Author Topic: Who here goes to the gym consistently?  (Read 1031 times)


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Re: Who here goes to the gym consistently?
« Reply #45 on: March 20, 2008, 12:42:36 PM »
That's fucking obsessive though. Why should you want to spend your time doing that, unless you're planning to go to the olympics? You can be healthy with a lot less exercise...

Was that directed towards me? You're not going to gain muscle going to the gym once a week doing bicep curls.

Which initiates the next question... Why on earth would you feel the need to gain muscle? You're a human being, not a predator who has to hunt for his food. Being in shape doesn't mean you have to reshape yourself, does it?

It's not a mere matter of questioning the motives of you personally, but more of a whole development. There seem to be plenty of guys in here who lift weights and build up their muscles as if that's the most virtuous thing to do in life. I simply fail to see the point though. As long as you're healthy in a normal way, you wouldn't need all that muscle, and you certainly wouldn't need to put in so much time into achieving just that. I do some bench presses like twice a week, just inside of my home, and whenever I feel like it I might just do some sit ups and some biceps exercises. That's it. It's enough for my muscles to stay in shape. I'll go for a run in the park when I feel like it, because that actually does contribute to my physical well being. Being able to lift a man of my own size doesn't. There's just no point in it.

The question is simple. Why? Why gain muscle? Why put in so much time? Why devote your whole schedule to it? Just why?

I like the whole lifestyle - testing myself physically and eating a good diet, it makes me feel good. It keeps you in a strict routine, where I have to meet deadlines and make progressions and that can carry over into positive stuff outside of the gym.

Who wouldn't want to gain some muscle? Nobody wants me to be a 140lb skeleton.

What is being healthy? A ton of people probably think they are, but the odds are they are probably not. I eat clean 6 days a week, I allow myself on Sunday to snack out on some shit I don't consider healthy, and you can sure as hell expect to see me with some beers in my hand over the weekend.
It's like a lot of things in life, there's an extreme to everything.

Ah, now as for testing yourself and getting a joy out of the discipline and the clear results - I definately see what you're talking about there. It's quite an extreme hobby though, but it sure is a great way to experience that you're alive. But doesn't that mean that gaining muscle isn't an end in itself, but merely a means of controlling your body through your mind? Still I couldn't see what's wrong with being 140lbs, even though that is rather skinny and sort of lacking male features. You don't need to be over 200lbs of hard muscles to have your male features, unless you really do get that extreme rush out of pushing weights and watching your body grow and become stronger. That's a mental thing though. That's powerful. Indeed, that can lead to your becoming a more disciplined person outside of the gym as well.

What I'm saying is simple though: there isn't really a need for all those muscles. The ladies who love men for their muscles are usually the shallow type (even though there's plenty of them at universities and such). I personally wouldn't want them beside me. The muscles aren't useful in your every day life. In fact, they can become quite intimidating. It's often perceived as a sign of bruteness. Physical power, to compensate for a lack of intellect or diplomatic skills. That may not always be true, but it can be perceived as such.

I enjoy jogging a great deal, and it gives me pretty much the same feeling a workout used to give me when I was into that stuff. Running can be exhausting, it's a great way to keep your body in shape, you'll exercise plenty of practical muscles and you can see the progress as you go. And also with running, it's pretty much a disciplinary thing: to get out there, do your thing, and mentally push yourself to go further and faster every time. Burn them calories and build up your stamina and endurance. You don't need an expensive gym subscription for that!

As for living healthy - surely, that's a good thing, simply because it makes you feel good. That's what any type of personal discipline does to you. Whether it be cutting down the amount of tv you watch, or staying away from junk food and snacks - the effect is all the same. But really, do you think it'll have that much of an influence on your body to 'eat clean' six days a week? I just don't really see the need behind that - just 'normal' food patterns would do if you ask me. Then again, I don't live in the USA, where nutricious food hasn't exactly been popular in recent times. Just eating normally healthy - having some salads, a small piece of meat, some fruit, some dairy products - without having to balance it all out and carefully consider everything you put into your mouth... Why stress it so much?

