Author Topic: what´s yall problem with me?  (Read 303 times)


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what´s yall problem with me?
« on: June 06, 2008, 05:00:53 AM »
whats the reason yall hate me?


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Re: what´s yall problem with me?
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2008, 05:08:29 AM »
“We hate everything! Everything sucks!”

    ~ Americans on Hate

“We hate everything American! Everything American sucks!”

    ~ Haters on America

“Everyone hates me!”

    ~ You on Everyone

“Everyone hates you!”

    ~ Everyone on You

“I hate Alex”

    ~ DC on Hate

“Yeah well I hate your mom”

    ~ Alex on Hate

“Don't hate, appreciate!”

    ~ Hippies on Hate

“In Soviet Russia, everyone hates YOU!!”

    ~ Russian Reversal on Hate

“I just wanted to share with you a few things I hate. I hate everyone here, I hate everyone who isn't here, I hate everyone who is currently breathing, I hate people who aren't currently breathing. I hate everyone who's had a face, anyone who has ever had a dog, anyone who has ever had a cat, anyone who has ever worn cloths, everyone who hasn't worn cloths, anyone who's ever been in existence: I hate them. In fact, I hate you, while you're reading this paragraph with your fattening snacks and your tiny little cold soda that you just got out of your cheap, ancient refrigerator that’s located in your mom's basement where you live because you're an obese, unattractive thirty-five year old. I want you to think about this: how I hate you so freaking much that... I FUCKING HATE YOU. I know what I'll do, I'll kill you, I'll kill your family, I'll kill everyone you've ever loved, I'll kill EVERYONE, including people who shouldn't even be dead. I'll bring them back to life and kill them. I hate you.”

    ~ Dark Lord Kageryushin on Hate

Hate is one of the little joys in life which is still not taxed, or made more cheaply by slave labor in Chinese sweat-shops.
[edit] A "Brief" History Of The Origins of Hate
Hate is sponsored by Saddam Industries, the family company
Hate is sponsored by Saddam Industries, the family company

Once upon a time deep in the happy forest, beyond the nectar falls, past the gumdrop houses, and down in sweety valley there lived a kind old gnome who grew the most delicious candied carrots that ever could be grown. Well one day Finkle the Rabbit and his friends sniffed out the succulent scent of these delicious orange delicacies, and helped themselves to their fill of candied carrots.

Late in the day when the Gnome, Gnomey G. Gnomestein returned from town from a long day of shopping for women's undergarments for purposes he would rather not discuss, he was dismayed to find his carrot patch decimated. 'Oh me oh my! Who would eat all my candied carrots that took a whole season to grow?!? Ah, Woe is me.'

'Woe is you is right, you selfish motherfucker. Damn straight we got our eat on with your carrots, how you like me now bitch?' Yelled Finkle the Rabbit, a regular rotten young rigger of a rabbit. Then they gave Gnomey the middle digit and ran off. Gnomey did not know what do do, he had never had anyone steal from him before, as he was quite generous, and being called selfish stunned him.

And since the anger grew in him and he could not catch the rabbits to punish them, his sadness turned to anger, and retribution thwarted, his anger turned into a new feeling; murderous rage. Not only had they stolen from him, they had taunted, humiliated and snickered at him, then ran away like cowards. This caused the core of his being to light up like a white hot poker, in a way he had not way to describe. In his rantings to relieve himself of the anger (As Gnomes should never be angry) he screamed gibberish of which one word was hate.

Hate was the word he and the world would from now on use.

He then went inside and tuned up his crossbow with the poison bolts, hoping soon to skewer a young rabbit in the face.

To be continued...
[edit] But wait! There's more to come...

Bogus pseudo-scientist's and alternative spiritual guru's predict, in the future hate technology will advance to the point where we will be able to power automobiles, lawnmowers and vibrators with the sheer power of hatred. Sith Lords will be paid handsomely to sit in power plants and just think about that guy who AWP'ed him on Counterstrike.

In addition, we will be using the worlds surplus hate to export to help feed the Martian-masses on Mars. Actually I meant grapes, but I am not strong in the area of speling. Or in fruit-lore or astrology. Or in anythin', foh'rÂt's matter.

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Naomi Chimpskin lecturing on Hatred from his enclosure at MIT (Monkey Institute of Twaddle).
Naomi Chimpskin lecturing on Hatred from his enclosure at MIT (Monkey Institute of Twaddle).

Hate or Hatred is a powerful feeling of distaste, enmity, or antipathy. It is associated with a strong need to denigrate or destroy the hated object, and is closely associated with intolerance and even violence. It is measured in Hatez (Hz). It is also the emo equivalent of love.

There is some controversy about the etymology of the modern English word, but the well-informed will agree that it derives from the Old German Hyssen undt Byworden - an early form of hate speech about the Jews.[1]

Don't be fooled by old No-Aim Chimpface, that fork-tongued linguist (or feck-lingued toungeist). He and his Smart-Alecademc pals claim Hatred originated from the Old Norse/Viking hwatchet-jobb. Rubbish. That crap-stirring, pox-riddled, idiot-witted son of a bum-faced simian Jewboy is using his Sandwich Acquisition Device theory to butter up the establishment and smear hardworking writers who are forced to make a name by writing rubbish for a Feeble Establishment like this. This SAD rubbish, first proposed by Num Chompsticks, is a primitive native theory of sandwich acquisition, which asserts that humans are born with the instinct for acquiring toasted sandwiches. He's even got those lunatic left-wing sulphur-smelling bastards on his side. Just let me catch him editing this page and I'll show him what a hatchet-job really is.

Sorry. I do tend to get a bit annoyed sometimes. But let's get back to the topic, full of joy, smiles, and the love of humanity, tra-la!

    * 1 Ancient Hatred
    * 2 Middle-Aged Hatred
    * 3 The Crucibles, a play on Hatred
    * 4 Modern Hatred
    * 5 Measurements of Hatred
    * 6 References

[edit] Ancient Hatred

There is some evidence that Hatred has existed for millennia. The earliest written reference is from the ancient Book of Odium, which is reliably dated about six thousand years ago:
   And the High Sheikh of Ab-horrence, Al Psd-Orf the Mighty, smote the Indfidel as they fled screaming from that place, and did shout Get thee hence, thou lying Satans, before I set fire to thee. [2]    

Of course No-brain Chimpwit claims it's a CIA forgery. He's got some crazy theory that Islam didn't exist six thousand years ago. That commie Raghead-loving bastard.

Actually the Ragheads don't have a corner on hatred. The Jewish and Christian scriptures are also full of it. Think of Able, who beat Baalam's Ass to death with his brother's Cane. He made a real mess of pottage of that relationship, and all because god preferred smelly burned sheep fat to healthy vegetarian food. No wonder Nietzsche says god is dead, he probably died of arteriosclerosis brought on by Crossness and the failure of his Trinity Bypass.

And look at this picture of Holofernes having his head sliced off with a sharp knife. He was an innocent Babylonian soldier who was taken in by Judith, a vicious but beautiful Jewish femme-fatale. Incidentally, the guy who painted this picture, Caravannio, was a swaggering Italian criminal who murdered his girl-friend's pimp by cutting off his testicles and letting him bleed to death. The Italians haven't changed much since the 17th century.

Of course the Old Man himself is brim-stoning over with Hatred. His masterful handling of Sodoff and Gonorrea is a fine example of how to deal with people you hate. Many great men have followed the Old Man's lead, including Harry Trueman, whose bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were positied on intelligence reports that Japan was full of gays. We know now that the reports may not have been entirely correct, but hey, those Japs had it coming. Even if they weren't already gay, who's to say they wouldn't have become perverts if Realman hadn't saved them from themselves?

The Old Man's latest intimate friend, Georgeous George has done nearly as well with fomenting Hatred in the world. He's made lots of stinky, smokey Hate bangs against Sodom Hus-anus, the Tally-Ho and Al-Queerder. He's only waiting for some intelligently designed reports that North Korea and Iran are populated by married gays (with Nucular families). Then it'll be Fire, Brimstone, and Depleted Uranium time until everyone's free and fair-skinned!

