Author Topic: So Michael Vick killed some dogs  (Read 2295 times)


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Re: So Michael Vick killed some dogs
« Reply #45 on: September 03, 2007, 04:17:46 PM »
Vick being a celebrity has a lot to do with it, i mean kids looked up to him and shit and of course what he did was wrong but I think racism is the biggest factor.


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Re: So Michael Vick killed some dogs
« Reply #46 on: September 03, 2007, 04:24:35 PM »
If Peyton Manning got caught dog fighting it wouldn't nearly be a big of a deal as it is with Vick.  I got this from another site which is a great example:

Mark McGuire hitting homeruns was huge, balls worth millions.. breaking news even as he admitted to using legal stimulants
They banned that substance after Sosa started using it..

McGuire was a man of strength and great eyes, why didn't they focus on his knees and back, as if his wrist and arm srength was all of that... get it? Maybe I need to reword that..

But when Bonds and Sosa started hitting with McGuire, they started talking about juiced baseballs... that covered up the steroid allegations..

Bonds starts obliterating records set by the best player of all time' Babe Ruth. Ruth was a white guy, drunken, which was in the prohibition era. So his acts were illegal even if it didn't enhance his hitting ability. It was illegal. No jail time. No black ball. He's the great white american player, best of all time.

Bonds beat out every record of babe ruth, then they start checking the size of his hats. Allegations of steroid use. Sent people to prison as part of their investigations to catch bonds dirty. They failed. Just like the Astros failed to keep him from setting the new record when they opted to walk him many many times just so he wouldnt get the record.

Think about how big it would have been if The Rock or Booker T had killed his wife and kid like beniot did.  They'd still be talking about that shit on the news if it'd went down like that.

I agree with you about the fact racism plays a large part in this.  If anyone believes there are no white people getting off on the fact a black man they helped build up is now behind bar is kidding themselves.  But the baseball example is a bad one and here people that always try to make a example about racism in sports use McGwire, Sosa, and Bonds.  That summer of 98 Sosa was just as loved as McGwire.  And was loved a few years after that.  Untill the talk of steroids came out.  If McGwire was playing when people people started to realize the rampant steroid use in baseball he would of faced the same scrutiny as Sosa and Bonds.  The only reason he doesnt face that scrutiny is b./c he is out of the medias eye.  But the few times he has stepped back into the media eye (congressional hearing and HOF voting) the man is bashed beyond belief.  The guy didnt even recieve 50% of the HOF vote.  Dont get me wrong I know racism in sports is still rampant, but this is always a shitty example in my eyes.


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Re: So Michael Vick killed some dogs
« Reply #47 on: September 03, 2007, 05:46:17 PM »
^^^word, McGwire completely killed his cred when he testified (or really pleaded the 5th).  Every media person I saw after that said they would not vote him into the hall of fame because of that.  And he never admitted to anything nor was he ever busted. 

Sammy was busted cheating with corked bats n shit, and plus his production dropped to basically nothing after all the steroid talk started.  He almost didn't even find his way back into the league.  He stayed on too long, if he would have quit when McGwire did, his name would be much cleaner.

I do think race plays a role.  I think there are people that see Vick as nothing but a thug and are glad he fucked up.  And he did fuck up no doubt.  But I'm saying that there are way more important and 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000x worse things happening every day that all of the dumbfucks in America should get riled up about, not some NFL player fighting dogs.  The media hypes it, and people buy into it like its fucking world war 3. 


