Author Topic: Kurupt & Gail Interview  (Read 72 times)


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Kurupt & Gail Interview
« on: March 18, 2007, 07:52:08 PM »

Fatal Attraction? Domestic Violence? Naw, those are just the possible names for their duo album, not a description of their relationship. caught up with the legendary West Coast rhyme-slinger and his soon-to-be bride as they discuss their upcoming nuptials, the start of their relationship, managing a home and 2 rap careers, upcoming albums and much much more!

This is the first time that the two have done an interview together and it was an honor on my part! This is my 6th Kurupt interview in my career as a journalist but this was probably the most special because him and Gail let us in to their private life and that’s not something that they do everyday to just anyone. I wasn’t asked to submit questions for approval or nothing like that. It was just the 3 of us at the Dogg Pound video shoot sitting down and having a good time like good friends do and getting the exclusive info for all of you fans. So sit back and enjoy this wild roller coaster ride of a West Coast O.G. and his rapper bride as they let you in to the world of The Gotti’s.

Styles: I am sitting here with the soon-to-be newlyweds Kurupt & Gail Gotti. Can you guys say hello to everybody?

Gail: Hey, what it do everybody? This is Gail Gotti…

Kurupt: What’s crackin, this is Kurupt doing it super big? (Taps his watch)… My watch! What’s up with my watch? Why is it…

Gail: (Interupts) Baby…. In the middle of the interview? You see what I go through Styles? All of the time…Just so people know this is always…You see how we are trying to do an interview and he goes right to domestic things. Right in the middle of business!

Kurupt: Oh ..that’s what’s wrong. You’ve got to push it up (referring to his watch)…

Gail: You see!

Styles: (laughs) Aw, that’s alright. He’s Kurupt… So let’s start from the beginning with you two. How did you guys first meet?

Gail: We have two different versions. He thinks I attacked him. Honestly he attacked me…

Kurupt: Aw, come on.. The only person that believes her, is her….

Gail: It’s been a long time though. Me and Kurupt have known each other since, what, 93 baby?

Kurupt: Yeah…

Gail: Since 93’ …We met at Death Row Records. He was stalking me while I was walking though the hallway.

Kurupt: Pleeeeease….

Gail: He laid his eyes on me and he couldn’t resist… He hasn’t been the same since (laughs)…

Kurupt: That part is right…that part is real.. You know! The rest of it is bogus! Bogus.. What it was, I was in the kitchen and she came in and started picking on a nigga with all of this other bullshit. I was like “Who are you? I know you know who I am!” She tried to act like she didn’t know who I was talking about, “No, I don’t know you.” I said, “You like me don’t you?”

Styles: (To Kurupt) Were you seeing someone at this time? I mean, we all know your history bro….

Kurupt: Aw man, I was …(Gail Interupts)

Gail: He was seeing everybody. It wasn’t even at the peak of his career.. (Kurupt mumbles his disapproval) It was right before Dogg Food dropped so I am pretty sure he was really feeling himself at that time, then I came along and.. (Kurupt interupts)….

Kurupt: Yes, I was a player. You know what I’m saying? That’s what I was. (Sing’s the Too Short song) “I’m a Playa and I’m playing just to win”….

Styles: Ok, so when did you guys start “seeing” each other? I mean, you guys met but when did you guys become a couple?

Gail: The next day (laughs)…

Kurupt: I wanted to be her friend but she was trippin’…I was like, “You’re cool. I don’t want to turn you out or nothing, so we can just be friends”. She just jumped on a nigga and I said “Daaaaaamn”… Just dove on a nigga.

Gail: (Saracastic) Yeah right.

Kurupt: You didn’t just dive on me?

Gail: No, I didn’t..

Kurupt: You…didn’t …just…DIVE on me?

Gail: I remember you coming to pick me up and have the nerve to think that you were just going to take me to your little Beverly Hills Hotel Room.

