Author Topic: Toddler smoking weed  (Read 1635 times)


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Re: Toddler smoking weed
« Reply #30 on: March 07, 2007, 09:13:59 PM »
I smoke weed, as well as many other people I know. None of us suffer from the symptoms you mentioned. People who can't function from smoking weed are weak people and should definitely stay away from it...

The strognest people could suffer from addictions of ANY drug.

Some of the dumbest shit I've ever heard.
^ one of the dumbest maufuckas i've ever known

Who's the dumbfuck who thinks second hand cigarette smoke is more hazardous than a blunt? swangin on nuts, you must be a genius, huh? I think you've displayed enough brilliance for one day. I mean, your posts are just too thought provoking...

swangin and bangin

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Re: Toddler smoking weed
« Reply #31 on: March 07, 2007, 10:50:17 PM »
I smoke weed, as well as many other people I know. None of us suffer from the symptoms you mentioned. People who can't function from smoking weed are weak people and should definitely stay away from it...

The strognest people could suffer from addictions of ANY drug.

Some of the dumbest shit I've ever heard.
^ one of the dumbest maufuckas i've ever known

Who's the dumbfuck who thinks second hand cigarette smoke is more hazardous than a blunt? swangin on nuts, you must be a genius, huh? I think you've displayed enough brilliance for one day. I mean, your posts are just too thought provoking...
u maaaaaaaaaaaaad


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Re: Toddler smoking weed
« Reply #32 on: March 07, 2007, 11:56:13 PM »
its all natural
its not bad for the body

Yeah, everybody should do it.  Look @ smokey, he was alright.  I'd love to live my life accidentally smoking crack and running around the neighborhood clucking and shit everytime I saw a lowrider. 

Only a fucking IDIOT would think there's nothing wrong with pot.  Hmm, lesse... every person I've ever known that smoked the shit was the biggest loser walking the earth (they were equally loserific).  Who gives a fuck about the science, look at the results.  It's pretty easy and doesn't take much of a mind to say that people that smoke a lot of weed are constantly fucked up and don't live lives anybody would be proud of. 

Only a fucking IDIOT would think what happened to Smokey in "Friday" is realistic. Some of the greatest thinkers throughout history smoked weed. I bet over half of your idols smoked weed! There are countless doctors and scientists out there who, based on studies, have suggested that the biggest harm in smoking weed is the coughing and throat irritation from chronic bronchitis. LOL@you never knew anyone successful who smoked weed. That's because you probably don't have any friends. Besides the ones who buy PS3's and tell you how whack they are in detail so that you can post it in the Gaming section. ;D

for starters, smokey didnt smoke crack in friday, it was PCP.

for second, yeah there's people that get by just fine smoking weed, but theres also people that cant function after smoking weed.

and i would guess a good doctor would know the risks associated with marijuana, such as dependance, depression and sociophobia related to chronic weed smokers.

I smoke weed, as well as many other people I know. None of us suffer from the symptoms you mentioned. People who can't function from smoking weed are weak people and should definitely stay away from it...I think you have to be extremely weak minded to feel depression or sociophobia from weed on a longterm basis. I understand not being social WHILE you're high, but once it wears off, you're back to the same person. It's all a mental thing, weed doesn't affect your brain in the long run, so those symptoms are brought on by the people, not the weed. I've seen thousands of people who smoked weed in my life, and I can't even say 1% of them have seemed to be "dependant" on it. Sure, it can happen, but it's the person doing it to themselves. Weed is not heroin, it's not a physical addiction...PeACe 8)

smoke weed everyday and you'll get addicted.

it's not about being weak or not, how can you judge if someone is weak before they take a puff? i knew a dude that was always chillen, took one puff of mary and he's been on prosac ever since. yeah it depends on the person, but it's the weed making their brain work a different way, not them. so the cause = the weed.

that said, i feel sorry for the peeps that get fucked up on green, but the fact of the matter is it isn't for everyone, so saying a doctor would say the only damage it would cause is bronchi damage or whatever is a false statement. there are other risks that may fuck some 'weak' minded person up.



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Re: Toddler smoking weed
« Reply #33 on: March 08, 2007, 12:14:48 AM »
its all natural
its not bad for the body

Yeah, everybody should do it.  Look @ smokey, he was alright.  I'd love to live my life accidentally smoking crack and running around the neighborhood clucking and shit everytime I saw a lowrider. 

Only a fucking IDIOT would think there's nothing wrong with pot.  Hmm, lesse... every person I've ever known that smoked the shit was the biggest loser walking the earth (they were equally loserific).  Who gives a fuck about the science, look at the results.  It's pretty easy and doesn't take much of a mind to say that people that smoke a lot of weed are constantly fucked up and don't live lives anybody would be proud of. 