Indeed, there's an extreme to everything, but you would totally exhaust yourself if you really did push yourself to those extremes all the time.


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Re: Who here goes to the gym consistently?
« Reply #46 on: March 20, 2008, 12:46:22 PM »
Saying there is no need for those muscles is the same as saying there's no need to be a genius, because you only need basic knowledge to get's a stupid way of thinking.


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Re: Who here goes to the gym consistently?
« Reply #47 on: March 20, 2008, 12:53:48 PM »
That's fucking obsessive though. Why should you want to spend your time doing that, unless you're planning to go to the olympics? You can be healthy with a lot less exercise...

Was that directed towards me? You're not going to gain muscle going to the gym once a week doing bicep curls.

Which initiates the next question... Why on earth would you feel the need to gain muscle? You're a human being, not a predator who has to hunt for his food. Being in shape doesn't mean you have to reshape yourself, does it?

It's not a mere matter of questioning the motives of you personally, but more of a whole development. There seem to be plenty of guys in here who lift weights and build up their muscles as if that's the most virtuous thing to do in life. I simply fail to see the point though. As long as you're healthy in a normal way, you wouldn't need all that muscle, and you certainly wouldn't need to put in so much time into achieving just that. I do some bench presses like twice a week, just inside of my home, and whenever I feel like it I might just do some sit ups and some biceps exercises. That's it. It's enough for my muscles to stay in shape. I'll go for a run in the park when I feel like it, because that actually does contribute to my physical well being. Being able to lift a man of my own size doesn't. There's just no point in it.

The question is simple. Why? Why gain muscle? Why put in so much time? Why devote your whole schedule to it? Just why?

Why are you questioning why someone would wanna work to reach their potential? Come on, now...we, as humans, have the power to be vicious beings. We should strive to be be as good as we can...and that means physically too.

;D To think that Job assumes I'm blindly defending you for being a fellow white... I don't think he realizes on how many issues we totally disagree with each other.

This issue is very simple to me... Human beings don't have the powers of their physical being on their side when it comes to survival. Man needs his mind. That's how we managed to survive throughout the centuries: in no way could early civilizations survive, but for them to realize that they cannot win one on one fights with wolves and bears - they needed instruments to be successful. That's the human mind at work. The body is only the instrument that has the task to put the ideas of the mind to use. Human beings are no good when it comes to their physical being. We managed to walk straight up and we've got some useful hands, but that's about it. We don't need claws when we've got spears and traps, or later on rifles and bombs. We don't need strong muscles, when we've got the invention of the wheel, pulleys, steam engines and so forth. That's the human mind at work. That's survival at its finest. I'd rather discipline myself studying the laws of the universe I'm living in, than to discipline myself in gaining muscles I don't need. And there's no need to impress women with your physical development, when really, the women who are really worth it do realize that principle.



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Re: Who here goes to the gym consistently?
« Reply #48 on: March 20, 2008, 12:58:21 PM »
That's fucking obsessive though. Why should you want to spend your time doing that, unless you're planning to go to the olympics? You can be healthy with a lot less exercise...

Was that directed towards me? You're not going to gain muscle going to the gym once a week doing bicep curls.

Which initiates the next question... Why on earth would you feel the need to gain muscle? You're a human being, not a predator who has to hunt for his food. Being in shape doesn't mean you have to reshape yourself, does it?

It's not a mere matter of questioning the motives of you personally, but more of a whole development. There seem to be plenty of guys in here who lift weights and build up their muscles as if that's the most virtuous thing to do in life. I simply fail to see the point though. As long as you're healthy in a normal way, you wouldn't need all that muscle, and you certainly wouldn't need to put in so much time into achieving just that. I do some bench presses like twice a week, just inside of my home, and whenever I feel like it I might just do some sit ups and some biceps exercises. That's it. It's enough for my muscles to stay in shape. I'll go for a run in the park when I feel like it, because that actually does contribute to my physical well being. Being able to lift a man of my own size doesn't. There's just no point in it.

