Author Topic: My prediction on who will win the presidency  (Read 946 times)

white Boy

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Re: My prediction on who will win the presidency
« Reply #15 on: January 31, 2008, 05:29:40 AM »
i wouldn't be suprized to see romney mccain, i mean, mccain and gulliani makes no sense, they will never win, they are like the 2 craziest anti middle east guys and wont win, mccain needs romney for the economic issues and romney needs mccain for millitary, i think if they are together they will win, i do agree with you trauama, if mccain is the nominee he loses if its romney he wins,


Re: My prediction on who will win the presidency
« Reply #16 on: January 31, 2008, 06:01:00 AM »
You probably aren't a republican, and that's fine... but if you were, you'd know that John McCain is a bastard who cannot STAND Mitt Romney.  McCain will never, ever want Romney as a veep.  In case you haven't been watching what's going on.... 3 days before the Florida Primary, McCain (who bitched and moaned that George Bush pulled dirty attack ads to defeat him in South Carolina in 2000) put out a press statement saying that Romney said in April 07 that he was for a timetable to pull troops out.

After reviewing what Romney said in the interview in April 07, it was clear to everybody that he didn't say that.  He said that There should be no timetable proclaimed in public, and that you don't want to do that since the enemy would just lie in wait in the bushes until you left.  He said that he would veto any bill calling for a timetable for troop withdraw, and mentioned that of course Bush and the pres. of Iraq would have private conversations about timetables and milestones, but they couldn't publicly anounce them.

Last night in the debate, McCain actually said something to the effect of "Romney wants them to lie in the bushes until we leave!!!!"


It's just a complete mischaracterization of what he said, he's claiming Romney said exactly what he said NOT to do in the interview! It's just incredible.

John McCain is a complete loser who hasn't got a fucking thing accomplished except destroying the first ammendment with McCain Feingold.  His Amnesty Bill with Kennedy was a complete joke, he wanted to give a 3000 dollar citizenship visa to any illegal immigrant, and when asked now if he would vote for that bill, says "It won't come to a vote".  "yeah, but would you vote for it, Senator?" "It won't come to a vote".

He's a total prick who's lying about the best candidate in the field, and the American GOP is stupid enough to fall for it because they have their panties in a wad about who's going to beat Hillary Clinton.  In national polls, McCain is tracking to be able to beat Clinton, or Obama. 

Here's the problem with that; McCain has been a senator for 25 years.  His name is in the press all the time, mainly because he has a hardon for showboating and naming bills after himself.  The average idiot knows his name, and knows he was in a war, and is considered a war hero.  Mitt Romney doesn't have the luxury of name recognition, the only people that know ANYTHING about him are people that actually looked at his record and researched the man.  By November, in a general election Romney would be in the media constantly, and his record would be on display for everybody to decide, and he would simply defeat whoever the Democrat candidate is.  Barack Obama has nothing to offer America but platitudes.  Hillary Clinton would be a disasterous president and even her own party knows it. 

I would much rather vote for Obama or Clinton than McCain.  At least after they trash the country for 4 years, a republican can ride along to save the day.  If McCain's elected, he'll be disasterous and we won't even be able to run against him in 4 years. 

white Boy

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Re: My prediction on who will win the presidency
« Reply #17 on: January 31, 2008, 06:07:14 AM »
they are all shmucks as far as i can see, and i know they arent getting along now, but if mccain chooses gulliani, i think that would be the stupidests move ever, also if hillary or obama take edwards, ill be pissed off cause i dont like him at all


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Re: My prediction on who will win the presidency
« Reply #18 on: January 31, 2008, 01:17:19 PM »
The 44th President of the United States of America = The Senator from Illinois

The King

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Re: My prediction on who will win the presidency
« Reply #19 on: January 31, 2008, 04:05:29 PM »
John McCain is a complete loser who hasn't got a fucking thing accomplished except destroying the first ammendment with McCain Feingold. 

