Author Topic: U guys want government to protect you but who protects you from the protector?  (Read 568 times)

TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96'

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I find it ironic that Americans call on government to provide security and to protect them, but they never ask themselves who will protect them from the protector?  
What happens when the government you sought to provide your security then threatens your security?

What happens when the government you sought to protect you from crime becomes the criminal and steals from you?

All these things are happening right now as we speak.  The government steals nearly half our income through taxes.  

And the government threatens our security with false flag operations (gulf of tonkin to provoke Vietnam, prior knowledge of pearl harbor, controlled demolition of twin towers and biulding seven no audio footage of pentagon plane crash), illegal search and siezure invasions of privacy and property (even Obama supports unconstitutional wire tapping), telling you where you can send your kids to school (laws that force kids to attend dangerous and failing schools till age 16), violence against it's own citizens (gassing of 80 Branch Davidians in the Waco incident) whether u can have abortion or not, who you can get married too (in the case of gays, polygamy, age restrictions (see R. Kelly), etc.)) who you can sexual relations with (even Clinton got impeached and faced Federal charges for a blow job).... and on and on.

Government by nature is a coersive institution of force.  People need to stop looking to government to solve the World's problems.  They will only use the power you give them to reward their political friends and supporters/lobbyists and punish their enemies.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2008, 12:48:31 AM by Abdul-Infinite »
Givin' respect to 2pac September 7th-13th The Day Hip-Hop Died

(btw, Earth 🌎 is not a spinning water ball)

J Bananas

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you live in greater fear than the middle aged white lady from Kansas addicted to Fox News, just in the polar opposite to her...bipolar ass nigga


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All these things are happening right now as we speak.  The government steals nearly half our income through taxes.  

If you're in America in any state you pay a relatively small amount of taxes.

You might not agree with how the gov't spends it, but that's how it is. If I were in power I would cut on a lot of spendings too... but if it wasn't for taxes, you wouldn't have an infra structure, you wouldn't have police, etc.

TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96'

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you live in greater fear than the middle aged white lady from Kansas addicted to Fox News, just in the polar opposite to her...bipolar ass nigga

I don't fear the government.  That's not the point of this thread to make you fear the government.

The government is very big, slow, clumsy, and inefficient.   Unless you openly crusade against them you are not likely to be harmed physically.  It's only in the movies where a situation like 1984 could exist where television camera's followed our every move with precise accuracy.  In real life the camera's would be outdated and wouldn't work right.  All the government programs fail to meet their objectives, from healthcare to the war on drugs, to no child left behind, and so on.

So from my perspective I just wish they do away with all the taxes and liscencing and everything else that hobbles our economy and jepordizes our individual freedom.  That has nothing to do with fear.

The government breaks your legs and then offers you a wheelchair.
Givin' respect to 2pac September 7th-13th The Day Hip-Hop Died

(btw, Earth 🌎 is not a spinning water ball)

TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96'

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All these things are happening right now as we speak.  The government steals nearly half our income through taxes.  

If you're in America in any state you pay a relatively small amount of taxes.

You might not agree with how the gov't spends it, but that's how it is. If I were in power I would cut on a lot of spendings too... but if it wasn't for taxes, you wouldn't have an infra structure, you wouldn't have police, etc.

Income taxes are around 40%, and you call that low?

And government has nothing to do with infrastructure and police protection and security. 

Why the fuck does Micheal Jackson hire the Nation Of Islam to provide him security?  I thought according to you the police handle that since micheal Jackson pays taxes, right?

Why the fuck do we have Department of homeland Security?  I thought our trillion dollar defense budget was enough?

Why lock the doors to your house, don't your taxes pay for police protection?

The point is that the state can't gaurantee your secutiry, they can't gaurantee shit.  Everyone is responsible for their own security.  Micheal Jackson hired private security cause he knew government security doesn't work.

Same thing with infrastructure.  The reason The United Arab Emirates infrastructure skyrocketed in a matter of a few decades wasn't because the government, but rather the government opened its doors to foreign and domestic investors and businesses to come and establish business TAX FREE.  And they came.

America was biult mostly during the first half of the 20th and the 19th century when income tax was less than 5% or less (or nothing at all) compared to the 40% it is now.

If their is potential profits then companies will biuld infrastructure.  The government doesn't biuld like you think.  They take credit for successes and blame big business for failures.
Givin' respect to 2pac September 7th-13th The Day Hip-Hop Died

(btw, Earth 🌎 is not a spinning water ball)

J Bananas

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stare at the hardcore pornography located on my sig, see it?


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Income taxes are around 40%, and you call that low?

Compared to the 60% we pay, yes.

TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96'

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stare at the hardcore pornography located on my sig, see it?

No, I can't see it, nor would I want to.