But the Old Man is not all bad. He obviously also hates Moan Arksky - why else would he condemn him to forty days and nights in a leaky tubfull of wild sea-sick animals and no toilets? He may be full of Hatred, but he does have a sense of humour.
[edit] Middle-Aged Hatred

Middle-aged people don't like witches and heretics much, but they Hate adolescents with a venomous passion.

The Middle-Aged Society invented the Holy Inquisition, which Holy Mothers and Holy Fathers still use to this day to sniff out Axes of Mediaeval. The preferred inquisatorial method is Trial by Tribunal (or the Holy Trinity, composed of Mother, Father and Grandmother), in which the accused is pelted with Fire, Brimstone, and Regime Change, i.e. grounding for a million years.

A classic play on words by Henry Miller, "The Crusades" is an excellent self-help guide to conducting inquisitions and persectutions. It explains how to conduct a witch-hunt on little (but compelling) evidence. Gorgeous George has used it with great success against Salem Whosesane, changing a regime of vicious Baathtards into a wild explosion of uncontrolled multi-faceted Hatred. This is known as "just" war, because it isn't really war. And if it is war, at least it's civil. Georgie-boy is using the Salem witch-hunt method, with an added Kafka-esqe "The Trial"[1] spin, to the enemy combatants in Guantanamo Bay.

So popular has this form of Hatred become that the term "Middle-East Hatred" is gradually replacing the old-fashioned "Middle-Aged Hatred".
[edit] The Crucibles, a play on Hatred
Ms Racial Lynch-Mob enlightening the world with a burning cross.
Ms Racial Lynch-Mob enlightening the world with a burning cross.

The Cruciforms were conducted in the Salem way for Ages in the Dark, and gave rise to the Lights of the Temper-Tantrum, a necessary invention in the light of the Darkness of the Middle Ages. There were three Crucifixes altogether, including the Children's Crucifiction, during which thousands of adolescents marched against the Orders of the Holy Family ("Get out of my way before I set fire to you!"), and were suitably chastened. Their charred remains are believed to have been Mummified and thrown into the bottomless Pit of Hell.

The last CruelSade, known as the Ku Klux Krusade, was led by Ms Racial Lynch-mob, who enlightened the United States by removing some dark people with the aid of burning crossness (or Lights of the Temper), thus lighting the way further into the Dark Ages.
[edit] Modern Hatred

What do you want to know? OK, Clever-Clogs, you answer these questions:

    * Do Americans hate everything?

    * Do everyone hate Americans?

    * Do the Irish hate the English, and do the English hate the Irish?

    * Does the Christian Wrong hate any word that begins with Lib, including Libraries?

    * Do the Pakis and Indians glare at each other over the border, threatening Fire and Brimstone and Atomic Warfare?

    * Do teenagers slam doors against their loving parents?

    * Do women hate men for having penises and being aggressive?

    * Do men hate women for being femme-fatales, and for turning the children against them?

    * Do the Greeks and Turks hate each other?

    * Do the Tibetans hate the Chinese?

    * Do dogs hate cats?

    * Do the Irish protestants hate the catholics and vice versa?

    * Do the Arabs hate each other, but hate Israel more?

    * Do the Iranians despise the Arabs?

    * Do Fear lead to hate,hate lead to anger,anger lead to worshiping Bush and beliving uncyclopedia is pure fiction.
    * Does the whole world (except poor Tony Blair, who's lost it anyway) hate the USA?

    * Does Kathryn Smith hate all non-Jewish people?

    * Does Sasuke lack hatred? Yes, he does.

I rest my case. Now get out of my way before I set fire to you.
[edit] Measurements of Hatred

Nowadays, hatred is measured on the Raymond Scale. The SI unit of hatred is the Hatez (Hz), of which the average human contains anywhere between 500Hz-15kHz. It is estimated that the amount of hatred required to actually kill a hated person is 50kHz, and containing levels in excess of this is now recognised as the cause of all murder. It is estimated that the human body will actually burst into flames if it contains more than 7MHz.