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Re: So Michael Vick killed some dogs
« Reply #48 on: September 03, 2007, 06:12:01 PM »

I do think race plays a role.  I think there are people that see Vick as nothing but a thug and are glad he fucked up.  And he did fuck up no doubt.  But I'm saying that there are way more important and 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000x worse things happening every day that all of the dumbfucks in America should get riled up about, not some NFL player fighting dogs.  The media hypes it, and people buy into it like its fucking world war 3. 

real spit right there


Re: So Michael Vick killed some dogs
« Reply #49 on: September 03, 2007, 06:46:53 PM »
about beniot: this thing with vick ISNT a race thing...when beniot did what he did (he's white) it was covered by CNN like a matter of fact, they then even reported another wrestling death on there show (a woman, who died 2 weeks PRIOR 2 the beniot incident, they didn't report her death at the time bty)...they held multiple discussions about sterioids in wrestling (even though it's pretty clear what benoit did wasn't steriod-driven) and landed the WWE in big trouble..Now, the WWE is in BIG SHIT with there steroid problem...Vince Mcmahon (chairman of WWE) will likely have 2 testify before congress about the steriod situation...benoit's doctor has been arrested (more than once since benoit's death, his office was raided for medical histories) and recently, another popular wrestling doctor has been in trouble, as they found medical history that he had provided steriods (or something like that, illegal substances) to MANY WWE stars, some of them, top flight guys (batista, orton and so on) and ALL of them have now been suspended

The WWE also held a meeting on saturday to go over all the changes in there drug testing, any new wrestler they are interested in, will be tested before hiring..anti-estrogen drugs added 2 the list of banned substances...A wrestler (Eugene) was fired for just failing his test (usually it's just a suspension)

also, NBC's dateline is now working on a 1 hour special covering the entire benoit tragedy

And this ALL started with media outlets saying the benoit tragedy was driven by sterioids...ALL this crap happened afterwards & it's pretty clear that what benoit did wasn't driven by "roid rage"

if that's not a big deal, u tell me what is
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Re: So Michael Vick killed some dogs
« Reply #50 on: September 03, 2007, 09:02:57 PM »
Me and my co-workers were having a discusion about how Paris Hilton and Lindsy Lohan should get some kinda of hard punishment for their act but instead they just got a day in jail.I mean they could have done alot of damage to somebodies family for driving drunk with cocain and a suspended license.They could have probably killed somebody and or themselves and yet they just got a fucking slap on the wrist.I belive it was like the 2nd or 3rd time they have been cought like that also.VIck on the other hand was just fucking with animals.I love animals ( i owen a german shepard) but at the end of the day they are just that animals and Vick is probably going the get a year in jail.THats just plain fucked up.

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Re: So Michael Vick killed some dogs
« Reply #51 on: September 03, 2007, 09:34:01 PM »
Wow most of you in this thread are fucking retarded, fucking idiots.


Re: So Michael Vick killed some dogs
« Reply #52 on: September 03, 2007, 09:44:36 PM »
Me and my co-workers were having a discusion about how Paris Hilton and Lindsy Lohan should get some kinda of hard punishment for their act but instead they just got a day in jail.I mean they could have done alot of damage to somebodies family for driving drunk with cocain and a suspended license.They could have probably killed somebody and or themselves and yet they just got a fucking slap on the wrist.I belive it was like the 2nd or 3rd time they have been cought like that also.VIck on the other hand was just fucking with animals.I love animals ( i owen a german shepard) but at the end of the day they are just that animals and Vick is probably going the get a year in jail.THats just plain fucked up.
See, the problem with that is that you keep comparing different examples. You're changing the subject and talking about some bitches that do dope and drive recklessly. That's got nothing to do with Michael Vick or killing dogs. The fact of the matter is, Vick fucked up and did something really bad. You can say, "They were only just dogs", but he still violated various animal cruelty and abuse laws. He deserves punishment for them just like any other average joe would.

I hate how some people try to make this a race issue. There have been people of all races that have been prosecuted harshly for animal cruelty too. It's just that none of those cases are nearly as high profile as this one. And yes they are going to make an example out of him NOT because he is a black man, but because he is a famous athlete that has the spotlight on himself for abusing animals.

