Author Topic: Global warming  (Read 465 times)

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Re: Global warming
« Reply #15 on: January 07, 2007, 07:34:01 AM »
I'm going to do fuck all, I'm not buying into the hype of global warming. I think it's just a case of humans over exaggerating their importance in the world. I'm not saying global warming doesn't exist because clearly it does but who is to say it's something terrible. Why haven't I turned on the TV or opened a paper and been informed about other possible causes other than human, what about the Milankovitch cycles etc. 
« Last Edit: January 07, 2007, 08:34:54 AM by prominent »


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Re: Global warming
« Reply #16 on: January 07, 2007, 11:29:08 AM »
Lets see now, it was 60 degrees all week in Mass. and its January. Hopefully the ice caps don't end up breaking apart and raising the sea level a mere 40 ft.

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Re: Global warming
« Reply #17 on: January 07, 2007, 12:01:07 PM »
Lets see now, it was 60 degrees all week in Mass. and its January. Hopefully the ice caps don't end up breaking apart and raising the sea level a mere 40 ft.

exacly it would raise sea levels and drawn out a lot of places in the world....go chekc up o the internet about it or eveyrone should rent the incovenient truth. Put politic issues aside and just watch it and stop thiking theres a plot behind it, maybe there is maybe there isint but what we can be sure about is that global warming is happening faster then everyone thinks it is. What we see now is the result of 20 years imagine in another 20.

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Re: Global warming
« Reply #18 on: January 07, 2007, 02:03:01 PM »
Why no mention of the fact that the antarctic ice is increasing?


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Re: Global warming
« Reply #19 on: January 07, 2007, 02:33:56 PM »
Come come now. Just because the former vice-president of the United States says so, we should all worry about the future of existance? And y'all are buying into this stupid form of propaganda, built to keep the people scared and "conscious", to prevent them from thinking about real issues like WHY Al Gore would put out a video like that?

And even if there's nothing behind it; even if it's simply a "neutral documentary"... Why is global warming a problem? Is it because the habitat of millions of people is in danger? Well hello! Nature has a way of dealing with this planet we live in. If we're going to rape the planet the way we are doing right now, of course nature will knock back at us. It's only natural, that's the life cycle. Nature had it's way of dealing with the dinosaurs when they started ruling the world. What do you think we have coming, now that we've got the entire planet plus half of the milky way in our control?

Since the break of dawn we've been exploiting everything on this planet for as much as we could, and now all of a sudden we should remember to turn off the lights in the hallway when we're elsewhere inside the house? Get outta here with that "Inconvenient Truth" bullshit. Be afraid of the polar ice melting and the sea level increasing, while Al Gore and his clique think of a plan to take over the world. Start some more wars, cheat the people with more unfair taxes.

Besides, I don't have a car and I ride my bike every day. That's not to silence my inner guilt about global warming or my concern about wells of fossil fuels drying up; that's simply for me to stay healthy in a age where people get lazy. Let the tv tell you what to think; let the busdriver decide whether you make it to your job today. Let Russia decide whether we get to turn on our lights when it gets cold and dark outside.


Re: Global warming
« Reply #20 on: January 07, 2007, 06:02:47 PM »
I personally think we humans are far too inconsequential to raise or lower the temperature of the entire earth; anybody who tells you we are is a pinheaded idiot.  People look at shit like what the temperature is in the month of January around the u.s. and then think that's because the earth is heating up? You fucking idiiot, the earth heats and cools as it pleases, I have no power against the almighty mother nature.  The only way to create heat is to burn natural resources on the planet.  NATURAL resources on the planet.  Think about that (you likely won't, you'll just go to my next sentence).

This is a big huge galaxy and we're simply along for the ride.  With that said, I do everything I can to stay 'conscious" of the environment, but I'm not going to go around scared shitless that the earth is dying.

When was the thermometer invented?  Galileo made one in the 1500's.  Are we really so fucking stupid that at one point, we're saying that Humans have been around for millions of years, and at the other side of it, we're saying that we control and have a detrimental effect on the weather, which we've only been able to even READ for 500 years. 

Humans simply aren't that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things.  I'm just happy we have a beautiful earth, and don't believe the fucking hype, the U.S. is like 94% undeveloped land, I go outside everyday and see miles and miles of beautiful trees and pastures and mountains and shit. 