Kurupt: Oh stop it! You knew were we was going before we was going. We were going to go see a movie and that’s all we were going to do. (Gail issues a “shut up”) Get a bite to eat. Chop it up…and then you gotta go! But you know…She locked me up in the room and I couldn’t move because she just attacked me! That’s what I love about her though … You know… I was like “Dang girl! Shit!” (laughs)…

Styles: Now you guys separated after a period because Kurupt went on to another highly publicized relationship…

Gail: Yeah we separated for a little while. He ended up moving back to Philadelphia and we parted ways, spent a couple of years apart. He did what he did, got in to other relationships and I got in to another relationship myself …

Kurupt: She used to be mad at me when I would see her at the club. I would see her at the club and it was when I came back to L.A. and she was (mimicks mad-dogging) …I am like, “Ain’t this a bitch? How are you going to be mad at me?”

Gail: I wasn’t mad….

Kurupt: Yes you were. Why were you looking at me like that then?

Gail: I didn’t look at you like that! I was there with somebody else! I was at the club with someone else and he pops up at the club. What was I supposed to do?

Kurupt: You weren’t supposed to do that! You could have just walked by all pleasant…

Gail: That’s what I did do!

Kurupt: Naw were like (mimicks the mad-dogging face again)…

Gail: Oh whatever!

Kurupt: I am like, “Why is she mad at me? She likes me”..

Gail: He was mad because I was at the club with someone else..

Kurupt: She was STILL liking me…

Gail: But ANYWAYS… 6 years ago …

Kurupt: Did you still love me?

Gail: Of course I still loved you baby… 6 years ago we ran back in to each other through my sister Virginia Slim and he was stalking me. He was stalking me but he was going through my sister to do it…

Kurupt: Oh please… She was stalking me!

Gail: No…He had my sister keep giving me messages, “Tell Gail I said Hi”…

Kurupt: Virginia isn’t here to tell the truth, but she will probably back her story though because they are sisters and they stick together like that.

Gail: But he was stalking me through my sister and …

(At this point, Kurupt is called away to go over some of the details of the video shoot with his partner Daz)

Kurupt: Y’all keep this going and when I come back you are going to hear the TRUTH! Don’t listen to these shenanigans and hogwash!

Gail: I was in a relationship, like I said, and he was in a relationship and both of our relationships were going bad. He was at my sister’s house and my sister played him one of my songs at the time. He said to her to call me because he wanted to talk to me. We hadn’t seen each other in years. I had went over there to my sister’s house and we had hung out for the day. It started as strictly business when me and him met back up like 6 years ago. We were going to do music together and just make moves in the game together. Then I don’t know, our chemistry was just…We couldn’t fight the feelings that we both had. I was in another relationship and the entire time I was in that relationship I could never stop thinking about Kurupt. I used to always think about what he was doing? How was his family? I loved him from the relationship we had started in 93.

Styles: How did you feel about his high profile relationships?

Gail: You know what? I didn’t really feel anything about it. I don’t know. I’ve never really thought about it. I mean, it was something that I knew either would work or wouldn’t because I know the type of person that he is. I wished him the best. I hated to see him go through any type of hurtful things, but I just never thought about it. If it worked then it worked. If it didn’t then it didn’t. He would eventually find someone who would be right for him. I never thought in a million years that we would be back together. That was never even a thought in my mind.

Styles: So you were in a relationship, and when you felt that you wanted to get back with Kurupt, you just left that one?

Gail: No, it was never about “leaving” that relationship. Me and my ex-husband were having major problems. It was already pretty much over. You know, we were just trying to figure out the separation. We had a child together and we had to work all of that out, but my relationship was already over. He (Kurupt) just came back in to my life at the perfect time. It was already a wrap for me and when he (Kurupt) popped back in to my life, I used to always ask God to give me somebody for me, and I knew that Kurupt had somebody else so I used to ask for my “own” Kurupt. If I can’t have him, then I wanted someone like him because I know the type of person that he is. When he loves, he loves hard, just like I do.

Styles: Since we have you here by yourself for the moment, let’s talk about your career. Why don’t you give us a recap?

