Author Topic: Over 400 Scientists call man made Global Warming a Hoax in '07  (Read 1433 times)

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Re: Over 400 Scientists call man made Global Warming a Hoax in '07
« Reply #15 on: December 24, 2007, 11:32:14 AM »
its all about money and politics, fuck that


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Re: Over 400 Scientists call man made Global Warming a Hoax in '07
« Reply #16 on: December 24, 2007, 12:17:09 PM »

Shallow I agree with what you just said except for this notion that using this as a tool for population control is in some way a theory, when the australian medical journals have talked about it, english journals and the broadsheet newspapers, canadian newspapers, state memorandum 200 clearly outlined the plan for population control, green peace talk about it. I was not trying to suggest that it was the only way in which they would try and seize on this CO2 fever but it is one of many ways. Yes profit and greed and monopoly is a big aspect of it to but ultimately when someone like Michael Meacher declares on a recent channel 4 "debate" about global warming that we have only achieved 5% of our goal so far we need another 55%, he is talking about increasing the blanket of fighting CO2 11 fold, that can only be achieved through the complete micro management of every human being. In fact the sort of micro management needed, would make your headspin, in contemplating the type of control freakery which would be implemented.

The Western world is already losing population growth. I could see them proppng up dictators in the third world. It'd be real easy since it'll all be done in the name of China and 1 Child laws come into play. In the west it's almost taboo to have more than 2 kids these days.

As long as we can wait until 2020 and not over spend, then the sun cools, we cool, and Gore shuts his fat fucking mouth. By then an asteroid will hit Mars and we'll all go into asteroid prevention mode and waste money making orbiting super lasers.

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Re: Over 400 Scientists call man made Global Warming a Hoax in '07
« Reply #17 on: December 24, 2007, 04:35:30 PM »
The problem is technological advances do not respect the laws of nature. Nature has to balance itself out.


Re: Over 400 Scientists call man made Global Warming a Hoax in '07
« Reply #18 on: December 24, 2007, 07:19:58 PM »
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Re: Over 400 Scientists call man made Global Warming a Hoax in '07
« Reply #19 on: December 25, 2007, 03:50:37 PM »

Lyrical G the point of this is not to deny that climate change is taking place bur rather to challenge the assertion that man caused the climate change. The fact that so many scientists challenge this assertion and the fact that governments hand pick those who appear at these world summits, should raise alarm bells.

what bout all the calims of the machines and weapons that can change wheaters, make earthquakes and tsunamis? im sure that has an effect on global warming or maybe global warming it self is a weapon

Tha Reella - Slap A Nigga Up Like Wyatt Earp / Sig downsized, too big.


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Re: Over 400 Scientists call man made Global Warming a Hoax in '07
« Reply #20 on: December 26, 2007, 11:02:55 AM »

Lyrical G the point of this is not to deny that climate change is taking place bur rather to challenge the assertion that man caused the climate change. The fact that so many scientists challenge this assertion and the fact that governments hand pick those who appear at these world summits, should raise alarm bells.

what bout all the calims of the machines and weapons that can change wheaters, make earthquakes and tsunamis? im sure that has an effect on global warming or maybe global warming it self is a weapon

What machines and weapons are you talking about?


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Re: Over 400 Scientists call man made Global Warming a Hoax in '07
« Reply #21 on: December 26, 2007, 12:02:02 PM »
1 article was posted by virtuoso here and there is  freemason youtube video on it too.

Tha Reella - Slap A Nigga Up Like Wyatt Earp / Sig downsized, too big.

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Re: Over 400 Scientists call man made Global Warming a Hoax in '07
« Reply #22 on: December 26, 2007, 12:17:46 PM »
you know damn well niggaz aint gone read all that shit

big mat

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Re: Over 400 Scientists call man made Global Warming a Hoax in '07
« Reply #23 on: December 26, 2007, 12:20:55 PM »

Lyrical G the point of this is not to deny that climate change is taking place bur rather to challenge the assertion that man caused the climate change. The fact that so many scientists challenge this assertion and the fact that governments hand pick those who appear at these world summits, should raise alarm bells.

what bout all the calims of the machines and weapons that can change wheaters, make earthquakes and tsunamis? im sure that has an effect on global warming or maybe global warming it self is a weapon

are you talking about golden eye?


