Author Topic: Vatican lists new sins, including pollution  (Read 674 times)

M Dogg™

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Re: Vatican lists new sins, including pollution
« Reply #15 on: March 12, 2008, 03:57:09 PM »
Hey over fiend aka Australian bastard this word co-operation is a whitewash, it's not co-operation it's integration. I was watching a news affairs programme called Newsnight in the last day and it was indicative of the way in which they aren't even trying to hide their true faces anymore. I should hasten to add that this woman could just be a useful idiot but she was representing one of the environmental groups. Her genius idea to solve the evil carbon, is to introduce a carbon quota per person and the host sarcastically said oh so you are for a powerful state are you? and she said well I feel it's important to compel people because they won't do it voluntarily. Then when asked but how are you going to ensure that the chinese are heeding the same controls as the brits for example?  she replied, well we need international standards to be introduced. Right there, she is calling for a world government aka world dictatorship whether she realises it or not and under the pretext of saving the poor earth. Let's not get this twisted amigo, they pulled the wool over the Europeans eyes in the creation of the European Union it was insisted that it was only a benevolent trading block but now fast forward 50 years and the E.U has ignored democratic wishes and is instead via the European constitution creating the final frameworks for a European body to govern Europe. As if that was not insane enough, David Milliband the labour shill has "suggested" that African nations should join the European Union. The Uinon destroys the sovereignty of the nations, it destroys firewalls, it renders the members as slave states.

As has been said by Turf Hitta, you can tell how deliberate and systematic this all is when the Pope of all people, suddenly turns up the heat on people also. The more I think about it, the more I can see this lunacy of a mother earth religion coming true. As far as the U.N are concerned, they were formed by the military industrial complex, yet they call the soldiers "peace keepers" they are an unaccountable military regulatory of this global government. When I said this coming world government part of the infrastructure at least, has been in place for some time but it seems like they are now announcing it boldly. Incrementally little by little, we have slipped deeper and deeper into quick sand and ultimately the only thing that might have a chance of breaking this, is the fallout/violence when the sum of all parts is exacted.

Ok... where is the Ron Paul video discribing all of this.


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Re: Vatican lists new sins, including pollution
« Reply #16 on: March 12, 2008, 04:11:13 PM »

You see unlike you I read and understand. I am not taken with little catch phrases I apply just a little bit of critical thinking and in the first paragraph alone if you knew anything about the programme before trying to attempt a dismissal of it, you would know it's an english programme.   Therefore trying to attempt to suggest that I copied from something Ron Paul had said, back fires completely. When you have learnt to crawl, then you can attempt to walk, then when you have done that, you can start on simple jig saws and then maybe you can attempt to play checkers. The likelihood of that happening is equal to me become a chess grand master but don't let that stop your mindless petty attempts at belittling views expressed by me.

M Dogg™

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Re: Vatican lists new sins, including pollution
« Reply #17 on: March 12, 2008, 04:21:12 PM »

You see unlike you I read and understand. I am not taken with little catch phrases I apply just a little bit of critical thinking and in the first paragraph alone if you knew anything about the programme before trying to attempt a dismissal of it, you would know it's an english programme.   Therefore trying to attempt to suggest that I copied from something Ron Paul had said, back fires completely. When you have learnt to crawl, then you can attempt to walk, then when you have done that, you can start on simple jig saws and then maybe you can attempt to play checkers. The likelihood of that happening is equal to me become a chess grand master but don't let that stop your mindless petty attempts at belittling views expressed by me.

I was with Obama before the catch phrases... Because his change I can believe in...

On the Vatican... as a actual Catholic, I think it good they update their message and they need to adress the earth. We as a religion are the oldest and largest Christian religion, and the pope has almost 2 billion that listen to him. John Paul II was very passionate on this issue and leave it to Benedict to take it to another level... lol. He did stay conservative with the no genetic sin now, but that's expected.

I don't understand how the Catholic Church stands on this one government theory. Look at history and to say the least this is something the pope would get killed over by his own German brothers. History has put a microscope over the pope, so for him to do anything of the sort would cause people te leave the Catholic Church is droves. Maybe the pope thinks global warming is important because he saw the Al Gore movie and was moved.


