Author Topic: I'm done with this alias shit...for real  (Read 2314 times)


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I'm done with this alias shit...for real
« on: June 22, 2008, 09:12:05 AM »
(For those who don't know, I'm the dude who used to go by Foday-muh'fuckin-Sankoh, Allah Is Going To Kill Ron Paul In 2008!, Ellsworth "Bumpy" Johnson, and a whole bunch of other names over the years.)

So yeah, I'm not going to come up with all these aliases anymore where I act a black nationalist and militant who kills white people and hacks off people's arms with a machete. Cause obviously, I'm not anything like that in real life (if this surprises you at all, go talk to your parents; they've got some bad news for you about Santa Claus). Some of what I've said about myself is true, but most of it is obviously a persona which represents little more than a caricature of the rappers I've listened to, who do promote the doctrine of the NOI, Black Panthers, Five Percenters, etc. I don't have any problem with white people (or Jews, or Asians, or Mexicans); in fact, I have plenty of white friends cause I'm in grad school and an ex-career rower.

I'll admit that what I've been doing was totally immature, especially considering my age, but I started doing it as a joke when people used to react over-sensitively to some of my (non-racist) comments and I just started having too much fun with it after that. I think my eyes were opened up when J Bananas came clean, and I sorta realized that it was time I did the same. A couple of you (people who have PMed me) already know all of this, of course, but quite a few don't. One thing I did find funny was how seriously Elior/Now_I_Know took me. While he didn't actually think I was a black militant, he did think I was actually serious about trying to convince people that I was, when anyone with common sense knew that I was just trying to get a rise out of people like him. Same applies to retards like Antonio (or whatever he calls himself), Looney, etc.

BTW, if you want my real opinion, I think that Islam, and all the black nationalist offshoots of it, is the most fucked-up religion ever. At one point, I actually did consider converting to Islam (when I was about 15 or so) to piss off my uptight Christian-convert parents, but I backed off when some of the brothers at the mosque started telling me I had to give up listening to music because according to them, music is har'aam (forbidden). I realize it's a matter of much debate amongst practicing Muslims, but the fact that these cats were trying so hard to tell me what to do in the first place was what annoyed me.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2008, 09:14:48 AM by No More Aliases »


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Re: I'm done with this alias shit...for real
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2008, 10:55:15 AM »
I never once took you seriously or thought you were tryna convince anyone... I just always thought it was a really lame and unfunny alias. Sorry if that hurt your feelings. I hope now that you realize what a huge waste of time it was.

PS...other dude did a much better JOB than you.


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Re: I'm done with this alias shit...for real
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2008, 11:00:46 AM »
I never once took you seriously or thought you were tryna convince anyone... I just always thought it was a really lame and unfunny alias. Sorry if that hurt your feelings. I hope now that you realize what a huge waste of time it was.

PS...other dude did a much better JOB than you.

That's isn't what you used to say. Don't forget all your lame-ass psychoanalysis bullshit you used to do.

It was funny while it lasted. I certainly don't regret annoying the pussies like you.


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Re: I'm done with this alias shit...for real
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2008, 11:09:42 AM »
I never once took you seriously or thought you were tryna convince anyone... I just always thought it was a really lame and unfunny alias. Sorry if that hurt your feelings. I hope now that you realize what a huge waste of time it was.

PS...other dude did a much better JOB than you.

That's isn't what you used to say. Don't forget all your lame-ass psychoanalysis bullshit you used to do.

It was funny while it lasted. I certainly don't regret annoying the pussies like you.

My only analysis was that you were a bored human being with no life...LOL. If you remember correctly, you acknowledged many times that it was a big joke, but you kept at it. Made me realize how lame someone can be.


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Re: I'm done with this alias shit...for real
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2008, 11:43:16 AM »
Change Your Name Too "Allah Will Kill Y´all When The Judgement Day Comes, Crackers!!"

J Bananas

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Re: I'm done with this alias shit...for real
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2008, 12:11:25 PM »
so what was your original original name?


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Re: I'm done with this alias shit...for real
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2008, 12:43:38 PM »
My only analysis was that you were a bored human being with no life...LOL. If you remember correctly, you acknowledged many times that it was a big joke, but you kept at it. Made me realize how lame someone can be.

