Author Topic: The fucking Iranians just captured 15 British soldiers  (Read 3050 times)

Low Key

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Re: The fucking Iranians just captured 15 British soldiers
« Reply #75 on: March 28, 2007, 10:50:25 PM »

its not blaming the victim, their economic isolation would've been entirely avoidable that is all. by your logic criminals who are in jail are all victims...............................

So your saying it would be smart for Iran to do the same thing as Sadaam Hussien and allow in UN Weapons Inspectors, and foriegn spy agents, and everything else?  Not seek any weapons for self-defense but get falsely accused of having WMD's anyway, and trust Britian and America? 

That didn't end up working so well for Sadaam.
no your saying muslims couldn't possibly ever do anything wrong.

You didn't answer the question so I'll ask it again.

Since you blame the Iranian government for the economic restrictions that have been placed against them, I was asking if you thought it would be better if they followed Sadaam's strategy and abandon their nuclear ambitions, open the country for weapons inspectors (and spy's), trust US and Britian, yet still get invaded and overthrown  in a matter of 3 weeks, only to have it shown that no WMD's existed.  Only to have the economic restrictions ultimately lifted after an American puppet regime is installed into power like before with the Shah.

Is that a better strategy?

What makes you think that the US and Britain are gonna spy, like they even need to? And what makes you so sure the dictator of Iran isn't a crazy son of a bitch? Any country with A LOT to gain by going nuclear is going to be scrutinized. If they aren't making weapons grade material, I don't see what they have to hide.


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Re: The fucking Iranians just captured 15 British soldiers
« Reply #76 on: March 28, 2007, 11:16:06 PM »
Any country with A LOT to gain by going nuclear is going to be scrutinized.

Yea, every country that isn't workin under America. Except North Korea, they're doing it as we speak but Bush can't fuck wit em and he knows it.




Don Rizzle

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Re: The fucking Iranians just captured 15 British soldiers
« Reply #77 on: March 29, 2007, 05:06:35 AM »

its not blaming the victim, their economic isolation would've been entirely avoidable that is all. by your logic criminals who are in jail are all victims...............................

So your saying it would be smart for Iran to do the same thing as Sadaam Hussien and allow in UN Weapons Inspectors, and foriegn spy agents, and everything else?  Not seek any weapons for self-defense but get falsely accused of having WMD's anyway, and trust Britian and America? 

That didn't end up working so well for Sadaam.
no your saying muslims couldn't possibly ever do anything wrong.

You didn't answer the question so I'll ask it again.

Since you blame the Iranian government for the economic restrictions that have been placed against them, I was asking if you thought it would be better if they followed Sadaam's strategy and abandon their nuclear ambitions, open the country for weapons inspectors (and spy's), trust US and Britian, yet still get invaded and overthrown  in a matter of 3 weeks, only to have it shown that no WMD's existed.  Only to have the economic restrictions ultimately lifted after an American puppet regime is installed into power like before with the Shah.

Is that a better strategy?
its not as black an white as that and you know it. first off  iraq and iran are different, the approach to iran is different, iran doesn't want war and neither does anyone one else. equally no one wants to see a nuclear iran (outside iran) especially its neighbours (mostly muslim countries!), I don't want any new members to the nuclear club, a gradual disarminant is what is needed and fiercely opposing any country trying top build these weapons. we know iran has a nuclear weapons program that pakistani scientist sold them the info, he also gave it to iraq, north korea and libya, the internation community gave iran the oppportunity to have a civillian nuclear program and remove the ambiguaty over the nuclear weapons program by processing nuclear material in russia, this was turned down by Iran, they throw out IAEA inspectors and rachetted up they're program and you wonder why everyone is alarmed by this? THIS IS WHY WE PUT SANCTIONS ON THEM, to try and persuade them to change course without physically twisting their arm into doing it, so yes it is entirely iran's fault.

If you want to talk about Iraq and WMDs, we KNOW they did have them, Iraq wasn't transparent enough to prove they got rid of them, although i'm not trying to justify the invasion for that reason, because as i said I supported it for a different reason and never though Iraq was a threat.

iraq would just get annexed by iran

That would be a great solution.  If Iran and the majority of Iraqi's are pleased with it, then why shouldn't they do it?

Digital Pimpin'

Re: The fucking Iranians just captured 15 British soldiers
« Reply #78 on: March 29, 2007, 05:17:26 AM »
The fact that the Iranians have changed their mind about the exact GPS co-ordinates where they found the sailors suggests that they have some dodgy equipment (probably ex-Soviet or Pakistani).