Only a fucking IDIOT would think what happened to Smokey in "Friday" is realistic. Some of the greatest thinkers throughout history smoked weed. I bet over half of your idols smoked weed! There are countless doctors and scientists out there who, based on studies, have suggested that the biggest harm in smoking weed is the coughing and throat irritation from chronic bronchitis. LOL@you never knew anyone successful who smoked weed. That's because you probably don't have any friends. Besides the ones who buy PS3's and tell you how whack they are in detail so that you can post it in the Gaming section. ;D

for starters, smokey didnt smoke crack in friday, it was PCP.

for second, yeah there's people that get by just fine smoking weed, but theres also people that cant function after smoking weed.

and i would guess a good doctor would know the risks associated with marijuana, such as dependance, depression and sociophobia related to chronic weed smokers.

I smoke weed, as well as many other people I know. None of us suffer from the symptoms you mentioned. People who can't function from smoking weed are weak people and should definitely stay away from it...I think you have to be extremely weak minded to feel depression or sociophobia from weed on a longterm basis. I understand not being social WHILE you're high, but once it wears off, you're back to the same person. It's all a mental thing, weed doesn't affect your brain in the long run, so those symptoms are brought on by the people, not the weed. I've seen thousands of people who smoked weed in my life, and I can't even say 1% of them have seemed to be "dependant" on it. Sure, it can happen, but it's the person doing it to themselves. Weed is not heroin, it's not a physical addiction...PeACe 8)

smoke weed everyday and you'll get addicted.

it's not about being weak or not, how can you judge if someone is weak before they take a puff? i knew a dude that was always chillen, took one puff of mary and he's been on prosac ever since. yeah it depends on the person, but it's the weed making their brain work a different way, not them. so the cause = the weed.

that said, i feel sorry for the peeps that get fucked up on green, but the fact of the matter is it isn't for everyone, so saying a doctor would say the only damage it would cause is bronchi damage or whatever is a false statement. there are other risks that may fuck some 'weak' minded person up.

Like I said, weed isn't physically addicting, it's a mental thing. I know people who blaze every day or every other day for weeks, then go months at a time without smoking, no problems...It depends on the person.


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Re: Toddler smoking weed
« Reply #34 on: March 08, 2007, 12:54:16 AM »
whats the longest you gone without green?

most people with addictions wont admit to it, the only ones that do are the ones trying to get off it, or have gotten over it.


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Re: Toddler smoking weed
« Reply #35 on: March 08, 2007, 12:59:03 AM »
whats the longest you gone without green?

most people with addictions wont admit to it, the only ones that do are the ones trying to get off it, or have gotten over it.

I've gone a month or so...It's nothing really major, I smoke because I like it. I think anyone who really has a will can quit if they put their mind to it. How hard do you really think it is? I've known WAYYYY more people who have quit smoking weed than any other drug, including cigarettes...


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Re: Toddler smoking weed
« Reply #36 on: March 08, 2007, 06:58:21 AM »
whats the longest you gone without green?

most people with addictions wont admit to it, the only ones that do are the ones trying to get off it, or have gotten over it.

I've gone a month or so...It's nothing really major, I smoke because I like it. I think anyone who really has a will can quit if they put their mind to it. How hard do you really think it is? I've known WAYYYY more people who have quit smoking weed than any other drug, including cigarettes...

i think it takes more determination to quit cigarettes, because that's more of a long term battle (it can take years to fully kick the habit of smoking, the nicotine cravings subside after 3 months though), so cig's are harder to quit... but the initial month after quitting smoking weed takes a huge toll, mainly because of cold sweats, sleepless nights which lead to anxiety and grumpiness, to having a highly alert brain when you quit compared to when you smoke 3-4x per day, meaning over analysing shit etc. it got to the point i actually forgot how to drive sober, in the sense when i was wasted i'd drive the limit, keep cool, sober i'd drive like a maniac.

to this day i still smoke weed, i'll smoke weed til i die, BUT i wouldn't and couldn't smoke the shit regularily ever again. just on weekends, or after exams n shit. these days if i smoke everyday i dont enjoy it because of how counter productive i feel smoking weed, if i smoke 3 days in a row i feel like i'm falling behind and losing my focus, so it's not possible for me to get into that habit ever again. back in the day my only goal was to get high, i had no ambition, so it was easy to slip into that kind of mentality for me.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2007, 06:59:55 AM by Chief »


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Re: Toddler smoking weed
« Reply #37 on: March 08, 2007, 11:27:39 AM »


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Re: Toddler smoking weed
« Reply #38 on: March 08, 2007, 11:51:54 AM »
whats the longest you gone without green?

most people with addictions wont admit to it, the only ones that do are the ones trying to get off it, or have gotten over it.

