Author Topic: My prediction on who will win the presidency  (Read 956 times)


My prediction on who will win the presidency
« on: January 29, 2008, 09:27:54 PM »
I'm going to go ahead and put it out on the line, who my prediction is to win the presidency. 

I have to throw a couple different scenarios up, since the primaries are still up in the air.

On the Dem. side, obviously it's only Hillary or Obama.

On the Rep. side, I think it's safe to say it's down to McCain and Romney.  McCain is doing surprisingly well, but I wouldn't consider Romney dead in the water yet, SO, with that said...

If McCain wins the GOP nomination, the Democratic nominee will win the presidency, whether it's Hillary or Obama. 
If Romney wins the GOP nomination, he will defeat whomever the democratic nominee is. 

I would say out of the 4, the strongest candidate is Obama.  I cannot count out Clinton though because she basically will do anything short of raising the dead to win.  McCain will not garner a majority of republicans votes, many gopers will stay home if he wins because the man is disgusting.  Romney has less of a 'negative' association, making him more palatable to republicans that support other candidates; if Romney is the nominee, his policies will lead people who do not like him to vote for him anyways, because he's fundamentally strong on conservative principles and is great in a debate.  He's not leading national polls against Obama or Clinton, but doesn't at the present have the name recognition either of them do.  In a general election race, however, I think he would solidify the conservative base to show en force against Clinton (who is widely hated) or Obama, (who is widely feared as much more liberal than even Clinton). 

McCain, while strong among certain republican groups, will polarize much of the conservatives who will just simply sit home from the polls in the general election out of disgust for both candidates.  The democrats will roll to an easy victory (even though national polls show otherwise right now). 

That's where my money is right now... I would say if you consider it a 4 way race, I'd put it 40% Obama, 30% Hillary, 20% Romney, and 10% McCain, if that makes any sense.  70% chance we'll have a democratic president in November.  Slight chance we'll have Mitt Romney as president, very slim chance we'll have McCain as president.  That's my HONEST opinion of how it's going down, but hey, what do I know?  :)

M Dogg™

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Re: My prediction on who will win the presidency
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2008, 09:35:51 PM »
PRESIDENT OBAMA... I'll take this as another endorsment. So that's John Kerry, Ted Kennedy and now Trauma have all endorced Obama.  8)


Re: My prediction on who will win the presidency
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2008, 09:41:30 PM »
OH, and by the way.  I've got to try to pick Vice President nominees.  That's going to be tough... but I'm going to guess

Obama will choose Edwards as V.p....North/South, White/Black, both have a clean-cut nice guy image this time around, etc.  I think it would actually be a REALLY strong ticket.  
Hillary will also choose Edwards as V.p.... Or at least, I think that's the smart thing to do.  Bill and Hill have been careful to prod up Edwards as a good candidate, probably in a bid to take votes away from Obama.  Anybody who runs as the veep behind bill and hill is going to look like a totally useless extension of the presidency since everybody knows Bill will be co-president, but Edwards would love the attention and would gladly take the nomination.  I think Edwards has NO PROBLEM being #3, look at where he's ran his whole campaign.  Obama isn't going to take a backseat to the Clintons.  

I can't see Hillary or Obama picking each other as running mates.  Either way I believe Edwards will win the v.p. consideration

None of the candidates running like Romney.  If I were Romney, I think I may actually choose Huckabee to be veep.  I honestly don't think Fred Thompson wants the job... although him and Romney are similar in political policy.  Huckabee comes with problems, but he is a southerner, and Romney is a northeastern 'country club' republican... so that would help draw votes that Romney has trouble reaching.  People that don't like Huckabee basically think he's got liberal tendencies, but as veep wouldn't be able to act much on that.  Him being onboard wouldn't hurt Romney's base... and would definately help expand it.  Huckabee fans are a little rabid as well, and will vote for any ticket with him onboard.  Also, this would help Romney get rid of some of the stigma his mormonism poses, to the people it bothers the most: other Christians, who would be pleased with a Huckabee ticket.  Finally, Mike Huckabee LOOKS like a veep.  Only thing that scares me about that is what happens 4 or 8 years from now when Romney's out?