The only reason the British patrol boats could have been in Iranian waters was to stimulate an escalation in hostilities. 14 sailors in two rubber dinghies is hardly an invasion or even effective espionage, but fuck the conspiracies, I believe this time that the Iranians got it wrong pure and simple.


Re: The fucking Iranians just captured 15 British soldiers
« Reply #79 on: March 29, 2007, 06:26:41 AM »
The iranians captured these troops because the iranians are in serious trouble.  70% of Iran is under 30 years old, and almost all of them are pro-western world... Towel head motherfucker that runs the country has serious economic issues going on, and the people are tired of living in their own little world.  If our democratic congress pulls us out of Iraq, you're looking at a civil war as well as tons of refugees hiding in southern Iran.  You think this guy wants that?  He kidnapped these soldiers to try and get someone to negotiate because he's in serious fucking trouble in a major way at home. 

They also all know the guy is a nutcase and will eventually get shellshocked back into the 4th century, especially fucking around with Britian, who by and large do not play games with stupid motherfuckers like the idiot running the country.  As far as I'm concerned, Afganistan, Iraq, and Iran have all needed a good ass-whipping nuclear bombing for about 30 fucking years, so bring it on. 

England is joined at the hip with America, and I think I speak for all red blooded war happy americans when I say they have our full support.  I'd be glad to risk American casualties for England, they've done the same for us and remain our mother country.  Basically, we're down for WHATEVER.  Our military is VOLUNTEER and we've got thousands signing up every month and only dozens dying. 

BTW, if you'll check recent history, Al Qaeda fucked with us so we killed them and the taliban helping them in Afganistan.  See the correlation: Fuck with us, we kill you, and take everything you own.  We now own afganistan and there's a bunch of wannabes running around throwing rocks at our tanks and wiring plastic explosives up in the sand trying to mess our jeeps up.  We have anhilated their world and now own their country.  Game over.

Then, we basically killed Saddam Hussein and his entire family, and captured the entire nation of Iraq.  Say what you want about the scenario over there, but either way you look at it, we boss'd up, destroyed their way of life and now the country belongs to us. 

On the other side, notice France.  They hate us.  That's fine, we dont' want everybody to like us, we just don't want you to try and kill us.  France can live hating us, we have no problem with France. 

Next, Iran.  We're not going to let these assholes continue to do whatever the fuck they want to do, we're gonna get a little bloody for a little while and clean all the bullshit up.  Simple as that, if you want to threaten us with bodily harm, we will anhilate you, playtime is over, we're tired of diplomacy.  We are now talking with our bombs like we did in the first half of the 20th century, and look what was accomplished then.  Today we stand tall with Japan and Germany and one day we'll stand tall with Afganistan, Iran, and Iraq.  I don't give a shit if our taxes go th rough the roof and we're in war for the next 20 years, bring it on.  America was built on blood and death, no reason to stop now. 

It's clear to the vast majority of Americans when a war is just, don't believe the hype.  We'll gladly kill kids and shit in Iran if England needs us to go with them, no problem we'll be there.

As for this being the end of the world, bullshit.  Murder and war has been going on forever.  London survived months of daily bombings in world war II.  They'd survive it again if it came to that.  Iran doesn't have nuclear weapons, they have a nuclear mess that's unrefined and isn't capable of anywhere near the carnage we'll rain on them if they attempt to use one against Europe. 
« Last Edit: March 29, 2007, 06:32:23 AM by Trauma-san »


Re: The fucking Iranians just captured 15 British soldiers
« Reply #80 on: March 29, 2007, 06:37:00 AM »
And as for Saddam being no threat, he attempted to kill one of our presidents and frequently went on television and spoke of his weapons of mass destruction and his plans to use them if need be.  He also gassed his own people, then invaded Kuwait.  After we kicked his ass the first time, he signed documents saying he wouldn't do certain shit, and kept doing them.  We warned him 20 different times not to do them, then we killed him.  HOw hard is this to fucking figure out?  He signed a peace agreement then didn't hold it up.  Why would we remain peaceful?  The war was reopened, this wasn't a new war, it was simply the end of the first war. 

Here's the math again:

Fuck with us, we kill you. 

J @ M @ L

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my throat hurts, its hard to swallow, and my body feels like i got a serious ass beating.