This is all Vick's fault too so I don't know why people are coming to his defense. He could of made it easier on himself too. He fucked up by letting everyone else take the sweet plea bargains. Everyone else took the deals and copped to what they did and will get reduced sentences. Vick's dumb ass did not immediately cop to it and he didn't get the sweet plea bargain. Now their gonna crucify his ass since he was the last to admit his wrongdoing. That's how shit goes.
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Re: So Michael Vick killed some dogs
« Reply #53 on: September 03, 2007, 10:40:37 PM »
i agree that vick was a idiot and dumb for doing that shit, but to say its not a race issue is ridiculous.  To the drunk driving with the 2 white bitches, you don't think the outcome would be different if it was a non-white girl that got caught.  If it was a Foxy Brown or a Lil Kim drunk driving they would have did there complete time. 


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Re: So Michael Vick killed some dogs
« Reply #54 on: September 04, 2007, 08:05:10 AM »
If Peyton Manning got caught dog fighting it wouldn't nearly be a big of a deal as it is with Vick.  I got this from another site which is a great example:

Mark McGuire hitting homeruns was huge, balls worth millions.. breaking news even as he admitted to using legal stimulants
They banned that substance after Sosa started using it..

McGuire was a man of strength and great eyes, why didn't they focus on his knees and back, as if his wrist and arm srength was all of that... get it? Maybe I need to reword that..

But when Bonds and Sosa started hitting with McGuire, they started talking about juiced baseballs... that covered up the steroid allegations..

Bonds starts obliterating records set by the best player of all time' Babe Ruth. Ruth was a white guy, drunken, which was in the prohibition era. So his acts were illegal even if it didn't enhance his hitting ability. It was illegal. No jail time. No black ball. He's the great white american player, best of all time.

Bonds beat out every record of babe ruth, then they start checking the size of his hats. Allegations of steroid use. Sent people to prison as part of their investigations to catch bonds dirty. They failed. Just like the Astros failed to keep him from setting the new record when they opted to walk him many many times just so he wouldnt get the record.

Think about how big it would have been if The Rock or Booker T had killed his wife and kid like beniot did.  They'd still be talking about that shit on the news if it'd went down like that.

What a bunch of garbage based on assumptions. Rock would be a bigger deal than Benoit because Rock was a bigger star. Booker T wouldn't be anymore as big a deal and nothing shows anything different. The black complaints of the last years are almost laughable. It's like you guys ran out of real problems so you just pick people that don't deserve sympathy and defend them for the sake of skin colour, like OJ or Vick. I remember when Lacey Peterson was all over the news and her husband was on every front page, I heard black people complaining about how there are plenty of pregnant black women being killed and they don't get this coverage, but if they did get this coverage those same people would be complaining about the demonization of blacks in the media. Save your race battles for important issues, not for low life thug QBs who have a hard time saying no to the streets.

And the Bonds Ruth comparison is night and day. Ruth was the great charismatic hero of baseball. The big teddy bear that everyone loved, and he was a better homerun hitter. Bonds was an asshole way before the roids or HRs came into play. I still think he's the best of his era but if destroying Bonds because a black man passed Ruth was the case then why was Hank Aaron beloved all these years, and why is the player that was actually better than Ruth, Ty Cobb, forgotten by every major sportscaster and media outlet in America? That Bonds story was just another idiot black guy spreading resentment for the sake of spreading it, and that kind of propaganda has spread so fast and so far in the black community it has done so much more harm than anything the Klan could have ever dreamed of. Keep blacks angry and resentful and watch as they kill each other in the streets.


