Author Topic: team fortress 2  (Read 87 times)


team fortress 2
« on: October 06, 2007, 06:18:32 PM »
source engine based game, available as part of the orange box where you get a load of other titles (like half life ep 1 and 2) for a nice price. i never played the original and im not a huge pc fps person that plays cs and stuff but a friend reccomended to try this out and its hella fun, i racked up loads of hours now.

i really reccomend this to anyone who has a decent set-up for online multiplayer games...the graphics are really colourful and the gameplay is real deep and addictive like i said. the different classes are hillarious. im a support character generally, so the engineer or the medic. check it out peeps 8)

Al Bundy

Re: team fortress 2
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2007, 07:46:49 PM »
I'd love to get down on it on my laptop but it has a integrated graphics card  >:(

On The Edge of Insanity

Re: team fortress 2
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2007, 08:12:11 AM »
Will be picking this up on PS3 if it ever drops, and of course if EA don't fuck up the conversion, which it is entirely possible they might.