Go out in the woods and look at a shack or a barn that's been abandoned for 40 years.  the earth has reclaimed it... it likely has huge trees growing where walls and windows used to be.  THAT is the power of earth, don't get scared about this shit. 


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Re: Global warming
« Reply #21 on: January 07, 2007, 06:06:44 PM »

I agree 100% with the last 2 posts, great posts.  ;D

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Re: Global warming
« Reply #22 on: January 07, 2007, 06:29:23 PM »
This why the world will detroy itself soon, ignant ass people specaily in the u.s

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Re: Global warming
« Reply #23 on: January 07, 2007, 06:38:04 PM »


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Re: Global warming
« Reply #24 on: January 07, 2007, 07:09:28 PM »
What are you doing , what part are you playing to reverse the affect of global warming.

My familly and i recycle, im gona buy a bike for the summer, when i see a light on or unnessasry power being used i will turn it off there is much more to do tho go read up about it but for now what do you do or can do.
lets see, my parents drive an h2 and a escalade, i live less than a mile away from school and i drive ery day, i usually leave the lights on in the house so that way when i get back it wont be dark. yea thats about it, i do what i can, ya dig


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Re: Global warming
« Reply #25 on: January 07, 2007, 08:18:47 PM »
What are you doing , what part are you playing to reverse the affect of global warming.

My familly and i recycle, im gona buy a bike for the summer, when i see a light on or unnessasry power being used i will turn it off there is much more to do tho go read up about it but for now what do you do or can do.
lets see, my parents drive an h2 and a escalade, i live less than a mile away from school and i drive ery day, i usually leave the lights on in the house so that way when i get back it wont be dark. yea thats about it, i do what i can, ya dig

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Re: Global warming
« Reply #26 on: January 07, 2007, 08:39:38 PM »
You're a child.  Your problem is you think A. you're intelligent and B. that you're important.  You're neither.  You have virtually no effect on the environment, believe it or not, the earth will still rotate and the sun will still rise whether or not you turn your light switch on or not.  If humans decided to destroy the world tommorow, THEY COULDN'T, far less is our effect through negligence on the environment. 

I take care of the planet out of respect, not out of fear.  I don't litter, I think it's disrespectful to throw trash out on the ground that sustains us.  I leave lights off in my house when I can because it's cheaper and I don't believe in being wasteful.  I eat all the food I have prepared for me because I think it's disrespectful to throw good food in the trash.  I don't kill animals, even snakes and things because they've got a right to live around me too (as long as they're not causing problems, then it's curtains).  I'm not actively trying to pollute the environment and I feel that's as responsible as I need to be, global warming is bullshit and it's amazing that people are so easily led to all be rebellious and think 'alternative' thoughts at the SAME TIME, lol. 


Re: Global warming
« Reply #27 on: January 07, 2007, 08:52:13 PM »
Then I would like to know why cases of a certain ailment known as skin cancer have increased exponentially in the past 30 years. If it's not our impact on the environment and damage to the atmosphere, as many educated scientist believe it is after decades of research, then what is it?
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Re: Global warming
« Reply #28 on: January 07, 2007, 08:59:37 PM »
Read my other post on Global cooling.  You can find evidence to back up anything, if you would like... I could make a documentary tommorow if I had Al Gore's clout that said the trashmen are conducting regular survailance of our homes, after all there's no good reason for the government to collect our trash, they're really spying on us.

The drywall in our houses is made out of paper, everybody knows that paper can form a crude semiconductor, the walls of our home likely record our conversations and are then read from the trash trucks by specially designed electronic equipment.  That's why the FCC has labels on everything that says nothing can cause interference with other electronic equipment.

My point is you can make a case, no matter how weak, for ANY FUCKING THING, Skin Cancer is higher over the last 30 years, probably because the earth has been warmer for the last 30 years.  Doesn't mean WE caused it!  The earth was cooler for the 30 years before that, and the temperatures now match the temps in 1940.  We have nothing to do with this, it's bullshit.

People believe this shit because they have a desire to believe that they have a cause.  If the earth is being destroyed by humans, it gives you something to do, to fight it.  How horrible would the knowledge be that ultimately, we don't matter on a grand scale like that?  That's something I'd hate to have to admit, and you would too. 

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Re: Global warming
« Reply #29 on: January 07, 2007, 10:21:59 PM »
You can find evidence to back up anything, if you would like... 

which explains your political opinions

"One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. "Which road do I take?" she asked. "Where do you want to go?" was his response. "I don't know," Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."

- Lewis Carroll