Author Topic: Michigan GOP Move To Kick Ron Paul Out Of Debates Dropped  (Read 166 times)


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Michigan GOP Move To Kick Ron Paul Out Of Debates Dropped
« on: May 22, 2007, 06:41:56 AM »
Michigan GOP Move To Kick Ron Paul Out Of Debates Dropped

Another crushing victory for free speech as RNC overwhelmed with thousands of calls, 20,000+ petition signatures

Freedom of speech has just registered a crushing victory after it was announced that the Michigan GOP have dropped their move to have Congressman Ron Paul kicked out of the Republican debates.

Though we still have to be wary that other factions within the GOP could seek to bar Ron Paul, we have shot down this trial balloon for now.

The RNC and the Michigan GOP received thousands of calls after we quickly organized a campaign and a petition in opposition to Michigan head Saul Anuzis' action to circulate a petition calling for Ron Paul to be removed from all future debates. Others also circulated online petitions to counter the move, totaling over 20,000 signatures between all the petitions.

Anuzis was angry that the Texas Congressman had dared to suggest that bombing Middle Eastern countries causes anger and blowback at the Republican candidate debate on Tuesday evening.

"After consulting with my fellow RNC members, I believe there isn't anything to be gained by advancing a petition aimed solely at removing Congressman Paul from the debates. The primary is and will continue to work itself out," writes Anuzis on his blog .

Anuzis also protests that his intention was never to censure free speech but in moving to kick Ron Paul out for something he said that offended the Neo-Con leadership of the Michigan GOP, this was clearly an attempt to stifle a candidate who has made himself a frontrunner and won all the debate polls by simply telling the truth.

Judging by this call ( MP3 link ) to the RNC, both the Republican National Committee and the Michigan GOP have been flooded by complaints over the last couple of days and their only recourse was to submit to the will of the people and drop the idea altogether.

This is another victory for free speech and another example of how we can make a difference and make our voices heard in the political process.
