Author Topic: Exclusive:Interview With Young Malice (Scarface Protege/The Product/One Hunid)  (Read 81 times)


Young Malice, a young spitter straight out of Jackson, Mississippi recently gave myself the blessed opportunity to speak with him regarding many musical and non-musical issues.


This Scarface protege who is one half of "The Product" is currently prepping many projects which includes a solo debut and a follow up to the critically acclaimed "One Hunid" group album alongaide the other half of The Product, Willie Hen.


Read all about that and more in this exclusive question and answer session!

Q: We’re here with Young Malice, one half of the product. How’s it going?

I’m doing really well; good to be checking in with you.


Q: I appreciate your time.

No problem.


Q: Start us off by informing everyone on how The Product group came about.

I don’t know if you have enough time (laughs) it’s a long story. Basically, Scarface was looking for some new cats. It started when I and Scarface were working on some songs and we decided to put a group together. He and I were already two of the parts we really needed and we felt like we needed to add another element; that’s where Will Hen came in. There you have the “One Hunnid” album.


Q: So you were with Scarface before Willie Hen?

Yeah I was dealing with Brad (Scarface) about two years before The Product album even came into being. Me and Brad (Scarface) were just really good friends; it was a relationship that had started before we put The Product together.


Q: How did yourself and Scarface discover Will Hen?

There’s a producer that goes by the name of Tone Capone. Tone (Capone) and Scarface have been working together for a long time. Tone mentioned Will (Hen) to Brad (Scarface) and took it from there. He brought Will Hen’s demo to the studio and Scarface loved how (Will) Hen sounded so we just took it from there.


Q: Are you happy with how the “One Hunnid” album came out?

I’m really happy about how it came out. In the music industry, you have to take certain steps to get where you want to be and the “One Hunnid” album was a major step that a new artist can take coming into the game. The way it was received and the way that the people dealt with it, it was everything we could ask for.


Q: It was a great album.

Thank you, thank you very much.


Q: No problem. The group has been a bit quite since then; what have you two been up to?

Hen I have been recording, putting songs together. I’ve also been working on my solo album. I’m a perfectionist with this music, so I’m not the kind of guy to rush into anything. We’ve been laid back waiting to for this business to get right; when the business is right, everything falls into place the way it’s supposed to. We’ve been basically relaxing a bit, soaking it all in. We’re working again now, so it’s cool.


Q: So another Product group album is in the works?

Oh yeah, yeah. We’re negotiating right now. It was more of a business situation than anything. The music is there, the music is ready to go. The business has to consign with the music.


Q: Is it label business?

Yeah, it’s…a little bit…its label business and the industry. You have to hear the streets; you know how the industry works a little bit. It’s a situation where you want that creative control when you go into the studio and us being the artists that we are, we need that freedom and backing. For the music that we’re creating, you need a certain backing to go with it.


The first time around, I feel like the music was classic; but certain business wasn’t where it was suppose to be. While the album did well, it could have been better.


Q: So are you speaking with the amount of promotion the album received? Or lack of?

Yeah or lack of (laughs). The album promoted itself should I say. The people had been waiting on some authentic music for so long. If you got your hands on the “One Hunnid” album it was likely that someone handed it out or you just ran across it.  It could have been a lot better, but I’m pleased the way it worked out. If you hear the album, you understand it’s a different sound.


Q: Yeah the music was so great. Don’t misunderstand me; I was talking about the amount of label promotion.

Right, right, ofcourse.


Q: What do you anticipate being released first – the second Product group album or your solo?

We’re looking into it right now. I’m definitely looking forward to putting out the new Product album. It’s whatever the people say. We are more for the people than anything; I’m more for the people than I am for myself. I want people to have something that they can ride around to and bump in their cars; something they can listen to on their own.


There are certain albums you can’t even be proud enough to tell people you’re listening to (laughs) you know there are certain albums you don’t want to tell people that you bought (laughs).


If you tell people you got that new Product album, everybody has a smile on there face when you mention it. That’s what I’m looking for; I’m looking to put that project out.


Q: Do any of those projects have a title at this time?

I don’t want to say right now, but we have a few nice catchy names on the table. It’s definitely going to be something really catchy when we decide on what we’re going to do with it.


Q: You released a mixtape last year “The Bold New City” mixtape. Since some things are still in negotiations with the label albums, can we expect any new mixtapes soon?

The mixtape thing is cool, but I feel like people burnt it out so bad. It was cool at first when the mixtape game got cranking, but certain people just abused it; putting out four or five mixtapes out a week (laughs). It kind of left a sour taste in some people’s mouths. It’s cool to keep your music out there but sometimes people can abuse it. The next thing you know, something that was new and fresh is something that was old. That’s basically how I feel about the mixtape game. It’s cool, but once people over saturate it and put out twenty mixtapes in two weeks, that isn’t cool with me.


Q: I get that. Scarface had a big role in the first Product album, will he have a similar hand in the second?

Face will be incorporated in it. On this next Product album, we plan on reaching out to people in the industry that we have strong ties with. We didn’t really have too many features on the first album and that was all by grand design. On this one, there are certain people that we want to incorporate into the picture.


Q: Can you speak on any names at this time?

We’re definitely looking forward to Nas coming through. He’s been trying to catch up with us and we’ve been trying to catch up with him; hopefully will get a chance to work with him this time. I want to bring Rick Ross through; I and Ross have history - A couple more cats; something with Bun B who’s one of my favorite artists. That’s off the top of my head, which could all change.


Q: That’s a hot lineup. This may take you back a bit, but what was your initial reaction when you were discovered by Scarface?

That did take me back (laughs). It’s a lot of people that wish they had the opportunity to just meet him or to have him (Scarface) just tell you your music is great. In my case, he respects my talent and who I am as a person; more than anything, he respects who I am as a person first and the music comes second. He and I; I love his music but I respect him as a person first. That is the terms that we’re on. We’re friends first; music is secondary.


Q: what’s the most important lesson you’ve learned from working with someone of Scarface’s stature?

The most important I’ve learned is that trust nobody in this industry (laughs).


Q: Scarface sure has had his ups and down in the music industry.

Oh yeah, ofcourse. The industry is going to teach you to believe in self. You can’t ride anybody else in this game; you can’t look for any handouts. It’s all about believing in you. That’s what it all boils down to at the end of the day. If you believe in your music and what you’re doing, everything else will fall into place. Scarface has given me everything I need to take it to that next level. That’s what we’re looking at right now and that’s what I’ve learned; to believe in self.


Q: I appreciate your time Malice. Do you have any last words for the fans?

I want to say thank you. To all the people, be ready. Be on the lookout for the new Product album, look out for the Young Malice album coming really soon. Keep your eyes open, it’s on the way. Keep your ears and your eyes open; will be there in a minute. I know everybody’s been waiting, will be there.
 8) 8) 8)

« Last Edit: June 14, 2008, 12:18:27 PM by Adon »
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Great interview


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nice work my friend...



^ahhhhhh yeeeeee styles 8)
Co-Director of Site Content For Raptalk.Net
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  • Barracuda With It.
Cool little interview.

The 1st Product album was good so I'm looking forward to hearing some new material from them.