Author Topic: My phone > iPhone (Now: My phone = iPhone)  (Read 74562 times)

RAIDErs of the lost ark

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Re: My phone > iPhone
« Reply #345 on: January 04, 2008, 10:07:05 AM »
^ I feel you on that.
I wonder if Apple will be sending these guys a cease and desist letter.
The main reason I love the iPhone is because the UI is amazing... it's like nothing on any phone out there.

Ha,ha but all those apps is for free,so I think they´re going to be spread around anyway.
Windows and Symbian got nothing to do it. But Apple is Apple,they can be some dicks  ;)
I´ve only played with iPhone briefly,so I will save my words until later.....
But all my friends that got it + you guys seems to love it. But then again all of you are a little biased Apple fans. Ha,ha  ;)
I use a MAC myself,but I try not to be caught up with all the hype.
That said it pretty evident that their UI has set a new standards.

iPhone-like UI on a phone that runs Symbian
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Nat Turner-reincarnated

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Re: My phone > iPhone
« Reply #346 on: January 04, 2008, 05:15:16 PM »
I dont fuck with cell phones. majority of them cause cancer. true story.

RAIDErs of the lost ark

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Re: My phone > iPhone
« Reply #347 on: January 06, 2008, 03:52:00 PM »

Look No Further, Freedom Phone is here

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you might have gone traveling overseas and your current mobile phone doesn’t work? Well kiss those problems goodbye with the new Freedom Phone. Freedom Phone is a small pre-paid phone that is unique in design and unique in out it works. Upon arriving into the new country, you have the option of purchasing the Freedom Phone with 60, 100 or 200 minutes. No SIM card needed-No Roaming charges and in 10 short minutes, the Freedom Phone is charged. The phone number, important service and other information are located on the back of the Freedom Phone. Best of all, the Freedom Phone is so tiny; there won’t be the frustration of lagging the phone around with you on your trip. The bottom line, Freedom Phone, is a perfect and new solution to your traveling needs.

Designer: Vadim Kibardin

LG to make a watch phone?

Engadget got a chance to take few photos of what seems as LG-made watch phone. And while we still don’t dig the idea of wearing a phone around a wrist, I guess the Korean giant did some research and figured there’s a room on the market for such devices. Apparently, the phone/watch has some cool interface and relies on exclusively on the three buttons located at the bottom of the device. The bad news — at least for the watch phone lovers — is that it appears to be a mere prototype at the moment, but who knows - we may see it hitting the store shelves within few months. In the meantime, check out the short video demoing device after the jump.

<a href=";rel" target="_blank" class="new_win">;rel</a>

Microsoft launches Windows Mobile Training website

Here’s the scenario. You just got the Windows Mobile device and you’ve no idea what your phone can do and have no-one to call to explain you all the nitty-gritty details. Or, you’re thinking about buying a Windows Mobile powered smartphone, but are unsure whether that’s the right way to go.

Well folks, Microsoft’s thinking about you. Actually they’re thinking (like any other company) how to increase their bottom line and educating the consumers — both individuals and businesses — is one of the pieces of the puzzle.
That being said, they’ve launched the
Windows Mobile Training website;
where both novice and advanced smartphone users can learn something new.
There’s tons of content available, including how-to demos, courses, documents, sales tools, presentations and much more.
Honestly, the site is so content rich and useful that I think all platform developing companies should have something similar.
This is not to say that Symbian or some other mobile OS developer doesn’t have something like this,
it’s just that Microsoft really did a great job producing and organizing all the content on the site.
Anyway, here’s the link
and see for yourself why I like it so much, even though I don’t own a single Windows Mobile device.
NOTE: If you don’t have a Windows Live account (Passport), you’ll have to register to access the site.

Is this Windows Mobile 7?

