Author Topic: FUCK WWF  (Read 562 times)


« Reply #30 on: February 06, 2007, 10:01:06 PM »
he got banned...?

Look at how old the post is. He probably doesn't post here anymore.

you think so?  no way... :o



« Reply #31 on: February 06, 2007, 11:33:37 PM »
Being pregnant is NOT a disability. If a woman accidentally becomes pregnant then she CHOSE to be irresponsible with the gift of life. Vince and any employer for that matter should not be held responsible for their irresponsibility.
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« Reply #32 on: February 07, 2007, 07:16:02 AM »
Being pregnant is NOT a disability. If a woman accidentally becomes pregnant then she CHOSE to be irresponsible with the gift of life. Vince and any employer for that matter should not be held responsible for their irresponsibility.

I don't know the circumstances of her pregnancy. Maybe she made a choice to start a family or wanted a kid. It's a simple case of common courtesy as far as how you treat her goes. She worked for a company that would lose nothing by keeping her on and it would be safer for the baby. If I'm walking along the street with a friend of mine and he bumps into a pregnant woman and both her and my friend fall down I'm helping up the woman first every time with out question(I'm talking about a case where neither are in real danger. So don't mention a what if a truck is going to hit them both scenario). If I see a 15 year old girl at a party I'm at being gang fucked by 3 or 4 twentysomething guys I'm stepping in an pulling her out and sending her home (age of consent is 14 in Canada so the legality of it isn't the issue). Sometimes you make decisions based on moral priority. Even if the case did occur where every female on the roster purposely got pregant so they can take time off for less money it'd be a blessing because Vince would now get to have a wrestling show with out the stupid diva shit. For the record Canada has had very long maternal leave programs for a while and recently it jumped all the way up to 50 weeks, and I didn't see any surge in women getting pregnant to take time off. You know why? Because taking care of a baby is a hell of a lot harder than most regular jobs they'd be at, and most woman aren't so stupid as to take on such a load just get paid vacation time.

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« Reply #33 on: February 07, 2007, 03:16:19 PM »
Being pregnant is NOT a disability. If a woman accidentally becomes pregnant then she CHOSE to be irresponsible with the gift of life. Vince and any employer for that matter should not be held responsible for their irresponsibility.

IIf I see a 15 year old girl at a party I'm at being gang fucked by 3 or 4 twentysomething guys I'm stepping in an pulling her out and sending her home (age of consent is 14 in Canada so the legality of it isn't the issue).

You mean to tell me you aint jumping in first thing with youre pants to youre ankles????

Rack me


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« Reply #34 on: February 07, 2007, 04:15:33 PM »
Charging triple the price for people in wheel charis is probably one of Vince's finer moments. Compared to the other shit he's done this makes him look like a saint. We're talking about a guy that fires women while they are pregnant.

I'd do it too.  You know there's bitches out there that get a job, get pregnant and then do whatever the fuck they want because if they dare get fired they'll just try and sue for discimination.  Fuck that shit.  Plus it's not like they woke up one morning and noticed they got pregnant.  It's their doing, their own problem, not his.

Ok, Sik's post is kind of comical. Your's is scary. How would you feel if your mother was single and fired while she was carrying you? Or if you were the boss and the terminations caused immense stress which ended up giving the baby a birth defect. Women who work for multi-million or multi-billion dollar companies should have to base their decision of whether or not to have an abortion based on whether or not their employer will keep them in the company if they choose to keep the baby. It would have cost Vince next to nothing to keep her on for 5 more months. Of course he probably didn't even know she was pregnant. He doesn't seem to know much about anything these days, which is why his company's going down the shitter and living off Steve Austin money. This guy fires a pregnant women, fires a pair of newlyweds right after their wedding, and fires a guy for being injured after he got injured working for Vince in the ring. Two of the three are illegal in most jobs and rightfully so, and would be illegal if some law firm decided to go pro ono ad take Vince to courst, but the only law firms that have the money don't want to drag their name in the mud by going anywhere near pro wrestling.