Gail: I started rhyming when I was about 9. Me and my sister had a single together that we released on Capitol Records. We did that with my parents. Time went by and I was a kid and I didn’t really take it serious. When I was a teenager I would go to the studio and make songs but it would be more for fun because I was bored and didn’t have anything to do. When my sister played that one song for Kurupt and he heard it, he sat down with me and he was like, “You could really be big.” That’s what really made me start to take this serious. I kind of seen everything in my life changing, from my relationship, and I felt like I needed to do something for me. All of my life I had been living for someone else. He (Kurupt) sat me down and told me that I could really change a lot of things in the game, I really took that serious.

It was perfect because I had someone like him to teach me the ropes. Even though I knew how to write songs, I didn’t know how to “make” songs. I didn’t know how to make hit records and that’s something that he’s taught me how to do. 6 years ago I really started to take it serious like, “I am going to push. I am going to be that one female from the West Coast”…

Styles: But you and your sister were a group, right?

Gail: Yeah, me and my sister were Redbone.. That’s how we started with Kurupt. We started as a group. Then I started making moves by myself. Me and Virginia still do the Redbone thing. Right now we’ve got to give the people what they want….and Gail is what they want.

Styles: Were you signed to Death Row? What was the whole deal with that?

Gail: No. I was never signed to Death Row. I had built a relationship with Suge over the years, from when I had first met Kurupt back in 93. I was just there hanging out as the little sister to everybody. From 93 I have known Suge. When I got with Death Row it was just on some friendship. There were never any contracts involved.

Styles: I thought Redbone was signed to Death Row….

Gail: No. We were just doing music there. Suge had love for us and he gave us an outlet to get our music out and to get any type of press that we could get from the label and from his name, without being locked in to contracts, and I respect him for that. If he would have taken advantage of me not having any knowledge of the game and would have locked me in to something, right now I would be assed out and wouldn’t be able to do a lot of the things that I am doing.

Styles: That kind of sounds contrary to a lot of reports that are said about Suge… You know, about how he screws people over. That sounds very contradicting to many things…

Gail: Yeah, but you know, you can’t really judge a person about how they deal with other people. You can only judge off of how they do you. I know a lot of people have had a lot of bad experiences with that man and that they have a lot of horror stories. I’ve been though some of them myself just living with Kurupt and seeing what he’s gone through with him (Suge), but personally the man has never done anything wrong to me except just helping me as much as he can. Personally, I can’t say anything bad about him but I am sure that people have had negative experiences with him but as far as myself he has never done anything wrong to me. My family, he has helped out as much as he could, when my mother was going through some things. He was always really like a father to me.

Styles: So tell us where you are at now with your career. I know that you’ve linked up with Infamous & G-Unit. Give us the story on that.

Gail: The whole Infamous/G-Unit thing came about through my manager Storm who I met through Kurupt. He listened to some of my music. I started flying back and forth to New York and just meeting Mobb Deep and different people. One day I ended up in the office with 50 Cent and he liked what he heard. He was like, “lets figure out how to do it” and that’s where I am at right now. I am just recording my album and out here making moves. I am not the type of person that just waits for the label to do whatever they do, I am out here grinding and doing my own thing at the same time. You will never see me sitting back waiting on someone to do anything for me. Because if you are not going to do it, I am going to go out and do it myself basically.

Styles: The G-Unit camp is a controversial one. Where do you stand with that? I mean, you are from the West Coast and there are a lot of West Coast differences out here, even concerning G-Unit…

Gail: I don’t get involved in it. One thing about me that everybody knows is that I keep it 100 with everybody. I am not going to not like you because someone else doesn’t like you or beef with you because my homeboys have beef with you. I deal with people on my relationships with them. That’s why I am able to be from the West Coast and bounce back and forth to New York and all of the other places that I go through and do music with people who don’t get along with people that I get along with. That’s how I handle my relationships. Just like with Suge. Just because you may not like him doesn’t mean that I can’t like him. I don’t get involved in the politics of the game, I am just here to make good music. I keep it 100 with everybody and I just build relationships with people and people love me for my honesty and realness. That’s how I am able to do that.

