Author Topic: To those that think the media doesn't like Ron Paul  (Read 449 times)

M Dogg™

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To those that think the media doesn't like Ron Paul
« on: May 16, 2007, 09:50:05 AM »
At least he ain't this guy that Fox is trying to dystroy.

<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>
This is actually the Fox News Chairman
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Re: To those that think the media doesn't like Ron Paul
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2007, 11:02:03 AM »
haha americans are soo stupid.


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Re: To those that think the media doesn't like Ron Paul
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2007, 11:08:06 AM »
Fox was so disrespectful to Paul last night.

Teddy Roosevelt

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Re: To those that think the media doesn't like Ron Paul
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2007, 11:20:15 AM »
Haha. That one guy called Obama "mamy"


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Re: To those that think the media doesn't like Ron Paul
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2007, 11:33:40 AM »
Obama has my vote

M Dogg™

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Re: To those that think the media doesn't like Ron Paul
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2007, 11:50:00 AM »
Fox was so disrespectful to Paul last night.

last night, Fox has been disrespectful to Obama since 2004


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Re: To those that think the media doesn't like Ron Paul
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2007, 12:34:00 PM »
Why do people want to vote for Obama cuz hes black.


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Re: To those that think the media doesn't like Ron Paul
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2007, 12:41:54 PM »
Why do people want to vote for Obama cuz hes black.

Obama works for me.  He will seek to carry out my agenda for a Pan-African Socialist America in which whites work on plantations to grow my product.


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Re: To those that think the media doesn't like Ron Paul
« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2007, 12:59:32 PM »
Why do people want to vote for Obama cuz hes black.

Obama works for me.  He will seek to carry out my agenda for a Pan-African Socialist America in which whites work on plantations to grow my product.

man where the fuck you get your dope?


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Re: To those that think the media doesn't like Ron Paul
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2007, 01:03:15 PM »
Why do people want to vote for Obama cuz hes black.

Obama works for me.  He will seek to carry out my agenda for a Pan-African Socialist America in which whites work on plantations to grow my product.

man where the fuck you get your dope?

I don't fuck with that shit.  Dope and weed are two of the ways in which the white man keeps us oppressed mentally.  I keep my mind, body, and soul strong by eating healthy, practicing martial arts, and reading philosophy (Pan-African philosophy, of course).

M Dogg™

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Re: To those that think the media doesn't like Ron Paul
« Reply #10 on: May 16, 2007, 01:18:06 PM »
Why do people want to vote for Obama cuz hes black.

nope, because he has something that we want to follow, he offers hope, his someone different. If you want Ron Paul you might as well look at Barry Goldwater, or even Ronald Reagan had some libratarian in him. Obama is a liberal, but on top of that, he is not afraid of speaking about changing the way things are, even if it's unpopular. He was against the war in 2002. Lets talk current; Obama went to a Detroit meeting, and remember Michigan has voted Democrat every year since 1992 and the labor unions there are so powerful there thanks to the UAM (United Auto Workers). This man walked up to a standing ovation, because traditionally Mid-Western Democrats are strong union people and Obama has had a strong union past in his voting. But instead of talking about union rights, and strengthing Detroits workers, this man walked in and said Detroit has to change, and that change has to have better fuel efficient cars that can compete with Japan. This made many in the crowd uneasy, and the mayor of Detroit, who is also black and is called the first Hip-Hop major city mayor, straight up said he has not thrown his support for Obama. Obama spoke the truth, even to people who are traditionally friendly to Democrats, and a mayor who would in any other year support him to no end, and in turn it might cost him 18 electoral votes if he wins the nomination. But I would rather support a man like Obama than a man who wants to cut all taxes when I myself have been helped by welfare when my mom was on drugs, by free lunches at school, but medicare until I was 18, by food stamps when I was growing up, and once I got to college, but student aid in the form of tens of thousands of dollars in loans and grants. My life is basically paid by tax dollars, and without it, I would more than likely followed my families business of drug dealing, and other ways to feed my family. So there is no way in the world I would EVER support Ron Paul.

J @ M @ L

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Re: To those that think the media doesn't like Ron Paul
« Reply #11 on: May 16, 2007, 03:30:45 PM »
Obama is a bitch for sucking AIPAC's dick.
my throat hurts, its hard to swallow, and my body feels like i got a serious ass beating.

LOL @ this fudgepacker

M Dogg™

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Re: To those that think the media doesn't like Ron Paul
« Reply #12 on: May 16, 2007, 03:43:32 PM »

the guy might be the most sypathatic to Palestine than anyone in this race.