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Re: So Michael Vick killed some dogs
« Reply #55 on: September 04, 2007, 11:16:27 AM »
BIG FUCKING DEAL..... we got people all over the world being killed by these fucked up world leaders ( and too you fuckin anti americans it aint just america its everone fucking one if there a world power or a 3rd world country thats makin shit fucked up.  It wont change untill us everydya schmucks revolt but thats beyond the point)  we got innocent people all over the world being killed by these politicians who look at us like a giant game of fuckin risk ( a board game for those that dont know).  WE got people all over the world starving to death.  WE got people all over this fuckin country starving... AND WHERE MAKING A BIG FUCKIN DEAL ABOUT SOME FUCKIN DOGS FOR CHRIST SAKES PEOPLE GET YOUR MUTHAFUCKIN PRIORITIES STRAIGHT.  christ we spend millions upon millions on feeding our fucking pets while some poor fuckin kid from the bronx is starving.... ARE YOU FUCKIN KIDDING ME.... WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE OVER THE FACT THAT A LITTLE FUCKIN KID THAT HASNT DONE ANYTHING TO ANYONE, HASNT EVEN HAD THE CHANCE TOO IS FUCKIN STARVING TO DEATH.., AND MUTHAFUCKAS ARE CRYING OVER MUTHAFUCKING DOGS.  I MIGHT BE SHIT FACED BUT IM TYPING IN CAPS B/C THIS SSHIT PISSES ME OFF.  You got fuckin developed countries the view dogs in the same light as rats.  And bitch ass faggots in america are making a big deal about that, fuck that.  If people in america spent half the time they did jerking off to there poodles, pitbulls, what have you as they did to helping starving people around this country christ we could help feed half of the people starving or dying.  We could actually start to reAlize how fucked up the world leaders all over the world are.  But no, instead where more concerned wtih fuckin dogs...WITH MUTHAFUCKING DOGS ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME.... thjis druken rambling has been bought to you by Tanguray....anyone got a problem with it come to ny when im sober and i'll break your fuckin jaw you dog fuckin losers.

LMAO...Many people realize the world is fucked up, Tom. Quit acting like you're the only one. It doesn't make it any better to kill dogs though...PeACe.


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Re: So Michael Vick killed some dogs
« Reply #56 on: September 04, 2007, 11:18:01 AM »
Fits you are one dumb motherfucker.  Vick is a horrible piece of shit, he is on the same level as a rapist to me, I'm sorry he is a murderer.  Think about drowning innocent dogs in buckets of water, or slamming innocent dogs on the cement till death, or electricuting innocent dogs to death.  Think about dog fighting, after a dog fight if the dog is even alive its sitting there torn to pieces missing its lips or ears or whatever in excruciating pain and can do nothing about it and did nothing to deserve it,   lets really think about this.  Tom you are dumb kid, what Vick did is disgusting, it is some of the worse shit I have ever seen, It is beyond cruel as is dogfighting and he was involved in this for 7 years, he can fry for all I care, eat shit Fits

why dont you go fuck your poodle you fuckin faggot.  You're one of those pieces of shits that can give two fucks about these little kids across the world that are dying.  You care more about some fuckin dogs then a human life.  Fuck you you fuckin faggot.  You are more concerned about a fucking giant rat then you are a human life, or how these politicians are fucking us over and sending us over to die in some bull shit war.  We got soilders coming home missing fucking limbs.  There are innocent iraqi people missing limbs, missing family memebers that are fuckiing dead and this fucked up country is making a big deal about fucking dogs.... are you fucking kidding me.  Like I said, go fuck your poodle you fucking faggot.

That makes sense. Lets kill our dogs because kids in Africa are starving! HURAYYYYYY!


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Re: So Michael Vick killed some dogs
« Reply #57 on: September 04, 2007, 11:20:48 AM »
The reason why the media is all over this, is not because dogs got killed and they value dogs higher than kids, but because a celebrity did it. You can bet, if Vick was found guilty to rape, torture and kill 12 little kids in his backyard, the outrage would be a lot bigger lol.

Finally, someone with common sense.


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Re: So Michael Vick killed some dogs
« Reply #58 on: September 04, 2007, 11:26:47 AM »
He aint no pussy ass nigga like Kobe Bryant

Vick isn't as pussy as Kobe? Elaborate. Nothing is more pussy than harming something helpless. I can never see Kobe doing what Vick did...PeACe


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Re: So Michael Vick killed some dogs
« Reply #59 on: September 04, 2007, 11:31:07 AM »
Anyone who's saying this issue is about race is clueless.