Great post man. I agree McCain won't choose Romney, which is a huge mistake. McCain has little money, but has the momentum and endorsements. Romney has little momentum, and no endorsements, but a lot of money. Romney has raised more money then all other GOP candidates. He obviously has a loyal following, and has deep pockets. Obama and Clinton can rack up hundreds of millions if they needed too. McCain can't raise anything. McCain needs someone who has, and can raise money, if he can compete with the democrats.

McCain is, a total, and utter loser. Every question he answers the same way, "I was in the war." Americans don't want the war. McCain can't take democrats away, or moderate republicans.

This election really determines the future of each party. And the GOP wants to pick a 71 year old war vet? Seriously now. Something was said on the debate last night which made a lot of sense. Governors are more qualified to be President then Senators. What do senators do? They vote on things. What do Governors do? They actually run a state, a "mini country." McCain isn't qualified. I'd take Huckabee over McCain.

And about all these endorsements. The first thing we always here is, "McCain is a dear old friend." Wow, McCain who's been in the Senate for decades is getting endorsements from his friends. What accomplishment is that?

I really don't see how anyone with half a brain could vote for McCain. He is not qualified. He hasn't lead anything in his life. He's a old man who votes for bills . How does that qualify you for even bagging groceries? Let alone running an entire country. Electing someone who's entire character is based upon war is idiotic. The economy should be the number one issue a thousand times over. Forget Romney's CEO experience, he was a govenor. He knows how to run a government. McCain is an old, hopefully dieing man. He is a joke, and a very negative person. His tone is depressing. His age is depressing. Everything about him screams "Loser." And yet, people vote for him.

Saying that, Feb 5th is too close for Romney or Huckabee to do any damage. The one thing they could do is, Huckabee drops out, and Romney endorses him as his VP candidate. If Romney and Huckabee somehow joined forces, McCain will lose. Huckabee can take the South, Romney the north west and north east, and let McCain win California and New York.


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Re: My prediction on who will win the presidency
« Reply #20 on: January 31, 2008, 04:27:34 PM »
Crazy how 6 percent in Florida can change everything ... are many Americans on Super Tuesday just going to vote for McCain cause he won Florida? Lol, sometimes it seems like that when I hear people talking on CNN. What the fuck is that kind of behavior? Florida only had 57 delegates, Romney could easily still win if people were voting for him on Super Tuesday, and apparently they would if only he had won Florida, lol. That's just weird.

"Who are you going to vote for on Super Tuesday, John?"
"The guy who wins Florida."
"Cool, me too."
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Re: My prediction on who will win the presidency
« Reply #21 on: January 31, 2008, 04:33:05 PM »
Crazy how 6 percent in Florida can change everything ... are many Americans on Super Tuesday just going to vote for McCain cause he won Florida? Lol, sometimes it seems like that when I hear people talking on CNN. What the fuck is that kind of behavior? Florida only had 57 delegates, Romney could easily still win if people were voting for him on Super Tuesday, and apparently they would if only he had won Florida, lol. That's just weird.

"Who are you going to vote for on Super Tuesday, John?"
"The guy who wins Florida."
"Cool, me too."

Yeah it's pretty hilarious how people just get brainwashed so easily.  It's kinda like sports, a lot of people decide to pick a team that has momentum on their side.  The sad thing is that this same logic is applied to politics. 


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Re: My prediction on who will win the presidency
« Reply #22 on: January 31, 2008, 04:36:13 PM »
Crazy how 6 percent in Florida can change everything ... are many Americans on Super Tuesday just going to vote for McCain cause he won Florida? Lol, sometimes it seems like that when I hear people talking on CNN. What the fuck is that kind of behavior? Florida only had 57 delegates, Romney could easily still win if people were voting for him on Super Tuesday, and apparently they would if only he had won Florida, lol. That's just weird.

"Who are you going to vote for on Super Tuesday, John?"
"The guy who wins Florida."
"Cool, me too."

Yeah it's pretty hilarious how people just get brainwashed so easily.  It's kinda like sports, a lot of people decide to pick a team that has momentum on their side.  The sad thing is that this same logic is applied to politics. 