My parents were married when they had me.  My dad worked 2 jobs just so my mom could stay home with the kids.  It's called being responsible for yourself and not looking for handouts all the fucking time.  People need to either have this plan underway, or stop having kids.

LOL, what was scary about my post?  Re-read the scenario that I unfolded and tell me I'm wrong.  And if you want to play some roles here, say this:  You own a small business.  You can afford one employee who is basically a receptionist.  Nothing specialized, just a job that anyone with half a brain can do.  Well your little receptionist gets knocked up.  Pretty soon she's taking lots of days off cuz she has to go to the doctor every other week.  It's a real fucking pain for you because you can no longer do your job because you're stuck doing two jobs.  It's tolerable at first, but soon you find yourself working 12+ hour days just to catch up.  Then she eventually gets around to popping the kid out and she's gone for weeks, maybe a month or longer depending on the situation.  It could very well be enough to take down your business.  You're completely fucked in this situation because you can't afford to pay someone else and you can't fire her because you'll get sued.  All because your employee got pregnant. 

And you know, if she's a good person maybe you'll look past it.  But what if she turns into a royal fucking bitch that exploits her situation for everything it's worth because she knows she can get away with it and there's nothing you can do?  If it's the latter, then I say fuck her.  You shouldn't apply blanket principals without knowing the facts.  If you don't think people exploit every system we have in place you're naive.

How exactly does that apply to a billionaire who may have spent more money on severance than he would have if he kept her on with limited appearances even though she never asked for time off? This is not a case of a woman wanting to stay home and leach off of the employers money and certainly not a case of the employer going out of business. Dawn Marie was ready to work and could have done every show (and the pregnancy look probably would have helped her since it'd make her look different than the other girls), and like I said they probably had her on the short list to be fired anyway. Here in Canada the employment insurance aka social security pays for the maternal leave, not the company and with all the bullshit the US pays for with tax money I'd hardly think reasonable maternity leave would be so far out of the question. Also wrestlers are contract workers. You show up to the show you get paid. You don't show you don't get paid. He wouldn't even have to pay her. She made enough money in the WWE to take care of herself. I'm talking about the personal cruelty of telling a woman who is 4 months pregnant that she is fired. And I'm talking about the stupidity of the whole thing from a business sense. It took the risk of making him and the company look bad. Of course we're talking about a company that used the real life death of a star and his widow and tried to make a wrestling angle out of it, so how much worse could they look?

Even if they did pay her, the WWF was famous for paying certain people for doing nothing. Vince Sr. gave his son a list of loyal guys that Vince wasn't allowed to fire, and these old timers stayed on the payroll until they died.

P.S. you're extreme libertarian example (I am a libertarian by the way and arguments like that make the whole movement look bad) was a bit silly. I have never heard of an employer being forced to pay someone maternity leave if it meant going out of business.

Even if she was fired to save the business, there's still people like you that'll lead a crusade on the woman's behalf and invariably taint the business forever anyway.  Say it doesn't go out of business, but you're working 80 hour weeks because of it.  Does that make it any better?  You're trying to pick apart my example, but you're missing the point which is that you deemed my initial post "scary" because I presented that their shouldn't be sweeping generalizations made on this subject.  Then you went on to say that if her maternity leave would bring down the business, then she should indeed be fired.  Looks like you now agree with my "scary" post.

So Vince should have continued to use her as a "Wrestler"?  Even if she never gets into the ring, she could be near the action and fall down or some shit and boom! Miscarriage and lawsuit.  Then you've got all kinds of people freaking the fuck out..."Vince is a complete asshole for MAKING this woman continue to work while she was pregnant!!"  And maybe he had plans for her that didn't include a pregnancy angle.  Or how about your other suggestion - don't invite her to do any shows.  Well now he just discriminated against her again because he wouldn't bring her to shows because she's pregnant.  He's fucked no matter what he does.