Styles: Your soon-to-be husband, he’s had to endure some hard situations. The breakup of The Dogg Pound, then when he reunited with them he left Death Row. You’ve been by his side the whole time, so tell us about that whole wild roller coaster from your view?

Gail: It was heavy. It was really crazy seeing him go through that and fighting his own demons, trying to figure everything out for himself. I like the fact that he did what he wanted to do regardless of whatever people may have said about him at the time, he did what he wanted to do. That’s what life is about, doing what makes you happy. He did what made him happy when he went to Death Row and left his other organization and that’s what he felt he needed to do at that point in his life. Then when he left Death Row and got back with his homeboys regardless of what the streets or industry were saying, he did that. It was hard. We had lots of issues in the house about it…

Styles: I’d imagine that he would come home after the day and be spent…..

Gail: Yeah, you’ve got to imagine being a wife to a person like Kurupt is very difficult because he is so smart and so intelligent but at the same time he’s verbal. He lashes out. At the end of the day I was the one that had to take all of his stress. Who else do you give it to? You usually hurt the people that you are closest to and of course I am there every night, so I would be the one to take all of the stress and I am fine with that because that just makes me a stronger person. That makes us stronger together. I have no problem with that.

It was definitely hard seeing him go through that with himself. I just sat there and told him wherever you go and whatever you do, I am rolling with you anyways. It don’t even matter. The rest of the world may hate you but inside of this house you always have someone that’s going to roll with you. If we are going to fight the world, we are going to do it together. I am not going to let you do it by yourself. Just like you wouldn’t let me do it by myself. If you decide to go to another organization, I am going to be right there with you…

Styles: He is not here to answer this one, but how in the world do you guys deal with 2 entertainers in the household? He’s on the road touring. You are doing your thing on the road. There is a kid involved. How in the world do you do it?

Gail: We just do it. I don’t know how we do it. Honestly, it’s like just trying to support a family on one person’s income, you just make it happen. Somehow by the grace of God we make it work. We spend as much time together as we can. Sometimes I will fly out to where he’s at or he’ll come where I am at. We spend a lot of time together even though it seems that we are away a lot. When we are home we are home. Me and Kurupt are both very homely people. We like to just sit around the house and watch movies and stuff like that. That time makes up for it. He may be on the road for a month or I might have to leave for a week, but 4 or 5 days of us being in the same house, it’s enough (laughs)… We get to driving each other crazy. It’s ridiculous. When we are away from each other we can’t wait to see each other but when we are together we can’t wait to get back to work.

Styles: I know this is a personal question, but you’ve got kids involved in all of this. How do they get taken care of?

Gail: We have family to help us. We have an organization of people. For real? We are bosses. We have an organization. When we are away from the house we have people to help with the kids. You know, get them to school, help with the homework, get the dogs walked. That’s what being a boss is about. You can’t go do work and neglect your home. It’s difficult for me because I have to be a wife, I have to be a mother, I’ve got to pay the bills, I’ve got to be an MC… You know what I am saying? I have so many hats.

Styles: You are also playing the role of a manager too, right? You negotiate contracts for you and Kurupt.

Gail: Yes. I negotiate a lot of his deals and his movie stuff. I am out there networking with movie execs. I wear many hats and it’s real difficult. I don’t sleep a lot but it gives me a lot to write about in my rhymes and it’s made me the person that I am. I can’t even complain about it. I would rather have too much to do then not be doing anything at all.

Styles: When your career goes to that next level, are you going to still be able to do all of this stuff? Or are you going to make Kurupt go get his own manager?

Gail: No. My company will still be able to do all of that. I started expanding my company and hiring new people to take on certain things because there are some things that I can’t do anymore but I put people on those places to replace me. I would never just leave him hanging like that. At the end of the day what he does helps take care of our family. I just put people in place to keep it going, so he will always have someone there, even though I can’t always be there. He taught me that, because I thought that once my thing gets going I will be like, “Find your own team. ” He was like, “That’s not the way things work. You still have to be the woman of the house and make sure things get done even though you are doing your own thing.”

Styles: Let’s talk “Album” now….