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Re: Vatican lists new sins, including pollution
« Reply #18 on: March 12, 2008, 04:24:16 PM »
Was he moved by those poor polar bears who are incapable of swimming to do you think?
Do you have any idea what those environmental lobbyist and their groupies plans would amount to and not just in terms of the global government, I am talking about the direct ramifications. Let's not get this twisted Michael Meacher the former environment minister for labour was on television during a global warming |debate" said we have gone 5% of the way so far towards addressing this problem we need to go another 80%" a 16 fold increase on efforts to "tackle the problem" do you have even the slightest idea of the ramifications should they get their way?
As for that low life Al Gore, do you know the size of his home and what it costs to heat it? I will give you some figures since you won't bother to look into it, it costs 20 times the average u.s home to heat his and yet that fucker is saying oh we must stop evil energy wastage give me a break.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2008, 04:40:03 PM by virtuoso »

M Dogg™

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Re: Vatican lists new sins, including pollution
« Reply #19 on: March 12, 2008, 04:35:06 PM »
Was he moved by those poor polar bears who are incapable of swimming to do you think?
As for that low life Al Gore, do you know the size of his home and what it costs to heat it? I will give you some figures since you won't bother to look into it, it costs 20 times the average u.s home to heat his and yet that fucker is saying oh we must stop evil energy wastage give me a break.

if you didn't get my humor, I was actually making fun of being moved by Al Gore.

M Dogg™

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Re: Vatican lists new sins, including pollution
« Reply #20 on: March 12, 2008, 04:37:19 PM »
Was he moved by those poor polar bears who are incapable of swimming to do you think?
As for that low life Al Gore, do you know the size of his home and what it costs to heat it? I will give you some figures since you won't bother to look into it, it costs 20 times the average u.s home to heat his and yet that fucker is saying oh we must stop evil energy wastage give me a break.

oh by the way, post the numbers... or I can did it for you, I've heard them but I'm sure that I can google them pretty easy.


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Re: Vatican lists new sins, including pollution
« Reply #21 on: March 12, 2008, 04:41:03 PM »

My bad I wasn't sure if you were joking but the latter part I just added, remains valid.

Australian Bastard

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Re: Vatican lists new sins, including pollution
« Reply #22 on: March 12, 2008, 05:10:37 PM »
Rockefeller said, "we will have world government whether we like it or not". What he is saying is actually true. The question is what type of world or form of world government will we allow it to be. We already have a global government of sorts and im not talking about just the UN, its the banks, the intelligence community, the military industrial complex and our global integrated market...whether or not this was an inevitability of world capitalism or not, barriers between nations have gradually been broken down, economically, socially, militarily, politically,etc. I dislike alot of facets of this loose system of global governance but also, I agree with that woman. We need an international consensus on emissions, the environment, pollution. Now saying that this is going to furthure promote World Government is not far fetched, who knows what could happen at the end of the rainbow?  But to single out one thing like a worldwide civil concern for the environment projected onto an international scale and pin the blame for centralisaition of world power on that is unfair and dosn't make sense in regards to the broader reality.

Australia just voted for a government whose election promise was to ratify the Kyoto Protocol and the government has. I currently believe in the UN, the UN does so much good for people in the world. All is corruptable, all conditioned things are impermanent, however, the UN's ambition is not and never was for world government, the UN is just a gathering of nations where disputes can be heard. It only starts to look like a World Government when you put it in context of the international banking system, the global market, etc. But if you look at the UN itself, it is actually geared against alot of these other facets of the world governance system.
Checks and balances.

We need an international consensus on pollution and emissions and you don't need a world government just for that. What we have in place now will do just fine.

I remember back to the early 90s in Australia, nobody gave a flying fuck for pollution, the Green Party was considered totally nuts and radical, now former members of the Greens are in government (Peter Garett, former Midnight Oil rock band frontman). This is not all just a systematic move towards world government,  more people are just starting to have a concern. At the end of the day, I am also cynical of what will transpire on the international stage, but I am also optimistic at least with my own government and the private organisations. Many of yall don't know that STEVE IRWIN was a big contributer to GREENPEACE, damn right Steve was all about saving the animals and the environment, his GREENPEACE ship the Steve Irwin, has been keeping the fucking Japs from killing whales in the Pacific. There is alot of little things going on that reflect a growing concern amongst people with what they contribute to the environment and this concern is being reflected on the international stage.

What can we do to make the world better? More power? Less power?