Not all the big news is coming out of CES today: thanks to Nathan Weinberg's InsideMicrosoft blog, we were able to check out a purported internal document detailing the revolutionary new input methods planned for Windows Mobile 7 as well as a ton of supposed screenshots. If this information is, in fact, accurate, it looks like Redmond is planning at least three methods of interacting with the device aside from pressing the usual buttons. First, as you might expect, is multi-touch capability á la the iPhone or Microsoft's own Surface, but it looks like WinMo 7 handsets will also be controllable via shaking and also rotation the device, and even at a distance by way of camera-based gesture recognition. Again, no guarantees that any of these features will be included in the final version or that any of this info or images are even legit, but as you can see from the rather large gallery below, the mounting evidence is extremely compelling. Specifically, you'll definitely want to check out:
New on-screen keyboard
Gesture control
Camera gesture recognition
Touch-based photo editing
Media player

« Last Edit: January 08, 2008, 04:00:13 PM by tusken RAIDEr - CEO of The Dangerous Crew Movement »

RAIDErs of the lost ark

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Re: My phone > iPhone
« Reply #348 on: January 07, 2008, 01:08:29 PM »
More News!

Sony Ericsson CES 2008 lineup leaked?

While we've yet to see anything legit come out of team Sony Ericsson at CES, we're seeing some nice pics surfacing of what are likely the real deal. Apparently Sony Ericsson are set to launch the W760i, Z555i, and the W350i -- which in our eyes is a pretty sweet flip -- which is pictured above. No specs have appeared yet, but we figure you'll settle for the lovely pics until Sony Ericsson opens the floodgates. Hit the read link for more shots.

Update: Many thanks to the posters over at SEworld for getting some early press images up

Sony Ericsson announces W760 Walkman slider

Though Sony Ericsson already has a couple phones out with support for North American 3G, you're feasting your eyes on the first and only Walkman branded handset to feature the sacred 850 and 1900MHz bands of HSDPA action. The W760 slider features quadband EDGE plus triband HSDPA, integrated GPS, FM radio, 3.2 megapixel camera, Memory Stick expansion, stereo speakers, and support for the "SensMe" technology recent handsets from the company have been rocking, allowing users to simply shake the phone to control music playback. No word on pricing, but it should launch in the second quarter of the year.

Sony Ericsson W350i, Z555i, W760i to be announced at CES *UPDATE*

Sony Ericsson announcing devices at CES? Sounds weird, you would think they would wait a month for 3GSM. Word on the street is their going to announce 3 handsets. The 350i brings back the old school flip form factor that is sure to win some nostalgic hearts. Next up is the Z555i which is supposed to be a fashion phone, I think. It certainly is shiny. Last is the 760i which excites me. It looks to have a 3.2 megapixel camera and a standard 3.5 mm headphone jack, something that we weren’t sure SE knew existed! It also has GPS. These are rough specs and they could be wrong, but it looks like we will find out in a few days if not definitely next month at Mobile World Congress.


The press releases are now official. Phone Scoop has the best summary out there of all three devices which are supposed to hit in Q2:
W760: This Walkman phone is a slider that comes with quad-band GSM/EDGE as well as tri-band 850/1900/2100 HSDPA radios for worldwide 3G roaming. It has SensMe for turning off alarms and silencing calls by waving your hand over the phone, GPS with Wayfinder navigation and preloaded Google Maps, Track ID, an FM radio, Shake Control, and comes boxed with a 1GB Memory Stick. It also has a 3.2 Megapixel camera and stereo Bluetooth.
W350: This mid-range Walkman flip has two tri-band configurations, one 850/1800/1900 and the other 900/1800/1900. It also comes with a 1.3 Megapixel camera, Track ID, and lets you control music when the phone is closed. It has an FM radio, stereo Bluetooth and comes bundled with a 512MB Memory Stick.
Z555: This clamshell comes in two different diamond-styled colors. It has a hidden OLED exterior display, a 1.3 Megapixel camera, FM radio, Gesture control and stereo Bluetooth.

SE W760
<a href=";rel" target="_blank" class="new_win">;rel</a>

Sony Ericsson W760 with Tilt Steering in Games
<a href=";rel" target="_blank" class="new_win">;rel</a>

I have added video of the new SE W760,Tony you better check it out.
If this is the direction SE is aiming for on their PSP phone shit will be mad dope....


