Author Topic: Oi Ron, do you 'n your chums look like slaves?  (Read 92 times)


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Oi Ron, do you 'n your chums look like slaves?
« on: July 11, 2008, 04:55:12 AM »

The Manchester United star, who is desperate to join Real Madrid, seized on comments made by world soccer’s supremo Sepp Blatter.

He claimed that Ronaldo should be allowed to leave United, tearing up his four-year contract, and that making him stay was like slavery.

But while the rest of the football world was horrified to read the FIFA president’s comments in SunSport, Ronaldo decided to back him.

He declared: “I agree 100 per cent with what he said. He is right.”

Ronaldo currently earns £120,000 a week at Old Trafford, lives in a £4million mansion, has ordered an £835,000 Bugatti Veyron and is close to agreeing a new £23million Nike sponsorship deal!

The Manchester United star faced a torrent of condemnation for his latest outrageous outburst — claiming he has been treated like a slave.

The soccer world also united against FIFA president Sepp Blatter, who sparked the ‘slave’ scandal and claimed United should let Ronaldo have his dream move to Real Madrid.

Premier League chairmen have called for Blatter to resign, labelling his comments as insulting, drivel and complete nonsense.

And one former England star insisted Blatter had insulted black players across the globe, raging: “Slaves were hung, drawn and quartered rather than paid millions of pounds to play football.”

But it was United winger Ronaldo, 23, one of the world’s richest and most famous sportsmen, who ignited the furious backlash.

Birmingham City chief executive KARREN BRADY was incensed by his comments. She said: “Slaves? That’s not a word I’d use. I think I’d use mercenaries.

“We are talking about players earning six figures a week who want to ignore contracts. If this is allowed to happen there will be anarchy.

“What he’s said is unbelievable. With all the FIFA regulations it is becoming harder and harder for clubs to retain their assets.

“A player signs a contract and he should understand that he can’t just relieve himself of the contract when something else comes along.”

Ronaldo’s comments were triggered by Blatter’s astonishing claims that players were being treated like slaves and should be free to leave whenever they like.

Wigan chairman DAVE WHELAN immediately called for the FIFA chief to step down.

Whelan said: “The man is a complete idiot. You’ve got to ask whether Blatter is fit for purpose after what he’s said.

“The answer over the years is that he clearly isn’t. To even indicate that players are treated like modern-day slaves is outrageous. How stupid can that man be?”

Birmingham chairman DAVID GOLD said: “I can’t think of anyone who has stayed in such a similar position of power for so long, who has come out with such drivel.

“It’s arrogant nonsense and complete and utter rubbish. “If he was comparing lower league players with slaves — those who are not earning big money — maybe you could see where he was coming from.

“But to use the word in the same breath as Ronaldo, on £120,000 a week, is looking at one side of the coin.”

MILAN MANDARIC, the former Portsmouth owner, now at Leicester, said: “Blatter has said some daft things over the years, but this has to be the most disgusting thing he’s ever come out with. It is obscene.

“Footballers these days being modern-day slaves? Well, don’t you just feel so sorry for these poor little rich souls, earning massive money for doing something they love.”

Former Watford, AC Milan and England striker LUTHER BLISSETT blasted: “Does he not realise how much offence he is causing by throwing in a word like ‘slavery’ in the context of footballers earning millions of pounds a year? It’s totally outrageous.

“He obviously does not understand the significance of the term. It’s insulting to all the people who have been real slaves through the ages. The guys who would get hung, drawn and quartered or beaten for being slaves rather than paid millions.

“The man doesn’t think before he opens his mouth and I’m sure every black player who heard his words will be wondering what planet he’s living on. It’s just a completely inappropriate comparison to make.”

JOHN BARNWELL, chief executive of the League Managers Association, said: “For someone of Mr Blatter’s standing to come out and say that is a bit mind-boggling. It shows he is out of touch with the professional game.

"The transfer system is written by Mr Blatter’s own organisation and a comparison to players on £120,000 a week to a modern-day slave is a very poor choice of words.”

RICHARD BEVAN, chief of the League Managers’ Association, said: “What Blatter has said about Ronaldo and United is ridiculous.

“For someone at FIFA to say such a thing is embarrassing. It is so ill-considered. “All this proves yet again is that Blatter is so out of touch with professional football.”

PFA chief executive GORDON TAYLOR said: “Sepp Blatter’s comments are slightly bizarre.

“He and FIFA should be doing more to stop Real Madrid clearly destabilising a contracted player.

“Contracts need to be honoured by players unless there is mutuality with the club.”

And former Charlton defender CHRIS POWELL, another PFA official, said: “I really hope Sepp will retract what he has said.

“There are plenty who go and watch, spending their hard-earned money every week, who will not be happy with Blatter saying Ronaldo is being treated like a slave. He is far from it.”

Even UEFA distanced themselves from Blatter and his comments.

Communications director WILLIAM GAILLARD said: “It would be useful to remind people that slaves in all of the slavery systems never earned a wage. And it is true that salaries are spiralling out of control.”



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Re: Oi Ron, do you 'n your chums look like slaves?
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2008, 08:41:05 AM »

I feel sorry for cronaldo


Re: Oi Ron, do you 'n your chums look like slaves?
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2008, 08:50:29 AM »
blatter is a complete and utter wanker and platini at much better either, they both hate the english so what a suprise blatter sticks his fat head into the ronaldo saga


Re: Oi Ron, do you 'n your chums look like slaves?
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2008, 07:32:50 AM »
blatter is a complete and utter wanker and platini at much better either, they both hate the english so what a suprise blatter sticks his fat head into the ronaldo saga

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