Gail: My album, I haven’t titled my album yet but I have been working on it with Havoc and my boy Hi-Tek. We’ve just been in the studio making records and putting it all together. 50 Cent is going to executive produce it with me and Kurupt. It’s going to be big.

Styles: Do you get input from him on your music? Or does he just leave that alone?

Gail: He kind of leaves me to do my thing. When it comes to the business, me and him bump heads a lot because we both want to be the boss and he feels he’s the boss and I feel like I’m the boss. So he kind of leaves me to do my thing when it comes to music. He does give me great advice and that’s pretty much it.

Styles: He never says “re-write that”..

Gail: Naw, I’ve already gone through those days of training where I’ve made songs that I thought were banging and I brought them home and he would be like, “Aaah, that’s garbage”.

(Kurupt walks back in laughing at what Gail said)….

Gail: And he would just crush all of my feelings but it made me step my pen up and enhance my game and I can’t even be mad at him for that.

Styles: Now that we’ve got Kurupt back, take us back to this day, Christmas Day, you guys announced that you were going to get married. What was going through your head bro up to that point?

Kurupt: Well, you know, me and Gail have been together for so long that it really wasn’t anything besides just…(pause) ..I wanted it to be different from the last situations that I had been in. I felt strong about it because I know that I can go all of the way with her because what we’ve got is rare. She deals with my bullshit and she’s the only person who’s bullshit that I can deal with so it works out good. You’ve got to be able to deal with the bullshit when you are with a person.

Styles: Honestly, was she kind of like nudging you with the elbow like “Hey….my finger is kind of light”..

Kurupt: Oh no way. She was just really posting and enjoying having the family over. I cracked her in the cut. Just like when I first met her and she was attacking me, I was going to be like her when we first met. I am going to be (Gail gives him a stern look)…. What? (Looking at Gail)

Gail: To answer your question, no I was not pressuring him for us to get married…

Kurupt: We are married.. I mean we’ve been together for a long time.

Gail: Still, I knew that he had been through things before and I had been through a marriage before and things were working out fine between us and even if he still hadn’t asked me to marry him I still wouldn’t leave. It really didn’t make a difference.

Styles: So take us back to that day. It’s Christmas and you are with your family. People are opening up presents. What happened? Did he just give you the ring? How did he lay it on you?

Kurupt: I can’t expose my thing. Everybody else might start biting. I can’t have no biting.

Gail: Because then it wouldn’t be special….

Kurupt: Let me just say it like this, I’ve got finesse (draws out the ssssssss)….

Styles: Ok, so you laid it on her….

Gail: In many ways!! (laughs)

Kurupt: You know what I’m talking about? You know what I mean?

Gail: Is this for adults? Is this for adults or for children?

Styles: (laughs) This is too much… Ok…Let me get back on track here. So he gave you the ring. Was there like any crying or tears when you got it? The typical girl reaction?

Gail: No.. I am not a crybaby…

Kurupt: She’s always trying to just be hard….Even when she’s by herself she’ll break down like the Hulk (imitates The Hulk character)…

Gail: Noooo…

Styles: So Kurupt busts out with that big ol’ ring and he didn’t even get a tear out of it?

Kurupt: She knew it was coming.

Gail: No. He didn’t get a tear, but he knows it, he knows me by heart.

Kurupt: She be like, “Huh….It’s about time”….

Gail: I am so hard to please, but he knew he did a good job.

Styles: What kind of rock did he get you?

Kurupt: Well, what she has right on right now, those are different ones. That’s 4 different connections right there.

(Gail shows 4 connected diamond rings that she’s wearing on 2 different fingers)….

Styles: Didn’t he get you a Tiffany’s or something like that?

Kurupt: A Schl…mumbles the rest…What the fuck is that? I can’t pronounce that.

Gail: A Schlumberger

Kurupt: That’s how I knew it was going to be bomb. When you can’t pronounce the motherfucker you know it’s the bomb. You see these that she has on, these flying off? These ain’t even the winners…

Gail: You can’t wear that one everyday.

(Kurupt grabs her hand)….

