007, 03:10:33 PM »
^yes, that is why iran is the cultural end economic forefront of the world and everyone searching for a better life migrates there mahaha. where do you live son, iran? or did you perhaps move somewhere better?

IRAN iz Gangsta!

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Re: terrorists getting owned in iraq
« Reply #29 on: January 06, 2007, 03:13:12 PM »

Ignorance like yours does not help "america is not a real country" the declaration of independence was a declaration of sovereignty. Your comment is steeped on a basic lack of understanding, if you were going to use your analogy then Kuwait does not exist, pakistan does not exist, bangladesh does not exist etc America has been the pillar of freedom, the land of opportunity, it's ridiculous for you to be trying to insult the country in which you live in. There are a lot of americans that truly believe in the constitution and the american way, I am not talking about attacking the corporations and government which run america because they truly are scum. However to mock everything a country stands for when you live in it is ridiculous, if you hate it so much then move. As for your one liner about 9/11 was a reaction to the suffering, no it would not have happened if those in power had not allowed it to. Therefore this idea that these muslims did it all themselves without being allowed to do it, shows you are living in fantasy land.

I know what im talkin about so chill out...
I dont dislike US cuz its full of opportunities but its the retarded people like the ones on this forum who dont know shit about history, politics or anything and talk like they do.  THis shit is too funny for me to even argue or write a long essay for you guys that you STILL won't comprehend, so i just leave it at that. 

The only reason a country like US became what it is today is because of its location; far from the rest of the world.  The declaration of independence was a copy of the one in France but it only works for a brand new country.  Also it was inspired by Cyrus The Great; the  persian king from 2500 years ago....
So i dont expect you to understand what im talking about, so i'll stop here and let this marinate in your brain and maybe eventually years down the line you'll understand  ;) ;)