Author Topic: lIL Wayne "If you diss me, I murder you, yo children, yo family I dont give a  (Read 1672 times)


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Are you really taking this seriously

y'all know how much bullshit rappers talk.. Jeez..

We're NOT taking it seriously.  We all know it's just an act to distract people from his involvement in fagdom.


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Re: lIL Wayne "If you diss me, I murder you, yo children, yo family/ Update:
« Reply #16 on: December 14, 2007, 02:52:13 PM »
December 14, 2007. just got wind that radio personality Charlamagne The God (from The Wendy Williams Experience) has put out a response to Lil Wayne's SHOCKING statement. Here it is, in its entirety:

This ladies and ghetto men is one of the most socially irresponsible things I have ever heard spoken by a public figure in my life. To keep it one hundred, this fake blood, want-a-be gangster, scream murder but I don't believe you, pill popping piece of pig shit has lost his muthafucking mind. Please tell him to back away from that triple stack of Styrofoam cups he walks around with. This young man that is contributing to the degradation of our culture has had to much Hawaiian Punch and Promethezyne.

First of all to say, "I have four teardrops on my face" and "I come from the murder capital", is implying that you have indeed killed someone in your life. In case you people didn't know, a teardrop tattoo is a symbol of having committed at least one murder; well in North America it is. In Australia a teardrop tattoo has an entirely different meaning. It is forcibly marked on convicts who are accused child molesters! Now if I listen to Gillie the Kid, I guess that is why Baby, CEO of Cash Money, has his teardrop tattoos. It was said by Gillie that Baby used to touch on Wayne when he was a child. Like father, like son? They say the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree, but let's just stick to what Wayne was implying.

He was implying that he has killed someone and so has his mother. Imagine that I work for the FEDS and I'm reading this. I'm like okay; I think this is an admission of guilt. Then I keep reading and see this idiot has relinquished all doubt because he says, "I will murder you"! Not just you, but "your family, your child, a newborn." Could somebody get this Fisher Price, my first red bandanna wearing kid a publicist, or has he already said too much? I think the City of New Orleans should charge Wayne with some of the city's unsolved murder cases. He is glorifying murder and admitting, even though I don't believe him, that he has killed someone. "I will murder you" should be taken seriously in a court of law!

Have you ever seen "Minority Report" starring Tom Cruise, where a special police department called "pre-crime" apprehended criminals based on foreknowledge? Well we have the foreknowledge and the confession before the crime! Lil Wayne said he will "murder your family, your child, and a newborn"! Someone save this guy from his self! Usually when someone snitches on you to the FEDS and says that you did something or were involved in some way, the FEDS come and arrest you on what they call a conspiracy charge. Lil Wayne dry snitched on himself. No I take that back, he didn't dry snitch he flat out snitched on himself and his mother. I think they need to be picked up and charged with conspiracy to commit murder. I just want him to be charged so I can hear him tell the truth and say, "I never killed anyone, I'm just a rapper! I need to sound tough to sell records! I got these teardrop tattoos because it looked cute on Baby!"

This dude ladies and gentlemen is a fraud, a phony, a fake, and those comments he made to Ozone Magazine are detrimental to society. Do you know how many kids this guy psychologically influences? Watch how many people you start to see walking around with Styrofoam cups; watch how many kids start drinking his Hawaiian Punch and promethezyne concoction; watch how many kids will get that thought branded into their brains that they "will murder you, your family, a child, and a newborn"!

Has anybody read the new study that shows most teenagers will indulge in risk taking behaviors because of poor brain development? Even if they know right from wrong, good from bad, positive from negative, God from the Devil, they will still ignore it because that is what they have been programmed to learn. The study by Temple University Professor of Psychology, Laurence Steinberg, PhD, concludes from newly emerging research on adolescent brain development, that "Teenagers seek out risk-taking behaviors because the brain systems involved in decision making mature at different times. The section of the brain most involved in emotion and social interaction becomes very active during puberty, while the section most critical for regulating behavior is still maturing into early adulthood."

"This explains" Steinberg says, "why teens are so susceptible to peer pressure and why education and prevention efforts designed to keep teens from engaging in risk-taking behaviors don't work all that well. We have tried to prevent these behaviors by educating kids about the dangers of things like smoking, drinking, taking drugs, and unprotected sex," he tells WebMD. "The thinking has been, if they know about the dangers they won't do these things, but that is clearly not true."

Damn right it's not true because if I'm a teenager whose brain is not fully developed and I'm listening and following a jackass like Lil Wayne, that means I'm going to want to join a gang (and kids you will get jumped in, you're not going to pay your way in like Lil Wayne). Wayne, if you wanted to be an honorary member of an organization and pay dues you should of pledged A.K.A. I'm sure those fine women would have accepted you as one of their own. It would have made more sense because pussy knows pussy.