LOL @ this fudgepacker

Don Rizzle

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iraq would just get annexed by iran

That would be a great solution.  If Iran and the majority of Iraqi's are pleased with it, then why shouldn't they do it?

J @ M @ L

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my throat hurts, its hard to swallow, and my body feels like i got a serious ass beating.

LOL @ this fudgepacker


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Re: The fucking Iranians just captured 15 British soldiers
« Reply #84 on: March 29, 2007, 08:11:15 AM »

Don to say that no one is interested in a war is a complete distortion of what the PNAC document states. Their intention is to set the middle east ablaze with war, in fact the neocons have been talking about attacking Iran with mini nukes and should Iran respond in any shape of form bigger nukes will be launched against them. The neoconservatives are psychotic evil bastards who need to be locked up for life but instead they are the ones pulling the strings.

King Tech Quadafi

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Re: The fucking Iranians just captured 15 British soldiers
« Reply #85 on: March 29, 2007, 08:19:44 AM »
The iranians captured these troops because the iranians are in serious trouble.  70% of Iran is under 30 years old, and almost all of them are pro-western world... Towel head motherfucker that runs the country has serious economic issues going on, and the people are tired of living in their own little world.  If our democratic congress pulls us out of Iraq, you're looking at a civil war as well as tons of refugees hiding in southern Iran.  You think this guy wants that?  He kidnapped these soldiers to try and get someone to negotiate because he's in serious fucking trouble in a major way at home. 

They also all know the guy is a nutcase and will eventually get shellshocked back into the 4th century, especially fucking around with Britian, who by and large do not play games with stupid motherfuckers like the idiot running the country.  As far as I'm concerned, Afganistan, Iraq, and Iran have all needed a good ass-whipping nuclear bombing for about 30 fucking years, so bring it on. 

England is joined at the hip with America, and I think I speak for all red blooded war happy americans when I say they have our full support.  I'd be glad to risk American casualties for England, they've done the same for us and remain our mother country.  Basically, we're down for WHATEVER.  Our military is VOLUNTEER and we've got thousands signing up every month and only dozens dying. 

BTW, if you'll check recent history, Al Qaeda fucked with us so we killed them and the taliban helping them in Afganistan.  See the correlation: Fuck with us, we kill you, and take everything you own.  We now own afganistan and there's a bunch of wannabes running around throwing rocks at our tanks and wiring plastic explosives up in the sand trying to mess our jeeps up.  We have anhilated their world and now own their country.  Game over.

Then, we basically killed Saddam Hussein and his entire family, and captured the entire nation of Iraq.  Say what you want about the scenario over there, but either way you look at it, we boss'd up, destroyed their way of life and now the country belongs to us. 

On the other side, notice France.  They hate us.  That's fine, we dont' want everybody to like us, we just don't want you to try and kill us.  France can live hating us, we have no problem with France. 

Next, Iran.  We're not going to let these assholes continue to do whatever the fuck they want to do, we're gonna get a little bloody for a little while and clean all the bullshit up.  Simple as that, if you want to threaten us with bodily harm, we will anhilate you, playtime is over, we're tired of diplomacy.  We are now talking with our bombs like we did in the first half of the 20th century, and look what was accomplished then.  Today we stand tall with Japan and Germany and one day we'll stand tall with Afganistan, Iran, and Iraq.  I don't give a shit if our taxes go th rough the roof and we're in war for the next 20 years, bring it on.  America was built on blood and death, no reason to stop now. 

It's clear to the vast majority of Americans when a war is just, don't believe the hype.  We'll gladly kill kids and shit in Iran if England needs us to go with them, no problem we'll be there.

As for this being the end of the world, bullshit.  Murder and war has been going on forever.  London survived months of daily bombings in world war II.  They'd survive it again if it came to that.  Iran doesn't have nuclear weapons, they have a nuclear mess that's unrefined and isn't capable of anywhere near the carnage we'll rain on them if they attempt to use one against Europe. 

lol...cut the tough guy act, pussy, surely u fool no one.

your fuckin army, for all its billions and for all its technology, cannot go into the tribal areas of afghanistan or western iraq. al anbar is a lost cause to you puss pusses.

you fucks lose 60-70 soldiers a month and half the country wants a withdrawal. 3000 fucks get merked in 9/11 and your whole country was in tears.

america= powder puff
"One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. "Which road do I take?" she asked. "Where do you want to go?" was his response. "I don't know," Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."