Yup and the media doesn't help

The King

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Re: My prediction on who will win the presidency
« Reply #23 on: January 31, 2008, 04:49:56 PM »
Crazy how 6 percent in Florida can change everything ... are many Americans on Super Tuesday just going to vote for McCain cause he won Florida? Lol, sometimes it seems like that when I hear people talking on CNN. What the fuck is that kind of behavior? Florida only had 57 delegates, Romney could easily still win if people were voting for him on Super Tuesday, and apparently they would if only he had won Florida, lol. That's just weird.

"Who are you going to vote for on Super Tuesday, John?"
"The guy who wins Florida."
"Cool, me too."

It is ridiculous isn't it? One state changes everything. McCain barely won New Hamsphire, and barely won South Carolina as well. Romney dominated his wins on the other hand. The problem with Romney though is, he spend too much money on negative ads on his opponents, and not enough ads on himself. If he would've promoted his record, and his experience, the race should of been over. The other problem is the sheer number of GOP candidates which were in the race.

Florida doesn't mean much. But Rudy's endorsement will likely win him New York, and Arnold's endorsement in California. These endorsements McCain is pilling up is really hurting this race. The media is obsessed with them, and it poisons the voters mind. Who the hell cares if Rudy endorses McCain. The media acts like it does, so McCain gets double the coverage.

The winner take all rule is really stupid. McCain gets 3% more, and gets all the delegates? How does that make sense? All states should be the same. If Florida, NY, California and half the other states weren't WTA, Romney would win, hands down. WTA does not make sense for a primary.


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Re: My prediction on who will win the presidency
« Reply #24 on: January 31, 2008, 06:05:01 PM »
Crazy how 6 percent in Florida can change everything ... are many Americans on Super Tuesday just going to vote for McCain cause he won Florida? Lol, sometimes it seems like that when I hear people talking on CNN. What the fuck is that kind of behavior? Florida only had 57 delegates, Romney could easily still win if people were voting for him on Super Tuesday, and apparently they would if only he had won Florida, lol. That's just weird.

"Who are you going to vote for on Super Tuesday, John?"
"The guy who wins Florida."
"Cool, me too."

I mean look at the dumbfucks we have on here that routinely change who they are voting for based on who the front runner is at the time.  Groupie ass motherfuckers.


Re: My prediction on who will win the presidency
« Reply #25 on: January 31, 2008, 09:27:22 PM »
If Clinton gets the nom, a Republican will win. That's the only prediction I will make.
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white Boy

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Re: My prediction on who will win the presidency
« Reply #26 on: February 01, 2008, 05:56:57 AM »
^ I think i agree, but a clinton-mccain, would just be the gayest thing in the world, i would refuse to vote


Re: My prediction on who will win the presidency
« Reply #27 on: February 01, 2008, 06:34:23 AM »
If it comes down to Clinton/McCain, Clinton will win.  John McCain is a fucking idiot.  Hillary Clinton will eat him alive in a debate... of course I guess that doesn't matter since Mitt Romney's been beating McCain's ass in every debate and is still losing. 

George Bush - Governor
Bill Clinton - Governor
George H.W. Bush - Veep
Ronald Reagan - Governor
Jimmy Carter - Governor
Gerald Ford - Veep
Richard Nixon - Former Veep
Lyndon B. Johnson - Former Veep

John Kennedy - Senator.  The last senator elected to the office of president was in 1960.  Typically, senators become vice president and then succeed their predecessor in office.  While it's unfair of course to lump Kennedy and Johnson in the crowd, senators also do not enjoy long terms.  With the exception of Carter (a horrible president by any standard) most Governors enjoy double terms. 

Nat Turner-reincarnated

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Re: My prediction on who will win the presidency
« Reply #28 on: February 01, 2008, 01:49:23 PM »
This is how its going to be, it was written. Hillary = President and Obama= vice president. respect the GOD

M Dogg™

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Re: My prediction on who will win the presidency
« Reply #29 on: February 01, 2008, 07:22:43 PM »
This is how its going to be, it was written. Hillary = President and Obama= vice president. respect the GOD

I think Bill Clinton has a better shot at VP than Obama is Hillary wins.