Author Topic: Immortal Technique on Ron Paul, Hillary, Obama, and others.- NEW UPDATE  (Read 1728 times)


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Re: Immortal Technique on Ron Paul, Hillary, Obama, and others.- NEW UPDATE
« Reply #15 on: February 26, 2008, 05:15:10 AM »

Illegal immigrants drive down the wages of everyone in the nation. Of course no one can blame anyone for wanting a better life, but where do you draw the line? the states are going bankrupt, the states are realising they have been sold triple rated junk, the states fund the welfare given to illegal immigrants. The illegal immigrants who are already in America and in Europe, might well now have a better life now but if the tide is not stemmed, they will be the ones who suffer from this same problem in the future. We are already living in desperately uncertain times, more illegal immigration will not boost the average family's wealth it will deplete it even more so.

The wealth will be accelerated only within corporations. The biggest benefactors of illegal immigration are unsurprisingly big business. This new world order creates the problem by raping these countries and then focuses their attentions on bringing down any remaining independent wealth via an open border policy. It is a weapon and these poor immigrants are the ammo. The other concerning factor about many of these hispanic illegal immigrants, is they are openly against America per sa and insread want to declare the south independent. Remember what the U.N said yesterday "middle class family's in the U.S may have to have food rationed". This is how desperate things are and yet illegal immigrants are being given loans with no id. This is indicative of how sick this whole thing is, those against illegal immigration are considered racist and aside from the fact that just isn't true, it's the bastards that engineered the surge of illegal immigrants into the country via their raping of south america, that are the real racists.



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Re: Immortal Technique on Ron Paul, Hillary, Obama, and others.- NEW UPDATE
« Reply #16 on: February 26, 2008, 08:07:52 AM »
schools are a hard subject to deal with, I don't think anyone has the perfect answer or solution to that shit, its deep, an it definitely depends on the country your in an the social, ecomonic, racial dymanics of the country in relation to the system, that all contributes to it, but one think I do know is, in western countrys, like UK an USA for example, a lot of the shit, in schools in the inner city, especially over here in the UK, is due to intistutionalized racism in schools from the 60's an 70s, an closing down schools in inner city areas that were predominantly of colour under the previous goverment in the 80s, I know when talking about people of colour in inner city areas, thats a lot of the roots over here in the UK, true fucking stories

but I feel like Immortal is really trying to break down in a suttle way that Ron Paul isn't to be trusted, thats all, coming from a human being of colour perspective, meaning he talks a lot of good game on a lot of things, but just check his fruitcake views on the civil rights act, he's a republican for a reason, that shit ain't about fucking property rights, its about human beings of colour being protected by law from being treated as second class fucking citizens, even though we're still treated like shit now, but it would be a lot worse if it wasn't for that act, truss me on that   

the civil rights act creates reverse discrimination in the long run
what are you talking about, all the gentrification going on in the hoods in the States, police brutality, AIDS, fucked up schools, harsh prison sentencing, institutional racism, what are you talking about, this all happens despite of the civil rights act, if they didn't have the civil rights act, shit would be a lot worse than it already is, truss me on that

@outlaw immortal
you know what your talking about cuzzy, truss

big Cythia Mckinney too, she represnts too, an she's definetly for the cause, truss me on that, but the democrats don't like people that, that are about real change, like Mckinney an Dennis Kucinuch, true fucking stories


Re: Immortal Technique on Ron Paul, Hillary, Obama, and others.- NEW UPDATE
« Reply #17 on: February 26, 2008, 02:38:17 PM »
Will this guy shut the fuck up and put out another album. It's getting ridiculous.
My Chihuahuas Are Eternal


Outlaw Immortal

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Re: Immortal Technique on Ron Paul, Hillary, Obama, and others.- NEW UPDATE
« Reply #18 on: February 26, 2008, 05:03:52 PM »

Illegal immigrants drive down the wages of everyone in the nation. Of course no one can blame anyone for wanting a better life, but where do you draw the line? the states are going bankrupt, the states are realising they have been sold triple rated junk, the states fund the welfare given to illegal immigrants. The illegal immigrants who are already in America and in Europe, might well now have a better life now but if the tide is not stemmed, they will be the ones who suffer from this same problem in the future. We are already living in desperately uncertain times, more illegal immigration will not boost the average family's wealth it will deplete it even more so.