I believe we need to focus on individuals and individual consciousness, if the average person's independent thought is expanded and their spiritual growth strenghtened...we will be fighting the winning battle and the particulars will follow. 

« Last Edit: March 12, 2008, 06:16:14 PM by get OVER the inner FIEND »


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Re: Vatican lists new sins, including pollution
« Reply #23 on: March 12, 2008, 05:43:32 PM »

Environmental concerns are real, I am not bashing people concerned about the environment and you are right world government exists but in a more covert form there are still vestiges of freedom. However it's like the Twilight Zone when you read history and see that it's repeating itself, that people are sleep walking into totalitarianism as a means of solving the problem. It's insane to think that people have become accepting of biofuels despite it driving an already toppling economy to the point where people are using their credit cards to pay for food. It's insane to think that people are accepting of food shortages when you only have to take a step back and realise how this is going to lead to mass starvation in the third world. The difference this time, is that the totalitarian system is masquerading itself as something loving and caring. The U.N has lots of good people within it's midsts but the organisation itself is the acceptable fact of global military. The fact is though the same fucks that run so many other systems, run the U.N to, it was the U.N that imposed oil for food which just "accidentally" killed a million or so. It is the U.N who according to this informative yet gatekeeping article, it's the U.N who accidentally give infected batches to poor people in the third world, it's the U.N whose troops have systematically raped children in Sierra Leone.

This idea that we can have a right wing or left wing global government is a bunch of bullshit it;s a false choice. Even if the people running the global government were angels, power corrupts and global power would have been stalin's wet dream. What happens 2 years 5 years down the line? when an evil dictator becomes installed into power, it will be too late to look for a firewall then.

Australian Bastard

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Re: Vatican lists new sins, including pollution
« Reply #24 on: March 12, 2008, 06:33:15 PM »
^You keep an eye on shit which is very good. You should think about a career within the political system in your country!
« Last Edit: March 12, 2008, 06:40:48 PM by get OVER the inner FIEND »

Australian Bastard

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Re: Vatican lists new sins, including pollution
« Reply #25 on: March 12, 2008, 06:42:12 PM »
The fruit of knowledge is forever going to be a blessing,

and a curse,its never ending, like what Buddha said, its a constant revolving cycle of misery:

So what can we do to make the world better? More power? Less power?

I believe we need to focus on individuals and individual consciousness, again like what Buddha for one said, if the average person's independent thought is expanded and their spiritual growth strenghtened...we will be fighting the winning battle and the particulars will follow.

you must be the change you wish to see in the world
-Mahatma Ghandi


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Re: Vatican lists new sins, including pollution
« Reply #26 on: March 13, 2008, 01:57:00 AM »

Thanks bro but I am not one of those fake fuck politicians who can portray myself as self righteous. Therefore in the fake world of politics and people's delusionary ideals of how a politician should behave, I would fail. By the way there is nothing wrong with having a dream I wish we did live in a utiopian society. I wish that we did not live in a matrix, I wish things were how I perceived them when I was hmm 16 because all of my paradigms have been shattered. It's amazing once you escape the controlled thought of political party encapments and of the sound bite news, just how different the world really is. The article I posted from rollingstone by the way is extremely powerful but it illustrates a conscious or unconscious brainwashing. I can't believe for one moment that with the numerous scientists at their disposal that the U.N would not be checking the vaccines. It's seems like there is a deliberate attempts to demonise the U.S and once again use them as the scapegoat while apologising for the actions of the U.N.

From my point of view though, it seems like they are just a different head of the same dragon. It's as fake and engineered and as contrived as Obama supposedly pitting himself against the evil neocons but then you find out that his advisors is one of the most evil neocons you could possibly imagine. It's like saying to someone don't consume rat poison it's dangerous, here, have some aspartame instead. The difference being that the latter takes time to take effect, is slowly killing you so it doesn't raise alarm instead of instantly dying when consumed. The only answer to government is less government, less beaurocracy, a greater informed public and like you rightly quoted from Gandhi, freedom comes from within ones self to.

Turf Hitta

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Re: Vatican lists new sins, including pollution
« Reply #27 on: March 13, 2008, 02:00:13 AM »
Hardcover Garfield compilations, luxury top ramen noodles, worms livin in wig wams and pigeon shit, feel me?