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Re: Over 400 Scientists call man made Global Warming a Hoax in '07
« Reply #24 on: December 26, 2007, 01:24:29 PM »

You mean weather modification devices...they have been in existence for a long time. I don't know how that issue got raised when I spoke of man having a minimal impact on global warming, I was referring to the CO2 which are the life force that sustains us, if we didn't breath it out, plants wouldn't exhale oxygen. Now if you are posing the question are the weather modification devices being used for nefarious purposes, well who knows, it's something that can't be proved and so I find it's better to steer away from speculation. It is of course an interesting subject but as there is no definitive answer, you could speculate about it all day because the climate does fluctuate naturally anyway. 


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Re: Over 400 Scientists call man made Global Warming a Hoax in '07
« Reply #25 on: December 27, 2007, 06:58:34 PM »
I simply could not give two shits for what the article says and I give not a shit for Al Gore either.

The truth is that:

polluted air is shit to breath

and pollution basically makes life shit.

The more we pollute, the shittier the Earth gets.

However, not everybody is of the intellectual or spiritual capacity required to comprehend such basic concepts.


We all agree there but that isn't the problem. Buying hybrids, going solar, nuclear etc are all great because it saves money, but they aren't going after pollution, they are going after carbon dioxide, you know the natural gas that comes out of people? Forget stupid theories like adopting one child policies to reduce population. The real money will be wasted on machines that suck the carbon dioxide out of the gas in factories and plants and planes and those machines will not only cost way too much but they will also create more pollution. The world will not get any cleaner if we go with KYOTO and give in. It'll just get more expensive and less carbon will be produced while the idiots up top get rich and wait for the next scam to pull on the masses.

We need solar and alternative energies.  I agree with your scepticism though, Im not saying that they are the final solution or that Kyoto will do anything, but its the general move in politics and mainstream thinking that is important before any concrete solutions can take place, all I seem to be getting from the Right of the political spectrum is negativity that I am suspicious of because well founded scientific scepticism may simply be spun and used by the protectorates of the established business corporate beast. I emphasis with your scepticism but what concerns me is that although the scepticism of these scientists is valid, that is simply part of scientific thought to be sceptical and my concern is that this report will be used as a political tool against the movement in mainstream thinking towards environmental concern. People seem to have this mentality that we can just keep finding new shit to use to feed the Beast, fossil fuels fucking up the Earth? Go Nuclear! Mine the Moon! Etc. They are all bullshit solutions, we should be using what God has provided us to use on this Earth with respect, solar, wind, etc are all good because they don't fuck with the Earth's natural cycle of things. Although it is not feasible to only rely on these technologies right now we should be building towards relying on them, its a huge change because it requires a change in the human economic system, a change that will only take place if a drastic change occurs in human thinking thats why the war is political and it is an information war, hence our discussion over the scientific report. It is a war being waged through information, Global Warming is scientifically proven to be caused by us, but it may also be natural, but not ENTIRELY one or the other. It is dangerous to think that our hypothesis is utterly air-tight. The fact is both scientific camps are right, because you gotta be sceptical of your knowledge and your wisdom 24/7 or else it isn't either wisdom or knowledge. I bet you that none of those 400-scientists oppose switching our society over to green energy though, regardless if global warming is caused by human interference or not. 


Re: Over 400 Scientists call man made Global Warming a Hoax in '07
« Reply #26 on: December 27, 2007, 09:28:28 PM »
I'm not even getting into this argument because it could go on until the cows come home. All I'm gonna say is this:

400 scientists on a worldwide scale is a FRACTION of the total scientific community in terms of just global warming alone.
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Re: Over 400 Scientists call man made Global Warming a Hoax in '07
« Reply #27 on: December 28, 2007, 05:46:46 AM »
There is no may about it overfiend, if you read through some of the many U.N documents, they admit the impact that the sun is having on climate change. They can not escape it, particularly when the moons of Saturn and Jupiter are also melting. However I disagree with your message, with respect it's steeped in an ideal world undertone. The reality is that no corporation is interested in any form of power which they can not monopolise, or indeed is infinite in resource, as soon as such a possibility came to the fore, it would get shut down because there would be no value to it from their point of view. The long term implications of genetically modified crops are much more horrendous than climate change. As for this idea that you simply segment people into a numbers group, that's a group think mentality, many don't want to go against the grain for fear of the reprisals and consequences. For example every time a Monsanto scientist has gone public trying to do the right thing and point out all of the new cancers which have suddenly spawned from their experimentations on rats they have been swiftly kicked out. After which, a series of new experiments are undertaken by other monsanto scientists who then look to allay all fears and report everything is perfectly safe.