McCain will likely choose Rudy Guiliani as veep.  I think it'll be a bitter pill for Rudy to swallow to take a back seat to McCain, but what can he do?  This will shore up McCain's image as a half-assed conservative by putting hard as nails Rudy in... I think this ticket while good on paper would lose to Hillary (whose political shenanigans would eat McCain & Rudy alive) or to Obama (who would just simply be the better candidate of the two in an election).  Obama/Edwards would eat McCain/Guiliani for breakfast in a debate, for example.  


Re: My prediction on who will win the presidency
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2008, 09:42:13 PM »
PRESIDENT OBAMA... I'll take this as another endorsment. So that's John Kerry, Ted Kennedy and now Trauma have all endorced Obama.  8)

Endorsing means you support them.  I do not support Barack Obama.  I just think he has a very strong chance of winning.  More than any other candidate, actually. 

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Re: My prediction on who will win the presidency
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2008, 10:10:51 PM »
OH, and by the way.  I've got to try to pick Vice President nominees.  That's going to be tough... but I'm going to guess

Obama will choose Edwards as V.p....North/South, White/Black, both have a clean-cut nice guy image this time around, etc.  I think it would actually be a REALLY strong ticket.  
Hillary will also choose Edwards as V.p.... Or at least, I think that's the smart thing to do.  Bill and Hill have been careful to prod up Edwards as a good candidate, probably in a bid to take votes away from Obama.  Anybody who runs as the veep behind bill and hill is going to look like a totally useless extension of the presidency since everybody knows Bill will be co-president, but Edwards would love the attention and would gladly take the nomination.  I think Edwards has NO PROBLEM being #3, look at where he's ran his whole campaign.  Obama isn't going to take a backseat to the Clintons.  

I can't see Hillary or Obama picking each other as running mates.  Either way I believe Edwards will win the v.p. consideration

None of the candidates running like Romney.  If I were Romney, I think I may actually choose Huckabee to be veep.  I honestly don't think Fred Thompson wants the job... although him and Romney are similar in political policy.  Huckabee comes with problems, but he is a southerner, and Romney is a northeastern 'country club' republican... so that would help draw votes that Romney has trouble reaching.  People that don't like Huckabee basically think he's got liberal tendencies, but as veep wouldn't be able to act much on that.  Him being onboard wouldn't hurt Romney's base... and would definately help expand it.  Huckabee fans are a little rabid as well, and will vote for any ticket with him onboard.  Also, this would help Romney get rid of some of the stigma his mormonism poses, to the people it bothers the most: other Christians, who would be pleased with a Huckabee ticket.  Finally, Mike Huckabee LOOKS like a veep.  Only thing that scares me about that is what happens 4 or 8 years from now when Romney's out?

McCain will likely choose Rudy Guiliani as veep.  I think it'll be a bitter pill for Rudy to swallow to take a back seat to McCain, but what can he do?  This will shore up McCain's image as a half-assed conservative by putting hard as nails Rudy in... I think this ticket while good on paper would lose to Hillary (whose political shenanigans would eat McCain & Rudy alive) or to Obama (who would just simply be the better candidate of the two in an election).  Obama/Edwards would eat McCain/Guiliani for breakfast in a debate, for example.  

I've been thinking about this too, I know two that I'm almost certain will happen, but who knows.


Hillary Clinton/??

Asked me last month, I'd say Richardson, but Richardson telling his voters to pick Obama second in Iowa rubbed Bill the wrong way, as Bill was reportedly mad that Richardson double crossed the Clinton's afte Bill gave him his job in the US in the 90's. I wouldn't count Edwards out, but it is Edwards who started the fighting with Hillary in the first place.