Man is naturally inclined towards sex and beautiful women, I don't need to oversaturate myself with it, I'm trying to stay balanced.
Givin' respect to 2pac September 7th-13th The Day Hip-Hop Died

(btw, Earth 🌎 is not a spinning water ball)


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stare at the hardcore pornography located on my sig, see it?

No, I can't see it, nor would I want to.

Man is naturally inclined towards sex and beautiful women, I don't need to oversaturate myself with it, I'm trying to stay balanced.

I bet you jerk off every other hour to stay balanced.

TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96'

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Income taxes are around 40%, and you call that low?

Compared to the 60% we pay, yes.

Don't worry, American politicians are working hard to catch up to you and match your 60%.  With one boondoggle after another.

America is over 40% now, in the 1940's it was half that at 20%, and before 1910 it was less than 10%.

The constitution served to limit America's government for many years, but major events have changed all that....

The Civil War-  that's when the government started flodding the economy with paper money and became beholden to Jewish internation bankers.  The governments budget increased 20X.  Constitutional rights were violated, big power grab for Federal government, states rights removed.  North had industry and didn't need slaves so they used the government used the issue to achieve its own ends.

The Progressive Era- 1900-1918-  Government started trying to fix social problems and direct the economy.  Government started regulating businesses (so now you had to pay off a politician to be successful in business), created the Federal Reserve (more paper money that means nothing, more inflation, more bubbles!)

World War 1-  America was not attacked, was unprovoked, had just emerged from slavery, yet decided that it was now the worlds policemen and moral authority.  WW1 led to WW2 and so on and so forth till trillions of dollars have been spent for America to be the worlds police.

The New Deal- 1929-1945-  The Federal Reserve cause the stock market to crash!  They first flooded the economy with money in a scheme to bail out the British economy, then when this lead to the potential of skyrocketed inflation they abruptly pulled the money out of the economy, thus causing the stock market crash!

Then they introduced wage controls to save the workers plummeting salaries, which in turn made it unprofitable for businesses to emply them, emplyees were fired and businesses closed.  Franklin Roosevelt ran for office saying government had gotten to big and intrusive and promised to cut it 25 percent, only to triple the size of government while in office.  

The Great Society- 1961-1975-  

The Federal government took power away from local communties to educate and police themselves and started requiring that money to go threw Washington first, thus giving them the power to run our lives.  Entitlement programs such as wellfare, etc. began in this era.  People started to look to the Federal government to solve their problems, instead of looking to self and community.  Crime rates skyrocketed, later in the 80's the War on Drugs began and even more non-violent criminals were placed in prison and only billionair drug companies were able to sell to customers so long as they paid off politicans threw lobby groups.
Givin' respect to 2pac September 7th-13th The Day Hip-Hop Died

(btw, Earth 🌎 is not a spinning water ball)

TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96'

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I bet you jerk off every other hour to stay balanced.

It would be better for me if you tried not envisioning me jerking off, or wondering how often I do or don't do it, and spent more time trying to figure out a better way to express yourself.   Cause that perverted talk/jokes are overused.
Givin' respect to 2pac September 7th-13th The Day Hip-Hop Died

(btw, Earth 🌎 is not a spinning water ball)


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America is over 40% now, in the 1940's it was half that at 20%, and before 1910 it was less than 10%.

But back then we were a lot richer.

J Bananas

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the government should kill more idiotic Americans like brian aka abdul infinite


^^ dumb fuck. abdul-infinite i for one enjoyed reading your posts and they were very informative and thought provocking. all these people slagging you off dont know shit, if they had an issue why not debate it in a constructive way?

anyways back to the case in hand, everything you mentioned is bang on. try living here in england, shits unbeilievable with reagrd to goverment intrusion and lack of self freedom. We are the most monitored country in the world in terms of CCTV cameras. They are in the process over  here of entering "EVERYBODYS" DNA onto a major database. that shit is going to take place in a matter of years. Everytime the police pull you over wether it be a false alarm they take your DNA and put it on record, even tho it mite turn out youve done nothing wrong. Shits scary to me.

Then people here have the argument that "if you havent got nothing to hide then why not have your DNA"? Thats the complete opposite to what the english Magna Carta was founded on. (read up on the magna carata it was the first document printed in releation to personal freedom). Doesnt that make you guilty unitl proven innocent? Classic double speak bullshit that the world powers come out with everyday.

Why cant people control themselves? why do people need the governement to live in this beuitful place we call earth? People need to take back responsibility for themselves, why do the people expect governement help when they bring a child into the world? Its your child!!!!!!!!! its not the governements, they have no right whatsover to tell us what we can and cant do.


look at society now where they blame the guns and knives for the deaths on the streets, its the person not the object!!! whats to stop someone driving into a bus stop to kill people? what next, do they ban cars? Its all aimed at taking away peoples ability to fight back the governement shold it be needed. If they cared about human life why dont the governement give free heating bills to all old age pensioners?