Now who gains from this? the scientist who has nowhere to turn after speaking out, or the giant corporation who are taking over all food production. So the politicians will reassure back benchers that depleted uranium is safe but then will attempt to scare the shit out of everyone by talking about carbon dioxide being the most dangerous force on the planet. Again, if it's a numbers game, a few conglomerates own the entire media and if you control the information flow, then you can control the message. If people question the details of that information you can vilify and denounce them as whatever you like and reinforce that image by playing the numbers game again.

Whatever happened to bird flu?
Globlal freezing predicted in the 70's
weapons of mass destruction?

All down the memory plug hole and replaced with something new
« Last Edit: December 28, 2007, 06:09:57 AM by virtuoso »


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Re: Over 400 Scientists call man made Global Warming a Hoax in '07
« Reply #28 on: December 28, 2007, 07:47:08 AM »
There is no may about it overfiend, if you read through some of the many U.N documents, they admit the impact that the sun is having on climate change. They can not escape it, particularly when the moons of Saturn and Jupiter are also melting. However I disagree with your message, with respect it's steeped in an ideal world undertone. The reality is that no corporation is interested in any form of power which they can not monopolise, or indeed is infinite in resource, as soon as such a possibility came to the fore, it would get shut down because there would be no value to it from their point of view. The long term implications of genetically modified crops are much more horrendous than climate change.

LOL. Don't think me naive, I place no faith in the government, international community or the business sector to steer humanity and believe me Ive travelled through the depths of darkness before and seen darkness. The only way humanity will ever progress is through changes in human thinking and awareness. Seriously dude thats the only way anything ever happens is when individuals reach a certain level of understanding of life. Think about all the amazing people who have done anytype of good on this earth. It happens. Think how far humanity has come in terms of thinking we were far more ignorant just a few 60 years ago, racism on a WWII scale, we do progress I see it everyday in people. But look at society man, we are at our most technologically advanced in the West and wealth and comfort abounds, yet after it all, what does society promote? To consume and think like an idiot.

I don't blame society or the corporations.

Thats just life. Life is there for those who would grasp it, there are obstacle, distractions and ways to keep you blind.

Our awareness does grow collectively as a species (although it has also been known to recede, Middle Ages, President Bush). What I see with this trend towards climate change concerns, is that that is only the mainstream face of it,psychic changes have been building in people's hearts for a growing concern and awareness of the place we live in.

« Last Edit: December 28, 2007, 08:17:56 AM by RETURN OF THE OVERFIEND »


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Re: Over 400 Scientists call man made Global Warming a Hoax in '07
« Reply #29 on: December 28, 2007, 08:09:49 AM »

Of course and I agree with you but the route in which the establishment is pushing people down will do nothing to stop the very real environmental catastrophes. Look at the way in which this is all being structured, it's all about being about to regulate more and more of any economic activity which only strengthens the hands of a few and in turn increase taxes. We had uranium levels recorded at 6 times the average level in Britain last year, we are still dealing with the effects of the Chernobyl disaster through massively reduced fertility rates so yes I don't agree that nuclear power is the way forward. We are sitting on the equivalent of thousands of nukes through this incessant drive to splice species and let them enter the food chain. I am all for finding genuine alternatives, all for stemming pollution but the people engineering this drive are criminals. However they are very smart, they have managed to hoodwink the progressives into believing that it's the establishment that is resiisting reducing carbon dioxide and restricting human economic activity when the bildabergers state that is their goal, when the rockefellers sponsor events to focus on climate change. By the way I wasn't saying I don't share your idealistic view of energy and I believe it is more than possible if the desire was there and if the machine was being used for the betterment of humanity.