Barack Obama/John Edwards

This is a no brainer. They've double teamed Hillary at times, and both claim the politics of hope.


Mitt Romney/John McCain

I said it. This would be the perfect balanced ticket for the GOP, and would unite the party after a brutal battle.

John McCain/ Mike Huckabee

No brainer, McCain needs the support of Evangelicas, and Huckabee and McCain have traded some humor to each other and don't seem at all hostel.


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Re: My prediction on who will win the presidency
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2008, 11:04:42 PM »
Obama will be the next US President. 



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Re: My prediction on who will win the presidency
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2008, 08:57:07 AM »
If republicans don't dig McCain, how come he won Florida, a state in which only registered republicans can vote in republican primaries?
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Re: My prediction on who will win the presidency
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2008, 08:59:21 AM »

On the Dem. side, obviously it's only Hillary or Obama.

On the Rep. side, I think it's safe to say it's down to McCain and Romney. 

Youre an absolute genius. Your fore sight, and analytical skills, inspire awe
"One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. "Which road do I take?" she asked. "Where do you want to go?" was his response. "I don't know," Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."

- Lewis Carroll


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Re: My prediction on who will win the presidency
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2008, 09:19:52 AM »
unfortunately all garbage candidates


Re: My prediction on who will win the presidency
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2008, 03:26:21 PM »
If republicans don't dig McCain, how come he won Florida, a state in which only registered republicans can vote in republican primaries?

He won 36% of the republican, primary vote in Florida.  50% of primary dems voted for Hillary.  Primary voters are typically the ones that are 'plugged in' and give a shit, there is nothing about John McCain that will inspire people outside of the 'plugged in' republicans to show up and vote.  So he's got a third of republican voters willing to vote for him, many of the other two thirds will simply sit it out.  Hillary and Barack have an entire movement of people ready and willing to support either of them, and they both actually inspire people that would normally not vote to vote.  Nothing about John McCain is inspiring, and the only people that will vote for him are the people that are truly concerned about politics.  More than half the country couldn't give a fuck less;... so ultimately, the democrat nominee will be much more inspiring and get ordinary people who don't vote to show up and vote democrat.  McCain will get his buddies to show up and that's it.  I'd say 65/35 democrat if McCain is the nominee in the general election.

It's not over yet, though, Romney may pull off a mormon miracle.  If Romney comes out with the gloves off, and pulls some sort of surprise like naming New Gingrich or Fred Thompson as his running mate, THIS WEEK, then he may still be able to turn it around.  If he destroys McCain in the debate tonight, he may turn it around.  If McCain gets cocky (since he is a cocky son of a bitch) and says something stupid, Romney may be able to capitalize.  If things keep going as they're going though, McCain gets the nomination. 



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Re: My prediction on who will win the presidency
« Reply #10 on: January 30, 2008, 03:44:25 PM »
I hear Giuliani is going to endorse McCain, but maybe that is going to hurt him more than it's going to help. Giuliani is a fucking scumbag, but that is not even the point I'm trying to make. The thing is, he basically dissed all the people who live in the states that voted in the primaries before Florida. Then he clearly lost in Florida. And that is after not too long ago he was known as the most likely guy to become president. Wow. I wouldn't want to be backed by such a loser if I were McCain.
Cause I don't care where I belong no more
What we share or not I will ignore
And I won't waste my time fitting in
Cause I don't think contrast is a sin
No, it's not a sin

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Re: My prediction on who will win the presidency
« Reply #11 on: January 30, 2008, 06:53:50 PM »
Things are looking very bad for Romney. McCain, although a complete fraud, has seemed to trick people. How could anyone like him? The way he talks, the things he says. It's really border line idiotic. He can't run the country. He has no experience managing or leading anything. He's a 71 year old senator.

McCain will lose, no matter what, to the democrats. McCain will never choose Romney as a VP. He'll choose Rudy.

