DUBCC - Tha Connection > Outbound Connection


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Cliche, you rating LL's album is of course not gonna be accurate, cuz you hate shit like what he is doing right now?  I mean, Luv U Better is a tight love song, i think it is great for what LL is trying to do.  ITs not supposed to be underground or hardcore or whatver, but thats fine cuz that is what ll has always done.

As for the rest, they might suck but no way they can be as bad as you say they are!  Your ratings are often a LITTLE off (if i recall you gave MJ's last album 10/10 when you reviewed it)....

I'm not trying to be an asshole by the way, but i just gotta put my two cents in..........this is probably just not your kinda music anymore, so i hope noone trusts your opinion on this.  


why would a negative opinion be any less relevant than a positive one?  its just my feeling on his new work.  people are free to disagree, as we often do.  All LL does now is make tracks for the ladies, which is fine, but it just doesnt feel like he's bringing anything new anymore. how many times can you make the same joint? if someone came along and mixed up the love songs on this album i probably couldn't tell them apart.  LL always does enough to show that the talent is still there (10 million stars, big momma) but after Mr Smith the overall level of his shit has gone down, down, down.

i never said that a negative opinion is necessarily worse than a positive one (thats why i brought up the MJ rating)!

AS for making the same song over and over again ,it seems everyone (even underground) does this.......

yeah i gave MJs a 10 on first listen, i'd still give it a 9 now, simply because a couple of songs don't appeal to me as much anymore...

a lot of artists do make the same song over and over.. and its annoying... but at least its generally covered up by some variation in production or style... seriously... there's about 6 songs from this album that sound like different versions of each other... just makes me sad.

.:Hercy Buggz:.:
its a tight album im gonna buy this 4 sho


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