I've gone a month or so...It's nothing really major, I smoke because I like it. I think anyone who really has a will can quit if they put their mind to it. How hard do you really think it is? I've known WAYYYY more people who have quit smoking weed than any other drug, including cigarettes...

i think it takes more determination to quit cigarettes, because that's more of a long term battle (it can take years to fully kick the habit of smoking, the nicotine cravings subside after 3 months though), so cig's are harder to quit... but the initial month after quitting smoking weed takes a huge toll, mainly because of cold sweats, sleepless nights which lead to anxiety and grumpiness, to having a highly alert brain when you quit compared to when you smoke 3-4x per day, meaning over analysing shit etc. it got to the point i actually forgot how to drive sober, in the sense when i was wasted i'd drive the limit, keep cool, sober i'd drive like a maniac.

to this day i still smoke weed, i'll smoke weed til i die, BUT i wouldn't and couldn't smoke the shit regularily ever again. just on weekends, or after exams n shit. these days if i smoke everyday i dont enjoy it because of how counter productive i feel smoking weed, if i smoke 3 days in a row i feel like i'm falling behind and losing my focus, so it's not possible for me to get into that habit ever again. back in the day my only goal was to get high, i had no ambition, so it was easy to slip into that kind of mentality for me.

I typed up a long response, then my computer froze when I pressed "post". FUCK! Anyways...

In so many words, it sounds like you're saying that you're mentally weak to handle weed. When I quit, I'd say the first week was SLIGHLTY troubling, only due to it being tougher to sleep and eat. But after that first week, I felt no urges to smoke whatsoever. Simple as whistlin dixies...It's a MENTAL addiction, your body doesn't need it...Weed is different for everyone mentally, though. It all depends on the person and how they take it in. For me, smoking weed can be an advantage in a way. You get to see the world from 2 different perspectives instead of only 1. You see and understand things most people don't when you're high, you think about things other people wouldn't stop to think about, usually the small things in life...It also aids the relaxation of your brain, keeping you calmer (this is why you drive better high). A lot of people who dont smoke live in their same, (potentially) stressful mindset all day. When I smoke, I get to step out of that and see the world through a different screen. It's like being a bird in the sky, looking down on the world as a whole and analyzing it. I dunno about you, but I'm over analytical when I'm high, not when I'm sobering up. Explanations wont do much justice, because I just sound like a stoner defending weed... but honestly, once you get used to weed, the biggest problem is in what it does to the body...That's for me, of course. Someone else can smoke weed and slit his wrists...It's all on the individual.

Mr. O

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Re: Toddler smoking weed
« Reply #39 on: March 08, 2007, 02:14:58 PM »
That mother is pathetic.  She uses "being asleep" as an excuse to not go to jail.  I bet she doesn't even give a fuck about her two children.
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Re: Toddler smoking weed
« Reply #40 on: March 08, 2007, 11:27:26 PM »
whats the longest you gone without green?

most people with addictions wont admit to it, the only ones that do are the ones trying to get off it, or have gotten over it.

I've gone a month or so...It's nothing really major, I smoke because I like it. I think anyone who really has a will can quit if they put their mind to it. How hard do you really think it is? I've known WAYYYY more people who have quit smoking weed than any other drug, including cigarettes...

i think it takes more determination to quit cigarettes, because that's more of a long term battle (it can take years to fully kick the habit of smoking, the nicotine cravings subside after 3 months though), so cig's are harder to quit... but the initial month after quitting smoking weed takes a huge toll, mainly because of cold sweats, sleepless nights which lead to anxiety and grumpiness, to having a highly alert brain when you quit compared to when you smoke 3-4x per day, meaning over analysing shit etc. it got to the point i actually forgot how to drive sober, in the sense when i was wasted i'd drive the limit, keep cool, sober i'd drive like a maniac.

to this day i still smoke weed, i'll smoke weed til i die, BUT i wouldn't and couldn't smoke the shit regularily ever again. just on weekends, or after exams n shit. these days if i smoke everyday i dont enjoy it because of how counter productive i feel smoking weed, if i smoke 3 days in a row i feel like i'm falling behind and losing my focus, so it's not possible for me to get into that habit ever again. back in the day my only goal was to get high, i had no ambition, so it was easy to slip into that kind of mentality for me.