Romney on the other hand could beat the democrats. If he picks a good running mate, he could take over. Romney Huckabee would be a good choice.

The real problem is an Obama and Hillary ticket, either way around. These two together on one ticket is unbeatable. But, they hate each other, and likely Hillary wouldn't pick Obama, and Obama wouldn't accept.

Ron Paul is the smartest guy up their. He's too smart for his own good.

The thing is people respect McCain. I don't really see why. He's got all the endorsements, he won Florida. How can McCain lose? He will, against Hillary or Obama.

McCain with anyone will lose. Most americans don't like huckabee's positions. He is too religious. Changing the constitution to make God's standards? That is crazy.

At least with Romney the GOP has a chance. Anyone else, they've lost the election even before it starts. The Economy and Immigration are the only issues which should be debated. Abortion will never be banned. The Iraq war was a mistake. Really, the US needs to choose the best leader of the US, not the best police officer of the planet.


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Re: My prediction on who will win the presidency
« Reply #12 on: January 30, 2008, 07:17:43 PM »
My prediction is that R.U.F. will take over AmeriKKa eventually, so it really doesn't matter because the Yakub Crew's days are numbered.


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Re: My prediction on who will win the presidency
« Reply #13 on: January 30, 2008, 08:32:40 PM »
I'm going to go ahead and put it out on the line, who my prediction is to win the presidency. 

I have to throw a couple different scenarios up, since the primaries are still up in the air.

On the Dem. side, obviously it's only Hillary or Obama.

On the Rep. side, I think it's safe to say it's down to McCain and Romney.  McCain is doing surprisingly well, but I wouldn't consider Romney dead in the water yet, SO, with that said...

If McCain wins the GOP nomination, the Democratic nominee will win the presidency, whether it's Hillary or Obama. 
If Romney wins the GOP nomination, he will defeat whomever the democratic nominee is. 

I would say out of the 4, the strongest candidate is Obama.  I cannot count out Clinton though because she basically will do anything short of raising the dead to win.  McCain will not garner a majority of republicans votes, many gopers will stay home if he wins because the man is disgusting.  Romney has less of a 'negative' association, making him more palatable to republicans that support other candidates; if Romney is the nominee, his policies will lead people who do not like him to vote for him anyways, because he's fundamentally strong on conservative principles and is great in a debate.  He's not leading national polls against Obama or Clinton, but doesn't at the present have the name recognition either of them do.  In a general election race, however, I think he would solidify the conservative base to show en force against Clinton (who is widely hated) or Obama, (who is widely feared as much more liberal than even Clinton). 

McCain, while strong among certain republican groups, will polarize much of the conservatives who will just simply sit home from the polls in the general election out of disgust for both candidates.  The democrats will roll to an easy victory (even though national polls show otherwise right now). 

That's where my money is right now... I would say if you consider it a 4 way race, I'd put it 40% Obama, 30% Hillary, 20% Romney, and 10% McCain, if that makes any sense.  70% chance we'll have a democratic president in November.  Slight chance we'll have Mitt Romney as president, very slim chance we'll have McCain as president.  That's my HONEST opinion of how it's going down, but hey, what do I know?  :)

Well pussylips, I'm glad you're back here.  Now you clearly picked Hillary like a week or two ago, and you only pick winners, so that is your pick.  I know your little bitch tendancies would like to pick someone else now that it looks like you'll be wrong. 

And another truly bold statement saying that the GOP nomination will come down to McCain and Romney.  Goddamn you're bringing the exclusives on that shit.

My prediction is that 2008 will come and go and you still will have never caressed a vagina (your dog doesn't count).


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Re: My prediction on who will win the presidency
« Reply #14 on: January 30, 2008, 08:40:59 PM »
My prediction is that 2008 will come and go and you still will have never caressed a vagina (your dog doesn't count).

Yeah, I said the same thing to him a while back...

I do think it's possible he's caressed some dicks, though.