- Lewis Carroll

white Boy

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Re: The fucking Iranians just captured 15 British soldiers
« Reply #86 on: March 29, 2007, 08:39:16 AM »
im anti - war, but, if we do go to war, we need to not do any of these politically correct wars, and come in and just fuck shit up, iran is just acting up but in this day you dont fuck with england and think you will get away with it, if i was tony blair i wouldnt even negotiate with them. esp since they have proof that they were in iraq waters and not iran.


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Re: The fucking Iranians just captured 15 British soldiers
« Reply #87 on: March 29, 2007, 08:48:30 AM »

tech everyone realises that trauma is a fool...this isn't about proving that the u.s army is "pussy".


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Re: The fucking Iranians just captured 15 British soldiers
« Reply #88 on: March 29, 2007, 10:59:36 AM »
The iranians captured these troops because the iranians are in serious trouble.  70% of Iran is under 30 years old, and almost all of them are pro-western world... Towel head motherfucker that runs the country has serious economic issues going on, and the people are tired of living in their own little world.  If our democratic congress pulls us out of Iraq, you're looking at a civil war as well as tons of refugees hiding in southern Iran.  You think this guy wants that?  He kidnapped these soldiers to try and get someone to negotiate because he's in serious fucking trouble in a major way at home. 

They also all know the guy is a nutcase and will eventually get shellshocked back into the 4th century, especially fucking around with Britian, who by and large do not play games with stupid motherfuckers like the idiot running the country.  As far as I'm concerned, Afganistan, Iraq, and Iran have all needed a good ass-whipping nuclear bombing for about 30 fucking years, so bring it on. 

England is joined at the hip with America, and I think I speak for all red blooded war happy americans when I say they have our full support.  I'd be glad to risk American casualties for England, they've done the same for us and remain our mother country.  Basically, we're down for WHATEVER.  Our military is VOLUNTEER and we've got thousands signing up every month and only dozens dying. 

BTW, if you'll check recent history, Al Qaeda fucked with us so we killed them and the taliban helping them in Afganistan.  See the correlation: Fuck with us, we kill you, and take everything you own.  We now own afganistan and there's a bunch of wannabes running around throwing rocks at our tanks and wiring plastic explosives up in the sand trying to mess our jeeps up.  We have anhilated their world and now own their country.  Game over.

Then, we basically killed Saddam Hussein and his entire family, and captured the entire nation of Iraq.  Say what you want about the scenario over there, but either way you look at it, we boss'd up, destroyed their way of life and now the country belongs to us. 

On the other side, notice France.  They hate us.  That's fine, we dont' want everybody to like us, we just don't want you to try and kill us.  France can live hating us, we have no problem with France. 

Next, Iran.  We're not going to let these assholes continue to do whatever the fuck they want to do, we're gonna get a little bloody for a little while and clean all the bullshit up.  Simple as that, if you want to threaten us with bodily harm, we will anhilate you, playtime is over, we're tired of diplomacy.  We are now talking with our bombs like we did in the first half of the 20th century, and look what was accomplished then.  Today we stand tall with Japan and Germany and one day we'll stand tall with Afganistan, Iran, and Iraq.  I don't give a shit if our taxes go th rough the roof and we're in war for the next 20 years, bring it on.  America was built on blood and death, no reason to stop now. 

It's clear to the vast majority of Americans when a war is just, don't believe the hype.  We'll gladly kill kids and shit in Iran if England needs us to go with them, no problem we'll be there.

As for this being the end of the world, bullshit.  Murder and war has been going on forever.  London survived months of daily bombings in world war II.  They'd survive it again if it came to that.  Iran doesn't have nuclear weapons, they have a nuclear mess that's unrefined and isn't capable of anywhere near the carnage we'll rain on them if they attempt to use one against Europe. 

oh shit son, u said what ive been thinking

im ready for some ww2 shit

UK and America, going fucking commando on yo ass bitch

Low Key

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Re: The fucking Iranians just captured 15 British soldiers
« Reply #89 on: March 29, 2007, 03:03:05 PM »
Any country with A LOT to gain by going nuclear is going to be scrutinized.

Yea, every country that isn't workin under America. Except North Korea, they're doing it as we speak but Bush can't fuck wit em and he knows it.

If Iran wants to have a nuclear power plant, I don't see anything wrong with that. Bombs are a completely different story.