Author Topic: What kind of heat you have or is ya favorit.  (Read 7199 times)


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Re: What kind of heat you have or is ya favorit.
« Reply #45 on: June 12, 2007, 07:00:05 AM »


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Re: What kind of heat you have or is ya favorit.
« Reply #46 on: June 12, 2007, 07:05:20 AM »
lol none of y'all gangsta's actually carry a piece

bitch I put up the BFG. What you got on that gun? That thing will take out Allah, Dipset, and Paris Hilton in one shot.

ill destroy your planet

What the fuck is that ?



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Re: What kind of heat you have or is ya favorit.
« Reply #47 on: June 12, 2007, 07:57:25 AM »
blah,blah,fucking blah....your wrong,and im wright....fuck off white boy. 8)

You're "wright"?  The cracker Orville Wright?


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Re: What kind of heat you have or is ya favorit.
« Reply #48 on: June 12, 2007, 08:19:48 AM »
blah,blah,fucking blah....your wrong,and im wright....fuck off white boy. 8)

You're "wright"?  The cracker Orville Wright?
LMAO with my home,boys...trick think im white. :laugh:


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Re: What kind of heat you have or is ya favorit.
« Reply #49 on: June 12, 2007, 08:23:01 AM »
blah,blah,fucking blah....your wrong,and im wright....fuck off white boy. 8)

You're "wright"?  The cracker Orville Wright?
LMAO with my home,boys...trick think im white. :laugh:

OK, Orville, if you say so.

That being said, you have still never touched a Glock or a TEC in your life.  The sun and the stove are indeed the closest you've ever had to "heat".


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Re: What kind of heat you have or is ya favorit.
« Reply #50 on: June 12, 2007, 09:09:58 AM »

LMAO, +1.

seriously, i doubt the majority of DubCC have ever picked up some "heat" including the thread starter.

you say that when westcoast rap is almost 100% gangsta rap

what? just because your a fan of gangsta rap you carry a gun? is that what your trying to say? if not i have no idea what relevance that post has...

not that u carry a gun but most fans r gangsters or criminals of some sort, if not their white

i dont carry a gun, no need to. are you saying that all black people are gangsta's or criminals?

and for the record i am white, in my area if you have a problem with someone you use your fists not a pistol

yeah, thats the way real men handle shit, not that coward bullet firing way
go sit down and take a piss dont even know how to use your hands....talking about a real mans a punk striaght up. 8)

lol shut the fuck up yous prob a 14yr old white boi. lol you get the real mans test when u lockd up. LOL at this baby boy

Tha Reella - Slap A Nigga Up Like Wyatt Earp / Sig downsized, too big.


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Re: What kind of heat you have or is ya favorit.
« Reply #51 on: June 12, 2007, 09:10:32 AM »
lol none of y'all gangsta's actually carry a piece

bitch I put up the BFG. What you got on that gun? That thing will take out Allah, Dipset, and Paris Hilton in one shot.

whoa, thts fukin heat

World's Largest Gun
The largest gun ever built was the "Gustav Gun" built in Essen, Germany in 1941 by the firm of Friedrich Krupp A.G. Upholding a tradition of naming heavy cannon after family members, the Gustav Gun was named after the invalid head of the Krupp family - Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach. The strategic weapon of its day, the Gustav Gun was built at the direct order of Adolf Hitler for the express purpose of crushing Maginot Line forts protecting the French frontier. To accomplish this, Krupp designed a giant railway gun weighing 1344 tons with a bore diameter of 800 mm (31.5") and served by a 500 man crew commanded by a major-general.

Two types of projectiles were fired using a 3000lb. charge of smokeless powder: a 10,584 lb. high explosive (HE) shell and a 16,540 lb. concrete-piercing projectile. Craters from the HE shells measured 30-ft. wide and 30-ft. deep while the concrete piercing projectile proved capable of penetrating 264-ft. of reinforced concrete before exploding! Maximum range was 23 miles with HE shells and 29 miles with concrete piercing projectiles. Muzzle velocity was approximately 2700 f.p.s.

Three guns were ordered in 1939. Alfried Krupp personally hosted Hitler and Albert Speer (Minister of Armaments) at the Hugenwald Proving Ground during formal acceptance trials of the Gustav Gun in the spring of 1941. In keeping with company tradition, Krupp refrained from charging for the first gun - 7 million Deutsch Marks were charged for the second (named Dora after the chief engineer's wife).

France fell in 1940 without the assistance of the Gustav Gun, so new targets were sought. Plans to use Gustav against the British fortress of Gibraltar were scrapped after General Franco refused permission to fire the gun from Spanish soil. Thus, April 1942 found the Gustav Gun emplaced outside the heavily fortified port city of Sebastopol in the Soviet Union. Under fire from Gustav and other heavy artillery, Forts Stalin, Lenin and Maxim Gorki crumbled and fell. One round from Gustav destroyed a Russion ammunition dump 100 feet below Severnaya Bay; a near miss capsized a large ship in the harbor. Gustav fired 300 rounds during the siege wearing out the original barrel in the process. Dora was set up west of Stalingrad in mid-August but hurriedly withdrawn in September to avoid capture. Gustav next appeared outside Warsaw, Poland, where it fired 30 rounds into Warsaw Ghetto during the 1944 uprising.