Re: My phone > iPhone
« Reply #349 on: January 07, 2008, 01:14:42 PM »
the phone looks promising as hell  8)


  • Muthafuckin' OG
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Re: My phone > iPhone
« Reply #350 on: January 08, 2008, 08:23:28 AM »
Expansys telling me there is a delay in them receiving the stock, still waiting for the m700 to arrive  >:(

RAIDErs of the lost ark

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Re: My phone > iPhone
« Reply #351 on: January 08, 2008, 04:06:22 PM »

Make your iPhone listen to your radio -- and tell you what's playing

Picture it: you're riding in the car and a great song comes on the radio. You're dying to know what it is so you can go buy it ASAP but there's no satellite radio receiver to tell you what's playing. How can you find out what song it is?
Whip out your iPhone, put it near the car speakers, and watch the screen. Poof! There's the song, artist, and album.
No, I am not kidding.
Our own Erica Sadun was inspired by someone who came up with the original idea, she set off to make it happen, and the result is Listen. It's still "very beta" but, hey, it's still one of the coolest iPhone hacks I've ever heard of. Go check it out and let us know in the comments how it works for you.

Finally,before you say “Wow”, let me remind you that TrackID exists on Sony Ericsson phones
for some time and from just recently the same functionality is available for phones running Symbian S60 as well…  ;)

Apple patent application for wobbly iPhone homescreen icons; throwable icons

The world of tech-rumors is a “wobbly” one indeed (you see what we did there?). The juicier and longer the lead-time of a rumor, the more skepticism and doubt enshroud said rumor. But enough with the flowery rhetoric – the “leaked” iPhone v1.1.3 firmware from Gear Live has been the topic of hot debate as to whether or not the video is legit. We’re all hoping that the firmware-video is the real deal and not some fancy video editing, but we have to leave open the door for the possibility that the firmware “leak” is a hoax.

So, here’s a bit of patent-application-goodness to help legitimize the v1.1.3 firmware video.

It looks like Apple filed for a patent back in August of last year that details the now famous “wobbly” iPhone homescreen icon effect. The patent outlines a method by which a mobile device’s homescreen icons would vibrate/wiggle/wobble, whatever you want to call it, to indicate that the icons’ positions can be altered. The animated GIF below (put together from the patent application diagrams - props to Hrmpf!) matches up perfectly with what Gear Live showed us recently.

However, the patent application also mentions a feature that Gear Live’s video did not demonstrate – the ability for the homescreen icons to be “thrown” across the screen. In moving the icons, the speed and direction of the icon-movement could be interpreted to move the icon to a position different from the point of release. The faster, or “harder,” the icon is thrown, the further it moves.

Upon breaking contact with the touch-sensitive display, the respective icon may resume varying its position. In some embodiments, the respective icon can be “thrown,” so that the final position of the respective icon is different from the point at which the icon is released. In this embodiment, the final position can depend on a variety of factors, such as the speed of the “throw,” the parameters used in a simulated equation of motion for the “throw” (e.g., coefficient of friction), and/or the presence of a lay out grid with simulated attractive forces.

Now, just because Gear Live didn’t’ demonstrate the “throwable” icon feature doesn’t invalidate their “leak.” Technologies mentioned in patent applications are by no means guaranteed to make it into production. Furthermore, it can be argued that since the patent application was published prior to Gear Live’s video, the legitimacy of the video should be held in question.

Whatever the case, we’ll likely know more in a couple weeks. For the meantime, we’re looking forward to “wobbly” homescreen icons and “My Location” features on our iPhone.

Motorola Z10 hands-on from CES 2008 Las Vegas

We’ve known about it for some time now. We’ve been waiting for it to drop. Motorola just made it official. And, now we had a chance to play with the Motorola Z10.

Unfortunately, it turns out that the Z10 display units that we had a chance to test at the Motorola booth were still prototypes. We’ll talk more about what that means in a bit. For now we’re going to give you a bit of insight into the Motorola Z10 user experience.

