Author Topic: Trick Daddy: Historical Thug: Part 1 n 2  (Read 366 times)


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Trick Daddy: Historical Thug: Part 1 n 2
« on: August 15, 2002, 06:22:16 AM »
What’s the deal with Trick Daddy and this underlying thug revolutionary I see budding?

I don't never tell people I'm American. I tell em I'm from America, everybody talkin’ bout they goin’ back to Africa, I ain’t never been to Africa. I'm not African. I haven't been to Africa. My family, my background, my forefathers. I don't know. We coulda been Indians. We coulda been anything. But I'm Niggerodin. I'm Niggerodin. And that's spelled N-I-G-G-E-R, not N-I-G-G-A either. I'm Niggerodin cause I'm what the crackers want to make me but I make for myself.

So you just makin’ something up?

I do a lot of reading and research back in the days and everybody wanna talk about slavery this and that. Like Abraham Lincoln, they say he freed the slaves. He freed the slaves only to settle. Then he changed the rules and made it where it was 90 some percent of black people in prison. Then he made it where you could sell your prisoners to the same plantation where you was originally freed from a year prior, they arrested you for anything. Petty theft, they getting 20, 15 years conviction and what they was doing is renting the niggers back to the old plantation owners.

Man I didn't know that, Trick.

See there's a lot of shit that they don't tell you. They say that Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves, but when he did free the slaves he aint have no motherfuckin’ choice.

So you wouldn't have been a good slave?

No man, all masters children would have been mixed. They would been my chillern. They did a lot of shit that we let them do and I say we cause me as a black person, I'm responsible for the black race because I'm one of ‘em.

Do you think white people are scared of you?

I think they more scared of theyselves. They scared of what they did to me. When I say me, like I was sayin’ our forefathers. I don't know nothin’ bout slavery. When I say cracker, I mean the police, when I say nigger I mean homey or homeboy.

Do you think that you fall into any stereotypes, like with your last song, “I'm a Thug?”

It's just like downstairs when I was coming in, one of these security men knew Amber [employee of Atlantic], knew her well. She waved at him, like they with me. But there was one more with them that wanted to be like, “HEY. I was like I'm with her.” And she was like, “He with me.” And he coulda said "Amber, you gotta sign him in. But he was like "You NOT with her yet until you sign this paper." So I went “Motherfu**er what is you screamin for?” Now we lookin’ all odd cause you walked up to me screamin’, now I'm screamin’ too.

Can't win for losing, huh?

If it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have none.

Talk about your struggles coming up.

I went to prison at age 14. On my 15th birthday I was getting fingerprinted and put in the system. It's like I had growed up not sayin Mama or Daddy I need this it's like Mama you get the girls stuff, I'ma get the boys stuff. My Mama had 8 boys and 3 girls. My mama had it easy. And when she had an 8th grade education, I took care of the boys. It was more of them.

You're the oldest?

Nah I'm the second oldest. I have a sister. She got pregnant when she was 13. She had 5 when she was 21, which we took care of all of them.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »


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Re: Trick Daddy: Historical Thug: Part 1 n 2
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2002, 06:22:52 AM »
You said your Mom had it easy? Why do you say that?

She had it easy because, she had her ,uhh , mind still. You got 11 children from 10 different men, all of them healthy, all of them smart, you come from a family where your uncles and cousins try to molest you. You come from Carolina. She come from Carolina where back in the woods back in Carolina, Georgia, them old men that's why they sick now, that's why they got that scoliosis. They were fu**ing they family man, that's where retardation comes from man!

Incest was prevalent in your family?

That happened with all black people who came through Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and South Carolina. Anybody that stayed within a mile was kin to you.

That's crazy.


Did you know these people?

I don't even deal with my family like that. I deal with my immediate family, mother, father, brothers and sisters. I seen my Mama's daddy like twice in my life. One time he knew who I was, the other time he spoke.

Have any of them tried to contact you lately?

I don't care nothin’ about them. I love my Mama, my Daddy and my brothers and sisters.

So is your mom still alive?

Yeah I bought my mama a house. She was fortunate and lucky enough to have a son as smart as me. ‘Cause right now I don't believe my older sister could carry the family. I would do whatever I gotta do to carry my family, I don't give a f**k if it was sellin drugs. If I lost my voice today, I'ma be the hardest crack slangin’ motherfu**er you ever seen in your life. They ain’t gonna have to set me up then.

You just mentioned that you were the smartest person in your family. Some people think that you’re not smart.

Ain’t no way they gonna think I'm not smart when I got more than they ever seen or got or imagine they can have. I got to be smart if I got more than I ever imagined I would have. I didn't expect myself to be 21 years old. I went to prison at the age of 14 years old for trafficking cocaine, and look where I'm at now. I got to be smart. I ain’t make it past the 9th grade.

Do you think that's the case with a lot of rappers? Obviously we know it, you don't get this far without being smart.

See that's one thing about it. You can't judge a book by its cover. Some of us are better than others, aint none of us better than all of us. I can probably count better than you, but you probably have a better reading comprehension ability. I remember when I was in prison, the lady asked me if I ever thought about suicide. I was like suicide, what you mean. She was like killing yourself. I was like ‘yeah,’ and she looked at me like I was crazy. I say, “You didn't?”

Since you are so smart, let me ask you a question about your partner Trina. Is it true she's going with Missy?

I don't know, I think they fu**in.’ I don't know, they might be, they might not be fu**in no more. Trina tri-sexual, I'm from the try state. Always try new things where I'm from all day. For me to say I would have to see it. Now ask me if I ever seen Trina fuck a girl, not this interview, ask me next time.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »