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He hasn't got 15 yet. That's what he's fighting. And it's not just 15 years.. it's 15 years for every girl.. so that's 21 girls.. so he could end up gettin 315 years. But we know that's not gonna heppen.. he has way more money than SPM.

But still... SPM and R Kelly are two different cases. R Kelly is being busted for fuckin Teenage girls on tape.. Now I'm not trying to justify that but I bet those girls were straight groupies and willing to fuck too. I mean.. 14 is young but hoodrats get down that young. Kelly is just kinda sick for fuckin with lil girls when he can be fuckin some bomb ass women.

SPM... he's over there molesting lil 9 year old girls.. now that's just fuckin sick. That's sad, lil girl probably didnt even know what was up. I can't really speak on him though cuz I dont know tha whole story but still.. he already got convicted.. like they're not even questioning him anymore.. it's done. I dont really feel like showing him any sort of compassion.. he wasn't my homeboy.
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oh its 15 for each girl?....well now that sounds right....but ur true on that groupie shit....hoes will be hoes at an early age....so i see what ur saying......

The Big Bad Ass:
Ugh. I got no sypathy for him.

At approximately 6:30pm EST today, June 5th, R. Kelly faced the music and the police when he was arrested on child pornography charges.

According to CNN.com, "The R" was taken into custody in Polk County, Florida following a 21-count indictment by the Chicago police. The indictment was based upon the popular videotaped evidence, sold nationally on the streets for as much as $50, of R having sex with an underage girl.

Despite R Kelly's numerous denials, the FBI tested and authenticated the videotape proving Kelly to be the man in the tape which depicts various lewd and deviant sex acts. Additionally, investigators interviewed over 50 witnesses who testified before the grand jury and identified Kelly as the person in the video, authorities said.

R. Kelly's lawyer stated he would prove that the girl in the video was not underage. If convicted, Kelly faces a prison term of up to 15 years and a fine of up to $100,000


Poor R.Kelly... :-/
I feel sorry for dude, he was a great talent, and now his career is ruined because of this shit... and he was probably unaware that those girls were underage. It's fucked up... :-/

The way they've been sayin' it, I think it's just a total of 15 years.  Also, 3 of those 4 lawsuits were settled out of court, the 4th won't settle.  


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