Overall, the Moto Z10 is a striking piece of RAZR-esque design that is both bold and sleek at the same time. The handset’s lines are essentially the same as Motorola’s Z8 slide-phone - with the same “slide and bend” design.

Buttons feel nice and rubbery with a satisfying tactile response. Dedicated music controls and camera buttons make it as easy to capture your memorable moments with the photo and video camera as it is to kick back and listen to some tunes.

And, as Dusan mentioned previously, this Z8 successor bumps up the camera image-sensor pixel count to 3.2 megapixels, up from the Z8’s 2 million pixels. Pictures are sharp and clear with virtually no shutter lag - and the camera has a “multi-shot” feature that allows you to take 3, 5, or 12 pictures in sequence.

However, likely owing to the fact that the Z10 we played with was a prototype (production units were said to be available at the end of the Q1 2008), video recording on the handset was unacceptably sub-par. Video seemed to be recording at something like 10-15fps - not what we expected from the Z10.

Overall, the MOTORIZR Z10 is a slick piece. We weren’t able to test out the 3G HSDPA and full HTML browser, nor the instantaneous video broadcasting, but those are some pretty trick features that are sure to appeal to a lot of people. Oh, and don’t forget the 3.5mm headphone jack - Sony Ericsson always does.

Motorola MOTORIZR Z10 video recording sample
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« Last Edit: January 08, 2008, 04:20:04 PM by tusken RAIDEr - CEO of The Dangerous Crew Movement »

RAIDErs of the lost ark

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Re: My phone > iPhone
« Reply #352 on: January 09, 2008, 01:42:13 PM »

Hands-on with Aigo's iPhone-ripping, Menlow-based MID

We got a chance to play with the new Aigo MID that sports the Intel Menlow chip, and here's a slew of shots for you to peep. A few items of note: first, the thing is totally trying to rip the iPhone's interface -- you can't really debate that, though sitting atop its janky Linux implementation, it feels pretty third rate. On the bright side, the little guy uses a new, touchscreen-MID-centric version of Mozilla called CoolFox, which is nice to see on a handheld. Check the gallery and see for yourself.

^^^^So what will Apple do about this one Ozir? It´s not a fan made UI this time..

SanDisk announces 12GB microSDHC card, world's largest; Promises 16GB later in the year

Here’s something for those of you craving for more store capacity on your mobile phone. SanDisk has announced the “world’s largest” microSDHC card that has a capacity of 12GB. Apparently, that’s enough to store a combination of 1,500 songs, 3,600 photos and 24.5 hours of video — at least SanDisk says so.

According to Gizmodo, SanDisk’s reps at the CES said the bigger, 16GB, cards are coming later in the year! Still, some people — including the truly yours — consider 12GB to be quite enough. Can’t wait to see it released… Full release after the jump.

PRESS RELEASE - SanDisk Corporation, the proven leader in flash memory, today announced it has begun to sample 12-gigabyte (GB) microSDHC flash memory cards to major phone manufacturers for testing and evaluation. The 12GB card represents a 50 percent boost in card capacity from SanDisk’s industry-leading 8GB microSDHC cards, which are currently available worldwide, and highlights the growing popularity of mobile phones with storageintensive features that include music players, digital cameras, video recording and playback and GPS capabilities.

“Mobile phones have become a key part of consumers’ lifestyles around the globe,” said Jeff Kost, senior vice president and general manager of the Mobile Consumer Solutions division at SanDisk. “What many people tend to overlook is the important role that removable storage cards play in enabling the key features of these fully featured mobile phones. In fact, many people are not even aware that their phone has a card slot which is why SanDisk recently launched its Wake Up Your Phone campaign.”

SanDisk has embarked on a ’slot education’ program to raise awareness of both the card slot included in the majority of new mobile phones available today and the benefits to the consumers who use it. More information is available at:

A 12GB microSDHC is ideal for storing large quantities of music, photos and video. For example, it will be able to store a combination of 1,500 songs, 3,600 photos and 24.5 hours of video.