Kurupt: This one right here is a pretty penny too! See them solids right there? I keeps it flying man. I have to make sure niggas know! This is gone! Homie, it’s off of the market. So we’ve got two different sets of rings. 2 of them to let them know! The other one is like when we go to the big shit like my movie premieres and big shit like that. 

Gail: That’s when we take the Tiffany ring out of the safe. That’s’ not a roaming through L.A. everyday ring right there.

Kurupt: These ain’t either, but especially that one. This is like putting the 10’s on instead of the 27’s.

Styles: So the magic day is in August?

Gail: Definitely in August. The 19th.

Styles: In Philly?

Kurupt: Yes, in Philly…

Styles: Ok, so you are taking it to your hometown for this one.

Kurupt: Yeah, I’ve got to do it. Finally…. Gail was very open and very receptive of us doing this in Philly.

Gail: I had to give him something. I get everything that I want so I figured it was about time .. (Kurupt interrupts, “and I don’t get shit”) for me to give in and let him have one of his wishes.

Styles: Are there going to be more little Gotti’s running around? Or are you guys done?

Kurupt: Oh man, we are just getting started…

Gail: We are just getting started? (Startled..)

Kurupt: We’ve got 10 more waiting.

Gail: I don’t know about that.

Kurupt: Ain’t that right baby?

Gail: No.

Kurupt: What did you say?

Gail: I don’t know about 10 more….but we definitely do want to have more children.

Kurupt sings: “10 is the magic numberrrrrr”

Styles: You are on tour…He’s on tour… I don’t know how?

Kurupt: You got to work at this shit. We’ve got 6 right now. My five and she’s got one, my step son. So we are legends at this. We are professionals when it comes to being in the game and raising the kids.

Styles: So who’s the cook in the family?

Gail: Me of course…

Kurupt: No…

Gail: Ricardo!!

Kurupt: The first one to talk is always the one that never does the walk. The thing about it is, she knows how to put the spices on the spices and all of that good stuff…

Gail: Oh, I season and you cook it?

Kurupt: But I am the one that makes it happen. You see what I’m saying? I am the one that’s there making sure that you ain’t burning shit. Making sure that shit is right.

Gail: He’s lying. I am the one that cooks the food and he’s the one that sneaks in the pot!

Kurupt: The real brains behind the operation is the key to the game, and I am the brains.

Gail: I cook and Kurupt takes the trash out…

Kurupt: What? The kids take the trash out. My boy is a basketball star already, he’s got championships all around the house, so he takes out the trash and I oversee him and I oversee her (Gail). I keep the house in order because without me there would be chaos. The G is the overseer.

Gail: Ok, whatever you say….

Styles: Let’s get in to…

Gail: Styles, you’ve been to our house before! You see what goes on.

Styles: (laughs) Lets get in to the music. Gail, when is your album coming out?

Gail: My album? I don’t have a release date for it but I am trying to get it finished and out as soon as possible. Honestly, because I don’t want to give out false release dates and info. It’s coming.

Styles: This man has been recording a new album. I’ve been hearing about it from all sorts of people.

Kurupt: First off, March 27th,, The Dogg Pound album “Dogg Chit” is dropping, super big on them. Then we’ve got my solo album that Snoop is executive producing. Daz, Snoop as Niggarachi, Soopafly are going to be producing. Terrace Martin as well. Terrace is overseeing it as well with Snoop. So we are putting out big things. Me and my wife have got an album, “Fatal Attraction”. She wants a different title but I just love that title, “Fatal Attraction”. It’s just so sick. I don’t know what title she is thinking about. I’ve heard some and I am like “damn”…

Styles: Gail, what title is on your mind?

Gail: I don’t know what he’s talking about. Maybe “Domestic Violence”…

Kurupt: You see, that is haaaaard! See what I am talking about? Without me, that title wouldn’t have been sparked. It would have never came out. That’s hard right there, “Domestic Violence”. See now we’ve got 3 titles: Fatal Attraction, Domestic Violence, and Natural Born Killas…

Styles: No Bonnie and Clyde, huh? Or is that played out?