The wealth will be accelerated only within corporations. The biggest benefactors of illegal immigration are unsurprisingly big business. This new world order creates the problem by raping these countries and then focuses their attentions on bringing down any remaining independent wealth via an open border policy. It is a weapon and these poor immigrants are the ammo. The other concerning factor about many of these hispanic illegal immigrants, is they are openly against America per sa and insread want to declare the south independent. Remember what the U.N said yesterday "middle class family's in the U.S may have to have food rationed". This is how desperate things are and yet illegal immigrants are being given loans with no id. This is indicative of how sick this whole thing is, those against illegal immigration are considered racist and aside from the fact that just isn't true, it's the bastards that engineered the surge of illegal immigrants into the country via their raping of south america, that are the real racists.

Theres roughly 12million illegal immigrants the government has listed, but Im more than sure there is over double-triple of that current figure that is off the books. These immigrants strengthen the economy via their cheap labor, the gdp increases because there's more production. And its not as if a significant amount of their money is leaving the country, because they're barely making enough to survive, and they're spending most of their money on basic living goods from American grocery stores for survival.  So their money is circulating in the American industry, and the labor of 2-3 illegal immigrants equates to the wage of one American citizen.

So basically, the past American governments have set up puppet democracies in south America, have destroyed the basic standard of living there, they've placed totalitarian leaders to govern the country, and then when there's an increase in illegal immigrants arriving on American soil to leave the tyrannies being placed in their country because of America, then its not cool, because thats 'hurting the economy' and "middle class family's in the U.S may have to have food rationed", these illegal immigrants have been fuckin rationing their food all their life because of your past governments and foreign intervention. They work just as hard as any other worker, if not harder, and you're telling me they dont have a place in the current American society. Please spare me the xenophobia, kids are fucking dying from hunger and basic diseases that there are shots for, because their standard of living is so pathetic that not even their own government gives a shit about.

If Ron Paul was truly genuine, he would make every illegal immigrant be capable of citizenship, that way they can work for the same price as any other American worker, there wouldn't be any economical discrimination at work, because they are eligible for the same rate of pay, therefore a company wouldn't necessarily prefer them over another American citizen, because basically whoever is better for the job, is better for the job. Americas economy will strengthen because there would be more people wanting an education or to enter the workforce. Production would increase, more illegal immigrants would be leaving the welfare system because they would have proper sustainable jobs, and there wouldnt be any issue.

Virtuoso, you as a person are always objective and logical in everything you say, and i generally agree with you, but you're getting blinded by his propaganda and pseudo-liberalism. He was a republican and will die a republican, just remember that.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2008, 06:48:38 PM by Outlaw Immortal »


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Re: Immortal Technique on Ron Paul, Hillary, Obama, and others.- NEW UPDATE
« Reply #19 on: February 26, 2008, 07:09:16 PM »
Firstly to address your response to the U.N comment,  the fact that the U.N are talking about the middle class having to possibly have food rationed should make you realise that as the middle class are deemed to be financially comfortable and yet are being given these ominous warnings about the very real tough times ahead which they might face. Therefore for everyone in the lower income groups it will be even more dire and their struggle will easily eclipse any real problems the middle class experience. Therefore I think in trying to dismiss the middle class, you undervalued the wider ramifications of what the U.N said.

Secondly there is actually very little industry actually left in America some 2 million jobs have been offshored to China and India in the last decade or so, what began as a slow incremental move towards the exit gates for u.s corporations, then became an almighty stampede towards distant locations. The same is true even for the once proud status of being the hub of research and development, which has now also become a distant memory. The key to the offshoring is 2 fold it owes to corporations losing any sense of patriotism and the government having relaxed the laws on outsourcing labour. The idea was impressed upon people of all western nations that any form of domestic business base was short sighted and that the dawn of globalism would herald a new dawn in wealth and opportunity. I am extremely critical of this neo liberal thinking and would argue in the strongest possible terms that it has had a massive negative net effect. 

Now this change in approach and in philosophy, links in intrinsically with the situation of illegal immigration because as you have pointed out, the 12 million official figure. is in fact due to creative counting, other estimates put the figure at closer to 30 million immigrants. Therefore I would state it's simply propaganda to suggest and naive to believe that 30 million illegal immigrants or being conservative with the estimates, let's say 10 million are adult age, it's inconceivable that 10 million illegal immigrants are doing work that no one else wants to do. I would find this hard to believe if there was a real boom in the economy, if credit was free flowing, if investment was sky high and if there was in fact a great demand from employers but in fact America is experiencing the extreme opposite of this described peak. The dollar is tanking, peoples savings are being wiped out, food prizes are rocketing and so under these conditions, it's ridiculous to suggest that American citizens do not want those jobs which are currently being taken by the illegal immigrants. There is no doubt that these illegal immigrants work hard, they probably work harder than most and so again this is not an attack on the individuals, it's analysing the effects. In purely simple economic terms, it's an employers market, there is a greater demand than supply and what's more there is a second key element and that is the illegals are desperate and will happily allow their wages to easily undercut u.s citizens. It's important to emphasise that the wages were never what could be seen as well paid in the first place but to big business, this means greater profit margins and potentially this trend of slashing wages has no end in sight.

