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« on: April 06, 2007, 09:13:32 AM »
I'm not really into this whole type of bizness, an I know how most people on here won't care about most of this type of shit, who cares if Tony Blair gives out fancy titles for donations to the labour(a left wing party like the democrats over there in the US) party, political party's have to get financed some how you know, you see what I'm saying, its no big deal, you see it, but people have to understand, if you understand this whole bizness, you'll understand why Blair was so bloodthirsty to go to war wit Iraq, killing innocent kids an that, for oil, you see what I'm saying.

Tony Blair is a devil prick undercover tory(nickname for a right wing politica partyl called the conservatives over here in the UK like the republicans)spy in sheeps clothing lap dog, you see what I'm saying fam, true stories, he was recruited by MI5(like the domestic version of the CIA over here in the UK)in 1982(while he was a member of the opposition party labour)to spy on his friends in the CND(anti nuclear weapons movement in the UK in the 80s) movement because the goverment at the time, the tories, they thought the CND was subversive, Thather(the leader of the conservatives at the time)thought the CND was a threat, you see what I'm saying, so Blair was a spy for the conservatives recruited by MI5 to spy on his people up until the late 80s, when he rose up the ranks of labour.

In march 1994 when Blair became the leader of labour, Blair met a retired business man called Michael Levy(used to raise money for Jewish pressure groups)at a dinner party at the Israeli embassy in London, after that now, Levy started raising money for Blair. Then he appointed Jonathan Powell(Powell wasn't a member of labour an had been recruited by the CIA while studying in the states)as his cheif of staff. Powell's brother Charles Powell was Margaret Thatcher's right hand man while she was in power in the 80s. For the next three years Blair made regular trips to the US, these trips were funded by CIA front organizations like BAP & TUCETU. Then Blair flew to Australia in 1995 to pledge his allegiance to a right wing media baron called Rupert Murdoch(he owns Fox news network), then Blair signed a book contract wit Harper Collins(a company owned by Murdoch)worth £3.5 million. A good way to bribe him you see what I'm saying cuz, he then started removing the links with the trade union movement, who were the main providers of money to the labour party. He got Levy to find other financial backers from various business men.

Since then, all of Labours top donors who had given over £1million has received a peerage, apart from Lakshmi Mittal(steel magnate). He got a Romanian steel contract instead, you see what I'm saying people, you get me fam, the granting of honours is just a sideshow of large political donations. Blairs styling it out, you see what I'm saying cuzzy.

When Blair came into power in 97, he announced that sport was being exempted from tobacco advertising. Weeks before this, Bernie Ecclestone(big boy business man in the motor racing bizness) had given Labour £1million.

Then Blair had a meeting wit Paul Drayson on the 6th of december 2001, then Drayson donated £100,000 to labour, then Drayson's company, Power Ject won a £32million contract to produce a smallpox vaccine. This contract wasn't put out to open bidding, because if it was it would have gone to someone else. Drayson was also given a peerage. Altogether now, Drayson has donated £1.1million to labour

Blair also has a strange relationship wit Jarvis Engineering. The chairman is Steven Norris a member of the opposition party the tory's, but even stil, Norris has made large donations of money to the labour party. Jarvis Engineering soon began winning PFI contracts given out by the labour goverment, you see what I'm saying, you get the drift people.

Then in 2001 Richard Desmond gave £100,000 to labour. Within days the DTI gave permission for Desmond to by Express newspapers for £125million

Now instead of donations, Blair had to style it out some more, you see what I'm saying, he came up wit a new tactic, business men would provide loans instead of gifts, you see what I'm saying fam, you get what I'm saying, loans don't have to be declared. The trick is that several years after the contract has been given now, the loan is turned into a gift. In 2005 Blairs send out, he's bagman, now given the title of Lord Michael Levy raised £14million in loans before the 2005 election.

David Gerrard(who loaned £1million to labour in 2005)established the Minerva property group with Andrew Rosenfeld(loaned £1million to labour in 2005 aswell) in 1996. Gerrard is a major supplier of cash to Tony Blair, but there is no evidence that these two business men are socialists, but they do depend on the goverment to give planning permission for their various property ventures, you see what I'm saying. Six months after Rosenfeld gave labour a £1million loan, labour gave permission for the building of the £600million Park Place in Croydon, this involved killing off a rival bid from a rival competitor. Labour also gave permission for the 50 storey Minerva tower. Six months before this decision, Gerrard gave a £2.3million loan to labour, you see what I'm saying cuzzy, crazy

Then Rod Aldridge(loaned £1million to labour in 2005)the cheif executive of Capita, who has been called the 'privatisation tycoon', his company Capita have a 10 year, £400million contract to run the criminal records bureau. Aldridge has a £44million stake in the Capita group, other assets add £8million to his wealth. Aldridge's wealth is based on obtaining PFI contracts, he has made £1billion from goverment contracts. Until Blair came to power, Capita was a little known IT firm with a £112million turnover relying on contracts wit local authorities. This included Brighton council. The council leader Steve Bassam, was given a peerage by Blair soon after he was elected in 1997. The following year Lord Bassam joined Capita as a consultant. Bassam introduced Aldridge to Blair an soon after, Aldridge started donating to labour(before 97 he had supported the tory's). Even though Capita have been fined for bare high profile cock-ups, Capita has still been chosen to provide virtually every public sector contract it bids for. In return Aldridge has given £2million to suport City Academies, and given a £1million loan to labour

