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Method Man's Tical 0


What the hell happend to this album?  I saw a couple ads for it but that must of been well over a year ago and I haven't heard anything in a long time.  I think that it was supposed to be released around the same time as Malpractice, but that obviously didn't happen.

Anyone heard anything?

Thats what im wondering too........Method Man needs to drop a new album..........Tical is tight!!!!! one of the best from the east coast!!!

Young Dan Iza:
method man said the reason his new cd hasnt dropped yet is because too many good playstation 2 games have been comin out lately


--- Quote ---method man said the reason his new cd hasnt dropped yet is because too many good playstation 2 games have been comin out lately
--- End quote ---

haha yea I remember that.
Tical 0 was sposed to drop right after Malpractice, but then they dropped "How High OST" a little bit later instead.
Def Jam even payed ads for it in lotsa mag'z too..
The word is that they wanna have it to X-mas time, but Red said once in a interview that they could care less when Def Jam wants a album or not.
Red: "When I feel like making a album, I make the f*****g album"
I guess Meth got the same attitude.
Early 2003 if you axe me..


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