Author Topic: What should I do  (Read 103 times)


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What should I do
« on: March 04, 2007, 10:20:39 PM »
My cousins gf is thinkin about breaking up with him.  They have been going out for over 3 years already.  She just told me this 2nite.  Shes treats my cousin like a king and he treats her like shit.  I saw this coming from a mile away.  Shes growing as a person while my cousin dont fuckin do anything with his life.  She dont know what to do b/c she cares for my cousin still but she just cant be with him anymore b/c she is growing away from him.  Truth be told I dont blame her.  Shes not even sure whats shes going do yet.  But its really fuckin with her head.   Im mad cool with both of them.  So i told another friend of ours the situation and hes like you gotta fuckin tell him, if u dont I will.  I dont know what the fuck to do.  She came to me b/c she trust me.  I said I wouldnt say anything and im a man of my word.  i dont want to go tell him b/c all I got in my life is my word, and I gave my word.  But at the same time hes my cousin and has always been there for me.  And at the same time I dont want to say anything or my friend to tell my cousin b/c it dont look good on me.  B/c it looks like, hey maybe tom is fuckin angela.  Which I would never do b/c that was my cousins girl and I dont do that shit.  And plus i never looked at her like that.  I look at her more like a sister.  Its just a fucked up situation that I some how I get dragged into.  Personally I dont want to say anything b/c even tho hes my cousin they are both grown adults.  Telling him shes going break up with him is some junior high school shit in my eyes and I dont need that shit.  This is there personal business, not mine its between the both of them.  But I dont want to tell my boy pablo yooo i aint saying anything and then he goes and tells my cousin.  B/C then its looks like im siding with her or maybe that im fuckin her on the down low.  Plus shes not even sure what she wants to do.  So what if I tell him and she changed her mind.  Its fucked up b/c they both got some series issues.  My cousins back is shot he cant work at all, he only has a GED.  The only time he leaves his house is to work on his car.  And his father is transgender.  Hes got a lot of shit on his mind.  Hes going thru depression even though he dont say anything.  His mother is with some abusive piece of shit.  I dont want to be the bearer of bad news and he fuckin kills himself.  Or if I dont say anything but he finds out i knew and he'll kill himself b/c he thinks his cousin was fuckin his girl.  And at the same time shes got serious issues.  She was sexually assaulted by her own cousin when she was 3-4 years old.  He father is a drunk.  Shes been in relationships with guys that have treated her like shit.  She grew up poor.  She already goes to a couciling and takes prozac.  What happens if I tell my cousin and she changes her mind but he breaks up with her and she kills herself.  Its a really fucked up situation an I gotta be in the middle of it.  I got my own problems, christ im totally fucked up and everyone and there mother comes to me with there problems.  Like I need this shit in my life.  Im between a rock and a hard place.  So what would you guys do and dont give me some im a captain save a ho bull shit or bros over hoes bull shit.  I play shit person by person situation by situation.  2pac was right, fuck friends lol.

Samoan Enforcer

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Re: What should I do
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2007, 10:30:27 PM »
you gotta let him know homey


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Re: What should I do
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2007, 10:35:22 PM »
i wouldnt have that kind of relation with my cousins girlfriend where its ok for her to discuss their personal shit behind hes back, guess u put your self in this situation, good luck whatever u decide to do.



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Re: What should I do
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2007, 10:39:05 PM »
u mad a mistake by telling someone else. but you gotta tell him. bros before hoes dawg


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Re: What should I do
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2007, 10:42:49 PM »
you gotta let him know homey
See I dont get that tho, she aint doing him dirty or nothing.  If that was the case, i'd tell him right away.  This is 2 grown people growing apart.  This has nothing to do with me.  To me its like im holding his hand.  hes a grown man and hes has to handle his shit.  Ive been through enough shit in my life to last me a life time already and im only 22.  No one held my hand or protected me from shit.  While his whole life people have been doing that for him.  If I come to him now im doing the same shit everyone has done his whole life for him.  You gotta handle your shit.  I dont know im on the fence right now.  Hes my cousin and one of my best friends.  At the same time though whats going on between the 2 of them has nothing to do with me.  And the more people you get involved in a situation like this the more things get fucked up.


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Re: What should I do
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2007, 10:45:11 PM »
i wouldnt have that kind of relation with my cousins girlfriend where its ok for her to discuss their personal shit behind hes back, guess u put your self in this situation, good luck whatever u decide to do.

I dont tho, people come to me.  Ive had people i barely know coming to me with there problems.  Like at work i barely open my mouth.  But when im outisde on lunch outside smoking a cig I got people coming to me like... i cant fuckin stand this person.  I dont look for this shit, it just comes to me lol.  In a way tho this whole situation is a blessing b/c I got a lot of my own personal issues that keep me up at night and this one has got my own personal issues off my mind lol.  Atleast I can sleep 2nite.

Low Key

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Re: What should I do
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2007, 10:45:50 PM »
Let her dump him. If he can't appreciate a girl that treats him right, that's his problem and he doesn't deserve her.

J @ M @ L

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Re: What should I do
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2007, 11:17:53 PM »
Tell her she better make her mind up quick because of the complicated situation you're in and that you feel like you might need to tell him because of how fucked up in the head he is. It would also be best if he didn't know that you knew, but if he ends up finding out, or you feel like he must know, then just say the only reason you didn't mention it is because there was a chance she was gonna change her mind... which is the truth. You're not lying to or screwing over either one of them... you got caught up in the situation and are trying to make the best of it.
my throat hurts, its hard to swallow, and my body feels like i got a serious ass beating.

LOL @ this fudgepacker


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Re: What should I do
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2007, 05:57:39 AM »
Indeed, tell her to sit down and think this all over so she can make up her mind. Whatever you do, I say you shouldn't run to your cousin telling you his girlfriend told you this and that... That would be bad for all three of you. Just, now that you're in it anyway, give his girlfriend as much help as she needs in this situation. That'll be the best thing you can do for all three of you. And in case they break up, make sure you'll be there for your cousin, because the situation sounds bad and he'll need your help...

I know it's a tough position, but stay involved. You're a decent guy, and you can really mean a lot to both of them if you handle this right.