I call him pussy because only a pussy, during an interview with a national publication, would say he would kill a child or a newborn baby! Let me refocus, if I'm a teenager whose brain is not fully developed and I'm following a jackass like Lil Wayne, I'm going to want to join a gang. I'm going to drink my syrup all day and I'm going to look for someone to kill for no reason, possibly a newborn baby because Wayne said he would and he's the best rapper alive (allegedly)!

The problem with this is the judge does not want to hear that a 17-year-old's brain is not fully developed. By the time this not fully developed brain under the influence of drugs goes out and really kills someone and is arrested, then sentenced to life in prison, it's too late. Case in point,the four young men, who broke into Washington Redskins player, Sean Taylor's home looking to steal. When Sean popped out, they shot him and now he is dead. Now those kids are going to jail forever!

What influenced those kids to do that? I'm not going to blame that on Lil Wayne, but comments like those made by Wayne don't help. If my brain is not fully developed and this drugged out, fake gang banger, possible baby killer is the closest thing I have to an influence then what the fuck? Lil Wayne said, "Fuck what the world thinks, we real." I hate that word because the definition of what real is in hip hop is not real at all. Real is not pulling into the parking lot of Walgreen's in ATL, in the middle of a Saturday afternoon and allegedly trying to purchase machine guns. Real is not being 38 years old and now pledging your allegiance to the Bloods and flagging at award shows. Real is not being on DVDs pointing guns at the camera and licking shots in the air. Why incriminate yourself like that? Lastly, real is most certainly not interviewing with a national publication and saying that you will kill children and newborn babies.

As a matter of fact, going into 2008, I don't want any rappers to say that they are keeping it real. The dictionary defines real as being or occurring in fact or actuality; having verified existence; not an illusion. You rappers like Lil Wayne are about as real as the tooth fairy, Santa Claus, and the Easter Bunny. Poverty and unemployment are real. 40 million people with little to no healthcare in America is real. The war in Iraq is real. The HIV/AIDS epidemic is real. Pedophilia is real. Incarceration is real. Our people, continuously dying at the hands of one another, for no reason is real.

With all these problems going on in the world, the only thing Lil Wayne can think to have come out of his mouth is, "I will kill you, your family, your child, a newborn baby"? Charlamagne Tha Gods says fuck Lil Wayne. I say fuck him because I say fuck the devil every day. When you proclaim that you "can't go to hell because you will take over," what you are really saying is you are worse than Satan. You are saying you are worse than God's mortal enemy. Fuck Wayne and any rapper or person that thinks like him. Praise to be ALLAH!! Death to all Devils!

P.S. When I hear statements like those made by Lil Wayne, I realize people's value of life is at an all time low. I would hope the tragic and untimely passing of the legendary Pimp C, (who I am sure was an influence to Wayne) touched him in a way that makes him value and appreciate his life. Not just his, but his daughters lives and newborn babies everywhere. R.I.P. Pimp C



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Re: lIL Wayne "If you diss me, I murder you, yo children, yo family/ Update:
« Reply #17 on: December 14, 2007, 03:57:46 PM »
To keep it one hundred, this fake blood, want-a-be gangster, scream murder but I don't believe you, pill popping piece of pig shit has lost his muthafucking mind.



  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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wayne is messed up. if you cant handle drugs, dont do them... simple as. idiot.

Al Bundy

Does ANYONE believe shit from mediatakeout? they are the Star of rap rumors.

Chamillitary Click

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i wonder why curtis ain't dead by now...

cuz it he said it "starting now" duhhh  :P...what a fuckin pussy ass lair, that nappy headed ho :laugh:

Fuck Your Existence

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LOL...homie aint jokin "i stay high"


lol @ lil wayne

big mat

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Lil wayne is so fuckin wack and so are people who likes him. He's closer to the worst rapper ever than the best. He is stupid, fuckin ugly with all these tats and his big globular crooked eyes, His flow is horrible, he's still in his puberty you can hear his voice's still changing and dropping and he's fuckin gay doing that incest shit with his ugly ass fake father. If hip hop wasn't dead you'd had real rappers that would put this mothafucka in his place.

.:Hercy Buggz:.

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is it true that he's trying to date mmy wifey? (Lauren London)


My Chihuahuas Are Eternal



But when 2pac said "My .44 make sure all yo kids don't grow", it's okie dokie.
My Chihuahuas Are Eternal


Tha Psycho Hustla

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what does his mom to do with this whole situatioN?


It ain't his fault. Most kids that are molestered are unable to fully recover from the ordeal. In Wayne's case he's been molestered soo much that he thinks Baby is his 'daddy', and kisses him in public. I feel sorry for the dude; y'all do know the real reason why the rest of the hot boys left? Baby was always asking them to walk around topless and not just in their videos, they felt he was a threat so got the hell out.
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Beef is a different thing there. I have four teardrops on my face and I have to look my mom in her eye every day. I can't lie to her. F*ck what they think and f*ck what the world thinks, we real. My mom is real. The first day I got a teardrop I lied. I called her and asked her can I get a teardrop tattoo, but I had already got it."


Hey mom,can i get a tattoo ?   :D :D :D