SDHC is the designation for any SD or SD-based card that is larger than 2GB and adheres to the new SD 2.00 specification required for cards and hosts to support 4GB to 32GB capacities. The specification was developed by the SD Association, an industry standards board, which has also created three classes to define minimum sustained data transfer speed. These cards adhere to the SD Speed Class 4 Rating.

In addition to the microSDHC, SanDisk also offers a broad range of both embedded and removable storage solutions for mobile handset manufacturers and mobile network operators. These include iNAND and mDOC embedded flash drives; microSD, miniSD removable flash cards; and SIM and MegaSIM cards.

^^^^YES,YES,I need more memory... "only" got 6GB now,a little over 1300 tracks on my phone (no skits,straight up full tracks)
But need more,can never get enough  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

EA Mobile: iPhone is hurting mobile gaming industry

Right from the floor of CES, Macworld brings us an interesting story about Apple and how it hurts mobile gaming industry. According to EA Mobile’s VP of worldwide studios Travis Boatman, iPhone is “a replacement for someone who had a RAZR before. They still want their content but there’s no distribution platform in place so there’s a negative impact on the industry.”

And while we agree with you on this Trevis, you should be more patient man. The SDK is right around the corner and you’ll be able to get back all the money you’ve “lost” because Apple closed the platform. In the meantime, go make your team release something interesting. You can always port it later…

^^^^^oooohhhh well^^^^^


Re: My phone > iPhone
« Reply #353 on: January 09, 2008, 02:43:25 PM »
12 GB? damn!!! i want one (mini not micro :P) we cant never have enough of memory!


Re: My phone > iPhone
« Reply #354 on: January 09, 2008, 07:00:21 PM »
i went to the electronic store to buy some bluetooth headphone (insigna),baught them,went home,put the headphones on my head,connect to my cell phone and guess what? SOUND QUALITY IS FUCKING BULLSHIT!!! i was so pissed off but in a way i dont give a fuck cause im gonna go exchange them tomorrow for some bomb ass earphones (skullcandy)

RAIDErs of the lost ark

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Re: My phone > iPhone
« Reply #355 on: January 09, 2008, 07:27:08 PM »
12 GB? damn!!! i want one (mini not micro :P) we cant never have enough of memory!

but you're going to get N82 ain't you? is it out,it has been quiet since it officially got announced. (no reviews and what not,strange)
BTW,there's MINI converter in the package,so don't worry as long as your phone supports it.


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Re: My phone > iPhone
« Reply #356 on: January 09, 2008, 07:37:31 PM »
Thanks for all the info in here.  Some really good shit.


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: My phone > iPhone
« Reply #357 on: January 09, 2008, 08:07:49 PM »
Make your iPhone listen to your radio -- and tell you what's playing

Picture it: you're riding in the car and a great song comes on the radio. You're dying to know what it is so you can go buy it ASAP but there's no satellite radio receiver to tell you what's playing. How can you find out what song it is?
Whip out your iPhone, put it near the car speakers, and watch the screen. Poof! There's the song, artist, and album.
No, I am not kidding.
Our own Erica Sadun was inspired by someone who came up with the original idea, she set off to make it happen, and the result is Listen. It's still "very beta" but, hey, it's still one of the coolest iPhone hacks I've ever heard of. Go check it out and let us know in the comments how it works for you.

Finally,before you say “Wow”, let me remind you that TrackID exists on Sony Ericsson phones
for some time and from just recently the same functionality is available for phones running Symbian S60 as well…  ;)

Been playing with this all day and it is dead on... Very cool  8)

RAIDErs of the lost ark

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Re: My phone > iPhone
« Reply #358 on: January 10, 2008, 09:07:46 AM »
I went to the electronic store to buy some bluetooth headphone (insigna),

bought them,went home,put the headphones on my head,connect to my cell phone and guess what?
I was so pissed off but in a way i dont give a fuck cause im gonna go exchange
them tomorrow for some bomb ass earphones (skullcandy)

What´s wrong the reception (sound) quality?
or the headphones sound quality?

O ROKR Bluetooth Stereo Eyewear

Get ready to enjoy wireless connectivity and stereo music with O ROKR, the next generation of Bluetooth® eyewear from Oakley and Motorola. O ROKR combines High Definition Optics® with technologies that let you stay connected to calls and music while hiking, biking or doing virtually any activity* where cords and wires would get in the way. O ROKR gives you absolute wireless freedom, digital stereo fidelity and patented optical clarity.

^^^^^ :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ^^^^^

AudioBug Mini Wireless FM Transmitter Review

The AudioBug is available at for $39.95.


This time the item up for review is the AudioBUG by Aerielle. Like the device I reviewed previously, this is an FM transmitter designed to be connected to ANY device that supports headphones and the transmit the audio to an FM radio (Since I reviewed another FM device I will do a comparison at the end of this review). The AudioBUG is, in a word, SMALL. (as in a little over an inch long and shaped like a little mouse either computer or real LOL). Including the tail (the headphone cord and plug) it has few controls, it has a power button (in place of one of the 'eyes') a small switch on the side to set the frequency to one of 4 choices (88.1, 88.3, 88.5, and 88.7 ) and finally a battery cover (taking one CR2 Lithium 3 Volt battery).

Like my testing with the Anydrive MP3, I used a variety of audio devices to test with (an MP3 CDS player, my Minidisc player, and my laptop computer this time and TV). Since the AudioBUG is battery powered, I can use it ANYWHERE, so I have been testing (and having fun mind you) this BUG everywhere.
Like tonight, I was watching TV, and my wife and I started making dinner, we couldn't hear the TV from the kitchen so I plugged the AudioBUG into the TV headphone jack, set the radio in the kitchen to the proper station, and long and behold, we had the TV audio in the kitchen (very clear too). The main limitation of the BUG is it only has a 15 foot range and another limitation is it only has the 4 frequencies it can transmit on, but it seems to have a slightly more powerful transmitter than the Anydrive product, so it stays clear longer.

All in all I have been having a blast with the AudioBUG, it will get a lot of use, both in the car and in the home as well (I almost forgot to mention, in the car it is awesome, no long wires all over the place. I just placed the audio device on the dashboard, along with the AudioBUG hooked up (I have a sticky pad on my dashboard) and I can listen in peace, without the birds nest of wires around)

Good Points:
Flexible, can be used with ANY audio device.
Runs on a Battery, and can last up to 40+ hours (I'm still on the original battery and I have been using it a few days now)
Very tiny size, easy to take anywhere
Clear audio, in Stereo

Bad Points:
The CR2 battery it uses is on the expensive side (I checked around, finding them for about $6.45 or so at Wal-Mart). Limited frequency range, could have been better to have ability to tune across the whole frequency range.

In conclusion I really like the AudioBUG, in my opinion, it's a nicer, more convenient device than the Anydrive I tested previously. It is more flexible, even though it won't take memory plugged in so you could play MP3's, it still is easier to use anyplace you want to have audio playing from any source, through your stereo.

Comparison between the Anydrive MP3 and the AudioBUG:

Size, the AudioBUG wins hands down (see photos)
Ease of use, again the AudioBUG by a slight margin, because of the battery use, as opposed to just using a power cord
Flexibility, well, depends on your uses, if you happen to have a 'thumbdrive' and want the option to play MP3's in your car from the thumbdrive, then the Anydrive is for you, if however you want to use the device ANYWHERE, even places without a power source, then the AudioBUG is for you
Portability, the AudioBUG wins again, it fits into ANY pocket, whereas the Anydrive MP3 will fit into a big pocket
Frequency range, The Anydrive wins here, it has 14 choices for frequency use, where the AudioBUG only has 4, more limited, but I haven't run into a problem yet.
Anydrive versus Audio

Specification:Signal Format:   Standard FM Stereo, 38 KHz subcarrier
Audio Range:   15 Hz - 15 kHz
Signal-to-Noise Ratio:   >60dB
Total Harmonic Distortion:   0.3%, Max.
Channel Separation:   40 dB Typical
Channel Balance:   +/- 2 dB

^^^^This shit looks cool,but what about the sound quality?^^^
This sounds fantastic,bringing my music with me everywhere!!!!!
I posted similar gadgets for SE and iphone below;

Sony Ericsson MMR-60 musicphone FM transmitter

Sony Ericsson has just revealed a new FM transmitter for musicphones that will allow any handset (as long as it happens to say Sony Ericsson on it) to pipe its tunes to any radio within range. Clearly designed to complement their upcoming W900, the MMR-60 transmitter rocks the same colors and graphics we've come to know and love from Sony's "sports" lineup of "extreme" electronics. No word yet on pricing or availability, but it's a safe bet that you'll be able to pick this up concurrently or prior to the W900 hitting the scene.

Griffin 4031-RDGC RoadTrip FM Transmitter and Car Charger for iPod (Charcoal)

iPhone FM Transmitter With LCD Screen

Have the holidays left you the proud, new owner of an iPhone? Congrats and welcome to the wonderful world of iPhone accessory shopping! To start you off, here's a handy gadget for anyone whose commute involves sitting behind a steering wheel: the iPhone FM Transmitter with LCD screen

In fact, it's compatible with any iPod sporting a dock connector, as well. Just dial in the target FM channel of your choice and begin to enjoy its FM-broadcasted goodness.

The iPhone FM Transmitter with LCD Screen can be had for $24 USD.

« Last Edit: January 10, 2008, 09:19:42 AM by tusken RAIDEr - CEO of The Dangerous Crew Movement »

RAIDErs of the lost ark

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Re: My phone > iPhone
« Reply #359 on: January 10, 2008, 09:26:15 AM »
Make your iPhone listen to your radio -- and tell you what's playing

Picture it: you're riding in the car and a great song comes on the radio. You're dying to know what it is so you can go buy it ASAP but there's no satellite radio receiver to tell you what's playing. How can you find out what song it is?
Whip out your iPhone, put it near the car speakers, and watch the screen. Poof! There's the song, artist, and album.
No, I am not kidding.
Our own Erica Sadun was inspired by someone who came up with the original idea, she set off to make it happen, and the result is Listen. It's still "very beta" but, hey, it's still one of the coolest iPhone hacks I've ever heard of. Go check it out and let us know in the comments how it works for you.

Finally,before you say “Wow”, let me remind you that TrackID exists on Sony Ericsson phones
for some time and from just recently the same functionality is available for phones running Symbian S60 as well…  ;)

Been playing with this all day and it is dead on... Very cool  8)

I have yet to test it myself,but shit looks cool.
Tony have have you tried it?
Posted download links for symbian S60 and Java versions below,will post a link for WM phones when I come over one  ;)

Review: Shazam iD, TrackID is no longer just a Sony Ericsson thing

f you have a Sony Ericsson device released in the past 2 years or so then you have a most awesome application on your device called TrackID. If you never used it before, here is what you’re missing out on: Once you open the TrackID application you can hold your phone up to a speaker playing a song and within a few seconds you have the name of the track, artist and album you’re currently listening to. This works with the radio as well so you don’t even have to take off your headphones in that situation.

I have long been an advocate that Nokia get off their ass and replicate this application for their S60 powered devices, but my complaints fell on deaf ears. That is until now.

Where did I find it?

I immediately went off on a quest to find this application,
but my efforts were thwarted once I reached
Shazam’s website.
Not only does this company fail to provide a URL for a SIS file, you have to be a UK resident and send a premium SMS to get a download URL. Who do I know in the UK? The folks over at All About Symbian! I sent an email to both Rafe and Steve asking if they could help me out with this review by giving me the download URL and they did without hesitation, thanks guys.

The link is
and you have to visit it in your mobile web browser. This should make typing it out a lot less painful:

Let me convince you to download this!