The question is simple. Why? Why gain muscle? Why put in so much time? Why devote your whole schedule to it? Just why?

Why are you questioning why someone would wanna work to reach their potential? Come on, now...we, as humans, have the power to be vicious beings. We should strive to be be as good as we can...and that means physically too.

;D To think that Job assumes I'm blindly defending you for being a fellow white... I don't think he realizes on how many issues we totally disagree with each other.

This issue is very simple to me... Human beings don't have the powers of their physical being on their side when it comes to survival. Man needs his mind. That's how we managed to survive throughout the centuries: in no way could early civilizations survive, but for them to realize that they cannot win one on one fights with wolves and bears - they needed instruments to be successful. That's the human mind at work. The body is only the instrument that has the task to put the ideas of the mind to use. Human beings are no good when it comes to their physical being. We managed to walk straight up and we've got some useful hands, but that's about it. We don't need claws when we've got spears and traps, or later on rifles and bombs. We don't need strong muscles, when we've got the invention of the wheel, pulleys, steam engines and so forth. That's the human mind at work. That's survival at its finest. I'd rather discipline myself studying the laws of the universe I'm living in, than to discipline myself in gaining muscles I don't need. And there's no need to impress women with your physical development, when really, the women who are really worth it do realize that principle.


What about if you play sports? What about the looks? Being muscular is a good thing and can come in very handy, regardless of what you think. Why not be as good as you can be mentally AND physically? That's how you do it big.

Don Jacob

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Re: Who here goes to the gym consistently?
« Reply #49 on: March 20, 2008, 01:38:58 PM »
i do it cuz the lady likes it and because it's fun to get laid.

R.I.P.  To my Queen and Princess 07-05-09


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Re: Who here goes to the gym consistently?
« Reply #50 on: March 20, 2008, 01:42:14 PM »
i do it cuz the lady likes it and because it's fun to get laid.

Aren't you married? LOL

Don Jacob

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Re: Who here goes to the gym consistently?
« Reply #51 on: March 20, 2008, 01:43:32 PM »
i do it cuz the lady likes it and because it's fun to get laid.

Aren't you married? LOL

singular not plural and we're not married yet.

R.I.P.  To my Queen and Princess 07-05-09


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Re: Who here goes to the gym consistently?
« Reply #52 on: March 20, 2008, 01:45:40 PM »
So you wouldn't get laid by your own lady if you weren't hitting the gym?


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Re: Who here goes to the gym consistently?
« Reply #53 on: March 20, 2008, 02:25:02 PM »
I enjoy jogging a great deal, and it gives me pretty much the same feeling a workout used to give me when I was into that stuff. Running can be exhausting, it's a great way to keep your body in shape, you'll exercise plenty of practical muscles and you can see the progress as you go.

I could easily change this to - I enjoy lifting a great deal, and it gives me pretty much the same feeling a workout used to give me when I was into that stuff. Lifting can be exhausting, it's a great way to keep your body in shape, you'll exercise plenty of practical muscles and you can see the progress as you go.

I used to run a lot, but in the last 4 years I have suffered with shin injuries, so I run now basically to burn excess fat and to be prepared for when I play other sports.
I ran 3 miles on Tuesday and the next day I could feel sharp shooting pains, this is a reason for me not to over train cardio.

The goals you make when running is the same goals I am working towards when I am lifting.

You don't need an expensive gym subscription for that!

I work out at home, it cost a bit to buy the equipment for my needs, but it's a lot more practical.

But really, do you think it'll have that much of an influence on your body to 'eat clean' six days a week?

Certainly. Me eating Salmon Fillets is a lot better for my health than eating a McDonalds meal with 72g of fat in a double cheeseburger meal. It's a year to the week when i was in Cancun that I last ate from McDonalds.

There's only one thing in life you will always have and that's your body, so apart from alcohol - which I will never give up - I want to look after my body as best as possible.