Author Topic: some thoughts on what could have happened to Chris Benoit (from another forum)  (Read 197 times)


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what u guys think?

Now I am normally not a conspiracy theorist but because I idolized this man, its hard for me to believe that a person so humble and has such big of a heart, could possibly kill his family. Here are some things my friends and I noticed.

They say that Chris Benoit missed Saturday Night's Main Event to take care of a family issue. Why would Chris Benoit be on a web show the night before a pay per view? Do you really think that Vince McMahon would have a pay per view headliner to face off on some finky dink show the night before a money maker? If he did go home on Saturday, then why didn't the card for the ecw title match change until late Sunday? That means he was there Sunday and went home on Sunday. Which would put him a day later from his wife's death.

They say that there were no inflictions to the bodies yet there was a statement saying something to the fact that the weapons used were recovered. What weapon's are we talking about since he didn't use any?

The police have also said that they have not ruled out poisening or strangling. First of all, you have seen the man's hands, if you cant tell he strangled them, you're retarded. Anything else he could have used would have also showed up, left a line or something.

The poising thing I dont really think so either. If you are consumed by murderous thoughts and rage, are you really going to plan out poisening? If he force fed the poisen to her, the bruises from her struggling would have appeared. But nothing on that either. Remember? No inflictions?

Even if he got into a jealous rage like she was cheating on him or something, why kill the seven year old? There would be no point to that.

Oh yeah, the text messages Sunday morning. They say that displays signs that he killed his family. Why text messages? Maybe its because you can't hear the voice? Honestly, does Chris Benoit look like a man that would sit down with his giant fingers and write a text message. Wouldn't his giant fingers and his shaking from just killing his son and all make it a bit hard to do?

This man was a humble all heart life force that effected everyone around him. He wept at Eddie Guerrero's funeral. He did that over a friend, imagine his family. His love. His son.

If anything I believe that he was so distraught over the death of his family that he took his own life. Over a day, watching his lifeless love of his life and his son, what person wouldn't?

People cheered for him because they knew he gave every match his all. They cheered when he locked in the crippler crossface and booed when he put a new guy over.

I believe a couple of things might have happened.

1) Because it was a new house, something got loose or broke. Maybe carbon dioxide leaked into the house. Because the mom was inside the house the whole time and the son was mostly outside, she had more exposure. She felt light headed and went for a nap, never to wake back up. The son comes home from playing with his friends and finds her asleep and goes to bed himself. He never wakes up and that is why they are both found dead in their beds. Chris comes home to his dead wife and son, and after being in the house for a long time, eventually kills himself or dies from the same cause. that would explain why he died without any inflictions. kind of hard to kill yourself without a tool.

2) Psychopath or crazed fan. The personal issue could be the fact that she was being stalked, the house was almost broken into, a sexual offender was watching his son, or maybe the killer had her call him. he kills her by poisening or whatever. the kid comes home and he keeps him alive for a little while, saying he's a family friend and then at night somehow kills the kid. Chris then comes home and the psycho comes from behind and drags him over to the weight room. there he breaks the spine, slowly suffocates or whatever. benoit is out and it takes him a while to dye, explaining the separate dates.

Its just too hard to believe that he could do this. this man had too much love and gave it to everyone he could. He took care of everyone, he cared about everyone, the people around him was his life. To do this. . . .its impossible.

I'm praying right now that this is a horrific plot line because I read that they were going to drop the Vince McMahon death angle.

Benoit, you a phenominal wrestler, the best seller, and a great person. You cared about the fans, rather than the budget. You lived and breathed what wrestling is really about. Not the paycheck, not the championships, not the merchandizing, but the fans. There wasnt a single match you did, where I didn't yell when you locked in the crossface, do a laughing ow at the 3 amigos, cheer when you did the flying headbutt, say ow when you put your body on the line, and boo when you decided to give a rookie a little push.

You may be the Rabid Wolverine and the Pegasis Kid. But to me, you will be Chris Benoit. . . . .the best. I love you man and I'll miss you.

1967-2007 Rest in Piece


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he seems to have some pretty good points...i seriuosly hope  chris is cleared of all this shit..


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This guy loves Benoit too much...His theories were outrageous.


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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This guy loves Benoit too much...His theories were outrageous.


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i thought he hung himself on his gym equipment?


everyone is goin to hav theories but in all honesty it was most definitally him


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