Author Topic: espy awards  (Read 2272 times)

Don Jacob

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Re: espy awards
« Reply #75 on: July 18, 2007, 06:57:22 PM »
LeBron has leadership skills? :laugh:

All this time, I thought the main knock on him was that he disappears on his team and doesn't prevail in clutch moments. That he needs to step up and gain that killer mentality Kobe has...Jake. You're a joke. Your whole existance on this board is to go against anything I say. To hate on Kobe as much as you can, while praising anyone who's been compared. Even if it has to be someone who you've knocked in the past, such as LeBron...And yes, this all stems from your love for Shaq...PeACe

LOL at this being a shaq thing

no, nik, Lebron after this year and maybe last has made people believers, he's only 22 and is already playing at a level that rivals kobe.  at 22 he has amazing leadership skills, he's not Jordan yet. but by the time he hits his prime i'd be scared.

also my critique on him in the past was this: people were already handing him the crown, much like they were to tim duncan when he came out. it pissed me off because he proved nothing. he didn't make the playoffs. then he made it to the playoffs and did nothing. then he won a series and made a dent. then he takes his team to the number 2 seed and to the finals. i'm impressed with his progression, he's been int he league for not even half of a decade and he's already a top scorer passer and leader int he league. i'm amazed, we're not sitting around waiting on him to develope skills like we are with bynum, like jermain o'neal, ect.  he's coming out the gate like his name was jeff gordon. he's progressing much faster than kobe did. i still say Melo should have won rookie of the year. but you know what lebron has lived up to the hype. he's on path to be a champion and a hall of famer.

The point is, LeBron is no better than he was last year!!...The east simply got weaker. The Cavs wouldn't even make the playoffs in the west, and if they did, they would definitely not pass the first round. This was the same problem with Wade's Heat last year...LeBron is overhyped and overrated. Dude didn't even make the first team All-NBA this year, how is he playing on a level rivaling Kobe? Dude plays no defense, dude has to improve his stroke drastically, dude is not refined at all! His teammates can't even depend on him 100%, especially not in the clutch! He's nowhere near Kobe... If Kobe was on the Cavs against the Spurs, it definitely would have not been a sweep...Kobe 22>LeBron 22...PeACe

see your problem is you're in denial, lebron last year would never of been able to do what he did in the playoffs this year. to say any different says  (and i'm going to use your little diss) YOU DONT' WATCH BASKETBALL.  the fact of the matter is this he's playing at a level that rivals kobe for the best player in the league, that's why you're so critical of the dude, cuz he rivals your boy. kobe at 22 would never be able to do this, he can't even do it now against a 'fake' team like the suns. so NIK save the hate and give lebron his props, kobe might be the best player now, but let lebron get in his prime and he'll eclipse kobe.

R.I.P.  To my Queen and Princess 07-05-09


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Re: espy awards
« Reply #76 on: July 18, 2007, 08:11:12 PM »
Put Kobe at 22 on these Cavs, in this eastern conference, and they woulda' done the same. In fact, I bet the series against the Spurs woulda been more evened out. Kobe at 22 was an All-NBA defender. He was a premier scorer and a clutch player. LeBron is none of those yet. LeBron, currently, is on the level of a Wade, a T-Mac, an Arenas, etc...Not saying he wont improve, but as of now, he hasn't. He made first team All-NBA in 2006, but not 2007... he hasn't really proven much other than the fact that he can have a great game on weak single coverage defense and get extremely overhyped because of it, after choking more than a few times in those same playoffs...Jason Kidd himself said, it was NOT LeBron who beat the Nets, it was weak rebounding and no defense...Jacob, I somehow doubt you've watched ANY Cavs game in their entirety since LeBron has been drafted. I'm not hating, LeBron is good, he's just no Kobe...PeACe

Don Jacob

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Re: espy awards
« Reply #77 on: July 18, 2007, 11:31:23 PM »
lol  whatever

lebron @ 18> kobe @18
lebron @19 > kobe @ 19
lebron  @20 > kobe @ 20
lebron @ 21 > kobe @21
lebron @22 > kobe @22

the rest is tbd.

R.I.P.  To my Queen and Princess 07-05-09

WC Iz Active

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Re: espy awards
« Reply #78 on: July 18, 2007, 11:42:01 PM »
^^^^no way man!!  Lebron got to start off his career on a struggling team where he got to become the leader right away, Kobe started his career on a championship caliber team so he didnt get the oppurtunity right away that LJ got. 

WC Iz Active

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Re: espy awards
« Reply #79 on: July 18, 2007, 11:44:09 PM »
but still even when he got to indy and averaged what like 40-41 minutes a game i know he wasn't a beast.  he was stil developing...23 years old and he still wasn't the player Lebron james was at 19-22.

yes he is a beast!  this is why JO is a top player in this league,  he is a top5 defender while also being a 20-10 player.  how many players can dominate the game both offensively and defensively? not many, melo cant, wade cant, dirk cant, nash cant, lebron cant, Jermaine can!

I like him and all, but how the fuck does JO DOMINATE anything? The Pacers aren't even close to being a respectable team, so I think dominating is the wrong choice of words.