Leakages is an issue to i.e. sending money out of the country particularly if a large percentage of the money earned is never spent within the United States. This means small local businesses suffer, I am not talking about big corporations, their monopoly of markets ensures that they are almost untouchable they will feel the effect of these leakages that's just a fact of the money cycle, and you can't spend what you have sent out. However I don't want to get too entangled on this point because I don't pretend to know what % of wages are actually sent back home but I can easily envisage that we are talking about tens of billions of dollars being sent out of the country on an annual basis. The second problem which people don't want to acknowledge is really there, it is the claiming of welfare. The reality is these illegals can not survive on such low wages without in addition, claiming welfare also.. The welfare system knows that these people are working but this does not appear to be preventing welfare, it just seems to be ignored instead/ Contrast the attitude adopted in the previous instance, to a  u.s citizen, who would be up shits creek for doing exactly the same thing. There is an apologetic stance taken to this by many left wingers, or just a denial, a notion that it's only a few illegal immigrants who are doing that, but that's just disingenuous. I don't blame the people for claiming, after all many have a family they have to support and coining another lyric from Immortal Technique "you can't raise a family on minimum wage why the fuck do you think most of us are locked in a cage" but it's important to understand the direction in which this attitude is pushing the country in.

This again refers back to the issue of manufacturing, when America had a vibrant and strong manufacturing base, it was producing real value, there was real output there. However by taking away this sector and replacing it with a service driven sector, it changed the complexion of the economy. Now the economy was driven by the credit, credit was free flowing and money was spent freely. However in a service oriented economy, jobs may be plentiful but the jobs are low paid jobs and the growth in the sector is entirely reliant upon the credit system. What America had in it's favour was strong power courtesy of the dollar, which meant cheap imports and still a growing GDP which was then further bolstered by yet a seamless supply of credit which emanated from the ridiculous M3 money supply. It is not illegal immigrants who increase GDP growth, it is the economic activity and to underline this point, now the central banks have begun cutting the credit and the financial institutions are losing confidence in each other, growth in the 4 quarter slipped to under 0.2% the forecasts for this year are gloomy to say the least, despite the underplaying of the situation by establishment shills like Alan Greenspan. in fact the general consensus amongst the top economists, is one of 2 prominent predictions and these are either a depression which I pray for all your sakes is not the case, or a horrible recession which could last for the next 5 years or so.

Illegal immigration did not create this mess and indeed when the economy was thriving, it could have absorbed this continuation but now it has to stop because the wheels that turned this new look modern day super power have ground to a halt. America is completely bankrupt, job losses and foreclosures on homes are sky rocketing. There is no real value being produced in the u.s economy anymore and the the dollar keeps sinking to new record lows against all major currencies. In fact the debt bubble is so big, that the states have no means of continuing to pay welfare without hurting everyone It is not just the wages, it is not just the welfare, it the free education provided to the children the free health care all of the sum of the parts are leading to astronomical strains on the system. I know there seems to be this view point that these South American nations were raped, their resources plundered, their rights violated and therefore out of some kind of humanitarian gesture  they deserve to come to America. The problem with that, however good intentioned it is, is, it flies in the face of logic you can't invite an infinite amount of people into a life boat and that is what America is at the moment, a life boat which is barely keeping above water. I share sympathy for these people believe me but emotion and assessment must not get tangled up with one another. It is the elite who raped these people not the average person, the average person was focusing on getting by, focusing on their families and yet it is the average person who is being punished by this open border policy. If things don't change, you are going to have such extreme insanity that illegals themselves are going to be undercutting one another. It's a myth that Obama is even partly against literally no borders to he is using a sleight of hand to deceive everyone. This is because by being supportive of The North American Union, it would then allow for a decision to be passed to create a free labour movement which would mirror an agreement which was reached under the European Union which meant that all citizens belonging to one of the European union states was given the right to move freely between any other European union nation likewise the same would apply to mexicans.

« Last Edit: February 27, 2008, 12:55:52 AM by virtuoso »


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Re: Immortal Technique on Ron Paul, Hillary, Obama, and others.- NEW UPDATE
« Reply #20 on: February 26, 2008, 10:13:43 PM »
Illegal Immigration is a crime.

the main thing the US has to do is stop subsidizes and benefits for illegals...this will stop them from coming