Des Smith(who worked for the Specialist Schools & Academies Trust who helped find sponsors for the goverment flagship city academies programe)a head teacher said donors would be given honours in exchange for funding. The Specialist Schools & Academies, who Brown works for, president is Lord Levy, surprise, surprise, you see what I'm saying people. Since 1997, city academy sponsors have received 5 knighthoods(Frank Lowe, David Gerrad, Clive Bourne, Martin Arbib & Evan Harper), 1 CBE(Roger de Haan)& 1 OBE(Jack Petchey)

Ivor Caplin was a former defence minister who stood down at the last election. Now he has taken lobbying jobs with two companies, Foresight Communications which is run  by Mark Adams(Blairs former private secretary & is involved in the £20billion Eurofighter contract)& MBDA which is a american missile company

Also, an most important of all, ever since Blair has come to goverment, its been seriourisly obvious that Blair has supported BAE systems against all competition an normal thought. He pushed through contraversial sales to Zimbabwe & Tanzania & lobbied, among others, the South Korean & South African presidents on behalf of BAE Systems, its seriously obvious that BAE Systems gets 5-star treatment from a wide variety of goverment sources, even though the company is bare crooked, you see what I'm saying, SFO(Serious Fraud Office) investigators have discovered that BAE Systems has a £1billion slush fund. That whole recent BAE/Saudi scandal that went on recently, wasn't really about bribes being paids to the Saudi Royal family. Its about money finding its way back to the politicians, you see what I'm saying, ya get me fam, certain people feel the way that Labour will solve its £17m debt problem will be by it being paid off by BAE Systems & the Saudis, not directly of course, but by someone like Lord Sainsbury, another suspect yoot.

I mean I could go on an on exposing Blair, but theirs too much, you see what I'm saying, its not 'cash for honours', its 'cash for goverment policies' , to me yeah, its obvious that Blair's decision to go after Iraq's oil an merk bare innocent people, came from a whole heap of factors, you see what I'm saying, Lord Levy, Blairs close friend use to raise money for the tory's before Blair, & is Blairs special envoy to the middle east, Levy also use to raise money for jewish pressure groups, I mean they met each other in the Israeli embassy, you see what I'm saying, its known that the neo con right wing think tank PNAC in America was influenced by some of its members that produced the imperilism testament for the middle east called the 'Clean Break' in conjuction wit the Israeli goverment in the early to mid 90s, you see what I'm saying, we know what the Israeli strategy for the middle east is, then you have the big time british oil company's like BP for example, its known that the US, as soon as Bush came into power, established a 'energy taskforce' wit Dick Cheney an busniess men from the oil industry before 9'11, which found out that there was know western(US or UK) oil companies in any of the contracts for exploration or development of Iraq's oil with  Iraq's oil ministry, you see what I'm saying, so its easy to imagine what type of lobbying was goiing on wit the oil companys, wit the US an UK goverments up an till the invasion for Iraq's oil, you see what I'm saying, on top of that youv'e got the arms company like BAE systems who profit from war an that type of shit, who obviously get 5-star treatment from  Blair, plus Tony Blairs is a 'centre of left prime minister' whose best friends with a right wing leader like Silvio Berlesconi in Italy, I mean Blair spends his personal holidays at Berlesconi's villas, I mean Blair sent his own son for work experience wit the republicans in the US, his own son, plus he was an undercover tory spy in the 80s, MI5/CIA stooge, its obvious why he went to war wit Iraq, its obvious why he was so bloodthirsty, Blairs a pathological  confidence trickster, you see what I'm saying, who lies wit one side of his brain, then convinces the other side of his brain wit ozmosis that those lies are the truth, you see what I'm saying fam, fock Tony Blair, all those kids he killed in Iraq, fuck him, thev taken that country back to the stone ages, its fucked up, fuck him
The labour party use to be funded by the trade unions, its clear why this money was given to the labour party, once in power the goverment was expected to follow policies that would help the less well off in society, you see what I'm saying, the unions had to tell there members how much, what for, an to whom their money was going to, political partys should be funded by its members so that once the party's are controlled by their members, the policies will reflect the ideology of the people paying their political subscriptions, true stories people, lets go


  • 'G'
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« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2007, 06:01:24 AM »
its going to be interesting to see who pays for Tony Blairs letture tours an that once he leaves office an that you know, maybe that will be another way for him to be paid off for all the political deals an  business contracts he handed out while in power you know, true stories, fock tony blair, stupid little prick, rest in peace to all those Iraqi children, an innocent civillians he an Bush are resposible for killing in that war for oil, true stories, lets go ma nigga