J @ M @ L

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Re: To those that think the media doesn't like Ron Paul
« Reply #13 on: May 16, 2007, 03:53:52 PM »

the guy might be the most sypathatic to Palestine than anyone in this race.

No, Kucinich is... and he ain't a bitch about it... he says it straight up.

Obama on the other hand used to be relatively even-handed on the conflict... but as time elapsed and as we're drawing closer to the election he started sucking AIPAC's dick (for obvious reasons... largest lobby in Washington = lots of votes)... he's a fucking sellout... read the speech he delivered to AIPAC
my throat hurts, its hard to swallow, and my body feels like i got a serious ass beating.

LOL @ this fudgepacker


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Re: To those that think the media doesn't like Ron Paul
« Reply #14 on: May 16, 2007, 09:22:06 PM »
I don't really get what you're trying to accomplish here.  A pissing match to see which guy is disliked more by the mainstream media?  But props for bringing some more shine to Ron Paul.  I guarantee you one thing, you won't have any of the pundits on the major networks campaigning to have Obama removed from any future debates like they are doing with my man Ron. 

And LOL @ being surprised at Fox news bashing a democrat.  They don't dislike him because he's any sort of threat to the status quo, they dislike him because he's deemed a liberal.  Probably the main reason you like him.  How anyone can be loyal to EITHER party after what has happened in the last several years defies logic.

Fox News Rigs Entire Debate To Savagely Attack Ron Paul

Fox News rigged last night's entire presidential debate in a crass effort to smear Ron Paul - yet the Texas Congressman still beat Rudy Giuliani in Fox's own poll.

If you thought the MSNBC debate was somewhat unfair towards Ron Paul, then this was an absolute debacle.

The audience for the debate was clearly pre-screened and pre-selected to include only mainly geriatric 75 year old plus Fox News viewers who are scared of their own shadow. How else can the bizarre applause for warmongering and torture, which polls show are both clearly opposed by the majority of American people, be explained?

Guantanamo Bay is uniformly abhorred, even to the point where George W. Bush himself said he wanted to close it down, and yet Romney is clapped for saying he would like to double it!

Are these audience members robots or did Fox News dub the audio to include the applause?

Giuliani clearly endorses torture and the mindless drones in attendance rapaciously lap it up! Fox News manufactured a fictitious scenario to rig the debate - the notion that terrorists are about to detonate a nuclear bomb and that only torture can lead to its discovery.

Host Bit Hume failed to mention the fact that obtaining confessions from torture is notoriously unreliable because the victim simply tells the interrogator what he wants to hear, and not necessarily the truth. In fact, using torture in place of more traditional investigative techniques would only create false leads, waste more time and put the country in more danger.

Under the Constitution of the United States, which any of these potential Presidents will have to swear an oath to uphold, evidence obtained from torture is not admissible in court. In effect, Giuliani, Romney and Tancredo (who has now completely discredited himself) have promised to violate the Constitution before they even get into office.

After the show, Hannity and Colmes double-teamed Paul in an attempt to discredit him in the eyes of both liberals and conservatives, with Colmes going after him on abortion and Hannity chomping at the bit to smear the Texas Congressman as weak on terrorism.

This followed a showdown between Giuliani and Paul in which the Texas Congressman pointed out the fact that U.S. foreign policy has bred hatred of America throughout the world, a self-evident truth that is even embraced by the CIA itself, and was scorned by Giuliani in response.

Despite the fact that Paul was given the more difficult questions and less time to answer them and was then savagely attacked after he debate, he still came out on top when the early polling began, eventually finishing a close second to Romney and easily ahead of Giuliani.

Fox News were obviously desperate to prevent Ron Paul winning the poll because they restricted it to text message only, no Internet voting, and closed it down declaring Romney the winner after just three hours.

An MSNBC poll again shows Ron Paul trouncing the other candidates, beating his nearest contenders hands down in every category. 
Fox News anchor Carl Cameron immediately tried to spin Paul's success in the poll when it became apparent he was winning with 30% of the vote shortly after 11PM. Cameron roared that Paul had been "slapped down" by Giuliani in the debate and that his success was merely because his office was unfairly flood voting - ignoring the fact that McCain had openly told his supporters to spam the polls on his own website.

ABC News' poll has Ron Paul at 18,500+ votes, with his nearest rivals Romney and Giuliani barely making it into the 200's. This is an emphatic win for the Texas Congressman.

Despite the fact that this whole event was a giant orchestrated smear job on behalf of Fox News to eliminate Ron Paul from the race, his message of liberty and real conservatism still resonates with the American people and no amount of vitriol on behalf of Neo-Con Rupert Murdoch and his underlings is going to change that fact.[/td][/tr][/table]