Kurupt: That’s Ice Cube and Yo Yo all of the way! You can’t duplicate them 2. That’s gone. Bonnie and Clyde have been and they are still here, still alive. Still doing it big.

Styles: What made you 2 decide after all of this time to finally do an album together?

Gail: Because I am dope… and now he’s really seeing the work, and he appreciates me.

Kurupt: I’ve always appreciated you.

Gail: You didn’t used to think I was tight!

Kurupt: I am the one that grabbed you…

Gail Interrupts: Before I used to want to do records with you and…

Kurupt Interupts: I am the one that put the pampers on you, I burped you, I bathed you, got you big strong and healthy… I believed in you. Your voice has always been sick to me. When I first heard Virginia play it, I was like, “Who the fuck is this?” She was like, “That’s Gail”.. I was like, “Yeah right!”…

Gail: He was using the game to try to get his woman back. You used it! You sold me a dream just to get me back.

Kurupt: Does it seem like a dream that she’s doing it?

Styles: Well, she’s doing it now… Signed…2 albums coming out..

Kurupt: I used to just tell her that you’ve got to be different than the rest of these female artists. You’ve got a girl that’s pretty but she don’t have no real skills. Then you’ve got a girl that’s tore up and she’s got all of the skills. I was like you’ve to be the medium in both of that. I told her, as pretty as you are and with skills, you can be the one. She’s stepped her pen up tremendously. The first time I was with her she was busting like, “Do do do do do….This is what I do. My name is Gaiiiilll.”

Gail: (laughs) Shut up. I never used to rhyme like that.

Styles: Now as a husband, you don’t mind the content of her music?

Kurupt: I taught her that kind (laughs).

Gail: Where do you think I learned it from? All of the bitches?

Kurupt: Fuck these bitches and these niggas! Get em’ girl!

Styles: Is there a release date for Fatal Attraction?

Gail: We are trying to get that out this Summer. We’ve been working really hard on that album.

Styles: Do you have a title for your album bro?

Kurupt: None at all. Me, Snoop and Delmar are going to put that all together.

Styles: The new album Dogg Chit coming out. Tell us about that?

Kurupt: That’s some G shit. That’s some Dogg Pound Gangsta shit that they love. It’s outta here but it’s got a new twist on it. The Game is on here. He threw a sickening verse on there. We’ve got Dre’sta, BG Knocc Out and Jayo Felony on there with us. Glasses Malone spit some fire. You know what I mean? We got the opportunity to work with some people that we’ve never worked with before so we were more interested in that. Keeping it pure more than anything else.

Gail: And they just did a write up on it in the new XXL Magazine. 

Kurupt: They gave us the XL which is like a 4 out of 5, so that’s big. Young Buck got a XL too. Shout’s out to Young Buck.

Styles: It seems like you guys leaked a lot of the tracks from this album, more than usual.

Kurupt: We wanted people to feel exactly where we were coming from. As much as people are anticipating the album, we had to let them know that we are on the right path. So we dropped it on them like that.

(Daz and company are calling for Kurupt to begin the video shoot)….

Styles: Want to end us with something?

Kurupt yells out: “Keep it Gangsta!!” as he leaves…

Gail: Other than that, that’s about it. Pretty much it’s the life and times and the world of the Gottis’. The next time Styles has to come over to the crib with the cameras and y’all got to spend a day with us The Gotti’s and see how our life is. It’s different than a lot of people would think that we are. It’s a wonderful life and I am thankful.

Styles: You guys should do a reality show.

Gail: MTV has approached us about something, so we will see what happens. Some people do the reality shows and they end up with the “curse” … I don’t know about that.. But it will definitely be very funny because Kurupt is a natural comedian. I swear….

Styles: Thank you for taking the time to do this.

Gail: Thank you for having us. Now it’s time for all of us to go downstairs, hang out and watch the video.


  • Guest
Re: Kurupt & Gail Interview
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2007, 07:55:57 PM »
Damn, just went to and saw there was a kurupt & gail interview, didn't really review the content  :-\ I could give two shits about this stuff