Author Topic: Got Bones in the mail today.  (Read 183 times)


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Got Bones in the mail today.
« on: October 06, 2001, 03:23:23 PM »
shit is pretty cool, better than i thought at least. The whole jimmy bones theme gets really played out, i know its a soundtrack and all but damn how many times can you put 'jimmy bones' in song titles lol

I really like Battlecat's three tracks on here, that Lost Angels track in particular is bangin. Fred has some cool shit, but they used him too much, i'd like some more diversity.

the booklet is coo, just had a few movie screenshots and at the back it advertises upcoming Priority releases (including Roscoe)

favorite songs: Lost Angels in The Sky, This Is My Life, Memories, Fuck Wit Us

waste of time songs: intro, these drugs, f-it-less

id give it a 6 out of 10, its worth a try.