Author Topic: Gascoigne on mental care  (Read 196 times)


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Gascoigne on mental care
« on: February 23, 2008, 11:01:50 AM »
Former England soccer star Paul Gascoigne is being treated for mental health problems Thursday, a day after he was detained by police at a hotel.

Police received a report of "concern" for a 40-year-old man staying at a hotel in Gateshead in northeast England on Wednesday night.
"The man has been detained under the Mental Health Act," Northumbria Police said in a statement. "No one was injured during the course of the incident."

Under police protocol, the individual was not identified. All major British news organizations reported the man was Gascoigne, who is 40 and from Gateshead. He reportedly was receiving medical treatment Thursday.

Gascoigne, nicknamed "Gazza," made 57 appearances for England and was widely regarded as the most gifted player of his generation. The midfielder's career was cut short by injuries and off-field troubles, including heavy drinking.

At another hotel in nearby Newcastle earlier Wednesday, police responded to reports of a disorderly guest. The hotel said Gascoigne was aggressive toward a night porter when a fire alarm went off, and the ex-player was taken from the hotel by his sister.

Under the Mental Health Act, police can take a person from a public place to a "place of safety" - a police station or hospital - if he is "suffering from mental disorder" and "in immediate need of care or control." A person can be detained for a maximum of 72 hours until the person can be examined by a doctor and treated by a social worker.

Last May, Gascoigne needed emergency surgery on a perforated stomach ulcer. He also had pneumonia in January 2005 and has had several spells in rehab.

Gascoigne played for Tottenham, Newcastle, Lazio and Rangers. He last played briefly for a Chinese club in 2003. He later tried coaching in England but never lasted longer than a few months.
TROUBLED soccer legend Paul Gascoigne said he spent £16,000 trying to cure his addiction to RED BULL.

Gazza — who has been sectioned under the Mental Health Act — was downing 50 cans of the energy drink every DAY.

So he checked into a £4,000-a-week rehab clinic in America for a month.

The ex-England ace confessed to the bizarre addiction during late-night chats with a hotel worker at the Marriott in Gateshead.

He was there until the end of last month, when he was kicked out because staff were concerned at the amount he was drinking.

A source at the Marriott said: “He was in a terrible state. He was drinking every day and would order pints of Stella, Magners cider and double brandies on room service. It got to point where the hotel decided they wanted him out.”


Gazza moved to Newcastle’s Malmaison hotel, from which he was kicked out before being sectioned this week.

He is in the intensive care unit at the private Middleton St George psychiatric hospital in Co Durham.

His stepdaughter Bianca, 21, said last night: “It is a sad situation and my dad needs respect and privacy to get back to good health.”

Middlesbrough boss Gareth Southgate, a former England team-mate, said: “It’s obviously very sad, but I’m sure he’ll come through it.”

Mad' Gazza on suicide watch

COKE-crazed ace Paul Gascoigne stunned hotel staff before being sent to a psychiatric unit by answering his door in the buff — with “MAD” scrawled on his forehead.

The fallen soccer hero’s only companions while he remained holed up in his room on a two-month drugs and booze binge were battery-operated PARROTS.

Ex-England ace Gazza, 40, would talk to one of them as if it were real, a source revealed.

He also wandered around the hotel with them under his arm, getting them to squawk “f*** off” to fellow guests.

The insider — who told how women staff were barred from Gazza’s room because he kept flashing at them — said: “He’s also been ordering plates of raw liver to his room.

“Then he leaves it and eats it the next day. He says it’s good for his blood.”

The bizarre behaviour was revealed following Gazza’s arrest on Wednesday night after he allegedly set off the fire alarm at the £240-a-night Malmaison hotel in his hometown of Gateshead and was asked to leave.

He tried to check into the nearby Hilton — and was arrested over a “disturbance” when he was refused a room.

Last night Gazza was on suicide watch in a secure psychiatric unit after being sectioned under the Mental Health Act.

He was taken to the private Middleton St George Hospital near Darlington, Co Durham, in a police van. A source said:

He was raving in the back of the van, banging the sides and shouting his head off.

He was clearly under the influence of drugs. One moment he would be bouncing around, wanting to shake people’s hands.