JO was constantly double teamed all year last year and he still basically averaged 20ppg.  You need more than 1 player to be successful, JO had NO HELP last year!  And when he did have help 3 years ago his team won 61 games and he was 3rd in MVP voting.  JO consistently DOMINATES games defensively and is also able to DOMINATE games offensively and on the boards.

Don Jacob

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Re: espy awards
« Reply #80 on: July 18, 2007, 11:47:04 PM »
say what you will but kobe had to play behind eddie jones for a few seasons. eddie JONES!  i love eddie jones (eddie jones>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>lebron james in my favorite book) however i don't think it would have taken as long for lebron , if he was in the league  @19/20 to start over eddie jones if it were 1997. also you got to look at kobe's shaky play in his earlier years, taking wild shots, having mistrust in his teammates. you didn't see that as much in lebron james , when it should have been the other way around .

R.I.P.  To my Queen and Princess 07-05-09

Don Jacob

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Re: espy awards
« Reply #81 on: July 18, 2007, 11:47:48 PM »
but still even when he got to indy and averaged what like 40-41 minutes a game i know he wasn't a beast.  he was stil developing...23 years old and he still wasn't the player Lebron james was at 19-22.

yes he is a beast!  this is why JO is a top player in this league,  he is a top5 defender while also being a 20-10 player.  how many players can dominate the game both offensively and defensively? not many, melo cant, wade cant, dirk cant, nash cant, lebron cant, Jermaine can!

I like him and all, but how the fuck does JO DOMINATE anything? The Pacers aren't even close to being a respectable team, so I think dominating is the wrong choice of words.

JO was constantly double teamed all year last year and he still basically averaged 20ppg.  You need more than 1 player to be successful, JO had NO HELP last year!  And when he did have help 3 years ago his team won 61 games and he was 3rd in MVP voting.  JO consistently DOMINATES games defensively and is also able to DOMINATE games offensively and on the boards.

i will give JO props on his D and rebounding.

R.I.P.  To my Queen and Princess 07-05-09

WC Iz Active

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Re: espy awards
« Reply #82 on: July 19, 2007, 12:21:15 AM »
whats wrong w/ his offense?


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Re: espy awards
« Reply #83 on: July 19, 2007, 12:21:28 AM »
say what you will but kobe had to play behind eddie jones for a few seasons. eddie JONES!  i love eddie jones (eddie jones>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>lebron james in my favorite book) however i don't think it would have taken as long for lebron , if he was in the league  @19/20 to start over eddie jones if it were 1997. also you got to look at kobe's shaky play in his earlier years, taking wild shots, having mistrust in his teammates. you didn't see that as much in lebron james , when it should have been the other way around .

LeBron would have been brought in the same way as Kobe on an organization like the Lakers, and Eddie Jones was a fan favorite ALL-STAR in LA, of course he was gunna start. Kobe worked his way up, his game was far more refined by the age of 22 than the current LeBron...You'll say whatever to discredit Kobe though, so it's not really worth discussing with you...PeACe


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Re: espy awards
« Reply #84 on: July 19, 2007, 12:37:10 AM »
Kobe at 22 was just droppin 48 and 16 against the Kings and 45 against Duncan and Robinson in a row in the 2001 playoffs... Lebron was never a factor against the Spurs ....

Don Jacob

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Re: espy awards
« Reply #85 on: July 19, 2007, 12:41:25 AM »
the reason why kobe was able to do that is because the attention was all on shaq. if you do recall the spurs were  quinitiple teaming shaq when he touched the ball. good ball rotation found kobe coming off the baseline or wide open for the jumper. don't act like if lebron james didn't have that luxury he wouln't have done the same , because we all know he is capable of pulling those numbers off.

R.I.P.  To my Queen and Princess 07-05-09

Don Jacob

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Re: espy awards
« Reply #86 on: July 19, 2007, 12:42:23 AM »
whats wrong w/ his offense?

he's an okay scorer but dude averages like 20 points a game, shaq in his worst season averages that, and he's suppose to be 'washed up'

R.I.P.  To my Queen and Princess 07-05-09


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Re: espy awards
« Reply #87 on: July 19, 2007, 12:45:26 AM »
the reason why kobe was able to do that is because the attention was all on shaq. if you do recall the spurs were  quinitiple teaming shaq when he touched the ball. good ball rotation found kobe coming off the baseline or wide open for the jumper. don't act like if lebron james didn't have that luxury he wouln't have done the same , because we all know he is capable of pulling those numbers off.
just w.o.w .... end of discussion  :-X

WC Iz Active

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Re: espy awards
« Reply #88 on: July 19, 2007, 12:47:20 AM »
whats wrong w/ his offense?

he's an okay scorer but dude averages like 20 points a game, shaq in his worst season averages that, and he's suppose to be 'washed up'

wow.  I think he is a lil more than a "ok" scorer, remember even though he only scored 20 a game lol he is still always double teamed cause he has no other help offensively.


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Re: espy awards
« Reply #89 on: July 19, 2007, 11:38:09 AM »
the reason why kobe was able to do that is because the attention was all on shaq.