Here is Shazam’s icon. I find it horrible, which is why I’m pointing it out, in hope that they change it in future versions:

The splash screen is the first image on the top of this post, here is what you see after that disappears:

When you click “Tag Now” the application automatically begins to record a short snippet of the audio currently playing. This takes around 5 seconds at best, I didn’t time it so don’t quote me on that:

After it is finished Shazam will ask you to connect to the internet, in this case I selected my provider, Kolumbus:

What is this young, single, mobile phone addict listening to? Rick Astley! The song name scrolls, artist name is right under that and the last line indicates the time when you clicked on “Tag Me.” One more thing, full album art! I’ll come back to what that 1/14 indicates:

When clicking on “Share it,” a text message entry dialog pops up allowing you to send an SMS to a friend who might like, laugh at, or hate this song:

RealTone doesn’t work for me, it just pulls up Shazam’s site, which is useless. Now what did that 1/14 indicate? MyMusic is a list of all the songs you identified. No clue as to the limit of items within that list. Yes I like Modern Talking, no I’m not gay:

Moving one tab over to “TagChart” you can see the most popular songs people are trying to identify:

That is all. A very simple application, it does 4 things: ID the song currently playing, list the songs you tagged, list the songs people are tagging the most and letting you share the name of that track with your friends.

Message to Nokia:
Clone this
Add the ability to “Download now via the Nokia Music Store”
Add the ability for me to identify songs currently playing on the radio
Let me see what songs my friends are tagging
Let me see what songs my country and other countries are tagging
Do it before Sony Ericsson does because they already have plans to implement everything I just said.

Update: A developer asked me if Shazam and TrackID poll the same database, they do, it is called Gracenote. I’ve also decided to throw in one more screenshot of some songs I had playing over my stereo:

The fully-featured, full-fat enhanced version of Shazam's world leading music recognition technology now available as a downloadable smart application for Symbian operating system handsets

(see list below for details of handsets Shazam iD will work on).

Full-resolution sensitivity - cuts through background noise to sample the tune.
Twice as fast - fingerprint is taken 'on device'.
Can be used even if there's no network connectivity - the sample is stored and can be sent later.
View cover art.
Check and manage your tag list direct from your handset.
Share your tags with friends.
See the latest weekly Tag Charts on your mobile.
Download it and try it for FREE today!
Text SMART to 80805
You get a text with a link to the download. Click on the link.
Shazam checks that your phone is compatible.
The application gets downloaded to the appropriate folder in your phone!
Open it and start experiencing the next level of music recognition.

(UK only service.)

Trial version is free to use for a limited term. Terms apply.
Tips for successful downloading.

Make sure your wap browser settings allow downloads.
Shazam iD works on the following handsets

(Symbian 3rd Edition Mobile Devices)

Nokia E50
Nokia E60
Nokia E61
Nokia E61i
Nokia E62
Nokia E65
Nokia E70
Nokia E90
Nokia N71
Nokia N73
Nokia N75
Nokia N76
Nokia N77
Nokia N80
Nokia N91
Nokia N92
Nokia N93
Nokia N93i
Nokia N95

Download link for Symbian;

InetTools- Free TrackID for Java J2ME Mobile Phones: Record Song using Mic to Identify/Recognise Track, Artist & Music Album

InetTools has released a free TrackID application for Java J2ME capable and MIDP 2.0 compatible mobile devices such as Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Motorola, Blackberry and Palm.

TrackID is a free service that allows you to capture and record any music, song or sound clip through the mobile phone’s microphone, compare it to online digital signatures on Gracenote, and recognise/identify the media’s track, artist, and album info. I have previously mentioned TrackID for Nokia S60 and TrackID for Windows Mobile devices. Now you can enjoy the same on any Java J2ME mobile device.

InetTools TrackID allows you to record a few seconds of a song using the mobile phone’s microphone and get the track, artist and album information within a few seconds.

Download TrackID for Java J2ME mobile phones here;