I typed up a long response, then my computer froze when I pressed "post". FUCK! Anyways...

In so many words, it sounds like you're saying that you're mentally weak to handle weed. When I quit, I'd say the first week was SLIGHLTY troubling, only due to it being tougher to sleep and eat. But after that first week, I felt no urges to smoke whatsoever. Simple as whistlin dixies...It's a MENTAL addiction, your body doesn't need it...Weed is different for everyone mentally, though. It all depends on the person and how they take it in. For me, smoking weed can be an advantage in a way. You get to see the world from 2 different perspectives instead of only 1. You see and understand things most people don't when you're high, you think about things other people wouldn't stop to think about, usually the small things in life...It also aids the relaxation of your brain, keeping you calmer (this is why you drive better high). A lot of people who dont smoke live in their same, (potentially) stressful mindset all day. When I smoke, I get to step out of that and see the world through a different screen. It's like being a bird in the sky, looking down on the world as a whole and analyzing it. I dunno about you, but I'm over analytical when I'm high, not when I'm sobering up. Explanations wont do much justice, because I just sound like a stoner defending weed... but honestly, once you get used to weed, the biggest problem is in what it does to the body...That's for me, of course. Someone else can smoke weed and slit his wrists...It's all on the individual.

when i first statred blazin i used to get a buzz, think heaps about random funny shit, after a while you build tolerance to weed and it wont get you high anymore, atleast not in the same way when you first start.

think of it this way, you blaze once every year, and get fucking high, the high you get is so much different to what you are in reality, up in the sky like you mentioned... so reverse that scenario, blaze HEAVILY every day then sober up.

high grade THC stays in your system for up to a month, your body can build a need for THC, ask a doctor. There is a physical and mental addiction associated with THC.


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Re: Toddler smoking weed
« Reply #41 on: March 08, 2007, 11:35:04 PM »
all in all, i'm not saying weed is some super addictive drug that you cant quit..

but it can be addictive, and quitting may be difficult.

all i said is doctors would know the risks associated with it, such as dependance etc etc.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2007, 11:37:45 PM by Chief »


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Re: Toddler smoking weed
« Reply #42 on: March 09, 2007, 12:56:20 AM »
Naah, dude. You're wrong...THC is not physically addicting. I'm pretty sure this is proven...Nicotine is physically addicting because your blood develops a need for it. Once you start smoking cigs, it kills the small amount of nicotine already in your body, so you get that need for it. What do you think those patches and chewing gums are all about? They're small doses of nicotine to ween you of cigs because it's physically addicting... You physically need it in your body, as opposed to THC, where it is mostly a mental thing. I've known plenty of daily weed somkers who have stopped smoking weed for different purposes (army, sports, probation, change, etc.) as opposed to people who just dropped cigarettes.

THC, the main active component in marijuana, may protect the brain from the ravages of Alzheimer's disease, U.S. scientists reported. In lab experiments release on 10/09/2006, investigators from Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, Calif., found THC appears to block an enzyme in the brain that causes plaques to form better than currently approved drugs.

THC may also be an effective anti-cancer treatment, with studies showing tumor reduction in mice, conducted in 1975.

Samoan Enforcer

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Re: Toddler smoking weed
« Reply #43 on: March 09, 2007, 02:14:47 AM »
Naah, dude. You're wrong...THC is not physically addicting. I'm pretty sure this is proven...Nicotine is physically addicting because your blood develops a need for it. Once you start smoking cigs, it kills the small amount of nicotine already in your body, so you get that need for it. What do you think those patches and chewing gums are all about? They're small doses of nicotine to ween you of cigs because it's physically addicting... You physically need it in your body, as opposed to THC, where it is mostly a mental thing. I've known plenty of daily weed somkers who have stopped smoking weed for different purposes (army, sports, probation, change, etc.) as opposed to people who just dropped cigarettes.

THC, the main active component in marijuana, may protect the brain from the ravages of Alzheimer's disease, U.S. scientists reported. In lab experiments release on 10/09/2006, investigators from Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, Calif., found THC appears to block an enzyme in the brain that causes plaques to form better than currently approved drugs.

THC may also be an effective anti-cancer treatment, with studies showing tumor reduction in mice, conducted in 1975.

thc kills the dopamine receptors though stregthening the need for a jumpstart (toking) to get u feeling good again. its not physically addictive but you dont feel as great without it 

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Re: Toddler smoking weed
« Reply #44 on: March 09, 2007, 05:04:18 AM »
They live a thuggg liiiiife

thats gross.