Revising history as usual, Elior?  Do I need to start digging up some old quotes to remind you of the kind of shit you used to say?  Take this topic for example:

Kid, you try convincing people online that you're a black activist awaiting a revolution...

Can you honestly say you're real? I highly doubt it.

Do I even need to remind you how often you used to criticize me for "not being real" on here? shit, I'm not being "real", takes you that long to figure it out? And fact are the last person on this board who needs to be using the insult that I "have no life". I was dead fuckin serious when I pointed out how much more active you are on here than me, and how much more this board means to you than it does to me. Yeah, I post on here when I'm bored. Don't we all? Isn't that pretty much the point of message boards in the first place?

so what was your original original name?

Beats the shit out of me; I don't even remember anymore. The ones I listed above are the only ones I remember.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2008, 12:58:05 PM by No More Aliases »


Re: I'm done with this alias shit...for real
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2008, 01:07:22 PM »
i almost knew it  :P
i never seen him make any serious comments im confused is he an alias or not ?


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Re: I'm done with this alias shit...for real
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2008, 02:14:57 PM »
what a surprise


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Re: I'm done with this alias shit...for real
« Reply #9 on: June 22, 2008, 02:22:49 PM »
My only analysis was that you were a bored human being with no life...LOL. If you remember correctly, you acknowledged many times that it was a big joke, but you kept at it. Made me realize how lame someone can be.

Revising history as usual, Elior?  Do I need to start digging up some old quotes to remind you of the kind of shit you used to say?  Take this topic for example:

Kid, you try convincing people online that you're a black activist awaiting a revolution...

Can you honestly say you're real? I highly doubt it.

Do I even need to remind you how often you used to criticize me for "not being real" on here? shit, I'm not being "real", takes you that long to figure it out? And fact are the last person on this board who needs to be using the insult that I "have no life". I was dead fuckin serious when I pointed out how much more active you are on here than me, and how much more this board means to you than it does to me. Yeah, I post on here when I'm bored. Don't we all? Isn't that pretty much the point of message boards in the first place?

so what was your original original name?

Beats the shit out of me; I don't even remember anymore. The ones I listed above are the only ones I remember. point was that you're not a real person. Obviously, the alias wasn't real, but I was talking about YOU, as a human being. You hid behind some bullshit gimmick that was clearly fake, which makes you fake. That doesn't mean you were believable whatsoever, it just means you're a fake dude, in general. Get the point? LOL


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Re: I'm done with this alias shit...for real
« Reply #10 on: June 22, 2008, 02:51:14 PM » point was that you're not a real person. Obviously, the alias wasn't real, but I was talking about YOU, as a human being. You hid behind some bullshit gimmick that was clearly fake, which makes you fake. That doesn't mean you were believable whatsoever, it just means you're a fake dude, in general. Get the point? LOL

No, it just means I like pulling the chains of stupid people like yourself. And since YOU are actually the one who leads a trite, meaningless life (which is why you need to get high so much), you felt like you could be all high and mighty with your lame insults about "staying real".

"Keeping it real" on a message board...lest you forget, your attempts to "keep it real" have gone embarrassingly wrong like some shit out of a Dave sketch.


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Re: I'm done with this alias shit...for real
« Reply #11 on: June 22, 2008, 03:01:45 PM »
^you're still a fake piece of shit...why should anyone even take your opinion seriously? you're a fake ass gimmick. just because it's a message board doesn't mean you can't keep it real, loser...LOL


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Re: I'm done with this alias shit...for real
« Reply #12 on: June 22, 2008, 03:12:53 PM »
^you're still a fake piece of shit...why should anyone even take your opinion seriously? you're a fake ass gimmick. just because it's a message board doesn't mean you can't keep it real, loser...LOL

Being "real" implies I'm trying to impress people on here, the way you've been trying to do for years (in vain) whenever you brag about how you're some budding hip-hop entrepreneur, and how you've got street cred cause you got busted by One Time for weed possession.

Since I don't know anyone on here in real life (and don't much care to), I give a fuck because...why, exactly?


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Re: I'm done with this alias shit...for real
« Reply #13 on: June 22, 2008, 03:48:49 PM »
^  it doesn't get any more pathetic than YOU TWO of all people arguing


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Re: I'm done with this alias shit...for real
« Reply #14 on: June 22, 2008, 06:28:29 PM »
No one is arguing, the guy is just a dipshit...sorta like you.