Dora was blown up by German engineers in April 1945 near Oberlichtnau, Germany, to avoid capture by the Russian Army. The incomplete third gun was scrapped at the factory by the British Army when they captured Essen. Gustav was captured intact by the U.S. Army near Metzendorf, Germany, in June 1945. Shortly after, it was cut up for scrap thus ending the story of the Gustav Gun.




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Re: What kind of heat you have or is ya favorit.
« Reply #52 on: June 12, 2007, 09:22:21 AM »
not that u carry a gun but most fans r gangsters or criminals of some sort, if not their white

i dont carry a gun, no need to. are you saying that all black people are gangsta's or criminals?

and for the record i am white, in my area if you have a problem with someone you use your fists not a pistol

lmao well you are white so you probaly wont ever really experiance not bein in your own hood, and did i say black? lol the majority that even listens to rap r minorities and since you are white you wont ever know or u'll be the least likely to actually relate to any of it. ur white and i have nothing against it, but think bout the different experiances u go to, different responses, as  for say from the police, tryiin to get acceptd back into regular public schools, its different man i know it dont got to do wit heat buts its juz a response for you saying that all black people r criminals or gangstas. cuhz in the 818 blacks  aint even strong down here, i mean u got  gangs but their not  big in numbers. i mean round here the blacks r very different to blacks in LA city.

yea u use ur fists..... what does that gotta do wit pistols. i mean i know when to u use fists but its the streets man u get hoppd, or shot.

from your statement i can tell your shelterd by a mile or you have a very closed opinion about having a gun, well your area must be good but im not talking bout gettin in shit wit people you know or ur friends, in that case y would u kill em? or shootem ? mayb if ur bout to get hoppd u can shoot it in the air, lol

to let you better understand say ur a crip and in ur city all the clubs/bars were in the blood neighborhood and ur gf or homeboys really wanted to go so u aint gonna go strapped? u gonna go over there wit ur fists and hope they show you the same respect???

cheers for the essay, appreciated. i will give you one of my own.

not that u carry a gun but most fans r gangsters or criminals of some sort, if not their white

you said it, i questioned you on it. i never said all black people are gangstas or criminals.

"you are white so you probaly wont ever really experiance not bein in your own hood"

what does that mean? do white people not go out? my "hood" is very multicultural infact, and i often travel outside into other "hoods" for work, or to go out on a night out. i dont need weaponary on me, of anykind. do you not see the stupidity in killing someone because they are in a different area of the town/city? which brings me to my next question, do you own a gun and actively use it?

"to let you better understand say ur a crip and in ur city all the clubs/bars were in the blood neighborhood and ur gf or homeboys really wanted to go so u aint gonna go strapped? u gonna go over there wit ur fists and hope they show you the same respect???"

granted i dont know, (or care) much about gang culture in America. i know my country. we have some immature assholes who are like "gangs", they hang about, do nothing productive in life (and dont want to) and attack as gangs. around 6 people (white, and black together) will happily stomp on a guys head for £2.50 and half a pack of L&B. i am just glad that they are (currently) not stupid enough to pick up guns and shoot someone over nothing.

that being said it is becoming a bit of a regular occurance in London for example.

by picking up a gun, and being willing to use it, what are you accomplishing in life? are you doing anything productive? making the world a better place? no, what is the point in life then?

trust me you'll never understand. white people do go out i mean they get a pass every where cuz they white, but their the most likely to get jackd by blacks,asians,hispanics and other whites. people dont get a gun and if i they do unregistered they usally know what and when they gonna use it for or their juz complete idiots n blast people( but in the same case u can juz be puttin in work n blastin).

i am 100% sure london isnt as bad. and no i dont have a gun.

Tha Reella - Slap A Nigga Up Like Wyatt Earp / Sig downsized, too big.


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Re: What kind of heat you have or is ya favorit.
« Reply #53 on: June 12, 2007, 10:02:40 AM »
you said it, i questioned you on it. i never said all black people are gangstas or criminals.

"you are white so you probaly wont ever really experiance not bein in your own hood"

what does that mean? do white people not go out? my "hood" is very multicultural infact, and i often travel outside into other "hoods" for work, or to go out on a night out. i dont need weaponary on me, of anykind. do you not see the stupidity in killing someone because they are in a different area of the town/city? which brings me to my next question, do you own a gun and actively use it?

"to let you better understand say ur a crip and in ur city all the clubs/bars were in the blood neighborhood and ur gf or homeboys really wanted to go so u aint gonna go strapped? u gonna go over there wit ur fists and hope they show you the same respect???"

granted i dont know, (or care) much about gang culture in America. i know my country. we have some immature assholes who are like "gangs", they hang about, do nothing productive in life (and dont want to) and attack as gangs. around 6 people (white, and black together) will happily stomp on a guys head for £2.50 and half a pack of L&B. i am just glad that they are (currently) not stupid enough to pick up guns and shoot someone over nothing.

that being said it is becoming a bit of a regular occurance in London for example.

by picking up a gun, and being willing to use it, what are you accomplishing in life? are you doing anything productive? making the world a better place? no, what is the point in life then?

trust me you'll never understand. white people do go out i mean they get a pass every where cuz they white, but their the most likely to get jackd by blacks,asians,hispanics and other whites. people dont get a gun and if i they do unregistered they usally know what and when they gonna use it for or their juz complete idiots n blast people( but in the same case u can juz be puttin in work n blastin).

i am 100% sure london isnt as bad. and no i dont have a gun.

are you really 17? that statement looks like it was written by a 8year old.

what ethnic background are you?

"i mean they get a pass every where cuz they white, but their the most likely to get jackd by blacks,asians,hispanics and other whites"  let me try and understand your crazy logic. we get a pass, so we can go where we want, no hassle. but still will be "jackd". makes no sense buddy.

"people dont get a gun and if i they do unregistered they usally know what and when they gonna use it for or their juz complete idiots n blast people( but in the same case u can juz be puttin in work n blastin)."  is there any point in replying to you? all your comments are crap, and dont make any sense.

London isnt as bad as what? i made a statement that gun crime is on the rise in London, i never compared it to anything.

i have a suggestion for you, grow up and stop acting like your straight outta Compton.


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Re: What kind of heat you have or is ya favorit.
« Reply #54 on: June 12, 2007, 10:26:45 AM »
These topics are great, it separates the real from the fake internetheroes. Go suck some dicks fools, nobody on here owns ANY gun, never had any gun, or firearm in general, either. All this toughtalk of fools thinking it's cool to be and act "violent". This is what the world has become i see.

And i gotta say word to the person who said post a pic of you with a gun in your hands, fake ass bustas.  :)


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Re: What kind of heat you have or is ya favorit.
« Reply #55 on: June 12, 2007, 11:07:38 AM »
These topics are great, it separates the real from the fake internetheroes. Go suck some dicks fools, nobody on here owns ANY gun, never had any gun, or firearm in general, either. All this toughtalk of fools thinking it's cool to be and act "violent". This is what the world has become i see.

And i gotta say word to the person who said post a pic of you with a gun in your hands, fake ass bustas.  :)

In America, if you're over 18, you can buy a gun.  You don't live here, so what the fuck do you know?  Weedhead obviously doesn't know the difference between a Glock and a TEC, so HE has never handled either of those weapons.  I, on the other hand, used to go to the pistol range on a fairly regular basis.  I don't do it because I think it's cool to be gangsta or violent, just cause I enjoyed shooting recreationally sometimes.  That and the fact that I'm plotting a worldwide revolution to kill all crackers.

I've said I'd post a picture of my guns if I had a Digicam, but I don't right now.  Been thinking about getting one, tho...


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Re: What kind of heat you have or is ya favorit.
« Reply #56 on: June 12, 2007, 11:25:43 AM »
lol tough talk, damn sqaures

and to xander y da fuck would any1 post a picture with a gun on the internet? lol too look hard or what? shut the fuck up

Tha Reella - Slap A Nigga Up Like Wyatt Earp / Sig downsized, too big.


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Re: What kind of heat you have or is ya favorit.
« Reply #57 on: June 12, 2007, 11:46:06 AM »
Go suck some dicks fools, nobody on here owns ANY gun, never had any gun, or firearm in general, either.

LMFAO. Europeans are hilarious.


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Re: What kind of heat you have or is ya favorit.
« Reply #58 on: June 12, 2007, 11:49:27 AM »
Nothing like an Uzi...


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: What kind of heat you have or is ya favorit.
« Reply #59 on: June 12, 2007, 12:51:53 PM »

Did the juvenile thing already.hated it........but while your rideing es(whatever his name is)ballz,take this in ya face homie. :monkey_piss:

LMAO, +1.

seriously, i doubt the majority of DubCC have ever picked up some "heat" including the thread starter.

you say that when westcoast rap is almost 100% gangsta rap

what? just because your a fan of gangsta rap you carry a gun? is that what your trying to say? if not i have no idea what relevance that post has...

not that u carry a gun but most fans r gangsters or criminals of some sort, if not their white

i dont carry a gun, no need to. are you saying that all black people are gangsta's or criminals?

and for the record i am white, in my area if you have a problem with someone you use your fists not a pistol

yeah, thats the way real men handle shit, not that coward bullet firing way
go sit down and take a piss dont even know how to use your hands....talking about a real mans a punk striaght up. 8)

lol shut the fuck up yous prob a 14yr old white boi. lol you get the real mans test when u lockd up. LOL at this baby boy