Then he would slump in a chair, his head would fall back and his eyes would roll.

All the signs indicated he had taken a large amount of cocaine. He kept talking about cocaine and was seriously paranoid. He was saying the hotel room service and takeaway delivery boys had forced him to take it.

Someone said to him that he must have paid for it but he said he hadn’t paid for anything for years. When he had calmed down a bit he said he was just glad to be away from Newcastle because he was sick of people there stitching him up.

The Sun told earlier this month how troubled Gazza had been spending all day playing his Nintendo Wii in his room at the Malmaison. The source said:

He was getting treble whiskies delivered to his room all the time.

Jack Charlton, Newcastle manager when Gazza started his career in 1984, said: “He’s a lovely lad, but he misses football. He needs to be involved in the game. That is where he is happy.”

He’d been having medication following a major hip operation in December — and the staff were worried about him mixing tablets and alcohol.

Managers were obviously concerned for him. But they were also terrified their hotel would become known as the hotel where the former Spurs star drank himself to death. Other staff were getting sick of him.

He was exposing himself all the time and it got to the point where only male staff would be sent to his room.

He answered the door one day with ‘MAD’ scrawled on his forehead in what looked like eyeliner. He also had this plastic parrot which he kept talking to as if it was a real one.

He was clearly losing it but he was just on his own all the time. He had one or two visitors but there was no one coming regularly to see if he was OK. The final straw came when he set the fire alarm off and they asked him to leave.

Gazza, who has fought a long battle with drink and drugs, launched into his latest bender before Christmas. He checked into the Malmaison three weeks ago — after he was kicked out of the Gateshead Marriott.

Marriott staff were also worried about his booze and drugs bender.

A source said: “He was doing a lot of cocaine — it must have been hundreds of pounds a day. Staff became really worried when they couldn’t wake him for a couple of days — and they eventually kicked him out.” A source at the Malmaison said of Gazza’s parrots: “They say mad things when you press them like, ‘Give us a kiss,’ and ‘F*** off’.

“He’s been walking around the hotel with them under his arm making them talk to the guests.”

On one occasion Gazza rang the night porter to order more batteries.

On another he summoned a young member of staff saying one of his parrots was missing. The source said: “The poor lad thought Gazza had a live parrot that had flown out the window. When he got to the room Gazza stood there with a parrot under each arm making them say, ‘F*** off, f*** off’.” The insider said that after Gazza set off the fire alarm he refused to heed the evacuation — arguing with the night porter and grabbing him by the neck.

Hotel spokesman Nigel Massey said: “There was a bit of grabbing and a bit of verbal but I’m told the porter is fine.” Last night Gazza was in the secure Rowan Unit at Middleton St George Hospital suffering drug-induced psychosis.

Messages from fans flooded the Sun Online website wishing a speedy recovery to the former midfielder — who famously burst into tears when he was booked in the 1990 World Cup semi-final.

The following year a horror tackle he made in the FA Cup final left him with a crocked knee and cast a shadow over the rest of his career. By 1993 — aged just 26 — he was already battling the booze. The following year he admitted beating fiancee Sheryl Kyle. She forgave him but within three months of their 1996 wedding he attacked her again.

The run-up to Euro 96 also saw the infamous Dentist Chair antics — where England players had booze poured down their throats.

In 1998 Gazza spent the first of many spells in rehab. Last night there was no comment from his family as he finally hit rock bottom. Sister Anna-Marie said: “I don’t know anything about it.”

Gazza’s best mate Jimmy “Five Bellies” Gardner said: “I don’t know anything.”



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Re: Gascoigne on mental care
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2008, 11:00:37 AM »
Best place for him at the moment. Hilarious that he was walking around the hotel with toy parrots though. Even in depression hes still funny as fuck.

Sweet & Tender Hooligan

Re: Gascoigne on mental care
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2008, 01:40:10 PM »
I despise Gazza, lock the crazy bastard up and throw away the key as far as im concerned.

The Maestro


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Re: Gascoigne on mental care
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2008, 03:25:19 AM »
i can't understand his addiction to the redbull  :D


  • Lil Geezy
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Re: Gascoigne on mental care
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2008, 06:52:12 AM »
 ;D walkin round wit parrots haha class,