How will any employer not be able to hire someone else in her place if social security is covering the paychecks? You make no sense. No one is saying that a company should be forced by the government to pay a pregnant woman and not in turn have the government take care of it.

Vince wasn't fucked either way. He could have just let her sit at home and pay her the same he would pay a man on injury for the few months until she had the baby and then decide whether to fire her or not. It was real easy and it would have cost him less than what he paid for meals in that 5 month period. It wasn't going to hurt him. I wouldn't go after a man that fired people because he couldn't support them and his company. Hell that stupid minimum wage law in the 60s cost a lot of teens and blacks their jobs and I don't blame the bosses. I blame the government. But when the case is a fucking billionaire firing a pregnant woman when he didn't have to I will not defend him. This guy used a real life death as a storyline on a wrestling show. He's a fucking moster with no morals and anyone that takes a piece out of him is a-ok in my book. Sometimes doing what's best for your image even if it costs you a little money is overall better for business. Angelina gives away a few million while the cameras are on to kids in Africa but she makes a lot more than that with the publicity she gets off it when it comes time for her next movie contract.

I'm all for equal opoortunity. I oppose welfare, and government housing because I think it hurts the recipients in the long run. I hate government intervention and I'm not a fan of permits or taxes. But the little things here and there should count for something. Having the right to protect your own business and livelyhood and being cruel and stupid are two different things. If you witness the couple next door molest children time and again and you don't report them then it's your ass for being a fucking dickhead. I don't by into that I have to think about what they'll do to me if they find out I told crap. You have the responsibility to your community and to humanity to report such crimes and you deserve punishment you get. And if you can easily pay for a pregnant women to stay on and you risk her health and her livelyhood by firing her while pregnant then you deserve the lawsuit and certainly deserve the negative publicity. So that your customers can now decide whether they want to buy from you. I consciously made the choice years ago to never put a dime in that filth's pocket and I'm sticking to it. The fact that the product sucks only makes it easier for me to stay away.

How about this one? If you own a store and you tell a worker to do a job and he gets hurt doing it do you then fire him while he is nursing the injury? (and it wasn't anything wrong he did that got him hurt, but it was a freak accident).

An injury is NOT the same as getting pregnant.  The injury is an ACCIDENT and occurred on the JOB.  You're comparing apples and oranges.  The woman made the decision to get pregnant.  It's not her employers responsibility to take care of her regardless of how much money they have.   You're saying that because Vince is wealthy that it's now his responsibility??  WHERE THE FUCK IS THIS WOMAN'S RESPONSIBILITY?  She CHOSE to do this, it wasn't some unfortunate tragedy.  Why should her employer bear the burden of her personal decisions? 

What happens if she has a miscarriage as a result from a bump while at a show?  You say she doesn't get paid unless she's performing at a show - well say Vince doesn't want to risk an injury to her, but she's insisting on being there because she needs the money?  So he feels sorry for her, and writes her into a show.  Well, something happens at the show and she ends up losing the baby.  All the sudden the headlines read "Vince forces PREGNANT woman to WRESTLE, leading to miscarriage..."  Can you imagine what that single incident could do his and the rest of his families livlihood?  And you think he has the RESPONSIBILITY to shoulder that burden?  Are you nuts? 


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« Reply #35 on: February 07, 2007, 04:59:51 PM »

I used the word courtesy, not responsibilty and all he had to do was let her sit home and not tell her she was fired until after the pregnancy. If iit's so out of the qurstion then why do women in the front offfice get time off for maternity leave? Why is there a pension for secretaries while pro wrestlers that break their backs to make Vince rich get nothing? Wrestlers and other talent are treated like circus animals and it's gone too fat for too long. I blame Austin and Rock. They could have chosen to walk out of Wrestlemania 17 if some union wasn't set up. I normally don't agree with unions, but in this severe case something should be done.