These are average hatred levels and their effect on a subject according to the Raymond Scale:-

   1. 0-100Hz- minimal hatred; subject still friendly towards object of hatred.
   2. 100Hz-1kHz- slight hatred; subject moans about object behind its back.
   3. 1kHz-10kHz- moderate hatred; subject openly declares its distaste for object, even in front of said object.
   4. 10kHz-20kHz- strong hatred; bordering on the obsessive; subject takes to shouting at object and keeps thinking about how much it hates it.
   5. 20kHz-50kHz- insane, almost murderous hatred; given the opportunity, subject lashes out towards object.
   6. 50kHz-1MHz- psychopathic hatred; subject becomes extremely dangerous and violent towards object.
   7. 1MHz-7MHz- rabid, incensed hatred; subject reduced to gibbering wreck at the very idea of the object being mentioned. Subject may also be known to flee home village and seek power under the tutelage of a snake-obsessed pedophile.
   8. 7MHz+ subject a splode.

[edit] References

   1. ↑ Then will Israel be a proverb and a byword among all people, especially the Axis of Evil, yea, even the Palestinians, and particularly Hezbollah and Hamas: And every suicide bomber that passeth by Israel shall be exploded, and shall hiss; and they shall say, Why did not the Nazis finish them off? Kaiser III, Ch 9, v 7 - 8).
   2. ↑ Book of Odium, now in the Museum of True Luve, Paris
« Last Edit: June 06, 2008, 05:10:05 AM by Dre-Day »


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Re: what´s yall problem with me?
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2008, 05:33:29 AM »
Lol, u take it all too personally, we don't even know you as a person, u need to chill!



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Re: what´s yall problem with me?
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2008, 06:01:44 AM »
youre not dead yet. geez.


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Re: what´s yall problem with me?
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2008, 06:10:25 AM »
Lol, u take it all too personally, we don't even know you as a person, u need to chill!
im chillin  8)

Bedford Iz Active

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Re: what´s yall problem with me?
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2008, 06:28:16 AM »
1) Your screen name. Dubcc's most hated? That gives me the impression you've accepted your imaginary role as most hated and want to embrace it. This has further 'demoted' your karma.

2) That topic, about what do we think of you. My moneys on ANYONE who makes a topic like that, a majority of replies (at least more than 5) will say something negative. It goes without saying son, don't make topics like that if you know the feedback won't be good.

3) That suicide topic, it didn't win you any points on the respect meter.

In reality no one hates you, it's just if you portray yourself as an unpositive member of the community, you're bound to gain the reputation you're giving yourself.
Boy Better Know I roll deep with the Nastiest crew, i'm P-Money but i'm O.Gz too"



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Re: what´s yall problem with me?
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2008, 08:31:41 AM »
^ i see but .. i changed my name after i saw my karma.if they "diss" me all the time, it means they don´t like me,so i made fun of it (because of my karma -34).so its not like "wow, look how bad member i am, ima bad boy,etc.".


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Re: what´s yall problem with me?
« Reply #7 on: June 06, 2008, 10:06:42 AM »
this board is full of haters... dorks from the UK trying to talk about rap hahahahah good luck pussys

Johnny B

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Re: what´s yall problem with me?
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2008, 10:58:58 AM »
I don't have a problem with anyone on this forum.


Re: what´s yall problem with me?
« Reply #9 on: June 06, 2008, 11:58:52 AM »
dorks from the UK trying to talk about rap hahahahah good luck pussys

Fuck you.


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Re: what´s yall problem with me?
« Reply #10 on: June 06, 2008, 12:54:49 PM »

<a href=";hl=en" target="_blank" class="new_win">;hl=en</a>


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Re: what´s yall problem with me?
« Reply #11 on: June 06, 2008, 01:05:28 PM »
this board is full of haters... dorks from the UK trying to talk about rap hahahahah good luck pussys

i bet 90% of these EU-kids (like me) know much more than you about hip-hop.


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Re: what´s yall problem with me?
« Reply #12 on: June 06, 2008, 01:06:57 PM »

<a href=";hl=en" target="_blank" class="new_win">;hl=en</a>
8) ;D

Sir Petey

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Re: what´s yall problem with me?
« Reply #13 on: June 06, 2008, 01:19:58 PM »
this board is full of haters... dorks from the UK trying to talk about rap hahahahah good luck pussys much skill and natural ability do you need to observe  and comment on music?